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Involuntary Psychiatric Commitment Involked as Political Retaliation by N.Y. Police Chief Fw: [Paranormal_Research] Woman Forcibly Injected With Drugs

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(Dear Friends, How I wish I needed no sleep and had funds to finance a


My most humble apologies to a great newspaper-the EMPIRE JOURNAL

bringing this story of political psychiatric abuse to the public on the

brink of


when Congressman Ron Paul's (kentsnyder)

Amendments to Congress failed.

I have not read the N.Y. Commitment laws on the internet but they are

probably similar to Alabama's IN-PATIENT Involuntary psychiatric commitment

can only be invoked if that American is a threat to their life, health or

others. Otherwise, out-patient commitment can be used for involuntary

psychiatric medication for mind and behavior control. How are political

protests on a car a threat to life, health or others? If she committed a

crime, whe would have the right to be released on bond or the jail would

have to be paid for by the taxpayers.

If she is no longer a threat to others why is she still being held captive

unable to exercise her constititonal right to free speech and her

constitutional right to equality in being violated without being granted a

bond as a criminal suspect? And who is being allowed to visit her and bring

the outside world reports of her treatment. Where is the court appointed

(attorney)guardian ad litem that must be appointed to represent the

interests of an alleged mentally ill person at the commitment hearing?Where

are the commitment papers in the Probate Court? Who can go to that Probate

Court with a witness to procure a copy of that public record? Where is an

attorney willing to represent her in a civil rights violation lawsuit (if

civil rights have been violated)? If commitments in N.Y. as they are in

Alabama they are done by the Probate Judge who is not required to be an

attorney, has a bond and can be sued.

Sandra Lance, D.C.(I am not an attorney, not giving legal advise, simple

reporting to you the public information you yourself can read on the

internet writtten in plain English. 800 309 6560)


The EMPIRE (NOT Imperial) Journal is to be applauded for their report on the

very serious


of Americans being retaliated against because of their polical activism with

involuntary psychiatric commitment and altering their mental and cognitive


with psychiatric medications. The U.S.Constitution says (paraphrased)

that whatever happens in one court can be used as a reference in any other


in the country. Madison County Alabama Probate Judge Tommy Ragland used

this same tactic against me when I read the Title 43 Wills & Estates Laws


discovered that he had granted the Court Administrator illegal


in violation of my legal right to administer my Mother's estate. Ragland is


to Clarice Ragland who was once married to Dr. Phil Chaffian who lost his

license to practice chiropractic due to insurance fraud while she was his

office manager.

According to Ragland's financial disclosure with the Alabama Ethics


he was earning an undisclosed amount of money as her employee with a


before he was the tax collector for 20 years before being elected in 2000 as

Probate Judge.

Rather than obey the Cannons of Judicial Ethics and disqualify himself on

the grounds of

financial conflict of interest he used his position as probate judge with

influence over the

incomes of attorneys to destroy my Mother's estate to prevent me from having


ancestral home where he knew I would be practicing in competition with his

family chiropractic business.

Appointing the Court Administrator would not only accomplish the goal of

preventing me from having my Mother's house that was built by my parents in

1957, it would continue to conceal the depreciated, wasted and possibly

embezelled estate investment evidence that was secreted in violation of the

Last Will and Testament that mandated that the " financial inventory shall be

exhitibed to a party of interest within a reasonable period of time. When

the Court Administrator was being appointed as an illegal (43-2-171,

43-2-170, 43-2-272, 43-2-27), unethical and grand theft (can't calculate

what the attempted amount of theft would be when there is no evidence of how

much money was in the estate by violating 43-2-312, 43-2-313, & 43-2-318 and

by not distributing over $100,000 in compliance with 43-2-552) I made oral

arguments (when no attorney in Huntsville, Alabama would represent me or

prepare a petition for administration to protect my rights) that I, not

Judge Ragand's political apppointee, have the right of administration to

which the judge must grant me without his discretion.

The Court Administrator threatened to have me arrested and thrown out into

the streets if I returned to my property.

I asked for legal eviction proceedings to be invoked against me (when it

would be impossible before a non-corrupt judge to get legal eviction by a

illegal Court Administrator of a legaly entitled primary legatee). When I

continued to be unable to find an attorney that would help me I filed a pro

se Motion for Co-Administration March 6, 2003. On March 10-11, 2003 I made

multiple open requests and demands for administration by fax to Judge Tommy

Ragland, H.S.G.E.D. On March 12, 2003, According to the " Crisis Assessment "

prepared by the " Mental Health (Thought Police) Officer Tammy Leeth from the

Madison County Mental Health Center, Judge Ragland initiated involuntary

psychiatric commitment. There are many more details I would share with you

but I am tired and need some sleep. If you would like to know how I escaped

when Bliss Alexander didn't, please send a e-mail to DrLance @ joimail.com

and put " I will not waive my constitutional rights " in the subject. I you're

an American that's going to allow your constitutional rights to be taken

from you without coming to the aid of your country to defend them, don't

waste my time. The bottom line is this. When the Empire Journal writes:

" Albany, New York residents beware. What happened to Bliss Alexandra could

happen to you. " what it needs to say is " Beware Americans, even before

Congress appropriated funds for Bush's New Freedom in Mental Health in


STARTING WITH THE CHILDREN this could happen to you " . " Mental Health " in

Amerika means the prescribing of psychiatric drugs that the FDA now admits

in Sept. Congressional Hearings that they know are causing CHILDREN to

commit suicide. Rather than remove these genocidal drugs from the market as

has Britian, the U.S. Government instead dispenses the drug in a black box

with instructions to parents to administer the mind and behavior controlling

medication to their offspring and observe closely to watch your descendents

be eliminated from the population. This is what you need to do NOW to

protect your families:

1. www.ablechild.org- Send form prohibiting YOUR child from being evaluated

without your knowledge or consent.

Send this form to you school superintendent certified, return reciept


2. Discuss with your family how you will take measures to protect your

family's assets by avoiding endangering them

to the jurisdiction of the white collar grave robbing that may await

them in your probate court.

3. Get a Medical Power and Durable Power of Attorney signed.

Especially if your aging parents are single, without a Medical Power of

Attorney if they are hospitalized you may not even

be allowed to visit them let alone get record copies of medication and


You will need to read the law in your state but it is probable that the

Durable Power of Attorney must be appointed as

guardian if you become " mentally unsound " in the future instead of an

attorney appointed by the Probate Judge that may be

more interested in the next lucrative referral as guardian ad litem than

" representing your interests " .

4. Even if you are using a " friend " as I did for my attorney, read the laws

on your state internet site so if he is lying to you about

the law to delay your cause for lucre and malice you will be more likely

to realize it before you are robbed unawares by the

person you are paying to rob you will purporting to " represent your

interests " .

5. Read the commitment laws for your state. When/if the Mental Health SS

Officer comes to your door with two armed law

enforcement officers to deprive you of your liberty in violation of your

constitutoinal right against seizure unless a warrant

can be sworn for your arrest having committed no crime, know the

proceedures where by LEGAL commitment could be

invoked against you.

6. To learn more about the " health care " provided by psychiatric

institutions, ask a pharmacist for the PDR (Physician's Desk

Reference) for the insert from the box in which the bottle containing

the drugs that the antidepressents that can cause

CHILDREN to commit suicide and then do a google search for " MKUltra

SSRI's to read about Dr. Cameron, electro-

convulsive shock and the 1977 Congressional Hearings chaired by


7. If you have started to take SSRI's and are not happy with the side

effects & withdrawal symptoms there is support for you

at Withdrawal_and_Recovery and

SSRI-Crusanders .

8. With the passage of HIPPA 4/14/03 under the auspices of protecing your

privacy, the Federal Government granted itself

the right to have access to your health records. Although you will not

be read your Miranda rights, anything you say when

you go to a doctor can be used against you.

9. When you go for an appointment you may want to consider taking the

folllowing precautions:

1. Outline in writing before the appointment your symptoms, goals, side

effects, etc. for that appointment.

3 copies-nurse signs one as recieved, 1 for you and 1 to hand the

doctor upon entering the room to sign as recieved.

2. Bring a witness to accompany you.

3. Tape recorder

4. Two part computer paper.

Upon exiting, document what was recommended to you and anything else

that needs to be documented in your words.

Give the second copy to the nurse and have her initial your top copy

as recieved.

5. Ask for the PDR copy of any drug prescribed to you.

10. Most importantly is to stop living in the fantasy world that you are

living in the land of freedom and liberty where you have

constitutional and civil rights for you do not. As long as you

continue to believe the lie you will not be

on guard to notice that you don't.


Even after I narrowly escaped Bliss Alexandra's fate it too me about a year

to believe Judge Ragland would actually

put me into a psychiatric institution in retaliation for not voluntarily

giving my Mother's last gifts of inheritance to his Court Administrator

without fighting for my rights. This was especially vindictive when the

Madison County Mental Health Center violated my Mother's civil right failing

to fax me her medication changes ignoring her Authorization to Release

Medical Information so that I would not be alerted to research the new drugs

in the PDR when the side effects were more likely to be exhibited. She had

just gone for counseling with her worries about how my sister was acting

after she became a patient at the Mental Health Center (on psychiatric

drugs) just to talk to someone and it was decided she needed " medication "

for her " depression " . I had addressed the Madison County Commissioners Nov.

15, 2002 with my concerns for the constitutional and civil rights of the

alleged mentally ill who would be being picked up by the Mental Health

OFficers whose salaries they were voting to fund exactly 4 months before I

would be terrorized out of my property in violation of my administrative,

inheritance, property, constitutional and civil rights to avoid being turned

into a memory impaired, cognitively dysfunctional compliant zombie who could

be counted on as a positive cash flow for the psychiatric drug manufacturers

until death did us part. Dr. Vasavada, the director of UAB-Huntsville

Psychiatry Department and Director of " Behavior Health " at HUntsville

Hospital that refused to allow my Mother to sign an Authorization to Release

Medical Information 12/98 after Mother's condition deterioated requiring

hospitalization after being a Mental Health Center patient since 1996 while

he was prescribing Seroquel that can cause breast cancer in laboratory

animals before Mother's 10cm breast tumor was diagnosed 8/99, would have had

the opportunity to inject me with psychiatric drugs against my consent and

recommend that I be sent to N. Alabama Regional Hospital in Decatur,

Alabama. Not only was this a biochemical terrorist attack on me to terrorize

me out of my property, because, unlike an incarcerated criminal suspect

where the county must fund the jail, the " respondent " to the " commitment

petition " is finacially liable for the involuntary health care costs. The

costs of the commitment would have been guaranteed from my inheritance by

the same Probate Judge that had been notified that I intended to run against

him in the 2006 election after he approved fraudulent and illegal accouting

in my Mother's estate. If a person such as myself were elected Probate Judge

in Madison County, Alabama it is highly improbable that it would continue to

have the highest per capita commitment rate in Alabama ensuring lucrative,

overhead ensuring private assets, private insurance, Medicare and Medicaide

funds to the Alabama Department of Mental Health's psychiatric institutions

after Republican former Congressman Governor Bob Riley's tax referndum

failed in Nov. 2003 and his administration has been suffering from a deficit

budget. I have been to the Alabama Bureau of Investigation, the Federal

Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Attorney General's office in Huntsville,

Alabama and Atlanta, Huntsville Police (who won't investigate as they were

the law enforcement officers that violated my civil rights in the foiled

commtiment attempt), the Madison County Sheriff, District Attorney, Attorney

General, Governor Riley, Alabama Department of Mental " Health " Commissioner

Kathy Sawyer, Asst. Commissioner Kim INgram, Community Programs Director

Molly Brooms, Sr. Advisor John Houston, " Advocate " Director Allen Fortson,

Mental Health Center Director Dr. Gary Portier, Madison County Comissioner

Mo Brooks and spoke before the Commission many time, brought these issues

before the Huntsville Mayor Loretts Spencer and the City Council on cable

TV, qualified to run for Mayor of Huntsville 7/17/04 to be included in the

TV forums when I could get no media coverage and have brought these problems

to the attention of both the Madison County Republican and Democratic

Parties. When you watch a movie like Schlinders' List and you see the SS

Gestapo officers seizing property without due process, probable cause or

just compensation and the rightful owners being driven from their property

some of whom were sent to Nazi medical experimentation facilities,

do not be decieved that you are protected from these same atrocities from

being invoked against you and your family

because you still believe that you have constitutional and civil rights as

an American. Every day that you read about

Bliss Alexandra being held a political prisoner being involuntarily

medicated to silence her political activism

it's the same as when the Germans knew their neighbors were disappearing

after a visit by the Gestapo SS officers and kept quiet for fear they would

be the next. You rememeber the quote: First they came for _______, then they

came for _________, and when they came for me there was no one there to help

me. Unlike myself, Bliss Alexander cannot send you an e-mail for she

currently has her constitutional right to free speech to bring her

grievances before her government for redress violated while she in medicated

and incarcerated. It is up to YOU to bring these grievances to YOUR


by contacting the Albany, N.Y. Police Department, City Council, County

Commissioners, N.Y. Governor and N.Y. Commissioner of Mental Health. Their

phones and faxes need to be incapacitated with calls and faxes from around

the country rendering them unable to continue to function as though they are

American forms of governance because they are not.

Every day that Bliss Alexandra remains incarcerated in retaliation for

political activism and medicated to render her mentally incapble of

objecting to her government, this case can be used by attorneys across the

country as a presidence to invoke it against YOU.


IT is my understanding that the states do not have to accept the monies

appropriated by Congress to fund Bush's New Freedom in Mental Health



I strongly suggest that you contact your Congressional and State Senators

and Representatives via fax

with your opinion of this funding that is nothing but a government funded

business promotion for the

pharmaceutical companies that fund campaigns, the FDA does not regulate for

our safety and now Congress considers putting a $250,000 cap for damages for

malpractice so that the drug manufacturers can literally get away with

murderous genocide

while silencing political dissidents.


Do not continue to be deluded by the American facade that this couldn't

happen to you or that Bliss Alexadra's problem isn't your problem.


If an attorney that still believes an American deserves to be represented in

a court of law to protect her rights of inheritance

reads this e-mail, please consider this my solicitation for representation

if you are willing to accept the case on a contingency basis. I have primae

facia evidence that my civil rights have been violated in the involuntary

psychiatric commitment attempt and in the administration of the estate but

the 2 year statute of limitations is fast approaching. You would not want to

read for

the next couple of hours about my unrequired attempts to find an attorney in

Alabama that will help me. An attorney not licenced in Alabama can do it pro

hac vice. I have the research and I have the evidence. Judge Ragland

successfully destroyed my attempts to set up a chiropractic practice in

Huntsville and this has not been a practice builder for my 20+ year old

practice in Atlanta. Delay and destroy is a very effective political weapon

against those that object to no longer having civil and constitutional



Ironically, after watching the psychiatric drugs remove my Mother's

personality and mind before she finally found relief wiht three plastic bags

over her head and panty hose around her neck Feb. 6, 2002 after her civil

rights were violated by the psychiatric industrial complex, I had decided

that I would move back to Alabama to Huntsville, Alabama (Redstone Arsenal,

NASA, SS Officer Director Werner Von Braun, deceased, ROCKET CITY USA)

because I had refused to waive my constitutional right against seizure in

the act of illegal digitized fingerprinting for the Ga. Driver's License to

avoid political corruption. I did not renew my Ga. Driver's license on my

birthday 7 years ago last Sunday as I knew the State of Georgia was

violating 50-13-3 and that the Ga. General Assembly never passed a law

mandating the submission of the fingerprint by inkless scanning device

although the driver's license examiners would not issue a driver's license

unless the applicant waived their constitutional right against seizure. I

just wanted to sell my Atlanta property, move back to the house where Mother

raised me wihtout a mortgage, grow a few organic vegetables in the soil in

the back yard that had soil from the two farms from wench my parents haled

when my Mother was pregnant with me the year before Krushev banged his shoe

on the United Nations table predicting that America would fall from

corruption from withing, see a few patients, grieve Mother's death,

be in a better place to draw attention to how the Mental Health Center

contributed to her suicide and be out of politics in Georgia. Now within the

last three months Congress has funded monies to evaluate ALL Americans for

" mental health "

and passed the National ID the week before the 7 year anniversary of my not

waiving my constitutional rights in the act of illegal fingerprinting for

the Ga. Driver's license. It was reported that Ga. was a test state for the

National ID when Gov. Zell Miller with Executive Counsel Cynthia Wright

brough HB 256 before the House of Represetatives January 25, 1995.

I had gotten a bill introduce before the 2000 legislature that was not

allowed to have a committee meeting,

took the problem before the Board of Public Safety which was another lesson

in fraud, and sued Governor Barnes in Lance v. Barnes, Wetherington,

Hightower, and Brasher. There should be no need for all that if the Ga.

Governors Miller, Barnes & Perdue obeyed their Oaths of Office to perform

their duties as prescribed by law (Ga Constitution-Article 5, Sec. II,

Paragraph 2) that as the chief executive officer it is their duty to

" execute all laws " . The last picture I have of my terminally ill Mother

whose Medicare/BC/BS richly funded the pharmaceutical industry with

ineffective chemotherapy for the iatrogenic cancer was the day I sat on the

podium with the 3 Republican candidates for Governor as a Libertarian

candidate for Governor at the Christian Coalition of Georgia's Annular

Legislative conference in January 2001. Governors Barnes & Perdue both knew

that I had not been able to drive legally without a drivers' license because

they were refusing to grant me a driver's license if I didn't agree to waive

my constitutional right in the act of illegal fingerprinting by inkless

scanning device.

All the law breaking and Oath violating publicly funded " public servants " in

the Department of Motor Vehicle Safety

knew I was loosing time with my terminally ill Mother having to take the

Trailways to visit her instead of driving.

My Mother stood next to me in her frail little body after being transformed

by the SSRI's at the Ga. State Capitol in January 2002 after a committee

meeting as I implored GDMVS Commissioner Tim Burgess to grant me a driver's

license without waiving my constitutional right so that I could better care

for my Mother who had cancer less than two weeks before her death. Governor

Barnes has shaken her hand from a wheelchair after the mastectomy after the

failed chemotherapy in Feb. 2000 while I was trying to get the Fingerprint

Obejctor bill a committee meeting a couple of weeks before he informed me

that they were also planning to start taking retinal eye scans for the

driver's license.


If you can imagine the cruel and unusul punishment to which an American can

be subjected for still believing she still has constitutional and civil

rights which I have endured these last 7 years having successfully foiled

Judge Ragland's politically and financially motivated involuntary

psychiatric medication, incarceration and asset seizure, you can begin to


the torture, mental anguish and emotational duress to which 60 year old

Bliss Alexandra is suffering every day that we do not successfully

accomplish the goal of freeing her from her political bondage.


It is highly probable that by moving her to the psychiatric institution

where she is probably financially liable for the costs of her " health care "

unable to work while her liberty has been denied, that not only has her

health been negatively affected by the ingestion or injection of mind

altering drugs that she has been financially devesated as well. She not only

will need support from around the country to free her as a political captive

but to assist her financially upon her release.


This Christmas I don't have my Mother to go home to because her life as a

retired U.S. Army civil servant was cut short

by obviously ineffective and genocidal health care when she had cancer,

diabetes and heart disease that can all be caused by psychiatric medications

(and aspartame) at the time of her suicide. The house I've called home since

1957 that is 1/2 mine and should have been being used in competition with

Madison County Probate Judge Tommy Ragland's employer, Clarice (not Dr.)

Chirorpactic Care Center for over two years that has been a negative cash

flow defacto contribution to his 2006 re-election campaign sits uninsured

gathering dust on her irreplacable poetry, painting, photography and family

heritage while I continue to be taxed my share of the costs of supporting a

robbed estate that is still open that should have been settled

August 25, 2002.


But, unlike Bliss Alexandra, I still have the mind my Mother bequeathed to

me unaltered by drugs and electro-convlsive shock or pre-frontal lobotomy

and can access my computer on the internet to implore you on her behalf to

not let one day go by that you do not personally make contact with the

Albany Police, City Council, Mayor, County Commission,

Governor and Commissioner of Mental Health until her freedom is restored.


Like Bliss Alesandra, I will never be the same after having experienced

first hand what it is like for the Mental Health Officer and two armed

Huntsville Police to come to my bedroom window soliciting me to waive my

constitutional right against seizure so that they could grab me and take me

to the same Huntsville Hospital that gave my Mother the carcinogenic drug 8

months before her breast cancer was diagnosed where the psychiatric

industrial complex would ensure that I could be evaluated as mentally

unsound to discourage my election as Probate Judge and being licensed to

practice in Alabama.


Political terrorism is analogous to domestic violence. The victim is not

only abused to the moments of actual abuse.

The intent is control and submission. Those of you who are still reading my

words cannot possibly understand the

change that having psychological terrorism invoked against you until you

have actually experienced it.


There is not a moment that I am not cognizant that at any moment it could be

invoked against me again.


On Sept. 3, 2004 I was given permission to exercise my constitutional right

to free speech knowing that the Madison County Commission will not redress

my grievances but will sit silent to being informed of constitutional and

civil rights violation in violation of the Oaths of Office upon the counsel

of County Attorney Julian Butler. I enumerated a number of laws Judge

Ragland is violating, publicly stated that it appeared that the civil rights

of all Americans that had had their assets seized through the appointment of

a conservator when Judge Ragland is not issuing a writ to Sheriff Dorning to

have 6 disintered persons at the hearing, and objected to the fact that

neither my Commissione attorney Mo Brooks nor County Attorney Julian Butler

had responded to my requests in Nov. 2003 to be informed in writing if they

or their law firms were recieving conflict of financial interest referrals

for legal representation from judges recieving renumeration by the County


I complained that after the April 16, 2004 County Commission meeting that

County Attorney Butler had motioned Sheriff Dorning to remove me from a

public meeting place while I was just trying to tell him about Judge Ragland

seizing the assets of living people in violation of their civil rights in

the appointment of conservators without the 6 disinterested persons at the

hearing. Chair Mike Gillespie kept interrupting me but I only spok within

the time allowed. As I departed the meeting, Sheriff Blake Dorning, who

campaign I worked on in 2002, was advising me that this (exercising my

constitutional right to free speech) was not the right way to address the

problem. Four large armed Madison County Deputy Sheriff's barged into the

door obviously poised to apprehend me for committing the offense of

exercising my constitutional right to free speech with the permission of

Chair Gillespie. Ironically I was seeking relief from the fear that Judge

Ragland would invoke armed Madison County Deputy Sheriff's against me if I

entered the Madison County Probate Court to investigate the Court

Administrator's estate files for illegal commissions on the sale of estate

homes or the legally allowed $100 and if other Alabama resident had had

their rights of adminiatration violated. Judge Ragland knew I intended to

start this investigation Monday March 17, 2003 when I'd demanded that the

Record of Official Acts be exhibited to me in compliance with 43-2-175 but

have felt it unsafe to enter that public court clerk's office when Mental

Health Officer Tammy Leeth and the two armed Huntsville Police arrived at my

bedroom window Friday March 14, 2003 violating my constitutional right

against search without probable cause finding me at the computer typing a

letter to Huntsville Police Chief Compton Owens to put Court Administrator

attorney Rankin Sneed under criminal tresspass arrest notice for he had no

right to enter MY MOTHER'S house with his plans to video tape her belongings

so he could charge her esate the cost of the appraisal so he could be paid 2

1/2% of the appraised value

while he was being financially rewarded to prevent me from having Mother's

house in political and financial competion with Judge Ragland and uncensored

access to the possibly embezelled estate investment evidence. (Please excuse

run on sentenes, I'm tired).


If anyone is interested in helping me with these unAmerican activies within

the " justice system "

with particular emphasis on the civil rights violations in the foiled

involuntary psychiatric commitment attempt for which I have primae facie

evidence and in bringing my Mother's memory the honor and respect she

deserves to have her estate administered in compliance with THE LAW, please

send an e-mail to DrLance.


Bliss Alexandra deserves your priority attention but I would appreciate help

from anyone that thinks there could actually be a way to hold these Oath

violating traitors to America accountable for their illegal and unethical



The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that Ala. Dept. of Mental Health

Commissioner Kathy Sawyer could not be dismissed an an individual defendent

(without soverign immunity and taxpayer funded legal counsel) until after

discovery. Ex Parte Sawyer (9/5/03) Ala. Supreme Court was relieved but only

if she didn't violate constitutional right and a few other considerations I

do not have committed to memory. Only when the elected and appointed

officials, judges, attorneys, court clerks, etc.

realize that THEIR ASSETS are endangered by VIOLATING other Americans'

assets with their unAmerican law and Oath violating activities will they be

deterred. IT is obvious that they only give enough lip service to protecting

your constitutional right to give the appearance that they will protect and

preserve them to continue to get re-elected and that they dn't really care

about your rights or the survival of this country. If it negatively impacts

THEIR net worth and their children's inheritance,

this may have a positive impact. (If there is a judge that would actually

rule in favor of the private citizen against government



I also need help with a website. If I can get all the evidence posted on a

website where it is obvious to an intelligent person that the laws are being

violated and that my objection to these white collar grave robbing plots is

not a figment of my

imagination needing " medication " .


There was a report over the internet this week that a soldier that objected

to the Iraq War has been sent off for " mental health " reprogramming. There

are numerous accounts of parents' rights being severed by Federally Funded

DHR for not wanting their children's brain chemistry to be altered by

psychistric drugs to accomplish the agenda of medicating the next generation

with the cooperation of a foster parent.


Bliss Alexandra's plight as a medicated, subdued and incarcerated American

is just the tip of the iceberg.

It is going to get worse on an accerlerated scale if you do not take

measures to protest it venemently.

Don't expect others to do your duty as an American to defend our country

againt this domestic attacks against our constitutional rights.


The USCode 42 1985 prohibits conspiring to violate Contitutional rights.

Maybe someone reading this e-mail knows of an attorney that can help Bliss

Alexandra and Sandra Lance

fight back where it matters to these traitors while there is still some

pretense that we have rights according to Federal and State laws.


You must ask yourself as I did if I was willing to die for my country when I

fear the " good ole boy network "

every time I enter Madison County in a rental car to avoid possible police


Are you willing to send certified mail to the Governor of N.Y. so that your

identity of objecting to political psychiatric commitment can be identified

possibly leading to your own mental reprogramming?


Do Americans have the same commitment to resistance as the Revoluntionary

patriots? Or was it all for naught granting freedom and liberty to a peoples

that are too weak and frighened to even make a phone call, send a fax, write

their local newpaper editor or send a certified return reciept letter? Or

are we satisfied to relegate into history the free America that we have been

priviledge to enjoy. Soon there won't be many more 60 year old ladies like

Bliss Alexandra protesting political corruption exerising their

constitutional right to free speech. Soon there won't be many more 75 year

old Mothers like Alma Virginia Sanders who remembers fighting Communist

Agression during the Cold War as a U.S. Army Civil Servant and whose High

School boyfriends were drafted into WWII on their 18th birthdays unable to

graduate from H.S.

Soon there won't be any more 51 year old grieving daughters taking a stand

on her ancestral property refusing to be driven out in violation of her

rights under threat of arrest being terrorized into political asylum to

avoid psychiatric biochemical warfare against her mind and political



Soon, if we don't act soon, we will just be a placated, drugged up and

compliant society that on longer remembers being free, doesn't object to the

tyrrany but no longer feels " depressed " about it because we can get some

" help " at the " Mental Health " center after we have submitted to Bush's

compulsory mental health screening.


If this e-mail doesn't earn me another SS Gestapo officer visit, you can

reach me at 404 231 9999. Please call between 6-11PM & 5-7AM and on the



It's good to be on the internet educating ourselves about the truth that we

will not hear about on the propaganda news.

But we are now past the time when we must urgently address these assaults

against our liberty and futures

while there is still some possibility that it can accomplish our goals and/

or a re-direction or a least a delay in the current



You cannot serve God and Mammon. You will either choose by being pro-active

or by omission of action.


Thank you,

Dr. Sandra Lance, D.C.

Daughter of Alma Virginia Sanders

Antidepressent Suicide Victim



404 231 1999

6-11PM;5-7AM M-F; Weekends 5AM-11PM


( unedited due to time restraints)



Brothers and Sisters:


Please do not let this very serious criminal act by those who took the

Oath to Protect and Serve, go over your heads.


Brothers and Sisters Always--God and Country . . .



Dan J. Jovanovic



Woman Forcibly Injected With Drugs


The Webfairy <webfairy





Political Prisoner Or

Criminally Insane?

Woman Forcibly Injected With Drugs After Protesting DMV Regulations


(The Empire Journal) Albany, New York residents beware. What happened to

Bliss Alexandra could happen to you.


Anger police chief James Turley and you might end up at a state hospital

for the violent and criminally insane, hundreds of miles away from your

family and friends, forcibly injected with mind altering drugs.


Bliss Alexandra who is also known as Darlene Early - or Darlene Barely

as the Albany Police Department call her, was returned to Albany on

Wednesday, Dec. 8 after completing an involuntary stay at Kirby Forensic

Psychiatric Center in Manhattan, NY ordered by Albany City Court judge

Thomas Keefe after she exercised what she thought were her

constitutional rights.


She is scheduled to appear in Albany City Court before Keefe Thursday,

Dec. 9.


After Alexandra called the Albany Department of Public Safety to

complain about her personal property being towed by police from a

private driveway, Chief Turley responded by telling her he was either

going to arrest her or have her removed to the Capital District

Psychiatric Center.


Alexandra was snatched from the doorstep of her Second Avenue residence

by two plainclothes police officers on Aug. 26, a day after she had

filed a complaint with the Albany County district attorney’s office

against Police Chief Turley.


And that he did.


Not only did he cause her arrest on three felony charges but caused her

to be involuntarily committed with serial killers and rapists and

subjected to the forced injection of antipsychotic drugs.


Her alleged crime—exercising free speech on private property.


The legal scholar and constitutionalist, with no apparent mental illness

history, was originally committed to Kirby in September for a 90-day

evaluation by Judge Keefe because he claimed two examiners from the

Albany County Correctional Facility had determined she had no

comprehension of the charges against her or of court procedure because

she refused to discuss the case with them.


“I predict, merely from knowing the side effects of these drugs and as

listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference, that they are actually trying

to kill this woman. "


Kirby, operated by the state Office of Mental Health as is CDPC, is a

maximum security, 168 bed hospital on Ward’s Island. Opened in 1995, it

provides secure treatment and evaluation for the forensic patients of

courts of New York City and Long Island.


But Alexandra isn’t in the court system of New York City nor was she

violent nor were her alleged crimes of a violent nature.


She a resident of Albany County which is served by the Mid-Hudson

Psychiatric Center in Poughkeepsie.


And then there’s CDPC in their own back yard at 75 New Scotland Ave.


So why was she removed to Kirby?


Albany Police have charged Alexandra with three felony counts of second

degree possession of a forged instrument but not only do the arrest

reports and felony complaints allegedly contain false statements and

information, but there appear to have been egregious violations of her

constitutional rights as well as statutory law in her involuntary

commitment and medication including an alleged falsified court order and

denial of her right to counsel.


Nagging questions exist about why and how she was removed from the

Capital District area, her family, friends and legal counsel and sent to

Kirby and the ensuing alleged rights violations.


Perhaps her knowledge of the Constitution and the court system is

exactly why she was arrested in the first place - and her challenge of

state’s Department of Motor Vehicles and what she claims is the state’s

unconstitutional regulation of the right to travel.


Read To Publish Findings


Alexandra has undertaken five years of research into the issue and was

ready to publish her findings. In an interview with The Empire Journal

while inside Kirby, Alexandra said that since 1995 she has been

communicating with the Department of Motor Vehicles and former Albany

police chief Robert Wolfgang on the ability of people to travel in their

automobile in alternative ways without paying fees to DMV.


She says she encountered no problem with Wolfgang who had communicated

with her amicably but that when Turley became chief, the congeniality of

the police agency ceased.


Sharon CarpinelloAlthough the state Office of Mental Health claims that

treatment in their facilities is carried out with respect for each

patient’s privacy and rights, Alexandra says her rights were violated

from the getgo and a review of the records, obtained with her consent,

appear to support her claims and give cause for an immediate independent

review of policy chief James Turley, the Albany Department of Public

Safety and the state Office of Mental Health of which Sharon Carpinello

is the commissioner.


Carpinello’s husband, Anthony Carpinello, is a state Supreme Court

justice in the Appellate Division, Third Department.


As part of her protest against of what she claims is the state’s

unconstitutional regulation of travel, Alexandra allegedly displayed two

cardboard license plates on a parked car in addition to a mock

registration sticker and inspection sticker. Police claim they are

forged instruments that were in her “possession” but according to the

arrest reports and complaints filed by Albany police, there is no

allegation of or proof that Alexandra operated the vehicle on the public

highway or that the vehicle was even in her “possession,” being parked

on property across the street from her residence.


Since her forced incarceration and hospitalization, Alexandra has now

been evicted from her residence, although it is unclear if any eviction

proceedings were legally conducted.


Political prisoner and dissident or criminally insane?


Darlene Early, or Bliss Alexandra as she is professionally known, is an

author, mediator and paralegal. She is the owner and operator of The

People’s Alternative in Albany, an agency founded in 1990 offering

paralegal services. In 1993, she co-authored a self-help legal book with

attorney Robin Leonard, published by the nationally known self-help

organization, Nolo Press.


She has passed her “fitness” test after been forcibly injected with

drugs for nearly 60 days, a combination of drugs that physicians

contacted by The Empire Journal have labeled as a “lethal combination”

and a “toxic cocktail actually equivalent to attempted murder”.


With the 90-day commitment order expiring Thursday, Dec. 9, and found to

be competent, the state was required to return her to Albany County.


Alexandra was snatched from the doorstep of her Second Avenue residence

by two plainclothes police officers on Aug. 26, a day after she had

filed a complaint with the Albany County district attorney’s office

against Police Chief Turley for what she said constituted threats and an

intimidating manner with threat of unwarranted arrest.


The district attorney’s office has refused to respond to requests for

information by The Empire Journal regarding the matter


Those alleged threats by Turley, captured on audiotape by Alexandra,

occurred after Albany police had towed the parked vehicle from the

private driveway and impounded it but had allegedly not served any

papers on Alexandra indicating the cause for the towing.


On Aug. 20, according to Alexandra, two individuals in plain clothes,

traveling in an unmarked car, had arrived at her Second Avenue apartment

at approximately 7 p.m.. She said they pounded on the door, threatening

to break it down if she didn’t open it.


“Police!” she said they yelled, “we know you’re in there, come out or we

will break down the door!”.


Alexandra, 60, a small woman, claims the two officers, later identified

to be patrol officers Jeffrey DeMarco and W.F. Warner, did not offer any

explanation for their actions and did not show any warrant. She said she

was startled and scared and therefore refused to open the door to them.


Horrific Nightmare


And that was only the beginning of what was to become a horrific

nightmare for Alexandra.


Across the street from Alexandra’s residence in a private driveway was

parked a 1991 Toyota sedan. She says the vehicle was parked there with

permission of the owners.


The ensuing arrest reports written by Patrol Officers Jeffrey DeMarco

and W.F. Warner claim the vehicle was parked on the street at 365 2nd

Ave. but Alexandra and witnesses dispute that, saying it was parked in

the private driveway at 369 2nd Ave. Because the vehicle was parked on

private property with permission of the property owner, police had no

legal right to tow the vehicle and cause it to be impounded, Alexandra

says. Even if the property owner had complained, police still could not

legally tow the vehicle from private property, only the property owner

could legally have it towed.


And then there’s the version of Albany Department of Public Safety

spokesman Det. James


Miller who claims it was parked at the curb on Central Avenue. Miller

concedes that police would have no legal authority to tow a vehicle from

private property unless it had been “dumped” there as the result of a

police chase.


Miller responded to The Empire Journal’s request to Chief Turley about

the matter, saying that he would answer questions about the incident and

not to contact Chief Turley again.


Miller concedes there was no police chase of Alexandra and that police

officers did not see Alexandra operating the vehicle on the highway or

in possession of the vehicle nor did any citizen sign a complaint

regarding her display of the cardboard and paper stickers. No traffic

tickets were issued.


Witnesses to the arrest of Alexandra state that at no time during they

observe Alexandra make any statements to the police.


Miller maintains the vehicle was towed because it was parked at the curb

on Central Avenue but when The Journal told Miller there were witnesses

who said the vehicle was on private property, Miller said he would have

to check the tow log and to call back.


However, Miller refused to answer subsequent calls by The Journal about

the matter, saying that he was busy.


According to the arrest reports, DeMarco was the arresting officer with

Warner assisting in the arrest of Alexandra at 7:03 p.m. on Aug. 26 at

394 2nd Ave. The report states that no warrants were executed, no

Miranda rights were given and that the defendant’s condition was normal.


However, the police seem to have a problem with who the defendant is.

According to the documents, the mental health examiners found that

Alexandra did not “understand” the charges against her because she

repeatedly told them her name was and is not “Darlene Barely”..


The arrest report, the felony complaints and even the court orders

committing Alexandra all contain the name Darlene Barely.


And, because she told the police the reports contained false

information, that her name was not Darlene Barely and she repeatedly

told them her rights were being violated, she was deemed uncooperative

and “unable to understand the charges against her”


Although the police reports admit that she was not given her Miranda

warnings prior to questioning and defendants are constitutionally

guaranteed the right to remain silent and that anything they say can and

will be used against them in a court of law, Alexandra was rendered

“mentally incompetent” because she refused to answer their questions.


In the Supreme Court landmark case of Miranda v. Arizona, the U.S.

Supreme Court established proper police procedure in the conduct of

interrogations, the character of voluntary or involuntary confessions

and their admissibility in state trials.


Miranda clearly established that regardless of the circumstances under

which it occurs, regardless of who the examiners are and regardless of

who the suspects are, custodial interrogation is inherently

coercive---psychologically if in no other way. Custodial interrogation

makes any statements obtained from suspects during this period

“compelled” and thus not “voluntary” beyond a reasonable doubt.


Although Albany police are now claiming that the vehicle they allege

belongs to Alexandra was parked on the street, Officer Warner’s incident

report signed Aug. 20 under the warning that “false statements are

punishable as a crime” indicates that the incident occurred at the “side

365 2nd Av., Albany”, not on the street as later claimed.


According to Alexandra and others, there is no driveway at 365 2nd Avenue.


Warner’s report says the vehicle was last registered to a male who

“apparently sold vehicle to (the defendant) sometime this past April.

Attempts to contact (the alleged seller) thus far have been

unsuccessful” indicating that the police had no proof in hand at the

time of arrest that the defendant had “possession” of the car. The

report says the “vehicle was towed and hold was put on it per Sgt. Basil”.




But according to the arrest report filed on the date of arrest on Aug.

26 by DeMarco, not only was the defendant’s name wrong but so was the

date of birth. The arrest was listed as a “crime in progress” at 365 2nd

Ave. although the vehicle had been towed six days earlier and on the

property report, the location of the incident is listed as a different

address raising questions as to the credibility, legal sufficiency and

veracity of the police reports.


That’s only the tip of iceberg.


On Aug. 20, after the initial confrontation by the police, Alexandra

called Turley to report that she had felt threatened by his officers and

that they had taken personal property unlawfully and she wanted it returned.


She was then contacted by Officer Kurt Ricky and informed that she had

to appear at the city police station to sign a release for the car. She

refused saying that they took it wrongfully, they should return it and

that she wasn’t signing any release.


After Ricky contacted her, she called Turley on Aug. 24, two days before

her arrest, to register a complaint about Ricky’s demand.


She audiotaped the call.


Turley told her to stop calling the police department or he would send

“someone over to arrest you and we’re going to bring Mobile Crisis. You

can’t do what you’re doing with your car, it’s illegal”.


“I’m not doing anything with the car. It’s sitting in a private area”.

She told him he had no authority to take the car and with that, Turley’s

response was “if you call again, I’m sending an officer with Mobile

Crisis and either take you to CDPC or to jail”.


Mobile Crisis is a “team” from the Capital District Psychiatric Center.

According to their website, the “team” is a mobile response to

individuals experiencing a psychiatric emergency throughout Albany

County. It provides access to persons in mental or emotional distress

and to agencies and to individuals who are dealing with individuals in

such distress.


It appears perhaps Chief Turley is the one who was in distress. He

claims that she had called the department six or seven times about the

car being towed.


Alexandra didn’t call the police department again. Instead she filed a

formal complaint with the Albany County District Attorney’s office

against Turley the next day.


A day later, on Aug. 26, she was arrested.


But she wasn’t taken to CDPC, instead she was immediately incarcerated,

arraigned on Aug. 27 on felony charges without legal counsel being present.


On Aug. 30, as allowed by law, a friend attempted to file a writ of

habeas corpus at the Albany City court clerk’s office and was not

allowed to do so. Although state law requires that a preliminary hearing

be held within 72 hours for a person incarcerated without bail to

determine the sufficiency of the charges, no hearing was held.


According to Carl R. Frederick, president of the American Pro Se

Association of Plainfield, NJ, a friend of Alexandra’s attempted to

retain legal counsel for her. Frederick, also a friend and business

associate of Alexandra’s, says that between Sept. 2 and 5, Albany

attorney Michael Feit engaged in several conversations with Albany

police and district attorney’s office on Alexandra’s behalf concerning

“obvious overcharging” and requests that the charges be dismissed or at

least reduced to a misdemeanor so bail can be set, defendant released

and a trial date set.


Frederick says that Feit told him that it was “very apparent to him

there was personal animosity against the defendant by officials and he

got none of the cooperation he normally gets and certainly expected

under the circumstances”.


Not Provided Copies Of Charges


Although state Criminal Procedure Law requires that defendants be

informed of the charges against them, as of Sept. 9, Alexandra says she

had not been provided with copies of the charges against her including

any alleged witness statements or informed of the probable cause that

police were using to cause her arrest.


Each of the three complaints filed against “Darlene Barely” under

penalty of perjury by Patrol Officer DeMarco state that at the time of

arrest, she had in her possession the alleged forged instruments and

that the sources of his information are oral statements made to him by

Alexandra and/or from information obtained from witnesses whose

depositions were attached to the complaints.


Alexandra resided at 394 2nd Ave where she was arrested but the vehicle

was parked in the driveway at 369 2nd Ave., property neither owned or

leased by Alexandra.


There were no witness depositions attached to the complaints and the

police have readily admitted as have court examiners that Alexandra

refused to speak with them making it improbable that police can now

claim that Alexandra made any incriminating statements.


On Aug. 31, Albany city court Judge Keefe signed an order for the

“examination” of Darlene Barely.


Robin Siegal, director of the Albany County Department of Mental Health

thereafter assigned Michelle Gerber, a psychologist employed by the

Albany County Correctional Facility, and David J. Kelley, coordinator of

the mental health unit at the facility to examine Alexandra. Neither one

is a licensed physician and neither one was familiar with Alexandra.

Although no past history of mental treatment or any allegation of

violent behavior was presented, Gerber and Kelley filed reports with the

court determining Alexandra was “incapacitated”, thereby causing her

involuntary hospitalization at Kirby, a maximum security facility for

the criminally insane and violent.


Despite CDPC being in their backyard, there is no indication that

Alexandra was transported there for an examination by licensed physicians.


According to reports filed with the court by Gerber, a licensed

psychologist since only May, 2004, and Kelley, “Barely” said to be an

aka for Darlene Early but with an incorrect birth date for Alexandra,

was “interviewed on Sept. 3 and was “not cooperative”. She told the

interviewers that her arrest and incarceration were “invalid” because

her name was not Barely. She demanded a written statement from the

examiner with the date, time, location and purpose of the examination

along with the signatures, titles and employer of the examiner.


According to Gerber’s report, Gerber seemed to find that an unreasonable

request by Alexandra.


After receiving the documents, Gerber reports that “Ms Barely stated”

that ‘you two have a problem. I’m not the person written here (pointing

to the document with ‘Darlene Barely’ written on it). Therefore, I have

nothing to say about her and we’re done”.


Gerber told the court that in her initial contact with the jail mental

health unit on Aug. 27, she had insisted that her name was “Darlene

Early” and she therefore was in jail ‘under protest’ and for no reason.

As is her constitutional right, Alexandra refused to discuss her

personal history with Gerber and Kelley, and refused to discuss the

charges and was not willing to discuss the legal situation or process

with them.


Claiming that she was paranoid, because Alexandra chose to exercise her

Miranda rights, Gerber and Kelley, neither of whom are physicians or

board certified, told the court that the professional paralegal was not

able to acknowledge the charges or her legal situation and was not

“expected to be able to work productively with an attorney to assist in

her own defense”. They claimed that the legal scholar lacked the ability

to comprehend the legal system and courtroom procedures and was an

incapacitated person.


Kelley’s observation was that “Ms. Barely” was alert but not cooperative

with the evaluation”. He said her mood was “angry and defiant.”


" We are operating in the same environment as occurred in Nazi Germany

and China. Dissents are given psych diagnoses as a way to lock them

up... The judge is practicing medicine without a license by deciding

that she [Alexandra] should be involuntarily committed and drugged "


Audiotape Proves Turley Threat


At that time, Alexandra had been incarcerated for more than a week and

had allegedly still not been provided copies of the charges against her

and related paperwork despite her requests. Kelley said that her

statement that Albany police chief Turley had told her he was going to

‘throw me in a mental institution’ constituted significant paranoia.

However, as the audiotape of the conversation between Turley and Early

clearly demonstrates, Alexandra was absolutely correct in her statement.

Both psychologists were distressed and disturbed that Alexandra refused

to discuss the charges against her with them.


Was Alexandra paranoid in thinking that Turley was trying to have her

committed to a mental institution when she has him captured on audiotape

making that exact statement?


But Alexandra’s problems had still only just begun. Within a matter of

days, in violation of Mental Hygiene Law, Criminal Procedure Law,

Corrections Law and yes, the U.S. and New York State Constitutions, it

was ordered that she be forcibly administered a myriad of antipsychotic

drugs in an attempt to “rehabilitate” her so that she could be returned

to Albany to face her criminal charges. The 15 drugs, some in dosages up

to 4000 mg daily, are known to cause cancer, liver damage and other

serious side effects.


A physician contacted by The Empire Journal, who spoke on condition of

anonymity, said that “for any individual, especially one who has never

been exposed to any these drugs to be given a toxic cocktail such as

this is actually equivalent to attempted murder, in my opinion.”


‘We are operating in the same environment as occurred in Nazi Germany

and China. Dissents are given psych diagnoses as a way to lock them up,”

the physician said. “However, I predict, merely from knowing the side

effects of these drugs and as listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference,

that they are actually trying to kill this woman. The judge is also

practicing medicine without a license by deciding that she should be

involuntarily committed and drugged”..


On the basis of Gerber’s and Kelley’s reports, Albany city court judge

Thomas Keefe signed a 90-day temporary order of observation on Sept. 9,

ordering that “Darlene Barely” be committed to the custody of the state

commissioner of the Office of Mental Health for care and treatment in an

“appropriate” facility of the OMH as designated by Carpinello.


However, according to attorney Michael Feit, Judge’s Keefe’s order is an

alleged false document.


Perhaps intentionally false in order to claim the court and city

complied with state law and Alexandra’s constitutional rights when they

did not.


Keefe’s order in which he says that it appears to his satisfaction that

“Darlene Barely” lacks the capacity to understand the proceedings

against “him” or to assist in “his” own defense as a result of mental

disease, claims that she was represented by counsel and that counsel was

given copies of the examination reports of Gerber and Kelley and that no

motion for the requisite hearing had been made.


However, Feit says although he consulted with Alexandra but hadn’t been

officially retained, Keefe signed the order before Feit had even

received the Gerber/Kelley reports and before he could request any

hearing. Feit has advised Frederick that Keefe has acknowledged on the

record in open court that he signed the temporary order without hearing

and before counsel had received the reports which constitutes a

violation of the law and safeguards afforded Alexandra.


The attorney says that despite the judge’s acknowledgement that the

order was issued unlawfully, the assistant district attorney, on the

record, refused to dismiss or reduce the charges against Alexandra.. A

transcript of the court proceeding is said to exist.


The courts have consistently held that “the accused is guaranteed that

he not stand alone against the state at any stage of the prosecution,

formal or informal”, in court or out, where counsel’s absence might

derogate from the accused’s right to a fair trial”.


The Court of Appeals has held that it is firmly established that the due

process rights of a mentally ill patient must be fully honored prior to

administration of medication over their objection”.


No Previous Record


Alexandra was transported to Kirby on Sept. 11 although she had no

previous arrest record, allegations of violent behavior or mental illness.


Under the direction of Richard Miraglia, director of forensic services,

the Bureau of Forensic Services in the state Office of Mental Health

(OMH) coordinates the placement of persons and oversees the delivery of

inpatient services to individuals committed to the custody of OMH

commissioner Carpinello pursuant to various sections of Criminal

Procedure Law and Correction Law.


The Bureau of Forensic Services is responsible for coordinating the

delivery of mental health services to individuals involved with the

state’s criminal justice system.


OMH forensic facilities, with a total bed capacity of 695, include the

Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center in Poughkeepsie, bed capacity

264; Central New York Psychiatric Center at Marcy, bed capacity, 206.

and Kirby with 168.


Mid-Hudson is designed to serve the upstate counties including Albany.


Kirby houses a group of men who have committed some of the most

notorious and gruesome crimes in New York City’s history including

Daniel Rakowitz, former East Village man, who admitted to chopping up

his ex-lover, boiled her remains in a soup and serving the soup to the

homeless. He has been in Kirby since 1991 after being acquitted by

murder by reason of insanity.


On Sept. 30, James Hicks, acting director of clinical services at Kirby,

allegedly acting contrary to the provisions of the state’s

administrative law addressing the Office of Mental Heath and rights of

patients, filed an order to show cause with the New York Supreme Court,

why Alexandra should not be forcibly administered medications against

her will. He based his request on affidavits of Paul Sanon, MD, and Ana

Rodriguez, MD.


Rodriguez is not a licensed physician but rather a resident, according

to the state Department of Health. Although Mental Hygiene Law states

that a patient must be examined by two board certified physicians before

an order to forcibly administer drugs can be issued, neither Sanon nor

Rodriguez are board certified according to the New York State Department

of Health and professional licensing/disciplinary division of the state

Education Department.


In addition, Rodriguez stated in her written report that Alexandra had

been interviewed in the presence of an attorney from the Mental Hygiene

Legal Services. This was later disputed on the record at a court

proceeding by Mary Beth Feerick, a MHLS attorney indicating that

Rodriguez’s report contained alleged false statements..


Rodriguez’s report claims that Alexandra lacked the capacity to refuse

medication because she said she had no mental illness and that her

rights were being violated. Rodriguez further claimed that Alexandra had

disorganized and paranoid thinking because she told Rodriguez that she

had “the constitutional Miranda rights and the right to remain silent”.


Rodriguez’s report is signed by Cristina Musat, acting clinical director

at Kirby, a certified psychiatrist with the American Board of Neurology

and Psychiatry. However, there is no indication in Rodriguez’s report

that Musat was present during Rodriguez’s examination of Alexandra.


The state Department of Health says that Musat has only a limited

license in medicine as she is not a citizen of the United States.


Article 9 of Mental Health Law provides that patients who object to any

proposed medical treatment or procedure may not be treated over their

objections except emergency treatment where the patient is presently

dangerous and the proposed treatment is the most appropriate.


Upon a patient’s objection to involuntary and forcible injection of

drugs, Mental Hygiene Law requires that an independent review be

conducted by a physician who specializes in psychiatry and is not an

employee of the facility. In order to administer antipsychotic

medication to an involuntarily committed patient over objection, there

must be a judicial determination that the state has established by

“clear and convincing evidence” that the patient does not have the

capacity to decide for herself whether or not to take the medication and

that the treatment was narrowly tailored to give substantive effect to

the patient’s liberty interests.


No Constitutional Oath


According to Alexandra, Rodriguez wrote that she was “preservative about

her ‘legal rights’ and was being ‘railroaded’ since being ‘yanked at my

doorstep for no reason’. Alexandra said Rodriguez found that she was

paranoid because she repeatedly requested to see the documents

pertaining to her case including her medical chart and was “‘insistent

that she had not had the opportunity to defend herself in a grand jury,

continually making references to legal terminology”’, stating she had

done her research about the case and that the previous judge, Keefe, was

a “de facto employee with no constitutional oath”.


While Gerber and Kelley had claimed that Alexandra did not understand

courtroom procedure, Rodriguez found that she was paranoid because she

was “preservative about her legal rights” and although a review of the

report shows that Alexandra was extremely specific and lucid about her

rights, said that she had “poor insight into her alleged illness and

into her legal situation”.


Like Gerber and Kelley, Rodriguez maintained that “Ms. Barely…..will

likely be unable to cooperate with his defense counsel and thereby be

unable to address his legal her legal (sic) needs”.


Although the NYS Department of Health confirms that Rodriguez is not a

licensed physician in New York State, she has signed a sworn affidavit

under the title of physician, claiming to be licensed. A DOH spokesman

said a resident could sign MD after their name but that did not make

them a licensed physician.


Rodriguez failed to respond to The Empire Journal’s request for comment.


Both Sanon and Rodriguez claimed to be the treating physicians of

Alexandra, although neither had ever seen her before her involuntary

hospitalization at Kirby.


Although the law provides that an attorney must be present during the

physician’s examination of the patient, according to Mental Hygiene

Legal Services, no legal counsel was present for Alexandra.


Based on the sworn affidavits of Sanon and Rodriguez, both of which

allegedly contain false written statements, Hicks and Kirby filed a

petition with the New York Supreme Court for a final order to forcibly

administer a myriad of drugs including antipsychotic medication to

“Darlene Barely”.


At the hearing held Oct. 6 inside Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center,

Alexandra’s MHLS attorney Feerick advised Supreme Court judge Martin

Schoenfeld that the state and Kirby had failed to comply with statutory

and case law in regard to comply with the safeguards guaranteed a

patient such as legal counsel being present during the examination done

by two board certified physicians as well as a hearing being held that

was open to the general public. She said due to the violations of law

and Alexandra’s rights, that all orders and hearings must be vacated.


Although Mental Hygiene Law is specific that the independent review

cannot be conducted by a physician employed by the facility, Feerick

said that too was violated as the primary evidence presented against

Alexandra was the testimony of a psychiatrist employed by the hospital

who had not treated the patient.


Feerick demonstrated to Judge Schoenfeld that the hearing had been

illegally constituted because affidavits filed with the order to show

cause to involuntarily administer medication to Alexandra were not in

compliance as it is required that two board certified physicians examine

the patient in the presence of an attorney when the state wants to

medicate a prisoner involuntarily.


According to Frederick, who was present, despite the Supreme Court and

state Court of Appeals ruling that all rights must be fully complied

with for forced medication, Judge Schoenfeld said he didn’t feel that

the repeated violations were important.


Despite patients rights being spelled out by law, according to

Frederick, “Barely’s” attorney was not allowed to cross examine the

state’s only witness and no evidence or testimony of any emergency or

violent behavior by Alexandra was presented as required before the court

can order confinement and forced drug treatment. Neither Alexandra nor

her witness were allowed to testify. By law, there must be three or more

documented violent occurrences before such confinement and forced

treatment can be ordered. In a 2000 decision by the state Supreme Court,

it was held “in order for a hospital to detain a patient for involuntary

psychiatric care, it must be demonstrated by clear and convincing

evidence that the patient is mentally ill and in need of continued,

supervised care and treatment, and that the patient poses a substantial

threat of physical harm to herself and/or others”.


The records show that no such evidence or testimony was presented to the

court about Barely/Early/Alexandra.


Alleged False Documents By State


According to Frederick between Oct. 6 and 11, he obtained confirmation

from three independent sources, in addition to Alexandra, that there had

been material denials of due process as well as the submission of false

documents by the state.


On Nov. 16, Feit advised Judge Keefe and the Albany County district

attorney’s office that Keefe had committed Early/Alexandra to the

custody of OMH before he could make application for a hearing or file a

writ of habeas corpus and she was removed from Albany County.


“Initially, by making telephone calls to the MHLS attorneys who work

under the aegis of the various Appellate Divisions to provide legal

assistance to those confined, I sought to make every effort to assure

that Ms. Early would be treated humanely and fairly…….Since that date, I

have learned of the tragic and horrible events that have ensured for Ms.



Feit told Keefe that the allegations against Alexandra were non-violent

and “hardly justifying the cruel way in which she has been treated”. He

asked for a preliminary hearing in the matter.


People who have not been found guilty of any crime but are simply being

“evaluated” are being intermixed at Kirby with convicted serial killers

and rapists, Frederick says.


He charges that political dissents are being drugged and held for years

in New York without a trial in violation of their constitutional rights.


‘The defendant is a thorn in the side of Albany officials”, Frederick

says. He says that Alexandra is being punished for exercising her

political free speech rights. He says the required elements of criminal

intent to receive some “ill-gotten gain obviously are missing since she

is calling them and challenging their authority”.


‘If it can happen to Darlene, anybody, you or I, could be made to

disappear in this dark hole without ever having a trial. This is the

exact same technique both Hitler and Stalin used on political dissidents

and others”.


Frederick points out that Alexandra’s challenge of political authority

is the “kind of up-front political protest and political position that

the DMV doesn’t really have a valid constitutional right to regulate

travel. If officials have a problem with their legal foundation for

regulating travel, they need to get the proper process going to solve

it, not illegally putting away a free speech challenger”.


He maintains that if Turley and other officials cannot deal with

dissenters in a democracy in a fair way they should not be in their

positions. “In New York, they will cut you a break as a robber or

murderer but god forbid you challenge the authority of the Evil Empire

State or one of its henchmen”.


The courts have held that the Fifth Amendment Due Process clause permits

the government to involuntarily administer antipsychotic drugs to a

mentally ill defendant facing serious criminal charges in order to

render that defendant competent to stand trial but only if treatment is

medically appropriate, is substantially unlikely to have side effects

that may undermine the fairness of the trial and taking account less

intrusive alternatives. Assuming that the defendant was not dangerous to

himself or others, he could not be ordered involuntarily to take

antipsychotic drugs solely to render him competent to stand trial

without consideration of important questions about trial related side

effects and risk of drugs to be used.


The higher courts have found that a government may not deprive any

person of liberty without due process of law


According to recent reports, in an attempt to counteract increasing

political activism and dissent with government, in an attempt to stifle

public opposition and attempts at reform, police agencies nationwide are

simply levying false charges against their critics, labeling them

“mental” in an attempt to not only discredit them but to “teach them a



The American Civil Liberties Union says that dozens of activists and

organizations have been subjected to the scrutiny of the FBI and have

initiated Freedom of Information Law requests to determine the scope and

purpose of the FBI.


The FBI denies singling out individuals or organizations for

surveillance or investigation based solely on activities protected by

the Constitutional guarantees of free speech.


December 9, 2004


© The Empire Journal



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" 121 " <121


Monday, December 13, 2004 12:39 AM

[Paranormal_Research] Woman Forcibly Injected With Drugs





" § Paranormal_Research@y " <Paranormal_Research >

Cc: " SSRI-Crusaders Moderator " <SSRI-Crusaders-owner >

Saturday, December 18, 2004 6:01 AM

Involuntary Psychiatric Commitment Involked as Political

Retaliation by N.Y. Police Chief Fw: [Paranormal_Research] Woman Forcibly

Injected With DrugsThe Imperial Journal is to be applauded for their report

on the very serious


of Americans being retaliated against because of their polical activism with

involuntary psychiatric commitment and altering their mental and cognitive


with psychiatric medications. The U.S.Constitution says (paraphrased)

that whatever happens in one court can be used as a reference in any other


in the country. Madison County Alabama Probate Judge Tommy Ragland used

this same tactic against me when I read the Title 43 Wills & Estates Laws


discovered that he had granted the Court Administrator illegal


in violation of my legal right to administer my Mother's estate. Ragland is


to Clarice Ragland who was once married to Dr. Phil Chaffian who lost his

license to practice chiropractic due to insurance fraud while she was his

office manager.

According to Ragland's financial disclosure with the Alabama Ethics


he was earning an undisclosed amount of money as her employee with a


before he was the tax collector for 20 years before being elected in 2000 as

Probate Judge.

Rather than obey the Cannons of Judicial Ethics and disqualify himself on

the grounds of

financial conflict of interest he used his position as probate judge with

influence over the

incomes of attorneys to destroy my Mother's estate to prevent me from having


ancestral home where he knew I would be practicing in competition with his

family chiropractic business.

Appointing the Court Administrator would not only accomplish the goal of

preventing me from having my Mother's house that was built by my parents in

1957, it would continue to conceal the depreciated, wasted and possibly

embezelled estate investment evidence that was secreted in violation of the

Last Will and Testament that mandated that the " financial inventory shall be

exhitibed to a party of interest within a reasonable period of time. When

the Court Administrator was being appointed as an illegal (43-2-171,

43-2-170, 43-2-272, 43-2-27), unethical and grand theft (can't calculate

what the attempted amount of theft would be when there is no evidence of how

much money was in the estate by violating 43-2-312, 43-2-313, & 43-2-318 and

by not distributing over $100,000 in compliance with 43-2-552) I made oral

arguments (when no attorney in Huntsville, Alabama would represent me or

prepare a petition for administration to protect my rights) that I, not

Judge Ragand's political apppointee, have the right of administration to

which the judge must grant me without his discretion.

The Court Administrator threatened to have me arrested and thrown out into

the streets if I returned to my property.

I asked for legal eviction proceedings to be invoked against me (when it

would be impossible before a non-corrupt judge to get legal eviction by a

illegal Court Administrator of a legaly entitled primary legatee). When I

continued to be unable to find an attorney that would help me I filed a pro

se Motion for Co-Administration March 6, 2003. On March 10-11, 2003 I made

multiple open requests and demands for administration by fax to Judge Tommy

Ragland, H.S.G.E.D. On March 12, 2003, According to the " Crisis Assessment "

prepared by the " Mental Health (Thought Police) Officer Tammy Leeth from the

Madison County Mental Health Center, Judge Ragland initiated involuntary

psychiatric commitment. There are many more details I would share with you

but I am tired and need some sleep. If you would like to know how I escaped

when Bliss Alexander didn't, please send a e-mail to DrLance @ joimail.com

and put " I will not waive my constitutional rights " in the subject. I you're

an American that's going to allow your constitutional rights to be taken

from you without coming to the aid of your country to defend them, don't

waste my time. The bottom line is this. When the Empire Journal writes:

" Albany, New York residents beware. What happened to Bliss Alexandra could

happen to you. " what it needs to say is " Beware Americans, even before

Congress appropriated funds for Bush's New Freedom in Mental Health in


STARTING WITH THE CHILDREN this could happen to you " . " Mental Health " in

Amerika means the prescribing of psychiatric drugs that the FDA now admits

in Sept. Congressional Hearings that they know are causing CHILDREN to

commit suicide. Rather than remove these genocidal drugs from the market as

has Britian, the U.S. Government instead dispenses the drug in a black box

with instructions to parents to administer the mind and behavior controlling

medication to their offspring and observe closely to watch your descendents

be eliminated from the population. This is what you need to do NOW to

protect your families:

1. www.ablechild.org- Send form prohibiting YOUR child from being evaluated

without your knowledge or consent.

Send this form to you school superintendent certified, return reciept


2. Discuss with your family how you will take measures to protect your

family's assets by avoiding endangering them

to the jurisdiction of the white collar grave robbing that may await

them in your probate court.

3. Get a Medical Power and Durable Power of Attorney signed.

Especially if your aging parents are single, without a Medical Power of

Attorney if they are hospitalized you may not even

be allowed to visit them let alone get record copies of medication and


You will need to read the law in your state but it is probable that the

Durable Power of Attorney must be appointed as

guardian if you become " mentally unsound " in the future instead of an

attorney appointed by the Probate Judge that may be

more interested in the next lucrative referral as guardian ad litem than

" representing your interests " .

4. Even if you are using a " friend " as I did for my attorney, read the laws

on your state internet site so if he is lying to you about

the law to delay your cause for lucre and malice you will be more likely

to realize it before you are robbed unawares by the

person you are paying to rob you will purporting to " represent your

interests " .

5. Read the commitment laws for your state. When/if the Mental Health SS

Officer comes to your door with two armed law

enforcement officers to deprive you of your liberty in violation of your

constitutoinal right against seizure unless a warrant

can be sworn for your arrest having committed no crime, know the

proceedures where by LEGAL commitment could be

invoked against you.

6. To learn more about the " health care " provided by psychiatric

institutions, ask a pharmacist for the PDR (Physician's Desk

Reference) for the insert from the box in which the bottle containing

the drugs that the antidepressents that can cause

CHILDREN to commit suicide and then do a google search for " MKUltra

SSRI's to read about Dr. Cameron, electro-

convulsive shock and the 1977 Congressional Hearings chaired by


7. If you have started to take SSRI's and are not happy with the side

effects & withdrawal symptoms there is support for you

at Withdrawal_and_Recovery and

SSRI-Crusanders .

8. With the passage of HIPPA 4/14/03 under the auspices of protecing your

privacy, the Federal Government granted itself

the right to have access to your health records. Although you will not

be read your Miranda rights, anything you say when

you go to a doctor can be used against you.

9. When you go for an appointment you may want to consider taking the

folllowing precautions:

1. Outline in writing before the appointment your symptoms, goals, side

effects, etc. for that appointment.

3 copies-nurse signs one as recieved, 1 for you and 1 to hand the

doctor upon entering the room to sign as recieved.

2. Bring a witness to accompany you.

3. Tape recorder

4. Two part computer paper.

Upon exiting, document what was recommended to you and anything else

that needs to be documented in your words.

Give the second copy to the nurse and have her initial your top copy

as recieved.

5. Ask for the PDR copy of any drug prescribed to you.

10. Most importantly is to stop living in the fantasy world that you are

living in the land of freedom and liberty where you have

constitutional and civil rights for you do not. As long as you

continue to believe the lie you will not be

on guard to notice that you don't.


Even after I narrowly escaped Bliss Alexandra's fate it too me about a year

to believe Judge Ragland would actually

put me into a psychiatric institution in retaliation for not voluntarily

giving my Mother's last gifts of inheritance to his Court Administrator

without fighting for my rights. This was especially vindictive when the

Madison County Mental Health Center violated my Mother's civil right failing

to fax me her medication changes ignoring her Authorization to Release

Medical Information so that I would not be alerted to research the new drugs

in the PDR when the side effects were more likely to be exhibited. She had

just gone for counseling with her worries about how my sister was acting

after she became a patient at the Mental Health Center (on psychiatric

drugs) just to talk to someone and it was decided she needed " medication "

for her " depression " . I had addressed the Madison County Commissioners Nov.

15, 2002 with my concerns for the constitutional and civil rights of the

alleged mentally ill who would be being picked up by the Mental Health

OFficers whose salaries they were voting to fund exactly 4 months before I

would be terrorized out of my property in violation of my administrative,

inheritance, property, constitutional and civil rights to avoid being turned

into a memory impaired, cognitively dysfunctional compliant zombie who could

be counted on as a positive cash flow for the psychiatric drug manufacturers

until death did us part. Dr. Vasavada, the director of UAB-Huntsville

Psychiatry Department and Director of " Behavior Health " at HUntsville

Hospital that refused to allow my Mother to sign an Authorization to Release

Medical Information 12/98 after Mother's condition deterioated requiring

hospitalization after being a Mental Health Center patient since 1996 while

he was prescribing Seroquel that can cause breast cancer in laboratory

animals before Mother's 10cm breast tumor was diagnosed 8/99, would have had

the opportunity to inject me with psychiatric drugs against my consent and

recommend that I be sent to N. Alabama Regional Hospital in Decatur,

Alabama. Not only was this a biochemical terrorist attack on me to terrorize

me out of my property, because, unlike an incarcerated criminal suspect

where the county must fund the jail, the " respondent " to the " commitment

petition " is finacially liable for the involuntary health care costs. The

costs of the commitment would have been guaranteed from my inheritance by

the same Probate Judge that had been notified that I intended to run against

him in the 2006 election after he approved fraudulent and illegal accouting

in my Mother's estate. If a person such as myself were elected Probate Judge

in Madison County, Alabama it is highly improbable that it would continue to

have the highest per capita commitment rate in Alabama ensuring lucrative,

overhead ensuring private assets, private insurance, Medicare and Medicaide

funds to the Alabama Department of Mental Health's psychiatric institutions

after Republican former Congressman Governor Bob Riley's tax referndum

failed in Nov. 2003 and his administration has been suffering from a deficit

budget. I have been to the Alabama Bureau of Investigation, the Federal

Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Attorney General's office in Huntsville,

Alabama and Atlanta, Huntsville Police (who won't investigate as they were

the law enforcement officers that violated my civil rights in the foiled

commtiment attempt), the Madison County Sheriff, District Attorney, Attorney

General, Governor Riley, Alabama Department of Mental " Health " Commissioner

Kathy Sawyer, Asst. Commissioner Kim INgram, Community Programs Director

Molly Brooms, Sr. Advisor John Houston, " Advocate " Director Allen Fortson,

Mental Health Center Director Dr. Gary Portier, Madison County Comissioner

Mo Brooks and spoke before the Commission many time, brought these issues

before the Huntsville Mayor Loretts Spencer and the City Council on cable

TV, qualified to run for Mayor of Huntsville 7/17/04 to be included in the

TV forums when I could get no media coverage and have brought these problems

to the attention of both the Madison County Republican and Democratic

Parties. When you watch a movie like Schlinders' List and you see the SS

Gestapo officers seizing property without due process, probable cause or

just compensation and the rightful owners being driven from their property

some of whom were sent to Nazi medical experimentation facilities,

do not be decieved that you are protected from these same atrocities from

being invoked against you and your family

because you still believe that you have constitutional and civil rights as

an American. Every day that you read about

Bliss Alexandra being held a political prisoner being involuntarily

medicated to silence her political activism

it's the same as when the Germans knew their neighbors were disappearing

after a visit by the Gestapo SS officers and kept quiet for fear they would

be the next. You rememeber the quote: First they came for _______, then they

came for _________, and when they came for me there was no one there to help

me. Unlike myself, Bliss Alexander cannot send you an e-mail for she

currently has her constitutional right to free speech to bring her

grievances before her government for redress violated while she in medicated

and incarcerated. It is up to YOU to bring these grievances to YOUR


by contacting the Albany, N.Y. Police Department, City Council, County

Commissioners, N.Y. Governor and N.Y. Commissioner of Mental Health. Their

phones and faxes need to be incapacitated with calls and faxes from around

the country rendering them unable to continue to function as though they are

American forms of governance because they are not.

Every day that Bliss Alexandra remains incarcerated in retaliation for

political activism and medicated to render her mentally incapble of

objecting to her government, this case can be used by attorneys across the

country as a presidence to invoke it against YOU.


IT is my understanding that the states do not have to accept the monies

appropriated by Congress to fund Bush's New Freedom in Mental Health



I strongly suggest that you contact your Congressional and State Senators

and Representatives via fax

with your opinion of this funding that is nothing but a government funded

business promotion for the

pharmaceutical companies that fund campaigns, the FDA does not regulate for

our safety and now Congress considers putting a $250,000 cap for damages for

malpractice so that the drug manufacturers can literally get away with

murderous genocide

while silencing political dissidents.


Do not continue to be deluded by the American facade that this couldn't

happen to you or that Bliss Alexadra's problem isn't your problem.


If an attorney that still believes an American deserves to be represented in

a court of law to protect her rights of inheritance

reads this e-mail, please consider this my solicitation for representation

if you are willing to accept the case on a contingency basis. I have primae

facia evidence that my civil rights have been violated in the involuntary

psychiatric commitment attempt and in the administration of the estate but

the 2 year statute of limitations is fast approaching. You would not want to

read for

the next couple of hours about my unrequired attempts to find an attorney in

Alabama that will help me. An attorney not licenced in Alabama can do it pro

hac vice. I have the research and I have the evidence. Judge Ragland

successfully destroyed my attempts to set up a chiropractic practice in

Huntsville and this has not been a practice builder for my 20+ year old

practice in Atlanta. Delay and destroy is a very effective political weapon

against those that object to no longer having civil and constitutional



Ironically, after watching the psychiatric drugs remove my Mother's

personality and mind before she finally found relief wiht three plastic bags

over her head and panty hose around her neck Feb. 6, 2002 after her civil

rights were violated by the psychiatric industrial complex, I had decided

that I would move back to Alabama to Huntsville, Alabama (Redstone Arsenal,

NASA, SS Officer Director Werner Von Braun, deceased, ROCKET CITY USA)

because I had refused to waive my constitutional right against seizure in

the act of illegal digitized fingerprinting for the Ga. Driver's License to

avoid political corruption. I did not renew my Ga. Driver's license on my

birthday 7 years ago last Sunday as I knew the State of Georgia was

violating 50-13-3 and that the Ga. General Assembly never passed a law

mandating the submission of the fingerprint by inkless scanning device

although the driver's license examiners would not issue a driver's license

unless the applicant waived their constitutional right against seizure. I

just wanted to sell my Atlanta property, move back to the house where Mother

raised me wihtout a mortgage, grow a few organic vegetables in the soil in

the back yard that had soil from the two farms from wench my parents haled

when my Mother was pregnant with me the year before Krushev banged his shoe

on the United Nations table predicting that America would fall from

corruption from withing, see a few patients, grieve Mother's death,

be in a better place to draw attention to how the Mental Health Center

contributed to her suicide and be out of politics in Georgia. Now within the

last three months Congress has funded monies to evaluate ALL Americans for

" mental health "

and passed the National ID the week before the 7 year anniversary of my not

waiving my constitutional rights in the act of illegal fingerprinting for

the Ga. Driver's license. It was reported that Ga. was a test state for the

National ID when Gov. Zell Miller with Executive Counsel Cynthia Wright

brough HB 256 before the House of Represetatives January 25, 1995.

I had gotten a bill introduce before the 2000 legislature that was not

allowed to have a committee meeting,

took the problem before the Board of Public Safety which was another lesson

in fraud, and sued Governor Barnes in Lance v. Barnes, Wetherington,

Hightower, and Brasher. There should be no need for all that if the Ga.

Governors Miller, Barnes & Perdue obeyed their Oaths of Office to perform

their duties as prescribed by law (Ga Constitution-Article 5, Sec. II,

Paragraph 2) that as the chief executive officer it is their duty to

" execute all laws " . The last picture I have of my terminally ill Mother

whose Medicare/BC/BS richly funded the pharmaceutical industry with

ineffective chemotherapy for the iatrogenic cancer was the day I sat on the

podium with the 3 Republican candidates for Governor as a Libertarian

candidate for Governor at the Christian Coalition of Georgia's Annular

Legislative conference in January 2001. Governors Barnes & Perdue both knew

that I had not been able to drive legally without a drivers' license because

they were refusing to grant me a driver's license if I didn't agree to waive

my constitutional right in the act of illegal fingerprinting by inkless

scanning device.

All the law breaking and Oath violating publicly funded " public servants " in

the Department of Motor Vehicle Safety

knew I was loosing time with my terminally ill Mother having to take the

Trailways to visit her instead of driving.

My Mother stood next to me in her frail little body after being transformed

by the SSRI's at the Ga. State Capitol in January 2002 after a committee

meeting as I implored GDMVS Commissioner Tim Burgess to grant me a driver's

license without waiving my constitutional right so that I could better care

for my Mother who had cancer less than two weeks before her death. Governor

Barnes has shaken her hand from a wheelchair after the mastectomy after the

failed chemotherapy in Feb. 2000 while I was trying to get the Fingerprint

Obejctor bill a committee meeting a couple of weeks before he informed me

that they were also planning to start taking retinal eye scans for the

driver's license.


If you can imagine the cruel and unusul punishment to which an American can

be subjected for still believing she still has constitutional and civil

rights which I have endured these last 7 years having successfully foiled

Judge Ragland's politically and financially motivated involuntary

psychiatric medication, incarceration and asset seizure, you can begin to


the torture, mental anguish and emotational duress to which 60 year old

Bliss Alexandra is suffering every day that we do not successfully

accomplish the goal of freeing her from her political bondage.


It is highly probable that by moving her to the psychiatric institution

where she is probably financially liable for the costs of her " health care "

unable to work while her liberty has been denied, that not only has her

health been negatively affected by the ingestion or injection of mind

altering drugs that she has been financially devesated as well. She not only

will need support from around the country to free her as a political captive

but to assist her financially upon her release.


This Christmas I don't have my Mother to go home to because her life as a

retired U.S. Army civil servant was cut short

by obviously ineffective and genocidal health care when she had cancer,

diabetes and heart disease that can all be caused by psychiatric medications

(and aspartame) at the time of her suicide. The house I've called home since

1957 that is 1/2 mine and should have been being used in competition with

Madison County Probate Judge Tommy Ragland's employer, Clarice (not Dr.)

Chirorpactic Care Center for over two years that has been a negative cash

flow defacto contribution to his 2006 re-election campaign sits uninsured

gathering dust on her irreplacable poetry, painting, photography and family

heritage while I continue to be taxed my share of the costs of supporting a

robbed estate that is still open that should have been settled

August 25, 2002.


But, unlike Bliss Alexandra, I still have the mind my Mother bequeathed to

me unaltered by drugs and electro-convlsive shock or pre-frontal lobotomy

and can access my computer on the internet to implore you on her behalf to

not let one day go by that you do not personally make contact with the

Albany Police, City Council, Mayor, County Commission,

Governor and Commissioner of Mental Health until her freedom is restored.


Like Bliss Alesandra, I will never be the same after having experienced

first hand what it is like for the Mental Health Officer and two armed

Huntsville Police to come to my bedroom window soliciting me to waive my

constitutional right against seizure so that they could grab me and take me

to the same Huntsville Hospital that gave my Mother the carcinogenic drug 8

months before her breast cancer was diagnosed where the psychiatric

industrial complex would ensure that I could be evaluated as mentally

unsound to discourage my election as Probate Judge and being licensed to

practice in Alabama.


Political terrorism is analogous to domestic violence. The victim is not

only abused to the moments of actual abuse.

The intent is control and submission. Those of you who are still reading my

words cannot possibly understand the

change that having psychological terrorism invoked against you until you

have actually experienced it.


There is not a moment that I am not cognizant that at any moment it could be

invoked against me again.


On Sept. 3, 2004 I was given permission to exercise my constitutional right

to free speech knowing that the Madison County Commission will not redress

my grievances but will sit silent to being informed of constitutional and

civil rights violation in violation of the Oaths of Office upon the counsel

of County Attorney Julian Butler. I enumerated a number of laws Judge

Ragland is violating, publicly stated that it appeared that the civil rights

of all Americans that had had their assets seized through the appointment of

a conservator when Judge Ragland is not issuing a writ to Sheriff Dorning to

have 6 disintered persons at the hearing, and objected to the fact that

neither my Commissione attorney Mo Brooks nor County Attorney Julian Butler

had responded to my requests in Nov. 2003 to be informed in writing if they

or their law firms were recieving conflict of financial interest referrals

for legal representation from judges recieving renumeration by the County


I complained that after the April 16, 2004 County Commission meeting that

County Attorney Butler had motioned Sheriff Dorning to remove me from a

public meeting place while I was just trying to tell him about Judge Ragland

seizing the assets of living people in violation of their civil rights in

the appointment of conservators without the 6 disinterested persons at the

hearing. Chair Mike Gillespie kept interrupting me but I only spok within

the time allowed. As I departed the meeting, Sheriff Blake Dorning, who

campaign I worked on in 2002, was advising me that this (exercising my

constitutional right to free speech) was not the right way to address the

problem. Four large armed Madison County Deputy Sheriff's barged into the

door obviously poised to apprehend me for committing the offense of

exercising my constitutional right to free speech with the permission of

Chair Gillespie. Ironically I was seeking relief from the fear that Judge

Ragland would invoke armed Madison County Deputy Sheriff's against me if I

entered the Madison County Probate Court to investigate the Court

Administrator's estate files for illegal commissions on the sale of estate

homes or the legally allowed $100 and if other Alabama resident had had

their rights of adminiatration violated. Judge Ragland knew I intended to

start this investigation Monday March 17, 2003 when I'd demanded that the

Record of Official Acts be exhibited to me in compliance with 43-2-175 but

have felt it unsafe to enter that public court clerk's office when Mental

Health Officer Tammy Leeth and the two armed Huntsville Police arrived at my

bedroom window Friday March 14, 2003 violating my constitutional right

against search without probable cause finding me at the computer typing a

letter to Huntsville Police Chief Compton Owens to put Court Administrator

attorney Rankin Sneed under criminal tresspass arrest notice for he had no

right to enter MY MOTHER'S house with his plans to video tape her belongings

so he could charge her esate the cost of the appraisal so he could be paid 2

1/2% of the appraised value

while he was being financially rewarded to prevent me from having Mother's

house in political and financial competion with Judge Ragland and uncensored

access to the possibly embezelled estate investment evidence. (Please excuse

run on sentenes, I'm tired).


If anyone is interested in helping me with these unAmerican activies within

the " justice system "

with particular emphasis on the civil rights violations in the foiled

involuntary psychiatric commitment attempt for which I have primae facie

evidence and in bringing my Mother's memory the honor and respect she

deserves to have her estate administered in compliance with THE LAW, please

send an e-mail to DrLance.


Bliss Alexandra deserves your priority attention but I would appreciate help

from anyone that thinks there could actually be a way to hold these Oath

violating traitors to America accountable for their illegal and unethical



The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that Ala. Dept. of Mental Health

Commissioner Kathy Sawyer could not be dismissed an an individual defendent

(without soverign immunity and taxpayer funded legal counsel) until after

discovery. Ex Parte Sawyer (9/5/03) Ala. Supreme Court was relieved but only

if she didn't violate constitutional right and a few other considerations I

do not have committed to memory. Only when the elected and appointed

officials, judges, attorneys, court clerks, etc.

realize that THEIR ASSETS are endangered by VIOLATING other Americans'

assets with their unAmerican law and Oath violating activities will they be

deterred. IT is obvious that they only give enough lip service to protecting

your constitutional right to give the appearance that they will protect and

preserve them to continue to get re-elected and that they dn't really care

about your rights or the survival of this country. If it negatively impacts

THEIR net worth and their children's inheritance,

this may have a positive impact. (If there is a judge that would actually

rule in favor of the private citizen against government



I also need help with a website. If I can get all the evidence posted on a

website where it is obvious to an intelligent person that the laws are being

violated and that my objection to these white collar grave robbing plots is

not a figment of my

imagination needing " medication " .


There was a report over the internet this week that a soldier that objected

to the Iraq War has been sent off for " mental health " reprogramming. There

are numerous accounts of parents' rights being severed by Federally Funded

DHR for not wanting their children's brain chemistry to be altered by

psychistric drugs to accomplish the agenda of medicating the next generation

with the cooperation of a foster parent.


Bliss Alexandra's plight as a medicated, subdued and incarcerated American

is just the tip of the iceberg.

It is going to get worse on an accerlerated scale if you do not take

measures to protest it venemently.

Don't expect others to do your duty as an American to defend our country

againt this domestic attacks against our constitutional rights.


The USCode 42 1985 prohibits conspiring to violate Contitutional rights.

Maybe someone reading this e-mail knows of an attorney that can help Bliss

Alexandra and Sandra Lance

fight back where it matters to these traitors while there is still some

pretense that we have rights according to Federal and State laws.


You must ask yourself as I did if I was willing to die for my country when I

fear the " good ole boy network "

every time I enter Madison County in a rental car to avoid possible police


Are you willing to send certified mail to the Governor of N.Y. so that your

identity of objecting to political psychiatric commitment can be identified

possibly leading to your own mental reprogramming?


Do Americans have the same commitment to resistance as the Revoluntionary

patriots? Or was it all for naught granting freedom and liberty to a peoples

that are too weak and frighened to even make a phone call, send a fax, write

their local newpaper editor or send a certified return reciept letter? Or

are we satisfied to relegate into history the free America that we have been

priviledge to enjoy. Soon there won't be many more 60 year old ladies like

Bliss Alexandra protesting political corruption exerising their

constitutional right to free speech. Soon there won't be many more 75 year

old Mothers like Alma Virginia Sanders who remembers fighting Communist

Agression during the Cold War as a U.S. Army Civil Servant and whose High

School boyfriends were drafted into WWII on their 18th birthdays unable to

graduate from H.S.

Soon there won't be any more 51 year old grieving daughters taking a stand

on her ancestral property refusing to be driven out in violation of her

rights under threat of arrest being terrorized into political asylum to

avoid psychiatric biochemical warfare against her mind and political



Soon, if we don't act soon, we will just be a placated, drugged up and

compliant society that on longer remembers being free, doesn't object to the

tyrrany but no longer feels " depressed " about it because we can get some

" help " at the " Mental Health " center after we have submitted to Bush's

compulsory mental health screening.


If this e-mail doesn't earn me another SS Gestapo officer visit, you can

reach me at 404 231 9999. Please call between 6-11PM & 5-7AM and on the



It's good to be on the internet educating ourselves about the truth that we

will not hear about on the propaganda news.

But we are now past the time when we must urgently address these assaults

against our liberty and futures

while there is still some possibility that it can accomplish our goals and/

or a re-direction or a least a delay in the current



You cannot serve God and Mammon. You will either choose by being pro-active

or by omission of action.


Thank you,

Dr. Sandra Lance, D.C.

Daughter of Alma Virginia Sanders

Antidepressent Suicide Victim



404 231 1999

6-11PM;5-7AM M-F; Weekends 5AM-11PM


( unedited due to time restraints)



Brothers and Sisters:


Please do not let this very serious criminal act by those who took the

Oath to Protect and Serve, go over your heads.


Brothers and Sisters Always--God and Country . . .



Dan J. Jovanovic



Woman Forcibly Injected With Drugs


The Webfairy <webfairy





Political Prisoner Or

Criminally Insane?

Woman Forcibly Injected With Drugs After Protesting DMV Regulations


(The Empire Journal) Albany, New York residents beware. What happened to

Bliss Alexandra could happen to you.


Anger police chief James Turley and you might end up at a state hospital

for the violent and criminally insane, hundreds of miles away from your

family and friends, forcibly injected with mind altering drugs.


Bliss Alexandra who is also known as Darlene Early - or Darlene Barely

as the Albany Police Department call her, was returned to Albany on

Wednesday, Dec. 8 after completing an involuntary stay at Kirby Forensic

Psychiatric Center in Manhattan, NY ordered by Albany City Court judge

Thomas Keefe after she exercised what she thought were her

constitutional rights.


She is scheduled to appear in Albany City Court before Keefe Thursday,

Dec. 9.


After Alexandra called the Albany Department of Public Safety to

complain about her personal property being towed by police from a

private driveway, Chief Turley responded by telling her he was either

going to arrest her or have her removed to the Capital District

Psychiatric Center.


Alexandra was snatched from the doorstep of her Second Avenue residence

by two plainclothes police officers on Aug. 26, a day after she had

filed a complaint with the Albany County district attorney’s office

against Police Chief Turley.


And that he did.


Not only did he cause her arrest on three felony charges but caused her

to be involuntarily committed with serial killers and rapists and

subjected to the forced injection of antipsychotic drugs.


Her alleged crime—exercising free speech on private property.


The legal scholar and constitutionalist, with no apparent mental illness

history, was originally committed to Kirby in September for a 90-day

evaluation by Judge Keefe because he claimed two examiners from the

Albany County Correctional Facility had determined she had no

comprehension of the charges against her or of court procedure because

she refused to discuss the case with them.


“I predict, merely from knowing the side effects of these drugs and as

listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference, that they are actually trying

to kill this woman. "


Kirby, operated by the state Office of Mental Health as is CDPC, is a

maximum security, 168 bed hospital on Ward’s Island. Opened in 1995, it

provides secure treatment and evaluation for the forensic patients of

courts of New York City and Long Island.


But Alexandra isn’t in the court system of New York City nor was she

violent nor were her alleged crimes of a violent nature.


She a resident of Albany County which is served by the Mid-Hudson

Psychiatric Center in Poughkeepsie.


And then there’s CDPC in their own back yard at 75 New Scotland Ave.


So why was she removed to Kirby?


Albany Police have charged Alexandra with three felony counts of second

degree possession of a forged instrument but not only do the arrest

reports and felony complaints allegedly contain false statements and

information, but there appear to have been egregious violations of her

constitutional rights as well as statutory law in her involuntary

commitment and medication including an alleged falsified court order and

denial of her right to counsel.


Nagging questions exist about why and how she was removed from the

Capital District area, her family, friends and legal counsel and sent to

Kirby and the ensuing alleged rights violations.


Perhaps her knowledge of the Constitution and the court system is

exactly why she was arrested in the first place - and her challenge of

state’s Department of Motor Vehicles and what she claims is the state’s

unconstitutional regulation of the right to travel.


Read To Publish Findings


Alexandra has undertaken five years of research into the issue and was

ready to publish her findings. In an interview with The Empire Journal

while inside Kirby, Alexandra said that since 1995 she has been

communicating with the Department of Motor Vehicles and former Albany

police chief Robert Wolfgang on the ability of people to travel in their

automobile in alternative ways without paying fees to DMV.


She says she encountered no problem with Wolfgang who had communicated

with her amicably but that when Turley became chief, the congeniality of

the police agency ceased.


Sharon CarpinelloAlthough the state Office of Mental Health claims that

treatment in their facilities is carried out with respect for each

patient’s privacy and rights, Alexandra says her rights were violated

from the getgo and a review of the records, obtained with her consent,

appear to support her claims and give cause for an immediate independent

review of policy chief James Turley, the Albany Department of Public

Safety and the state Office of Mental Health of which Sharon Carpinello

is the commissioner.


Carpinello’s husband, Anthony Carpinello, is a state Supreme Court

justice in the Appellate Division, Third Department.


As part of her protest against of what she claims is the state’s

unconstitutional regulation of travel, Alexandra allegedly displayed two

cardboard license plates on a parked car in addition to a mock

registration sticker and inspection sticker. Police claim they are

forged instruments that were in her “possession” but according to the

arrest reports and complaints filed by Albany police, there is no

allegation of or proof that Alexandra operated the vehicle on the public

highway or that the vehicle was even in her “possession,” being parked

on property across the street from her residence.


Since her forced incarceration and hospitalization, Alexandra has now

been evicted from her residence, although it is unclear if any eviction

proceedings were legally conducted.


Political prisoner and dissident or criminally insane?


Darlene Early, or Bliss Alexandra as she is professionally known, is an

author, mediator and paralegal. She is the owner and operator of The

People’s Alternative in Albany, an agency founded in 1990 offering

paralegal services. In 1993, she co-authored a self-help legal book with

attorney Robin Leonard, published by the nationally known self-help

organization, Nolo Press.


She has passed her “fitness” test after been forcibly injected with

drugs for nearly 60 days, a combination of drugs that physicians

contacted by The Empire Journal have labeled as a “lethal combination”

and a “toxic cocktail actually equivalent to attempted murder”.


With the 90-day commitment order expiring Thursday, Dec. 9, and found to

be competent, the state was required to return her to Albany County.


Alexandra was snatched from the doorstep of her Second Avenue residence

by two plainclothes police officers on Aug. 26, a day after she had

filed a complaint with the Albany County district attorney’s office

against Police Chief Turley for what she said constituted threats and an

intimidating manner with threat of unwarranted arrest.


The district attorney’s office has refused to respond to requests for

information by The Empire Journal regarding the matter


Those alleged threats by Turley, captured on audiotape by Alexandra,

occurred after Albany police had towed the parked vehicle from the

private driveway and impounded it but had allegedly not served any

papers on Alexandra indicating the cause for the towing.


On Aug. 20, according to Alexandra, two individuals in plain clothes,

traveling in an unmarked car, had arrived at her Second Avenue apartment

at approximately 7 p.m.. She said they pounded on the door, threatening

to break it down if she didn’t open it.


“Police!” she said they yelled, “we know you’re in there, come out or we

will break down the door!”.


Alexandra, 60, a small woman, claims the two officers, later identified

to be patrol officers Jeffrey DeMarco and W.F. Warner, did not offer any

explanation for their actions and did not show any warrant. She said she

was startled and scared and therefore refused to open the door to them.


Horrific Nightmare


And that was only the beginning of what was to become a horrific

nightmare for Alexandra.


Across the street from Alexandra’s residence in a private driveway was

parked a 1991 Toyota sedan. She says the vehicle was parked there with

permission of the owners.


The ensuing arrest reports written by Patrol Officers Jeffrey DeMarco

and W.F. Warner claim the vehicle was parked on the street at 365 2nd

Ave. but Alexandra and witnesses dispute that, saying it was parked in

the private driveway at 369 2nd Ave. Because the vehicle was parked on

private property with permission of the property owner, police had no

legal right to tow the vehicle and cause it to be impounded, Alexandra

says. Even if the property owner had complained, police still could not

legally tow the vehicle from private property, only the property owner

could legally have it towed.


And then there’s the version of Albany Department of Public Safety

spokesman Det. James


Miller who claims it was parked at the curb on Central Avenue. Miller

concedes that police would have no legal authority to tow a vehicle from

private property unless it had been “dumped” there as the result of a

police chase.


Miller responded to The Empire Journal’s request to Chief Turley about

the matter, saying that he would answer questions about the incident and

not to contact Chief Turley again.


Miller concedes there was no police chase of Alexandra and that police

officers did not see Alexandra operating the vehicle on the highway or

in possession of the vehicle nor did any citizen sign a complaint

regarding her display of the cardboard and paper stickers. No traffic

tickets were issued.


Witnesses to the arrest of Alexandra state that at no time during they

observe Alexandra make any statements to the police.


Miller maintains the vehicle was towed because it was parked at the curb

on Central Avenue but when The Journal told Miller there were witnesses

who said the vehicle was on private property, Miller said he would have

to check the tow log and to call back.


However, Miller refused to answer subsequent calls by The Journal about

the matter, saying that he was busy.


According to the arrest reports, DeMarco was the arresting officer with

Warner assisting in the arrest of Alexandra at 7:03 p.m. on Aug. 26 at

394 2nd Ave. The report states that no warrants were executed, no

Miranda rights were given and that the defendant’s condition was normal.


However, the police seem to have a problem with who the defendant is.

According to the documents, the mental health examiners found that

Alexandra did not “understand” the charges against her because she

repeatedly told them her name was and is not “Darlene Barely”..


The arrest report, the felony complaints and even the court orders

committing Alexandra all contain the name Darlene Barely.


And, because she told the police the reports contained false

information, that her name was not Darlene Barely and she repeatedly

told them her rights were being violated, she was deemed uncooperative

and “unable to understand the charges against her”


Although the police reports admit that she was not given her Miranda

warnings prior to questioning and defendants are constitutionally

guaranteed the right to remain silent and that anything they say can and

will be used against them in a court of law, Alexandra was rendered

“mentally incompetent” because she refused to answer their questions.


In the Supreme Court landmark case of Miranda v. Arizona, the U.S.

Supreme Court established proper police procedure in the conduct of

interrogations, the character of voluntary or involuntary confessions

and their admissibility in state trials.


Miranda clearly established that regardless of the circumstances under

which it occurs, regardless of who the examiners are and regardless of

who the suspects are, custodial interrogation is inherently

coercive---psychologically if in no other way. Custodial interrogation

makes any statements obtained from suspects during this period

“compelled” and thus not “voluntary” beyond a reasonable doubt.


Although Albany police are now claiming that the vehicle they allege

belongs to Alexandra was parked on the street, Officer Warner’s incident

report signed Aug. 20 under the warning that “false statements are

punishable as a crime” indicates that the incident occurred at the “side

365 2nd Av., Albany”, not on the street as later claimed.


According to Alexandra and others, there is no driveway at 365 2nd Avenue.


Warner’s report says the vehicle was last registered to a male who

“apparently sold vehicle to (the defendant) sometime this past April.

Attempts to contact (the alleged seller) thus far have been

unsuccessful” indicating that the police had no proof in hand at the

time of arrest that the defendant had “possession” of the car. The

report says the “vehicle was towed and hold was put on it per Sgt. Basil”.




But according to the arrest report filed on the date of arrest on Aug.

26 by DeMarco, not only was the defendant’s name wrong but so was the

date of birth. The arrest was listed as a “crime in progress” at 365 2nd

Ave. although the vehicle had been towed six days earlier and on the

property report, the location of the incident is listed as a different

address raising questions as to the credibility, legal sufficiency and

veracity of the police reports.


That’s only the tip of iceberg.


On Aug. 20, after the initial confrontation by the police, Alexandra

called Turley to report that she had felt threatened by his officers and

that they had taken personal property unlawfully and she wanted it returned.


She was then contacted by Officer Kurt Ricky and informed that she had

to appear at the city police station to sign a release for the car. She

refused saying that they took it wrongfully, they should return it and

that she wasn’t signing any release.


After Ricky contacted her, she called Turley on Aug. 24, two days before

her arrest, to register a complaint about Ricky’s demand.


She audiotaped the call.


Turley told her to stop calling the police department or he would send

“someone over to arrest you and we’re going to bring Mobile Crisis. You

can’t do what you’re doing with your car, it’s illegal”.


“I’m not doing anything with the car. It’s sitting in a private area”.

She told him he had no authority to take the car and with that, Turley’s

response was “if you call again, I’m sending an officer with Mobile

Crisis and either take you to CDPC or to jail”.


Mobile Crisis is a “team” from the Capital District Psychiatric Center.

According to their website, the “team” is a mobile response to

individuals experiencing a psychiatric emergency throughout Albany

County. It provides access to persons in mental or emotional distress

and to agencies and to individuals who are dealing with individuals in

such distress.


It appears perhaps Chief Turley is the one who was in distress. He

claims that she had called the department six or seven times about the

car being towed.


Alexandra didn’t call the police department again. Instead she filed a

formal complaint with the Albany County District Attorney’s office

against Turley the next day.


A day later, on Aug. 26, she was arrested.


But she wasn’t taken to CDPC, instead she was immediately incarcerated,

arraigned on Aug. 27 on felony charges without legal counsel being present.


On Aug. 30, as allowed by law, a friend attempted to file a writ of

habeas corpus at the Albany City court clerk’s office and was not

allowed to do so. Although state law requires that a preliminary hearing

be held within 72 hours for a person incarcerated without bail to

determine the sufficiency of the charges, no hearing was held.


According to Carl R. Frederick, president of the American Pro Se

Association of Plainfield, NJ, a friend of Alexandra’s attempted to

retain legal counsel for her. Frederick, also a friend and business

associate of Alexandra’s, says that between Sept. 2 and 5, Albany

attorney Michael Feit engaged in several conversations with Albany

police and district attorney’s office on Alexandra’s behalf concerning

“obvious overcharging” and requests that the charges be dismissed or at

least reduced to a misdemeanor so bail can be set, defendant released

and a trial date set.


Frederick says that Feit told him that it was “very apparent to him

there was personal animosity against the defendant by officials and he

got none of the cooperation he normally gets and certainly expected

under the circumstances”.


Not Provided Copies Of Charges


Although state Criminal Procedure Law requires that defendants be

informed of the charges against them, as of Sept. 9, Alexandra says she

had not been provided with copies of the charges against her including

any alleged witness statements or informed of the probable cause that

police were using to cause her arrest.


Each of the three complaints filed against “Darlene Barely” under

penalty of perjury by Patrol Officer DeMarco state that at the time of

arrest, she had in her possession the alleged forged instruments and

that the sources of his information are oral statements made to him by

Alexandra and/or from information obtained from witnesses whose

depositions were attached to the complaints.


Alexandra resided at 394 2nd Ave where she was arrested but the vehicle

was parked in the driveway at 369 2nd Ave., property neither owned or

leased by Alexandra.


There were no witness depositions attached to the complaints and the

police have readily admitted as have court examiners that Alexandra

refused to speak with them making it improbable that police can now

claim that Alexandra made any incriminating statements.


On Aug. 31, Albany city court Judge Keefe signed an order for the

“examination” of Darlene Barely.


Robin Siegal, director of the Albany County Department of Mental Health

thereafter assigned Michelle Gerber, a psychologist employed by the

Albany County Correctional Facility, and David J. Kelley, coordinator of

the mental health unit at the facility to examine Alexandra. Neither one

is a licensed physician and neither one was familiar with Alexandra.

Although no past history of mental treatment or any allegation of

violent behavior was presented, Gerber and Kelley filed reports with the

court determining Alexandra was “incapacitated”, thereby causing her

involuntary hospitalization at Kirby, a maximum security facility for

the criminally insane and violent.


Despite CDPC being in their backyard, there is no indication that

Alexandra was transported there for an examination by licensed physicians.


According to reports filed with the court by Gerber, a licensed

psychologist since only May, 2004, and Kelley, “Barely” said to be an

aka for Darlene Early but with an incorrect birth date for Alexandra,

was “interviewed on Sept. 3 and was “not cooperative”. She told the

interviewers that her arrest and incarceration were “invalid” because

her name was not Barely. She demanded a written statement from the

examiner with the date, time, location and purpose of the examination

along with the signatures, titles and employer of the examiner.


According to Gerber’s report, Gerber seemed to find that an unreasonable

request by Alexandra.


After receiving the documents, Gerber reports that “Ms Barely stated”

that ‘you two have a problem. I’m not the person written here (pointing

to the document with ‘Darlene Barely’ written on it). Therefore, I have

nothing to say about her and we’re done”.


Gerber told the court that in her initial contact with the jail mental

health unit on Aug. 27, she had insisted that her name was “Darlene

Early” and she therefore was in jail ‘under protest’ and for no reason.

As is her constitutional right, Alexandra refused to discuss her

personal history with Gerber and Kelley, and refused to discuss the

charges and was not willing to discuss the legal situation or process

with them.


Claiming that she was paranoid, because Alexandra chose to exercise her

Miranda rights, Gerber and Kelley, neither of whom are physicians or

board certified, told the court that the professional paralegal was not

able to acknowledge the charges or her legal situation and was not

“expected to be able to work productively with an attorney to assist in

her own defense”. They claimed that the legal scholar lacked the ability

to comprehend the legal system and courtroom procedures and was an

incapacitated person.


Kelley’s observation was that “Ms. Barely” was alert but not cooperative

with the evaluation”. He said her mood was “angry and defiant.”


" We are operating in the same environment as occurred in Nazi Germany

and China. Dissents are given psych diagnoses as a way to lock them

up... The judge is practicing medicine without a license by deciding

that she [Alexandra] should be involuntarily committed and drugged "


Audiotape Proves Turley Threat


At that time, Alexandra had been incarcerated for more than a week and

had allegedly still not been provided copies of the charges against her

and related paperwork despite her requests. Kelley said that her

statement that Albany police chief Turley had told her he was going to

‘throw me in a mental institution’ constituted significant paranoia.

However, as the audiotape of the conversation between Turley and Early

clearly demonstrates, Alexandra was absolutely correct in her statement.

Both psychologists were distressed and disturbed that Alexandra refused

to discuss the charges against her with them.


Was Alexandra paranoid in thinking that Turley was trying to have her

committed to a mental institution when she has him captured on audiotape

making that exact statement?


But Alexandra’s problems had still only just begun. Within a matter of

days, in violation of Mental Hygiene Law, Criminal Procedure Law,

Corrections Law and yes, the U.S. and New York State Constitutions, it

was ordered that she be forcibly administered a myriad of antipsychotic

drugs in an attempt to “rehabilitate” her so that she could be returned

to Albany to face her criminal charges. The 15 drugs, some in dosages up

to 4000 mg daily, are known to cause cancer, liver damage and other

serious side effects.


A physician contacted by The Empire Journal, who spoke on condition of

anonymity, said that “for any individual, especially one who has never

been exposed to any these drugs to be given a toxic cocktail such as

this is actually equivalent to attempted murder, in my opinion.”


‘We are operating in the same environment as occurred in Nazi Germany

and China. Dissents are given psych diagnoses as a way to lock them up,”

the physician said. “However, I predict, merely from knowing the side

effects of these drugs and as listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference,

that they are actually trying to kill this woman. The judge is also

practicing medicine without a license by deciding that she should be

involuntarily committed and drugged”..


On the basis of Gerber’s and Kelley’s reports, Albany city court judge

Thomas Keefe signed a 90-day temporary order of observation on Sept. 9,

ordering that “Darlene Barely” be committed to the custody of the state

commissioner of the Office of Mental Health for care and treatment in an

“appropriate” facility of the OMH as designated by Carpinello.


However, according to attorney Michael Feit, Judge’s Keefe’s order is an

alleged false document.


Perhaps intentionally false in order to claim the court and city

complied with state law and Alexandra’s constitutional rights when they

did not.


Keefe’s order in which he says that it appears to his satisfaction that

“Darlene Barely” lacks the capacity to understand the proceedings

against “him” or to assist in “his” own defense as a result of mental

disease, claims that she was represented by counsel and that counsel was

given copies of the examination reports of Gerber and Kelley and that no

motion for the requisite hearing had been made.


However, Feit says although he consulted with Alexandra but hadn’t been

officially retained, Keefe signed the order before Feit had even

received the Gerber/Kelley reports and before he could request any

hearing. Feit has advised Frederick that Keefe has acknowledged on the

record in open court that he signed the temporary order without hearing

and before counsel had received the reports which constitutes a

violation of the law and safeguards afforded Alexandra.


The attorney says that despite the judge’s acknowledgement that the

order was issued unlawfully, the assistant district attorney, on the

record, refused to dismiss or reduce the charges against Alexandra.. A

transcript of the court proceeding is said to exist.


The courts have consistently held that “the accused is guaranteed that

he not stand alone against the state at any stage of the prosecution,

formal or informal”, in court or out, where counsel’s absence might

derogate from the accused’s right to a fair trial”.


The Court of Appeals has held that it is firmly established that the due

process rights of a mentally ill patient must be fully honored prior to

administration of medication over their objection”.


No Previous Record


Alexandra was transported to Kirby on Sept. 11 although she had no

previous arrest record, allegations of violent behavior or mental illness.


Under the direction of Richard Miraglia, director of forensic services,

the Bureau of Forensic Services in the state Office of Mental Health

(OMH) coordinates the placement of persons and oversees the delivery of

inpatient services to individuals committed to the custody of OMH

commissioner Carpinello pursuant to various sections of Criminal

Procedure Law and Correction Law.


The Bureau of Forensic Services is responsible for coordinating the

delivery of mental health services to individuals involved with the

state’s criminal justice system.


OMH forensic facilities, with a total bed capacity of 695, include the

Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center in Poughkeepsie, bed capacity

264; Central New York Psychiatric Center at Marcy, bed capacity, 206.

and Kirby with 168.


Mid-Hudson is designed to serve the upstate counties including Albany.


Kirby houses a group of men who have committed some of the most

notorious and gruesome crimes in New York City’s history including

Daniel Rakowitz, former East Village man, who admitted to chopping up

his ex-lover, boiled her remains in a soup and serving the soup to the

homeless. He has been in Kirby since 1991 after being acquitted by

murder by reason of insanity.


On Sept. 30, James Hicks, acting director of clinical services at Kirby,

allegedly acting contrary to the provisions of the state’s

administrative law addressing the Office of Mental Heath and rights of

patients, filed an order to show cause with the New York Supreme Court,

why Alexandra should not be forcibly administered medications against

her will. He based his request on affidavits of Paul Sanon, MD, and Ana

Rodriguez, MD.


Rodriguez is not a licensed physician but rather a resident, according

to the state Department of Health. Although Mental Hygiene Law states

that a patient must be examined by two board certified physicians before

an order to forcibly administer drugs can be issued, neither Sanon nor

Rodriguez are board certified according to the New York State Department

of Health and professional licensing/disciplinary division of the state

Education Department.


In addition, Rodriguez stated in her written report that Alexandra had

been interviewed in the presence of an attorney from the Mental Hygiene

Legal Services. This was later disputed on the record at a court

proceeding by Mary Beth Feerick, a MHLS attorney indicating that

Rodriguez’s report contained alleged false statements..


Rodriguez’s report claims that Alexandra lacked the capacity to refuse

medication because she said she had no mental illness and that her

rights were being violated. Rodriguez further claimed that Alexandra had

disorganized and paranoid thinking because she told Rodriguez that she

had “the constitutional Miranda rights and the right to remain silent”.


Rodriguez’s report is signed by Cristina Musat, acting clinical director

at Kirby, a certified psychiatrist with the American Board of Neurology

and Psychiatry. However, there is no indication in Rodriguez’s report

that Musat was present during Rodriguez’s examination of Alexandra.


The state Department of Health says that Musat has only a limited

license in medicine as she is not a citizen of the United States.


Article 9 of Mental Health Law provides that patients who object to any

proposed medical treatment or procedure may not be treated over their

objections except emergency treatment where the patient is presently

dangerous and the proposed treatment is the most appropriate.


Upon a patient’s objection to involuntary and forcible injection of

drugs, Mental Hygiene Law requires that an independent review be

conducted by a physician who specializes in psychiatry and is not an

employee of the facility. In order to administer antipsychotic

medication to an involuntarily committed patient over objection, there

must be a judicial determination that the state has established by

“clear and convincing evidence” that the patient does not have the

capacity to decide for herself whether or not to take the medication and

that the treatment was narrowly tailored to give substantive effect to

the patient’s liberty interests.


No Constitutional Oath


According to Alexandra, Rodriguez wrote that she was “preservative about

her ‘legal rights’ and was being ‘railroaded’ since being ‘yanked at my

doorstep for no reason’. Alexandra said Rodriguez found that she was

paranoid because she repeatedly requested to see the documents

pertaining to her case including her medical chart and was “‘insistent

that she had not had the opportunity to defend herself in a grand jury,

continually making references to legal terminology”’, stating she had

done her research about the case and that the previous judge, Keefe, was

a “de facto employee with no constitutional oath”.


While Gerber and Kelley had claimed that Alexandra did not understand

courtroom procedure, Rodriguez found that she was paranoid because she

was “preservative about her legal rights” and although a review of the

report shows that Alexandra was extremely specific and lucid about her

rights, said that she had “poor insight into her alleged illness and

into her legal situation”.


Like Gerber and Kelley, Rodriguez maintained that “Ms. Barely…..will

likely be unable to cooperate with his defense counsel and thereby be

unable to address his legal her legal (sic) needs”.


Although the NYS Department of Health confirms that Rodriguez is not a

licensed physician in New York State, she has signed a sworn affidavit

under the title of physician, claiming to be licensed. A DOH spokesman

said a resident could sign MD after their name but that did not make

them a licensed physician.


Rodriguez failed to respond to The Empire Journal’s request for comment.


Both Sanon and Rodriguez claimed to be the treating physicians of

Alexandra, although neither had ever seen her before her involuntary

hospitalization at Kirby.


Although the law provides that an attorney must be present during the

physician’s examination of the patient, according to Mental Hygiene

Legal Services, no legal counsel was present for Alexandra.


Based on the sworn affidavits of Sanon and Rodriguez, both of which

allegedly contain false written statements, Hicks and Kirby filed a

petition with the New York Supreme Court for a final order to forcibly

administer a myriad of drugs including antipsychotic medication to

“Darlene Barely”.


At the hearing held Oct. 6 inside Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center,

Alexandra’s MHLS attorney Feerick advised Supreme Court judge Martin

Schoenfeld that the state and Kirby had failed to comply with statutory

and case law in regard to comply with the safeguards guaranteed a

patient such as legal counsel being present during the examination done

by two board certified physicians as well as a hearing being held that

was open to the general public. She said due to the violations of law

and Alexandra’s rights, that all orders and hearings must be vacated.


Although Mental Hygiene Law is specific that the independent review

cannot be conducted by a physician employed by the facility, Feerick

said that too was violated as the primary evidence presented against

Alexandra was the testimony of a psychiatrist employed by the hospital

who had not treated the patient.


Feerick demonstrated to Judge Schoenfeld that the hearing had been

illegally constituted because affidavits filed with the order to show

cause to involuntarily administer medication to Alexandra were not in

compliance as it is required that two board certified physicians examine

the patient in the presence of an attorney when the state wants to

medicate a prisoner involuntarily.


According to Frederick, who was present, despite the Supreme Court and

state Court of Appeals ruling that all rights must be fully complied

with for forced medication, Judge Schoenfeld said he didn’t feel that

the repeated violations were important.


Despite patients rights being spelled out by law, according to

Frederick, “Barely’s” attorney was not allowed to cross examine the

state’s only witness and no evidence or testimony of any emergency or

violent behavior by Alexandra was presented as required before the court

can order confinement and forced drug treatment. Neither Alexandra nor

her witness were allowed to testify. By law, there must be three or more

documented violent occurrences before such confinement and forced

treatment can be ordered. In a 2000 decision by the state Supreme Court,

it was held “in order for a hospital to detain a patient for involuntary

psychiatric care, it must be demonstrated by clear and convincing

evidence that the patient is mentally ill and in need of continued,

supervised care and treatment, and that the patient poses a substantial

threat of physical harm to herself and/or others”.


The records show that no such evidence or testimony was presented to the

court about Barely/Early/Alexandra.


Alleged False Documents By State


According to Frederick between Oct. 6 and 11, he obtained confirmation

from three independent sources, in addition to Alexandra, that there had

been material denials of due process as well as the submission of false

documents by the state.


On Nov. 16, Feit advised Judge Keefe and the Albany County district

attorney’s office that Keefe had committed Early/Alexandra to the

custody of OMH before he could make application for a hearing or file a

writ of habeas corpus and she was removed from Albany County.


“Initially, by making telephone calls to the MHLS attorneys who work

under the aegis of the various Appellate Divisions to provide legal

assistance to those confined, I sought to make every effort to assure

that Ms. Early would be treated humanely and fairly…….Since that date, I

have learned of the tragic and horrible events that have ensured for Ms.



Feit told Keefe that the allegations against Alexandra were non-violent

and “hardly justifying the cruel way in which she has been treated”. He

asked for a preliminary hearing in the matter.


People who have not been found guilty of any crime but are simply being

“evaluated” are being intermixed at Kirby with convicted serial killers

and rapists, Frederick says.


He charges that political dissents are being drugged and held for years

in New York without a trial in violation of their constitutional rights.


‘The defendant is a thorn in the side of Albany officials”, Frederick

says. He says that Alexandra is being punished for exercising her

political free speech rights. He says the required elements of criminal

intent to receive some “ill-gotten gain obviously are missing since she

is calling them and challenging their authority”.


‘If it can happen to Darlene, anybody, you or I, could be made to

disappear in this dark hole without ever having a trial. This is the

exact same technique both Hitler and Stalin used on political dissidents

and others”.


Frederick points out that Alexandra’s challenge of political authority

is the “kind of up-front political protest and political position that

the DMV doesn’t really have a valid constitutional right to regulate

travel. If officials have a problem with their legal foundation for

regulating travel, they need to get the proper process going to solve

it, not illegally putting away a free speech challenger”.


He maintains that if Turley and other officials cannot deal with

dissenters in a democracy in a fair way they should not be in their

positions. “In New York, they will cut you a break as a robber or

murderer but god forbid you challenge the authority of the Evil Empire

State or one of its henchmen”.


The courts have held that the Fifth Amendment Due Process clause permits

the government to involuntarily administer antipsychotic drugs to a

mentally ill defendant facing serious criminal charges in order to

render that defendant competent to stand trial but only if treatment is

medically appropriate, is substantially unlikely to have side effects

that may undermine the fairness of the trial and taking account less

intrusive alternatives. Assuming that the defendant was not dangerous to

himself or others, he could not be ordered involuntarily to take

antipsychotic drugs solely to render him competent to stand trial

without consideration of important questions about trial related side

effects and risk of drugs to be used.


The higher courts have found that a government may not deprive any

person of liberty without due process of law


According to recent reports, in an attempt to counteract increasing

political activism and dissent with government, in an attempt to stifle

public opposition and attempts at reform, police agencies nationwide are

simply levying false charges against their critics, labeling them

“mental” in an attempt to not only discredit them but to “teach them a



The American Civil Liberties Union says that dozens of activists and

organizations have been subjected to the scrutiny of the FBI and have

initiated Freedom of Information Law requests to determine the scope and

purpose of the FBI.


The FBI denies singling out individuals or organizations for

surveillance or investigation based solely on activities protected by

the Constitutional guarantees of free speech.


December 9, 2004


© The Empire Journal



911 The Ultimate Conspiracy


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Dr. Lance's recent lengthy post (December 18, 2004

Alternative Medicine Forum)re: governmental abuse to

silence and control its citizens contains a great deal

of valuable information and is worth the read.

A large number of governmental officials participated

in depriving Dr. Lance of her inheritance and even

threatening to have her locked up in a mental

hospital. She had been active in her community, run

for office, and opposed the unconstitutional

fingerprinting required by her state to get a driver's

license. (Some states started implementing the

National ID requirements years ago, hers one of the

first in 1995.)

Dr. Lance naively believed that her public officials

would come to her defense and protect her rights.

Instead, they basically ganged up on her and tried to

ruin her. Thanks to her wits, she managed to stay out

of a psychiatric institution, but she now lives in

psychological terror since she is smart enough and

educated enough the government has now created a paper

trail that could be used to lock her up in the future.



Dr. Lance’s letter references another “rebellious”

educated woman, Bliss Alexander, who complained to her

Attorney General’s Office about her car being

illegally towed from private property and the police

chief threatening her rather than correcting the

abuse. After she filed a complaint with the Attorney

General’s Office about the threats, Bliss Alexander, a

constitutional expert, was arrested locked up, and

drugged for several months in a psychiatric. She was

administered 17 different psychotropic drugs, which

could have killed her.

Some of the parts of Ms. Alexander’s story would be

funny if the whole thing were not so serious and


The officers who came to take her away to the mental

hospital had her name and birth date wrong. When Ms.

Alexander refused to acknowledge that she was that

person, this was used this as further proof of her

“insanity.” When she took advantage of her Miranda

Rights, it was suggested she was paranoid. When she

said she did not understand why she was being

arrested, it was suggested she was mentally

incompetent and “incapacitated.” She was also

described as “angry and defiant.” These are important

code words for “mentally ill.” Government workers are

taught that negative emotions are a mental illness.

Very dangerous to be angry or defiant when you are

communicating with the government. The entire article

is at the end of Dr. Lance’s December 18, 2004 post to

Alternative Medicine Forum.




Another bureaucratic trick used against Ms. Alexander

was misrepresenting what happened. Ms. Alexander was

protesting some licensing requirements and had a fake

cardboard driver's’ license plate on her car. The

report said that her towed car had been parked on the

street when, in fact, it was witnessed parked on

private property.


The beauty of charging a complainer with mental

illness, once you rough them up, frighten and

humiliate them they really do look and act crazy! It

works every time! When they are hauled screaming and

yelling for help into the nearest psyche ward, the

nurse and doctors on staff yawn, “Just another crazy

kook who thinks the government is after him.”














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