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Drug, Aspartame, Psychiartric Syptoms, Iatrogenic Immediate Release: Aspartame Destroys Youth and Families, James Bowen, M.D. (Contact Dr. Betty Martini, 770 242-2599)

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" Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum. " <Bettym19

770 242-2599

Dear Betty,

Just a note to thank you for influencing me to avoid aspartame as much as


How is the movie coming along?


Sandra Lance, D.C.



In writing about how aspartame violates the federal domestic genocide law,

and titled Aspartame Murders Infants, James Bowen, M.D. wrote: " Aspartame

is sold as NutraSweet and Equal and is in thousands of foods and diet

drinks. At every point in the fertility process aspartame destroys,

beginning with the gleam in Mom and Pop's eyes it ruins female sexual

response and induces male sexual dysfunction. Beyond this aspartame

disrupts fetal development by aborting it or inducing defects. And if a

live child is born aspartame may have heinously damaged the DNA of the

baby, cursing future generations. "


Aspartame is also an endocrine disrupting drug, stimulates prolactin,

changes the woman's menses, and causes infertility. A study in Japan a

couple of years ago also showed aspartame causes infertility in the

male. If a woman gets off aspartame, and does get pregnant, but gets back

on aspartame than we have the devastating result that a deadly neurotoxin,

abortifacient and teratogen can accomplish.


This neurotoxic drug is composed of three components, aspartic acid, 40%

(an excitotoxin), a methyl ester which immediately becomes methanol, 10%,

and phenylalanine, 50%, as an isolate a neurotoxin which lowers the seizure

threshold and depletes serotonin triggering psychiatric and behavioral

problems such as bipolar or manic depression, suicidal tendencies,

insomnia, mood swings, panic attacks, etc. Then this molecule breaks down

to a witches brew of toxins including diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent

which triggered brain tumors in original studies. Consider in molecular

chemistry it would be one molecule of aspartic acid to one molecule of

methanol to one molecule of phenylalanine, so you're talking about a lot of

free methyl alcohol which converts to formaldehyde and formic acid and

causes metabolic acidosis. The FDA refuses to answer inquiries about why

they allowed a neurotoxic drug on the market that liberates free methyl

alcohol. Read the Diane Fleming story, Wife, Mother Wrongly Convicted of

Murder, Aspartame not even indicted, yet (www.wnho.net). Her husband was

addicted to diet pop and used other aspartame products. His autopsy

revealed methanol poisoning and several experts have given

affidavits Charles Fleming died from aspartame. Diane Fleming, a Sunday

school teacher remains in a Virginia prison sentenced to 50 years in prison.


Because the patent has expired aspartame can be in many drugs and foods

under different names. In Europe aspartame is E951. It can be marketed as

Canderel or Benevia. It has an additive and synergistic effect with MSG,

another excitotoxin (product that stimulates the neurons of the brain to

death causing brain damage). www.truthinlabeling.org Use no product that

has artificial or natural flavors as it can have hidden MSG or aspartame or

the components of aspartame.


This neurotoxin is also a chemical hypersensitization agent so it can

interact with other toxins or unsafe sweeteners like sucralose (Splenda)

which is a chlorinated hydrocarbon or acesulfame potassium which caused

cancer and leukemia in original studies. It also interacts with

vaccines. It interacts with all antidepressants, all cardiac medication,

insulin, L-dopa, Lidocaine, hormones, etc. In fact, according to Dr. Bowen

because aspartame damages the mitochondria or life of the cell it will

interact with all drugs making NO DRUG on the market safe. Consider recent



Dr. Bowen's first letter to the FDA many years ago on labeling explained

this toxin is mass poisoning of the American public and more than 70+

countries of the world (today 100). www.dorway.com Want to see what a

poisoned world looks like from aspartame, be sure to see the new movie

Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World (cori).


Here is Dr. Bowen's new paper on how aspartame completely devastates the

body and makes you old. At this time of the year when there are parties

with all types of food and drinks please be sure you do not use this

product and pass his report to warn others. Save a life today. Remember

aspartame is estimated to be in 9000 products and climbing. Dr. Betty

Martini, Mission Possible Intl





Aspartame is such a heinous poison the FDA stopped counting, after

reporting 92 known symptoms caused by Aspartame. Not that, new accounts of

human degradations are not still pouring in to the FDA. They are just no

longer being acknowledged. We're not talking about minor issues: Examples

are Diabetics being made horribly worse by diets containing Aspartame,

which their doctors have prescribed for them. Some even get over their

diabetes once off all Aspartame products. Brain tumors, (The initial

toxicity studies showed Aspartame to be the number one brain carcinogen

known to man, and even at very low doses!), Neurodegenerative disease (

Please see the recent documentary by Sound And Fury Productions, Tucson,

Arizona " Sweet Misery " ), every type of autoimmune disease, and on and on.


Below you will find web sites where many of my reports are lposted and the

FDA Report of 92 symptoms, audit (Bressler Report) and even damning Center

for Disease Control investigation. The protest of the National Soft Drink

Association shows the pop companies knew the gun was loaded before they

ever used this neurotoxin.

Please see www.dorway.com for a complete listing of what the FDA did

recognize before Dr Hyman Robert's medical text: Aspartame Disease: An

Ignored Epidemic, will give far deeper detail than what I mention

here. The Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame is

exhaustive on Aspartame toxicity, and politics.


How can I know, believe and feel this is a God given ministry laid upon me?

Let's look at how this one chemical: N-methyl, L-aspartyl, phenylalanine

causes such human devastation! A brief look at what it is biochemically:


The N-methyl corner of this carefully crafted, three cornered poison is

methyl alcohol, or wood alcohol (methanol), is well known for over a

century to cause death, dementia, insanity, carcinogenesis, degenerative

diseases, and autoimmune disease of every body system, blindness, and

death. Methanol is sequentially metabolized via obligatory human

metabolism into formaldehyde, formic acid, and carbon monoxide.


All of these materials are human sensitization agents, and CHz (Chemical

hypersensitivity disease) plagues Aspartame's victims for the rest of their

lifetimes, even long after they have stopped ingesting Aspartame, as does

the MtDNA damage.


Methanol is a recognized cause of many diseases including blindness,

pancreatitis, and demyelinization type neurodegenerative diseases, etc.

Exposure of mothers to even minute trace amounts of methanol is recognized

as the cause of severe fetal malformations! Not surprisingly, about half of

those doctors who deliver babies in our country, advise pregnant women with

great urgency to never expose themselves to Aspartame, because of its

enormous damage to the fetus. Surprisingly, about half are still oblivious,

and tell their pregnant patients to use Aspartame freely, and without worry.


Methanol has obligatory metabolism to formaldehyde (embalming fluid).

Formaldehyde is the strongest organic base, and is a polymerizing agent.

That is, it turns proteins into chains of proteins by chemically joining

them together. This process is called esterization. The proteins, when

esterized with each other, then are plastics. This is called

" polymerization. " This is why formaldehyde is so effective to embalm the

dead. It turns cadavers into plastics which have a very long " Shelf life. "

Formaldehyde is a very commonly used plasticizing agent, and a very

powerful one.


When Aspartame is consumed by the human, it is known to plasticize even the

very DNA of which our genes are composed. This is called " cross linking

DNA " , for which formaldehyde is famous.


When the Aspartame molecule exists in its diketopiperazine (DKP) form, it

is from that DKP configuration, an extremely strong plasticizing agent.

Diketopiperazines of many types are the major powerful, far reaching

substrates of the plastics industry. It was the diketopiperazine form of

Aspartame, which was found to be the number one brain tumor carcinogen

known to man. Probably because, in that form, the molecule is adsorbed as

the intact molecule, and because that form is an even more extremely potent

polymerizer, which can reach farther, and with more energy than can

formaldehyde to esterise human substances into polymers, and to cross link



All of this " denatures " human tissue making it into something very

different, but in many ways just like the human tissues it was made

from.. This is very confusing to the immune system. (See " Aspartame

Murders Infants " ) When the human immune system decides to attack and

destroy this denatured tissue, it is at the same time attacking and

destroying human tissue. This is " autoimmune disease. " Something we all do

not want to happen to our bodies. Arthritis, lupus, neurodegenerative

disease, infertility, allergies, premature aging, atherosclerosis, and

every sort of " connective tissue " diseases, are the result of letting

Aspartame do this to our bodies.


I have seen patients, in whom only six weeks of using Aspartame, destroyed

all their cartilage in their bodies, leaving them horribly disabled and

deformed. I used Aspartame in the Diet Kool Aid for six weeks, and had

horrible neurodegenerative disease, with a Lou Gehrig's picture. I went

from having a full head of dark brown hair, to in just six weeks having the

appearance of having dyed my hair dark brown, and now the gray roots were

showing. This happened because of the immense Mt DNA, and mitochondrial

damage from Aspartame.


This graying was also the result of formic acid effect. Formaldehyde is

quickly metabolized to formic acid (fire ant poison). Formic acid (or

formate) immediately shatters your DNA molecules, leaving your DNA unable

to do anything, so the cell dies, leaving the formate free to diffuse from

cell to cell, killing every cell, until it's too dilute to shatter. This is

why it is known as a " blister poison " . It kills whole groups of cells,

leaving only blisters of dead tissue. Even when too dilute to kill the cell

outright, it can cause immense genetic damage in the cell. This also

happens in the immune system leaving it compromised and de-focused. This

increases the tendency towards auto immunity, right along with the damage

to the rest of your tissues, which are being denatured by all of this toxic

reactivity. A fire ant can, with one sting, kill a human being that weighs

millions of times more than itself. This points out how potent the formate

poisoning can be when accompanied by hypersensitivity, CHz, Chemical

Hypersensitivity disease. To recapitulate: the formic acid sting from fire

ants, even though they weigh millions of times less than the human they

attack, almost always raises a blister, because that sting has killed

millions of cells, and sometimes kills the human being, resulting from the

CHz reaction to the formic acid.


Formic acid is metabolized to carbon dioxide, If there is adequate folic

acid (or folate) available, on a molecule per molecule basis, to do so.

Metabolizing formate to carbon dioxide consumes one molecule of folate per

every molecule of formate eliminated. The consumption of Aspartame

therefore leads to the metabolic consumption of massive amounts of folic

acid (folate), creating a deficiency of this essential vitamin. Inadequate

folic acid leads to serious adult diseases, and results in grievous fetal

malformations. When folate is not available, on a molecule per molecule

basis, formic acid is metabolized to carbon monoxide, another serious



L-aspartyl refers to aspartic acid, the little sister of glutamic acid or

monosodium glutamate. Like monosodium glutamate, aspartic acid is a neural

excitotoxin. That is aspartic acid, or aspartate, stimulates nerve cells to

death. These neural excitotoxins (Chemically they are known as

" dicarboxylic amino acids. " ) do not cross the blood brain barrier. They are

preferentially secreted into the CSF, (cerebrospinal fluid) by the choroids

plexus, a vascular plexus in the anterior aspect of the ventricles, (the

cavities inside the brain), and pass on out posteriorly, exiting over the

back of the spinal column, and brain stem from the end of the fourth



During this trip out, the CSF passes from the third ventricle to the fourth

ventricle through a narrow tube known as the Sylvian Canal. This canal ends

in the roof of the forth ventricle, so the CSF stream is jetted across the

fourth ventricle against the floor of the fourth ventricle, just like water

directed from a fire hose will spray against a building. Only in the case

of the Aspartame victim, the stream of CSF is carrying with it destruction

from its load of excitotoxins.


The hypothalamus is located in floor of the fourth ventricle. It is the

coordinator of the master gland of the neuroendocrine system, the pituitary

gland. The hypothalamus is heavily damaged by this stream of excitotoxins

from Aspartame. The white matter lining the ventricles, and the nuclei

and tracts of the brain steam and upper spinal cord are heavily damaged by

this excitotoxin in the CSF as well. They are by this secretory process,

richly bathed in CSF to nourish them, but in the case of Aspartame, it is

also destroying them, along with their vital myelin sheaths and nuclei.


This Aspartame neuro endocrine damage in the female is often accompanied by

a rapid onset of amenorrhea and infertility, soon after beginning the

consumption of Aspartame. Consumption frequently results in premature

menopause. Every step in the reproductive cycle, starting with the gleam in

daddy's eye, is destroyed by Aspartame toxicity.


Phenylalanine is the toxic one of the ten essential amino acids. It also

out competes the other amino acids at enzyme sites in the body. All amino

acid biochemistry occurs at enzyme sites designed to do just whatever that

one specific process is with amino acids.


A disease called Phenylketonuria (PKU) exists when the brain has

insufficient enzymatic capacity to handle phenylalanine via the usual

enzymatic channels. The phenylalanine is then metabolized via accessory

enzyme channels, producing neurotoxins that are destructive of the brain

tissue. You give a baby with PKU, a dish of beans, which is rich in

phenylalanine, and you will have thereby accomplished so much brain

destruction the baby will ever after be severely retarded. You get about

as much phenylalanine from a can of Aspartame pop, as you do from a plate

of beans. From the plate of beans you get it over about twenty hours, and

in competition with about twenty other amino acids.


Remember, all amino acid biochemistry is competitive at enzyme sites in the

body. Phenylalanine is the amino acid which out competes all the others at

enzyme sites! From the can of Aspartame pop, you get that phenylalanine in

about five minutes, in competition with nothing, but accompanied by the

excitotoxin, aspartic acid. The liver is immediately flooded by this

phenylalanine isolate. Amino acid isolates are not like nutritional amino

acids at all, because nutritional amino acids are provided and metabolized

in harmony as a balanced mix, while amino acid isolates on the other hand,

drive specific and often toxic processes in the body. Amino acid isolates

are at best pharmaceuticals, and at worst, horribly damaging toxins.


Amino acid release from the liver is enzymatic, and phenylalanine is the

one which out competes all the other amino acids at enzyme sites, so you

get an immediate flood of phenylalanine into the peripheral blood from a

can of NutraSweet pop. The blood brain barrier is also enzyme linked, so

you immediately, in like manner, flood the brain with phenylalanine.


There are three severe toxic effects from this flood of phenylalanine into

the brain:


First: You are creating selective malnutrition of the brain, by holding up

the balanced mixture of amino acids which it needs for proper growth,

repair, and function, at the blood brain barrier. The high dose of

phenylalanine simply out competes the normal, nutritious amino acid

mixture, denying it passage into the brain.


Second: You are creating the PKU effect in your own brain. You have

created an excess of brain phenylalanine, in excess of what your brain can

handle via its normal enzyme channels, so the excess phenylalanine is being

metabolized via accessory abnormal enzyme channels into potent neurotoxins.

In a child with a still developing brain, this leads to severe structural,

and pervasive brain damage. In the adult also, it leads to brain

dysfunction, and damage.


Third: We make neurotransmitters in the brain. The first step in this

process is the decarboxylation of an amino acid to its amine, at the

decarboxylase enzyme sites. In simple words, you pull a carbon dioxide

molecule off the amino acid molecule. This flood of the over competing

phenylalanine blocks the intended decarboxylation of other amino acids at

these sites, which deprives your brain of badly needed neurotransmitters.


For Example: You do not decarboxylate tyrosine to tyramine, which is the

first step in forming dopamine. Dopamine is the rose colored glasses for

which menopausal women are so famously lacking. So you are deficient in

dopamine. This produces depression, and loss of the ability to feel good

about anything, your life, your job, or your spouse.


Likewise: You do not decarboxylate tryptophane to tryptamine, the first

step in producing serotonin. So you are deficient in Serotonin in some

areas of the brain, and different compensatory metabolic routes lead to

serotonin excess in others. Serotonin is the leadership hormone. It gives

you nervous energy, self confidence, the ability to work under stress, and

enjoy working under stress. It also runs your carbohydrate metabolism, and

feeds back to your neuroendocrine system. With these two neurotransmitters

down, along with the other Aspartame neurotoxicities, you are a brain

washed idiot. Too befuddled and lost to even think independently, or care

about anything outside yourself.


The fourth well known toxicity of Aspartame is that it is a potent

chelating agent. The FDA told the manufacturers, thirty years ago, that

this fact alone would never allow Aspartame's approval for human beings,

because it rapidly chelates the heavy metal poisons from any metal or

ceramic container it is poured into, and carries those heavy metal poisons

right into the body. Because they are in chelated form, those heavy metal

poisons are highly adsorbed from the digestive tract. Aluminum is not even

absorbed from the digestive tract unless it is chelated. My friends, who

deliver pop and service pop machines, tell me that sugar pop never eats its

way through the aluminum cans. It is always the Aspartame pop that chelates

its way through the aluminum can, and makes a mess. Billions of cans of

Aspartame pop, rich in toxic chelated aluminum, are being consumed every

year. Is it any wonder that we are seeing an epidemic of Alzheimer's



Alzheimer's dz, Arteriosclerosis, Aging, Brain Damage, and many other

degenerations of the human organism are well known to be related to

ingesting of toxic heavy metals like aluminum, arsenic, barium, cadmium,

lead, mercury, thorium, thallium, etc. The list of heavy metal poisons is

long, it goes on and on, but the results are always devastating. You assure

yourself of ALL these poisonings by consuming Aspartame. Heavy metal

poisonings, of course, are even more devastating to fetuses, babies, and

developing children.


We really, have just begun to look at the toxicity of Aspartame. In the

human digestion, the adsorption of the intact molecule, and its DKP, along

with ten known other break down, isomerisation, and cyclisization products

are known to occur. Many of these poisonings are synergistic, meaning that

they greatly increase the damages to the human organism by helping each

other, and greatly multiplying the damage, than if they occurred alone,

which would still yield enormous human destruction. All of these damage the

bone marrow, which produces the blood elements resulting in blood diseases

like Lupus Erythematosis. The blood also becomes loaded with toxic

metabolites. Methanol poisoning is famous as a cause of acidosis, and

acidemia. Formate ties up the hemoglobin in the bone marrow so it cannot

carry oxygen to the tissues: Just like carbon monoxide, cyanide, and



The damage to mitochondria, for example, is extreme. You are now acquainted

with the methanol-formaldehyde-formic acid toxic axis, and are cognizant of

the extreme damage to tissue, and genes that it causes. In the cell, this

starts with the metabolism of methanol to formaldehyde. This is the only

way methanol can be metabolized in the human organism. Other animals,

except primates, have ways of handling this step without toxicity, so the

extreme Aspartame toxicity found in lower animals is far less than that

done to humans. Phenylalanine toxicity likewise: Because in them the

phenylalanine is metabolized outside the brain in lower animals, it doesn't

generate a neurotoxin directly in the brain. None the less, the amount of

these poisons actually dosed in FDA testing of animals is far lower than

the allowable limits for humans would require in testing the animal, and

they still produce striking ill effects in the animals tested, at far lower

doses than specified by law.


FDA regulations required the test animals to ingest far greater doses

without any harm, before Aspartame could ever be approved for ingestion for

human consumption. The law protecting humans has never been followed by the

FDA in the aspartame approval process! Rumsfeld callously devastated

humanity when ignoring direct striking scientific evidence demonstrating

the human devastations resultant from Aspartame use! Don Rumsfeld was CEO

of Searle and said he would call in his markers to get it approved. Don't

miss the movie Sweet Misery which tells how he accomplished this.


The cellular metabolism of methanol to formaldehyde to formic acid, occurs

25% percent in the cytosol (cell body) of the cell and 75% in the

mitochondria of the cell. This represents a huge increase in mitochondrial

exposure to these toxins, because the mitochondria would typically amount

to no more that 1% to 5% of the cellular volume. Moreover, the nuclear DNA

is not directly exposed to these metabolic processes. The mitochondria are

the minute furnaces of the cell, which burn foods, and provide the cell

with energy, via substances like ATP, which can be safely used by the rest

of the cell. If mitochondrial enzymatic processes leak out of the

mitochondria, it kills the cell just like a fire would kill a living

organism. If the mitochondrial processes are impaired by toxins, like those

from Aspartame, it leads to the production of super oxide free radicals,

which damage the cells, and the mitochondria themselves, and rapidly age

the person.


Nuclear DNA is protected with a double walled sheath inside the nucleus,

and few of these toxins are usually allowed near it at any concentration

like that occurring in the mitochondria. The nuclear DNA has enormously

effective repair processes working upon it to maintain it in pristine

condition. Mitochondrial DNA, by way of comparison, has little by way of

protection. It is directly exposed to the formaldehyde and formic acid

destructions, and has but little by way of repair mechanisms. The maximum

repair to mitochondrial DNA is merely the excision of damaged segments. Any

free radicals generated, because of the inadequate genetic guidance

occurring as a result of this disordered and deficient DNA, further

degenerate the mitochondria, as well as aging the organism. Anti

Mitochondrial anti bodies are a new phenomenon, only recognized since the

exposure of the human organism to Aspartame, just one of the many epidemic

human autoimmune diseases it causes.


Not surprising then, that we have an epidemic of MtDNA (Mitochondrial DNA)

diseases since the release of Aspartame for human consumption. Some of

these are: Diabetes (Its incidence jumped 30% the first six months after

Aspartame was released for use in soft drinks.) Graying (There were no hair

dyes designed for men when I went looking for them. I was a leader of a

great crowd of men that now use them, and there are many brands now

available just for men.) Chronic Fatigue and Polymyalgia. The Chronic

Fatigue/Polymyalgia study in Portland Oregon was defunded in 1992, because

it found nothing consistently associated with Chronic Fatigue/Polymyalgia,

except Aspartame consumption. Anti Mitochondrial Antibody Diseases.

Pervasive developmental disorders like autism and attention deficit are now

epidemic, and rampant!


Any one wanting a more exhaustive breakdown of these mitochondrial

diseases, which are now epidemic, can use the Internet to look up the

extensive medical analysis and description of theses " new diseases " which

have come upon us with the advent of Aspartame. Web sites and book

resources below.


I had Dr Schull, then Professor Jan Smith, at North Texas University in

Fort Worth, arrange to measure the amount of chelated aluminum carried out

of the can into the human body. Dr Smith was fired on the spot, and the

biochemistry professor who had tenure, was ordered to scrap the procedure

immediately, and never set up that procedure again!


Any intelligent human being will know that a primary concept of good

hygiene is:

" First do no harm. " Jehovah God urges this upon us as a duty to Him: TO

PROTECT AND CARE FOR THE BODY HE HAS GIVEN US. He also commands us to love

and care for every other human being, just as we would our own bodies! Any

question why I consider this a God given ministry?


The watchman on the wall who sees danger, yet does not sound the trumpet or

help his fellow man, will have the blood of the injured on his hands. From

Ezekiel 33:6 (FDA TAKE NOTE!)


James Bowen, M.D.




Web Sites: www.wnho.net click on aspartame www.dorway.com

Aspartame Toxicity Center www.holisticmed.com/aspartame


Medical text on the global plague of Aspartame Disease by H. J. Roberts,


Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, www.sunsentpress.com or 1 800 827

7991 over 1000 pages of symptoms, diseases and drug interactions. Web site


other books and tapes on the subject.


Books by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., Excitotoxins: The Taste That

Kills and Health & Nutrition Secrets to Save Your Life, etc.



Several support groups for victims on line such as Aspartame Support,

Aspartame Survivors, a Spanish group and the new aspartame information list

- WNHO-Aspartame-Information


Recent Important Reports: What To Do If You Have Used Aspartame and the MS

and Aspartame Connection by Dr. Russell Blaylock - www.wnho.net


New movie exposing how aspartame has poisoned the world, and what it took

to get it approved: Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World



Class Action starting with brain tumors, seizures, blindness and eye

deterioration: Send case and contact information to Keith

Silverstein ksilverstein Copy to Bettym19


24 page booklets for distribution on aspartame, Artificially Sweetened

Times (contact www.idaho-observer.com )


Dr. Betty Martini, Founder, Mission Possible International, 9270 River Club

Parkway, Duluth, Georgia 30097 770 242-2599 www.wnho.net and

www.dorway.com (with links to many other web sites)





" Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum. " <Bettym19

" Activist List- " <Activist_List >

Friday, December 17, 2004 3:14 PM

Immediate Release: Aspartame Destroys Youth and Families, James

Bowen, M.D. (Contact Dr. Betty Martini, 770 242-2599)

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