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Nutritional Yeast- provides necessary minerals, proteins and Vit. B. Helps to keep animals tick and flea free


Bathe the animal regularly. Use a mild non-detergent base soap. Most soap dry out the natural oils. Keep the pet in warm water for 8 to 10 minutes (a challenge with cats). This drowns the fleas. Make a strong Eucalyptus tea to bathe the animal. Use the fresh leaves if you have them or use the oil directly in the water. Be sure to bathe the head and neck carefully.

Flea Shampoo

½ cup castile soap

½ teaspoon orange essential Oil

Mix the oil with the soap and store in glass bottle in cool dark closet.

Flea Repellent Oil

Make a mixture with pure essential oils:

3 drops Eucalyptus

3 drops Pennyroyal (substitute Citronella oil for cats)

3 drops Rosemary

*Caution when using essential oils on cats – use sparingly since they like to lick their fur.

Mix the oils together and dilute in 2 Tablespoons with a fixed vegetable oil, such as almond or olive oil. Rub a small amount into your hands and apply to the fur. Store in a dry cool place and apply daily until the fleas are gone.

OR mix

3 drops Eucalyptus

3 drops Lavender

3 Drops Peppermint

*Caution when using essential oils on cats – use sparingly since they like to lick their fur.

Flea Collar

Use pure essential oils.

10 drops Pennyroyal (Citronella for cats)

5 drops Eucalyptus

5 drops Cedarwood

5 drops Lavender

Combine the essential oils, and with a dropper, run a thin bead of essential oils along a leash or segment of soft cotton rope, let sit for 30 minutes. Secure collar around the animal’s neck, but not too loose to get caught on anything. Lasts 1-2 weeks.

Flea Powder

Use pure essential oils.

1 teaspoon Pennyroyal (for cats Sage or Rosemary)

1 teaspoon Citronella

2 teaspoons Eucalyptus

1 pint Eucalyptus tea

Mix together and put into spray bottle. Apply several times a day. Shake well before each use.

OR mix

1 cup water

20 drops Cedarwood

Mix together, put into spray bottle and use frequently; shake well before each use.

Flea Powder

1 cup Diatomaceus Earth (clay)

2 Tablespoons Citronella

4 Tablespoon Eucalyptus

4 Tablespoons Sweet Orange

(Diatomaceus Earth is a microscopic skeleton of diatins. Their sharp skeletal structure cuts into the flea scales and kills them).

Mix the oils into the clay. Powder. Cover with a porous towel and let sit for several hours. When dry, use a wire whip to stir the oils into the clay. The mixture should smell very strong. If not, repeat the oils and the process. Put into a spice shaker or powder container. Use frequently.

OR mix

20 drops cedarwood

10 drops Lemon or citronella

10 drops Eucalyptus

1 cup cornstarch

Add the essential oils to the cornstarch and mix well. Let sit for a few days, covered. Put into a shaker can. Shake onto fur and rub in.


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