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consuming Omega3-6-9 and weight gain

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From what I have learnt (from books from Udo Erasmus and Bruce Fife), consuming the right fats does NOT cause weight gain, quite the opposite. We need fats but not the hydrogenated variety nor the fats in fried foods, cakes and other foods. Good fats will help regulate metabolism, even adjust high cholesterol readings with HDL going up and LDL coming down. Extra virgin coconut oil has become fairly popular in the USA I understand for achieving weight loss, as well as re-adjusting certain forms of malfunctioning thyroid . Organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil for salads and cooking. Coconut oil for cooking, as bread spread, in soups.

Never heat flaxseed oil, it is probably the most unstable oil, always keep in fridge, or even in freezer.

Balanced intake of Omega 3-6-9, either from Udo's Oil, Omega 3 from good quality fish oil or from organic cold pressed flaxseed oil is worth looking into. To make beneficial properties of flaxseed oil better available to the body, it is suggested by Dr.Johanna Budwig, to mix cottage cheese - 1/2 cup - with one table spoon of FO - mix thouroughly, no oil should be seen after mixing. The sulfurated amino acids of cc make the fats water soluble and better available to body. One can also use yoghurt but then use 1 cup of yoghurt with one table spoon of oil. Needless to say that one should try to get organic yoghurt or cottage cheese, or make it yourself with milk you trust.


An enlightening book on fats is: Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill, by Udo Erasmus.


Warm regards

Hanneke ~ Australia





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