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Science versus Democracy?

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4 Apr 2005 12:49:05 -0000


Science versus Democracy?




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ISIS Press Release 04/04/05


Science versus Democracy?



Professor Peter Saunders (p.t.saunders) uncovers

some uncomfortable truths about those who oppose democracy

in science


Earlier this year, ISIS was sent some free tickets to a

" Westminster Fringe Debate " , sponsored by the Stockholm

Network and the Economist magazine. The motion for debate

was " Democratisation of science would not be in the public

interest " , and a note on the invitations explained what the

organisers had in mind:


" Science is driven by curiosity. Would any attempt to put

that under greater public scrutiny deaden scientific inquiry

or must scientists now come to terms with the fears and

priorities of society at large? And is public accountability

a meaningful concept in science? Scientists may not know

what they are going to discover when they start

experimenting or to what use it may ultimately be put. Are

the public qualified to determine the priorities of

scientific research? Is that untrammelled freedom for

science out of date and dangerous? "


That made us more than a bit suspicious as it sounded like

someone setting up a straw man so it could be knocked down.

Scientists are driven by curiosity, but they are also driven

by ambition, profit, by a burning desire to benefit

humankind, and other motives good and bad. Above all, doing

science costs money, which means that the priorities are

inevitably influenced, and in far too many cases actually

set, by whoever controls the funding.


So when we speak about the democratisation of science, we do

not mean allowing influences from outside science to

determine research priorities. That already happens. The

question is who does the influencing. Should it be just

business, industry and the large foundations, or can the

rest of us ordinary citizens have a say as well?


We were not surprised to find Lord Taverne opposing

democracy in science (see Box) but we were dismayed to find

the Chief Executive of the UK Medical Research Council

(MRC), Colin Blakemore, on the same side.




Lord Dick Taverne and Sense About Science (www.GMWatch.org)


Lord Dick Taverne chairs the pro-GM lobby group the

Association of Sense about Science, and is author of The

March of Unreason (2005), a book attacking the environmental

movement for being anti-GM and anti-science. He himself has

no background in science, which may be why he has been

championing biotechnology as though that's all there is to



Sense about Science, set up in 2002 ahead of the UK's public

debate on the commercial growing of GM crop, promotes its

pro-GM views to peers, MPs and the media; its numerous

funders include corporations, institutes and individuals

with interests in biotech.



Does Blakemore believe there are no important influences

from outside science that determine the priorities for

research? The very existence of a separate funding agency

with money earmarked for medical research is proof of that.

Or does he believe only that the public should be excluded?

We put those questions to him during the discussion but were

left unclear as to exactly where he stands.


Blakemore argued that Crick and Watson would not have been

able to do their work if the public had been able to direct

their research. He had to be reminded that while this was

hypothetical, history tells us that they certainly wouldn't

have been allowed to do it if the MRC, the body he now

heads, had known what they were up to. Fortunately, the MRC

didn't find out until it was too late.


Against the motion were Ian Gibson MP, the chair of the

House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology,

and Daniel Glaser, a neuroscientist at University College

London and Scientist in Residence at the Institute for

Contemporary Arts. They put the case for democracy well, but

to our astonishment, the motion was carried; possibly

because the audience was not exactly a random sample of the

population. So we decided to look into it.


It turns out that the Stockholm Network, which co-sponsored

the debate, describes itself as " a network of 120 market-

oriented think tanks in Europe and further afield. " It is

listed on the home page of a larger network, the Atlas

Economic Research Foundation, an American organisation based

near Washington. Atlas " brings freedom to the world by

helping develop and strengthen a network of market-oriented

think tanks that spans the globe, " and its vision is, " To

achieve a society of free and responsible individuals, based

on property rights, limited government under the rule of

law, and the market order. "


One of Atlas' major activities is its Templeton Freedom

Awards Program, which aims to promote the advance of

economic freedom and " the virtues that support successful

capitalist economies " . The awards are funded by the John

Templeton Foundation that also spends a lot of money

supporting research into connections between religion and

science. You may have seen the recent announcement of a $2

million initial grant for a centre at Oxford, headed by

Susan Greenfield, to explore the physiological basis of

beliefs; one of its first projects will be an investigation

into whether people cope with pain differently depending on

their faith.


I don't doubt that some scientists are genuinely interested

in such questions; different scientists are interested in

many different things. But the reason this research is going

ahead when other projects are not is that the directors of a

wealthy foundation want it done. Are people who happen to

have a lot of money qualified to determine the priorities of

scientific research? Even if you think they are, does that

count as untrammelled freedom for the scientist?


Science can't help but be influenced by the society in which

it is done. This influence can be democratic, with public

participation in setting priorities, or it can be the

preserve of small, powerful groups. It is perhaps not

surprising that those who want society to be based on

property rights and the market should be opposed to

democracy in science as well.


To help democratise science, please endorse the Independent

Science Panel's Comment to the European Commission.






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