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Could Children's Motrin Make Your Child Blind?

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Could Children's Motrin Make Your Child Blind?


A 7-year-old child recently developed blindness after taking a

recommended dose of Children's Motrin.


The Beginning


The tragedy started when the girl (age 6 at the time) had come home

from school with a headache; her parents gave her a recommended dose

of Children's Motrin. However, instead of " curing " her ache, the drug

led to an acute allergic reaction known as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome --

a rare, violent allergic immune system response that causes fever and

blistering, which may affect the cornea and other parts of the eye.


The very next day the girl was rushed to the hospital and placed in an

intensive care unit with a high fever and a rash that covered her

back, trunk and other parts of her body. Her eyes were infected so

badly that the ophthalmologist had to force them open, causing the

girl unbearable, severe pain.


Two days later she was completely blind.


The Aftermath


More than 230 operations later, the young girl is still unable to

independently open her eyes and suffers from photosensitivity, or

over-sensitivity to light.


She and her family have filed a suit against Johnson & Johnson,

accusing the firm of knowing fully that the drug could lead to

disastrous side effects, yet failed to warn consumers. The family's

complaint for damages accuses the firm of:


* Negligence

* Strict product liability

* Deceit by concealment

* Breach of express and implied warranties


" In the name of children everywhere, our family wants Children's

Motrin taken off the market until it carries a warning about the risk

of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and describes its symptoms, " the girl's

father commented.


Medical News Today December 29, 2004


Dr. Mercola's Comment:


With the recent furor over COX-2 inhibitors Vioxx, Celebrex and Bextra

and the FDA's role in all this mess, let me urgently remind you that

even over-the-counter drugs (OTC), which " experts " assure you are

safe, can be just as devastating to your health. (The case of this

little 7-year-old girl who is now blind serves as a grim example.)


Folks, it is truly unfortunate that many people don't understand that

just because a drug is available without a prescription, it isn't any

less harmful than those that are. The ease with which these drugs can

be obtained presents a false sense of security. As with all drugs,

however, OTC drugs are simply covering up symptoms and are not

addressing the underlying cause of the symptoms. Even though they're

available without a prescription, they are still drugs and many

contain potentially dangerous ingredients.


And, while OTC drug labels will include some of the potentially

harmful interactions on the label, you cannot rely on them to cover

everyone (and many people do not take the time to read the label anyway).


Certain foods, drugs, herbs, vitamins and your own existing medical

conditions could potentially create a harmful reaction. Therefore, the

best way to find out about these potential interactions would be to

talk to a doctor or pharmacist -- but keep in mind that since many OTC

drugs are sold in grocery stores, convenient stores and even gas

stations, there isn't always a knowledgeable person available to

answer your questions.


Avoid the " Drug Trap "


The first step to preventing critical side effects associated with

taking drugs is to avoid them! I cannot stress this enough: Please

don't get caught in a drug trap -- the utter reliance on pills and

medicated syrups to make our pain and symptoms go away.


The problem with this mindset -- the mindset that if you have a

headache, heartburn or any other pain, you need to get a pill to fix

it -- is that it ignores the fact that these symptoms are warning

signs that something is not right in your body, and of course, the

drugs often bring with them their own set of side effects.


Similarly, your headache or heartburn is not an illness in itself to

be " cured " by a pill. It is a sign that something you are doing, being

exposed to, eating, neglecting or so on is causing a problem in your body.


As I am fond of saying, pain is a wonderful guide that is given to us

as feedback so we can take action to correct the problem before it

gives us further, more serious, problems.


With that said, the best way to avoid drugs and get on the path to

achieving total health and wellness is to commit to adopting a diet

that is truly right for you, as well as optimizing your emotional

health. These two factors have absolutely everything to do with

building your immune system so you can prevent disease and premature

aging and optimize your weight so you can avoid unnecessary



This is no " quick fix, " but rather is a lifestyle change that will be

well worth the effort.


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