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DIABETES - AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION JoAnn Guest Jan 25, 2005 16:15 PST




By Robert Cohen Executive Director



Last year the ADA raised $118 million dollars. During that same year

they funded less than $13 million dollars for actual research.




Over the years, hundreds of millions of research dollars have been

invested to cure diabetes and improve the lives of the increasing

numbers of Americans so diagnosed, but how much money is actually

invested to PREVENT this disease, according to the language contained in

the official ADA motto?


" To PREVENT and cure DIABETES and to improve the lives of all people

affected by diabetes. "


I called the ADA corporate office (703-549-1500) and spoke with Dwayne

Telesford (extension 2362).

My questions to Mr. Telesford were " How much funding did you do last

year for the prevention of diabetes? Could you put me in touch with any

of those researchers? "


His response was quite simple. " As far as I know we do not fund studies

to prevent diabetes. " I then spoke with Matt Peterson of the same

office. Mr. Peterson was aware of the DIABETES/MILK controversy but was

not aware of any ongoing studies exploring a possible link.





The use of dairy products has been linked to Insulin Dependent Diabetes

Mellitus (IDDM), OR Type-I diabetes.

There are nearly sixteen million Americans with Type-I or Type-II

diabetes in America.


Epidemiological and empirical studies have recently hinted at a

relationship between early exposure to bovine proteins and the onset of






The official WebPage of the American Diabetes Association includes a

daily recipe. On Wednesday, January 6, 1999 (as I began to write this

column) that day's blue plate special was CREAMY POTATO SOUP and the

recipe called for 1-1/2 cups of skim milk.


This being the Dairy Education Board weekly newsletter, you can

understand how a milk recipe on a diabetes site hit me right in the gut.



You may also get a bit of indigestion after reviewing the following






Each one of the following scientific references identifies early

exposure to bovine proteins in milk and dairy products as a cause of



Presented together, these studies collectively point the finger of blame

at more than milk and dairy products.


The medical establishment must certainly be aware of these studies and

the etiology of the autoimmune response resulting in diabetes.


Before reviewing the studies ponder this question: Is it in the best

interest of MEDICINE not to cure this disease?


Diabetes treatment is estimated to cost Americans $100 billion dollars

each year!


Read the shocking pieces of this staggering jigsaw puzzle. Put those

pieces together and you will end up with a provoking and disturbing



Keep in mind that the motto of the ADA includes the keyword:


=========> " PREVENT " <=========





It is interesting to note that Finland has the highest rate of diabetes

in the world and the highest rate of milk and cheese consumption

(LANCET, 1992; 339, 905-909. Greene, et al.).


Researchers compared the rates of Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

(IDDM) to milk consumption in Finland, Japan and the United States,

discovering the following:





100,000 PEOPLE





Finland 28 30

United States 15 19

Japan 1 5


Studies in which people move from one country to another negate the

genetic hypothesis for diabetes.


One study (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1990, 51(3), 489,

Scott, F.W.) demonstrated a doubling of diabetes rates after native born

Polynesians moved to Australia and changed their diets from fish protein

to cow proteins.


The July 1990 issue of Scientific American asked the question, What

Causes Diabetes?

Authors Mark Atkinson and Noel Maclaren recognized that an

autoimmune response in which the

body's own pancreas

cells (beta cells)

are " ambushed " is the key to Type-I and Type-II diabetes.


Two years after the publication of this profound determination,

Scientific American wrote (October, 1992):




" The National Dairy Board's Slogan, 'Milk. It does a body good,' sounds

a little hollow these days. "

The journal then identified a team of Canadian researchers who found

evidence that " early exposure " to a protein in cow's milk may sometimes

lead to " juvenile " diabetes (type I diabetes).


Eighty-five percent of the people identified in this study came from

families with no previous history of diabetes.


Scientific American further cited a study, which appeared in July of

1992 in the New England Journal of Medicine (July 30, 1992, page 302,

Karjalainen, et. al). The authors of this study wrote in their abstract:



" Studies in animals have suggested that bovine serum albumin is the milk

protein responsible for the onset of diabetes. "




Their conclusion:

" Patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus produce antibodies to

cow milk proteins that participate in the development of


" islet dysfunction " ...


Taken as a whole, our findings suggest that an active response in

patients with IDDM (to the bovine protein) is a feature of the

autoimmune response.





In June of 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on

Nutrition recommended that cow's milk was not suitable as an alternative

to breast milk for the first year of life. (Pediatrics, 1992; 89;



A letter in a subsequent issue of that journal written by pediatricians

Lane Robson, MD and Alexander Leung, MD of the Alberta Children's

Hospital asked:


" In lieu of the recent evidence that cow's milk protein may be

implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, we believe that the

Committee on Nutrition should clarify whether cow's milk is ever

appropriate for children and whether or not infant formulas that are

based on cow's milk protein are appropriate alternatives to breast

milk. "


In October of 1996 (LANCET, 348; 926-928) Cavallo, et al discovered that

antibodies to BETA-CASEIN are present in over a third of IDDM patients

and relatively non-existent in healthy individuals.


Their work supports the sentiment that bovine proteins play a key role

in the pathogenesis of IDDM.


In December of 1996 (LANCET, vol. 348, Dec 14, 1996) Simon Murch, MD, of

the Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology of the Royal Free Hospital

in London wrote:


" Cow's milk proteins are unique in one respect: in industrialized

countries they are the first " foreign proteins " entering the infant gut,

since most formulations for babies are cow " milk-based " .


The first pilot stage of our IDD prevention study found that oral

exposure to dairy milk proteins in infancy resulted in both cellular and

immune response...this suggests the possible importance of the gut

immune system to the pathogenesis of IDD. "


In that same issue, researchers from New Zealand (R. B. Elliot, MD, et.

al, Department of Pediatrics, University of Aukland) paralleled earlier

studies and investigated diabetics in three locations: Auckland, New

Zealand, Giessen, Germany and Sardinia, Italy.


They reported finding a higher level of antibodies to bovine proteins,

particularly CASEIN in diabetics than in healthy individuals.






There are presently 167 ongoing studies investigating therapies for

Diabetes Mellitus Types I and II. A state-by state review is available



http://www.mediconsult.com Mediconsult (Link broken)




A visit to that WebPage and review of those trials does not reveal even

one study related to the effects of milk or dairy products. Should there



There are a number of converging lines of evidence suggesting that those

who currently fund and perform research are ignoring what very well may

be the cause and the cure.




Prevention = NOTMILK!





Thirty years ago I remember sitting in a high school math class

wondering what purpose algebraic and geometric formulas would serve me

once my schooling was completed.

After all, it's nice that A + B = C but who really cares? Did I really

need proofs and formulas to live the rest of my life?




Consider this simple formula -


Let A = the insulin-producing BETA CELLS of your pancreas

Let B = foreign protein that kill the insulin-producing BETA CELLS

Let C = Diabetes


If you combine A with B you get C. The Formula: A + B = C.


Let's now turn that formula around a bit and start anew.


Let's start with C. Assume one has diabetes.


C - B = A

Diabetes MINUS the " killer proteins " equals healthy new BETA CELLS.





The human system contains genetic coding that continuously manufactures

new cells for every part of your body. We make new hair, nails, lung,

and blood cells.


There are hundreds of thousands of different cells within the human

system and an innate intelligence, a blueprint consisting of chromosomes

and genes and DNA, continuously referring to that code by using it to

build new cells.


We likewise continuously build new pancreatic BETA CELLS.


The average American diet includes megadoses of bovine proteins, which

trigger the " autoimmune " response killing BETA CELLS.


What would happen if sixteen million people with diabetes completely

abstained from milk and dairy products for six months?


Would they re-culture an environment of BETA CALLS in the Islets of

Langerhans within their pancreases?


Three mothers have recently contacted the Dairy Education Board with

exciting news.

Each took their newly diagnosed IDDM infants completely off all milk and

dairy products.


Six months later their kids were again producing insulin. Their

physicians refer to each individual recovery as a MIRACLE. I call the

recoveries simple biology.





New clinical studies are most certainly called for. If you read this and

have diabetes, become your own study of ONE.


Your cure will become " ANECDOTAL. " Let the Dairy Education Board know

about your MIRACLE and we'll relate your story to the world.


The cure is NOTMILK for six months.


No cheese, ice cream, yogurt or butter. Read the labels on cans and

boxes of food.


If you see the word CASEIN (tuna fish, Special " K " Cereal, cakes and

processed foods), then eliminate that POISON from your diet.


Have the will to find the way and you and sixteen million other

Americans can end a multi-billion dollar self-perpetuating business that

feeds itself on the pain of each unfortunate diabetic.


Is it worth the experiment for you or your loved one?


If and when such a controlled clinical trial is performed, and the

evidence is in, might this not become a PREVENTIVE PRESCRIPTION for all



Robert Cohen (1-201-871-5871)

Executive Director

Dairy Education Board









Do you know of someone who should get a copy of this newsletter?

Have them send their Email address to notmi- and it will

be done!



JoAnn Guest









AIM Barleygreen

" Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future "





















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