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Join in Public Witness Against Torture



Alberto Gonzales appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Jan.

6, 2005, on his nomination to become U.S. Attorney General. Senator after

senator asked him about his role in drafting the legal memos that condoned

abusive treatment of detainees. They asked him about whether he agrees with the

memos today, whether torture is legal under U.S. statute. Far from repudiating

the memos and the administration’s torture policies, Gonzales responded with

evasions, with claims of cloudy memory, and with inconsistent answers. He stated

that he would be guided by the rule of law and that he recognized the difference

between the role of Attorney General and that of White House Counsel. But, in

contradiction, when asked whether the President could ignore the torture statute

and legally immunize people who then commit torture under the President’s power

as commander in chief, Gonzales sidestepped without answering the question. His

testimony throughout the day-long hearing consisted

of glossy overviews and sound bites but failure to answer particulars.


Action: Please call, e-mail, or fax your senators today. Urge your senators to

vote " no " on the nomination of Alberto Gonzales as U.S. Attorney General.

Gonzales failed to commit to the rule of law when pressed for details and failed

to repudiate administration policies that have led to torture and cruel, inhuman

and degrading treatment. In his confirmation hearing, Gonzales showed himself to

be unfit to lead the Department of Justice, unfit to serve as the chief law

enforcement officer of the U.S. Every " no " vote in the Senate will be a vote

against torture, a vote against U.S. abuse of detainees, and a vote against

breach of U.S. treaty and statutory obligations.


It is especially important to contact those senators on the Senate Judiciary

Committee. See FCNL’s web site for a list of members.

(http://capwiz.com/fconl/dbq/officials/directory/committee.dbq?command=congdir & s\

ection=committee & type=F & print=no & committee=sjudi & submit.x=12 & submit.y=20 & submit=\



However, because the Judiciary Committee will ultimately refer the nomination to

the entire Senate, contact with your senators is important even if they are not

on the Judiciary Committee.


Use FCNL’s Web Site to Send Your Letter: To view the sample letter, click on the

sample letter link, then enter your zip code and click in the box. Here is the

link: http://capwiz.com/fconl/issues/alert/?alertid=6808826 & type=CO


Background: FCNL rarely opposes a president’s choice to be nominee for an

administrative position. The last time FCNL opposed a high-level nominee was

during the Reagan administration. However, the particulars of Alberto Gonzales’

record as White House Counsel compel FCNL to break from our usual practice.


As counsel to the President during the post-Sept. 11, 2001, period, Gonzales

participated in drafting legal memos that served to narrow the definition of

" torture, " attempting to legally justify the brutal treatment of people detained

under U.S. control. He was the architect of the President’s use of the

designation " enemy combatant " and approved of the President’s application of

that designation, even for U.S. citizens arrested in the United States, without

court or congressional oversight. He advised the President that the Geneva

Conventions are not applicable to Taliban or al Qaeda combatants, and he was key

to development of military tribunals without due process protections for

detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison facility. He has been a dutiful supporter

of administration policy that violated both the letter and the spirit of U.S.

statute and treaty obligations, on human rights, torture, the conduct of war,

and our constitutional system of mutual oversight among the branches

of government.


Additional Resources:


Analysis of Alberto Gonzales’ appearance at his confirmation hearing before

the Senate Judiciary Committee on Jan. 6, 2005:

http://www.fcnl.org/issues/item.php?item_id=1183 & issue_id=70

FCNL’s letter of concern about this nomination sent to the Senate prior to

the Gonzales confirmation hearing:

http://www.fcnl.org/issues/item.php?item_id=1175 & issue_id=70

Transcript of the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing (free

registration required):

http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/06/politics/06TEXT-GONZALES.html?ex=1105765200 & en\

=ec073e438a31fc69 & ei=5070 & oref=login & oref=login

The administration’s memos referenced in the hearing, including those

concerning torture, application of the Geneva Convention, and the President’s

powers (registration required):


" Talking points " about the President’s choice of Alberto Gonzales to serve as

Attorney General of the United States:

http://www.fcnl.org/issues/item.php?item_id=1171 & issue_id=70




Contact Congress and the Administration: http://capwiz.com/fconl/dbq/officials/.


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Subscribe or update your information to this list:

http://capwiz.com/fconl/mlm/. To from this list, please see the end

of this message.


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Friends Committee on National Legislation

245 Second St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795

fcnl * http://www.fcnl.org/

phone: (202)547-6000 * toll-free: (800)630-1330


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We seek a society with equity and justice for all

We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled

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