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Autism One 2005 Conference

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Autism One 2005 Conference

May 26 – 29

Chicago Marriott O'Hare Hotel



The most comprehensive conference on autism ever assembled now offers

greater focus to help you address specific needs, shorten your

learning curve, and bring you quickly up to speed.


Most Comprehensive

Questions and answers do not stop at the boundary of a discipline.

Multivariate in presentation and cure autism bows to the collective

weight of doctors working with therapists working with educators

working with parents working to recover their children.


Our children benefit from an inter-disciplinary approach. Autism One

2005 is proud to feature over 100 of the leading experts presenting

in four tracks to help you make the best decisions:

1. Biomedical Treatments

2. Behavior / Communication / Education Therapies

3. Complementary and Alternative Medicine

4. Government / Legal / Personal Issues


Greater Focus

This year we are introducing a number of important changes to provide

what we are calling a " lived experience. " Conferences have a tendency

to talk at you. That's not good enough. Real learning occurs at a

deeper level; a level that combines the abstract with the practical.


Initiatives include:

1. The Mentor Program: You may request a mentor. Mentors are fellow-

parents with recovered children or children well on their way to


2. Three Mini-Tracks: Three mini-tracks, 1. Parents New to the

diagnosis; 2. Puberty, Adolescence and 3. Adulthood; and

Environmental Medicine/Issues are available.

3. Pre-Conference Day, GFCF and SCD - Culinary Delight: The Pre-

Conference day is devoted to hands-on cooking to take the mystery out

of gluten- casein-free, and specific carbohydrate diets.

4. Gluten/Casein free items on breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus:

Menu options will include gluten- and casein-free for breakfast,

lunch, and dinner. Have a taste, it's good.


A partial list of topics, by track, include:

1. Track - Biomedical Treatments

Autoimmune factors / treatments

Biochemistry of autism

Casein- gluten-free diet

Chelation - many forms of

Dental care



Essential fatty acids

Food / nutrition / diet / vitamins / minerals / organic foods

Environmental medicine / toxins

IVIG, transfer factors, IV glutathione

Neurological testing, findings, treatments

Phenol sulfur transferase deficiency

Ongoing research



2. Track - Behavior / Communication / Education Therapies

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Auditory Integration

Computers as learning tools

Greenspan / Floor time

Home schooling

Music therapy

Occupational Therapy

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

Pivotal Response Training (PVT)

Psychological counseling, testing

Puberty and beyond

Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)

Supra-Modal Integrative Learning Experience (SMILE)

Sensory Integration

Verbal Behavior

Vision Therapy


3. Track - Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Ayurveda Medicine



Environmental medicine


Naturopathic Medicine

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment

Mother's milk


Neural organization technique

Orthomolecular Medicine

Raw milk

Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)

Traditional (TCM)


4. Track - Government / Legal / Personal Issues


Adult services

Autism the law and you

Counseling - coping and communication for parents

Dealing with insurance companies

Estate Planning

How to be your own best advocate

Individual Evaluation Plans (IEPs)

Legislative action

Obtaining government services


School systems

Vaccines the law and you


A partial list of speakers include:

Lisa Ackerman

James B. Adams, PhD

Christina Adams, MFA

Tapan Audhya, PhD

David Ayoub, MD

Sallie Bernard

Mark Blaxill

Judith Bluestone

Mary Bolles

Jeff Bradstreet, MD

Mary Helen Brauninger

Barbara Brewitt, PhD

Kathy Brunner

Julie Burk

Rashid Buttar, DO

Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD

Jeff Cantor, DDS

Lujene Clark

Laura Cellini

Gayle Christensen

Peta Cohen, MS, RD

James Croxton

John DeHoney

Richard Deth, PhD

G. Alexander Doman

Mary Anne Ehlert

Barbara Loe Fisher

Andrew and Carolyn Gammicchia

Donna Gates

Kim Garvey-Hoehne

David and Mark Geier, MD, PhD

Jody Goddard

Temple Grandin, PhD

Doreen Granpeesheh, PhD

John Green, MD

Boyd Haley, PhD

J.B. Handley

Martha Herbert, MD

Betsy Hicks

John Hicks, MD

Mady Hornig, MD

Devin Houston, PhD

Vicki Isler, PhD

Jill James, PhD

K.P. Khalsa

David Kirby

Lori Knowles

Vale Krenik

Jean Kulczyk

Michael Lang

Patty Lemer

Allen Lewis, MD

Carolyn Lewis

Joy Lunt, RN

Tamara Mariea, CHMM, CCN

Terri McCreedy

Mary Megson, MD

John Melnychuk, RSHom(NA) CCH

Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD

James Neubrander, MD

Seth Pearl, DC

Cindy Peters

Mary Beth Palo

Mary Romaniec

Lenny Schafer

Mark Schauss

Jeff Sell, Esq.

Chantal Sicile-Kira

Stephen Shore

Karen Slimak

Teri Small

Andrea Sovern

KP Stoller, MD

Debra Swain, PhD

Lisa Sykes

Denise Tarasuk

Robert Ullman, ND, and Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP

Anju Usman, MD

Andrew Wakefield, MD

William Walsh, PhD

Debbie Zelinsky


Autism One is a 501(3)©, non-profit, charity organization, started

by a small group of parents of children with autism. Parents are and

must remain the driving force of our community, the stakes are too

high and the issues too scared to delegate to outside interests.


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank

you and we'll see you in May.


My Best,

Edmund Arranga




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