Guest guest Posted April 30, 2006 Report Share Posted April 30, 2006 So that you don't get confuse with the issue of B6, here is the information that will open your eyes on the dangers of aluminum, and where DMSO, MSM, EDTA, and p5p (B6) fits in. It explains how aluminum is a cause of so many maladies and what you can do about it. Ted source: and Crosslinkage Theory of Aging: Part III The Neurotoxic Effects of Aluminum Ward Dean, MD Introduction: Sixty years ago Dr. Johan Bjorksten introduced his theory on the role of protein crosslinking as a process involved in many of the debilitating effects of human aging. In Part I of The Crosslinkage Theory of Aging we examined this theory and explained its relevance to ongoing anti-aging research. In Part II we examined ground-breaking research into compounds that can potentially repair the effects of protein cross-linking and reverse some of the most debilitating effects of aging at the molecular level. Aluminum Aluminum is a highly reactive metal that occurs freely in nature, and comprises over 8% of the earth’s crust. Although it also occurs very widely in human nutrition (most people ingest 10-100 mg of aluminum daily), it does not play a role in any known metabolic process. Since the human digestive system rejects all but traces of ingested aluminum, aluminum has historically been regarded as a relatively non-toxic substance. However, we are now learning that aluminum is highly toxic, even in extremely small amounts. The neurotoxic effects of aluminum have been known for many years. (1) More recently, scientists have shown that aluminum accumulation may contribute to Parkinson’s disease (2,3) Down’s syndrome (4) and Alzheimer’s disease. Crapper, et al injected 100 nanamoles of aluminum chloride into cats’ brains. (5) Ten days after the aluminum injections, the cats’ short term memories were completely gone, causing a condition similar to Alzheimer’s disease in humans. There are a number of reasons which explain the toxic effects of aluminum. First, aluminum is a powerful flocculant (an agent that precipitates suspended solids in turbid water) commonly used in municipal water treatment processes to purify drinking water. These properties also cause shrinkage of colloids (suspended microscopic particles). Since the human brain contains large amounts of colloidal gels as essential constituents, abnormal coagulation of these gels will cause shrinkage—and possibly sever interneuronal connections—in a process similar to ones known to occur in aging. If aluminum de-flocculates our brains, however slowly, it might be a high price to pay for absolute clarity of our drinking water. Second, aluminum is a powerful crosslinking agent. The reason for this is that the aluminum atom has a very small diameter (Fig. 1), and a very high surface binding energy. Therefore aluminum can penetrate almost everywhere and displace any of the other common metals in soluble compounds. In particular, aluminum readily displaces calcium, which is present in every living cell. The mechanism of how aluminum can cause crosslinkages and age-related changes becomes clear when we consider a critical property of aluminum in relation to calcium. Calcium atoms have only two binding sites. Aluminum atoms, on the other hand, possess three binding sites (Fig. 2). With only two binding sites calcium is restricted to combining in straight lines only (Fig. 3). Thus, when calcium combines with anything else with two binding sites, there is no way in which branching (crosslinking) can occur. However, when even the smallest trace of aluminum displaces anything with two binding sites, there is no way in which branching can be avoided! This is because aluminum has an extra valence, or hook, which can combine with an unsatisfied binding site in another bi-valent (two binding sites) chain. Therefore each aluminum replacement of calcium results in a new branching (crosslinking). Repeated branching, coupled together with growth, makes tangling unavoidable (Fig. 4). Thus, we can see that it takes very few aluminum atoms to totally interrupt and change the simple and orderly chains of calcium atoms — and to introduce all sorts of surprising complications. Natural Defenses Against Aluminum Our bodies have five defenses against aluminum. These are: 1. The Stomach and Intestines: These organs block aluminum, allowing only about 0.015% of ingested aluminum to be absorbed. 2. The Kidneys: The kidneys are highly effective in excreting most of the aluminum that we do absorb. 3. The Bones: Our bones take up and store most of what little aluminum remains in the blood stream. 4. The Blood-Brain Barrier: Only minute amounts of aluminum get past this barrier, which resists the passage of anything that does not belong in the brain. 5. The Neuronal Cell Wall: This is the final barrier blocking aluminum. Despite these barriers, nothing works perfectly, and a small amount of aluminum is still absorbed. Using another one of his charming stories, Bjorksten (6) described how this might happen: If I were an aluminum atom and wanted to get into the nucleus of a neuron, past the body’s defenses, I would watch for a calcium transport and board it. Calcium is needed in every cell, so calcium has (relatively) free access. I, as aluminum, am only half as big as the calcium, but have 50% more strength, and, as an ‘ace in the hole,’ I have a third arm! So I would board the calcium transport, occupy a calcium compartment, and use my totally unsuspected resource, the third arm, either to hold camouflage or to defend my place against all comers. The calcium shuttle might be chosen from any of the four groups of calcium-binding proteins. I might slip out inconspicuously once inside the last defense, or I might even use my third free arm to kidnap the entire transport, converting it to a free radical by the force in my third arm, and then maneuver the entire unit to combine with literally anything it happened to hit. Unfortunately, our defenses against aluminum were not designed to last much more than the 60 years or so required for the average human to have children and help them get a good start in life. Aluminum Uptake Increases with Age In 1955, during a talk on gelatin crosslinkages and aging at the Gerontological Society in Baltimore, Bjorksten discussed the probable relationship of aluminum to crosslinking. One of the attendees, Prof. H.H. Zinsser of Columbia University, was so interested in the concept that he and Bjorksten began a fruitful collaboration that was to last for seven years. Using spectrographic analysis, they examined the aluminum content of 84 persons, ranging in age from 10 to 90 years (Fig. 5). They found peak levels at age 40-50, followed by a drop and then leveling off, indicating that those whose aluminum accumulation peaked in middle age did not survive the next ten years. (7) Zinsser’s data were confirmed independently by Markesbery and colleagues, who demonstrated a progressive increase of aluminum concentrations in the brain (Fig. 6). (8) Extrapolating from these values, Bjorksten concluded that the finding of progressive increases of aluminum with age were of great theoretical importance, and indicate that humans, in their natural state, will die between 110-120 years of age as a result of the aluminum mechanism alone, even if no other cause of death intervenes. (9) Bjorksten is so convinced of the profound toxicity of aluminum in contributing to the aging process, that he predicted that even if cancer and atherosclerosis were completely eliminated as causes of death, aluminum accumulation would be the foremost cause of age-related human disease. Preventing Aluminum Accumulation and Crosslinking Clearly, it is important to reduce our exposure to aluminum. The most obvious steps are to drink only filtered water, and to avoid aluminum cookware, aluminum foil-wrapped food, beverages in aluminum cans, aluminum-containing anti-acids, aluminum-containing anti-perspirants, and foods made with aluminum, like baking powder and most non-dairy coffee creamers. However, when preventive methods are not enough—and Dr. Zinsser’s data cited above indicate that they obviously are not enough—we must consider ways to remove as much accumulated aluminum as possible. Bjorksten and his staff evaluated the ability of chelating agents to remove aluminum from the aortas of 5-6 month-old hogs, which had previously been stained with an aluminum-containing stain (Fig. 7). (10) It can be seen that EDTA was the most effective. Lactic acid, similar to blood concentrations generated by exercise were moderately effective. Of interest was the fact that 0.5 % procaine—the active ingredient of Gerovital (the Romanian anti-aging drug)—was also moderately effective in reducing the aluminum. This raises the question whether the metabolites of GH3—DMAE and PABA—might also have some effect in this regard. Other benefits of DMAE/PABA were described in a previous issue of Vitamin Research News. (11) Drs. Imre Zs.-Nagy and Katalin Nagy demonstrated that both dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) and centrophenoxine (CPH) are indeed able to diminish the extent of crosslinking in old rats. (12) Professor Zs.-Nagy’s membrane hypothesis of aging, and his studies with Idebenone and DMAE were also described in a previous issue of Vitamin Research News. (13) In another series of innovative studies, (14,15) Bjorksten’s team evaluated the ability of various concentrations of lithium to remove tightly bound aluminum from tanned leather baseball covers. Using a 0.05M concentration of lithium citrate, they were able to displace 100% of the protein bound aluminum in the baseball covers. They found that it took approximately three months to completely demetalize the leather. Lithium is used to treat manic depressive illness (MDI)—but recent studies indicate that it may offer benefit in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, as well. (16) Safe blood lithium levels are about 1.0 mEq/liter—about 1/50th of the concentration used to displace aluminum from the baseball covers. Nevertheless, it is intriguing to consider that perhaps long-term treatment with low doses of lithium may be an effective way to displace protein bound aluminum in animals and humans. Lithium orotate as a dietary supplement is the safest, most effective form of lithium available. In another series of experiments, using himself as a guinea pig, Bjorksten applied a low voltage current to his head, in an attempt to demetalize his own brain. (17) His parents both died from Alzheimer’s disease, and he believed that he was beginning to show some early signs. After much trial and error, he designed an electrical skull cap, which was moistened with a solution of sodium chloride to enhance conduction. He hypothesized that at the rate of 1/2 hour every day, it should be possible to remove the aluminum present in the neural chromatin in the brain in 1,538 days (4.3 years). However, he realized that only a part of the energy may have been applied to aluminum removal, and that a longer time may be required. Another theoretical approach to removing aluminum is by the intravenous, oral, or topical use of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Bjorksten and colleagues extracted a substantial part of the aluminum present in human cadaver brains with DMSO. (18) DMSO is approved for human use as a bladder irrigant in patients with interstitial cystitis, and for use in dogs and horses as a topical anti-inflammatory agent. However, it is also widely used topically, intravenously, and orally to treat a wide range of clinical conditions, including arthritis, sprains, atherosclerosis, burns, scleroderma, and many other conditions. (19-21) MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is the active metabolite of DMSO, and shares most of its properties, without the somewhat objectionable odor of DMSO. An effective dose of MSM is generally in the range of 3-5 gm daily. Conclusion Despite the sound theoretical and experimental basis, and the apparent promise of the Crosslinkage Theory of Aging, Bjorksten’s contributions have been largely ignored by present-day gerontologists. Although Bjorksten remained fully active until his death in 1996 (He published his last book in 1991, and co-authored a yet-unpublished paper with his last collaborator, Dr. Don Kleinsek, shortly before passing away at the age of 89) (22) little has been written about the crosslinkage theory since that time. Nevertheless, Bjorksten’s work remains solid. He suggested (and validated) the value of a number of potential anti-crosslinking nutritional substances, with primary emphasis on EDTA. Bjorksten, in his later years focused primarily on the crosslinks caused by aluminum (largely, I think, because this was something which he discovered could be prevented). In recent years, much has been written about the process of enzymatic browning and glycation, resulting in production of advanced glycation end products of aging (AGEs) which result in crosslinked proteins, just as Bjorksten predicted. We believe the currently popular approach of preventing and breaking AGE-induced crosslinks is in reality an outgrowth and development of Bjorksten’s theory. The next installment of the Crosslinkage Theory will address the glycation of proteins in detail, and suggest specific anti-aging approaches based on preventing and eliminating these AGE-induced crosslinks. Email this article to a friend Crosslinkage Theory of Aging: Part IV AGEs and Crosslinkages - New Respect for Crosslinkage Theory Ward Dean, MD Introduction and review: The Cross-linkage Theory of Aging was first proposed by Dr. Johan Bjorksten in 1941. Bjorksten believed that aging was caused by inter- and intramolecular crosslinks in proteins, nucleic acids, and other vital macromolecules that caused them to gradually stiffen and lose their function. Bjorksten initially searched for enzymes capable of dissolving damaging crosslinks. But as he grew older he realized that he didn’t have enough years of life left ahead of him to allow for the identification and isolation of these enzymes. Consequently, he shifted his line of research to a more imwww.ely solvable approach—using chelating agents to remove toxic heavy metals (especially, aluminum)—that were known to be one cause of crosslinking. He hoped that by eliminating the crosslink-promoting tri-valent (three points of attachment) aluminum atoms (which he believed displaced di-valent [two points of attachment] calcium atoms, he would reduce one of the major sources of crosslinking, and thereby buy enough time to solve the rest of the crosslinkage problem. This has been explained in greater detail in the first three parts of this series (see Crosslinkage Theory of Aging on the VRP online library at Bjorksten ended his active research career in 1991 with one last publication that summarized his progress up to that point. Ironically, at about the time Bjorksten was retiring from his quest to unravel the crosslinkage problem, other scientists were picking up the baton—although they approached the problem from a slightly different direction. Advanced Glycation End Products of Aging (AGEs) A characteristic of all long-lived proteins in the body is that as they age, they turn brown and become fluorescent (under UV light), become more cross-linked, less soluble, less elastic, and less digestible by enzymes. In 1965, Dr. H.B. Bensusan first proposed that it was a process known as the Maillard reaction that caused these changes. The Maillard reaction is named for the noted French scientist, Louis Camille Maillard (1912), who described the non-enzymatic chemical reactions between proteins and carbohydrates that cause cooked foods to turn brown. This time-honored bit of kitchen chemistry has been used by cooks for centuries to enhance flavor and transform plain foods into delicacies by adding flavor and color to recipes. In 1985, Monnier, Kohn and Cerami provided further details of the role of the Maillard reaction as a major source of the age-dependent increase in browning, fluorescence and crosslinking of collagen and other tissues. (1) They further developed the idea that it is the Maillard reaction that results in premature aging and degenerative diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. In this regard, many scientists think the human body may be viewed as a low temperature oven with a relatively long—approximately 75 year —cooking cycle. (2) The Maillard reaction involves a chemical reaction (condensation) between a sugar (usually glucose) with a protein. This complex is known as a Schiff base. In the human body, this is a reversible reaction which reaches equilibrium (i.e., stabilizes) within several hours. With continued exposure to the sugar, the Schiff base undergoes a rearrangement known as non-enzymatic glycosylation that results in a more stable, less reversible substance, known as an Amadori product. Again, in the human body, this process reaches equilibrium over several weeks. (Fig. 1) The Amadori product further degrades irreversibly into a number of highly reactive carbonyl (C=O) compounds. These reactive substances, called Advanced Glycation End products have been designated by the acronym AGE. (3) AGE is a clever pun which reflects the proposed relationship of these reactive substances to aging and age-related diseases. AGEs can further react with other fats, proteins and nucleic acids to form largely indissoluble crosslinks. The age-related accumulation of these AGE products has been demonstrated in many tissues of the body (Fig. 2). (4) Furthermore, during long-term hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar), as in diabetics, glycation and AGE formation may increase up to four times as much! This explains why diabetics suffer the premature onset of a wide range of age-related complications including cataracts, retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. (5,6) Crosslinkage Theory Gets New Life Bjorksten was a talented petroleum chemist. Had he been a food chemist instead, he may have appreciated this link between the Maillard Reaction and crosslinking much earlier, and made even greater progress in developing preventive and therapeutic approaches to crosslinkage-induced aging. Through their insightful work in understanding this process, scientists like Brownlee, Cerami and Monnier provided renewed impetus and a rebirth for the crosslinkage theory. (3) Unfortunately, they did this with little attribution to Bjorksten, who had doggedly pursued this approach to aging for over 50 years. Crosslinkage Biomarkers An important aspect of any comprehensive theory of aging is the inclusion of techniques (dictated by the theory) that can be used to accurately measure the progress of aging. Parameters that can be correlated with age and that can be used to evaluate the rate of aging are known as biomarkers. (7) Scientists have identified a number of unique biomarkers that reflect aging in terms of the Crosslinkage/ Glycosylation theory. (Table 1) Approaches to Preventing and Removing AGE-Induced Crosslinks Khalifah and his colleagues proposed a schematic of the formation of AGEs, which illustrates a number of specific therapeutic targets (Fig. 3). ( 8) Here are some of the most promising substances to use to inhibit/dissolve AGE-induced crosslinks. Goat’s rue (Guanidine) Goat’s rue (Galega officinalis), or French Lilac, has historically been used for the treatment of diabetes since medieval times. The glucose and insulin-lowering effects of Goat’s rue extract are due to the natural substance, guanidine. Guanidine (Fig.4.) is the herbal prototype for the insulin-sensitizing, glucose-lowering anti-diabetic drug, Metformin (Glucophage), and for the related substance, aminoguanidine. The use of raw Goat’s rue is limited in diabetes by its toxicity. The toxicity of Goat’s rue is due to a substance known as galegine (Fig. 5), which can cause reductions in blood pressure and nasal discharge. Vitamin Research’s Goat’s rue extract is a special preparation that is standardized to contain 50% guanidine, with negligible amounts of galegine. VRP’s purified, high-guanidine form of Goat’s rue presumably shares most of the beneficial effects of aminoguanidine and Metformin, with none of the adverse effects of raw Goat’s rue herb. Metformin (Glucophage) Metformin is an anti-diabetic biguanide that was derived from the herb, Goat’s rue (Galega officinalis). Biguanide drugs were recognized by Prof. Vladimir Dilman as early as the mid-1970s as the most effective anti-aging drugs in existence. Metformin is known as an insulin receptor sensitizer, capable primarily of lowering blood sugar and insulin. Dilman also demonstrated that biguanides restored cortisol receptor sensitivity. Metformin has many other beneficial properties, including optimizing lipid profile, reducing body fat, maintaining levels of growth hormone, stimulating immunity, and extending the maximum lifespan of experimental animals. I reviewed the anti-aging/ life-extending effects of Metformin in the November, 1998 issue of Vitamin Research News. Despite its wide range of reported beneficial effects, Metformin has not, to my knowledge, been tested for its ability to retard AGEs and AGE-induced crosslinks. However, I assume that AGE-inhibiting effects would be found for Metformin, if anyone bothered to look. This situation is analogous to other similar nutrients that have been tested for specific effects, while overlooking effects attributed to their structural cousins. For example, Acetyl-L-Carnitine is used primarily for its cognitive-enhancing, mitochondrial membrane normalizing effects, while L-Carnitine is usually used for its cardiovascular and lipid-normalizing benefits. Dr. Brian Liebovitz, author of L-Carnitine—Vitamin Bt, believes, however, that L-Carnitine is equal to or better as a cognitive enhancer than ALC—its just that no one has ever evaluated the cognitive enhancing effects of L-Carnitine. I think the same could probably be said for Idebenone and its close relative, Coenzyme Q10. They both probably have very similar actions. Likewise, I think Metformin and guanidine (as in VRP’s Goat’s rue extract) probably share the AGE and crosslinkage-inhibiting effects of their relative, amino-guanidine. Metformin requires a prescription in the United States. Aminoguanidine (Pimegedine™) Aminoguanidine is a substance that has been known for over 100 years. It is structurally very similar to guanidine, the active ingredient in the herb, Goat’s rue. Aminoguanidine has aroused a great deal of interest in the last twenty years, due to its demonstrated ability to block the formation of AGEs and AGE-induced crosslinkages in both animal and human clinical studies. Aminoguanidine inhibits AGE formation, preventing AGE-induced crosslinks in collagen and other tissues. Fortunately, aminoguanidine does not interfere with the formation of normal collagen crosslinks, which are required for structural integrity. Another mechanism by which aminoguanidine is believed to act is by enhancing the action of nitric oxide (the same mechanism by which Viagra functions). (9,10) Aminoguanidine also reduces the formation of lipofuscin (age pigment) and prevents or reduces cataracts, atherosclerosis, diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy (Fig. 6). (2,11-13) In a study with rats, scientists occluded the arteries that supply blood to the brain, inducing an experimental stroke. The scientists administered aminoguanidine in various concentrations and at various time intervals following inducement of the stroke. They found that the size of the brain damage from the loss of blood flow could be greatly reduced with aminoguanidine, even when administered as much as two hours after the onset of the reduction in blood flow. (14) This indicates that aminoguanidine may also be effective in the prevention and treatment of strokes. In one study of diabetic patients, after four weeks of therapy with amino-guanidine, LDL cholesterol decreased almost 30%, and total cholesterol and triglycerides both decreased almost 20%. Hemoglobin-AGE levels, a circulating marker of the degree of glycosylation, also decreased dramatically (13.8 U/mg Hb at the beginning of therapy, to 10.0 U/mg Hb after only four weeks). (15) Although aminoguanidine’s effects on blood sugar and insulin have not been examined, to my knowledge, I believe that if such studies are conducted, the effects will be positive. For example, Metformin and Goat’s rue (guanidine) are best known and best tested for their beneficial effects on blood sugar and insulin, due to their insulin-receptor sensitizing properties. Aminoguanidine, on the other hand, is best known and best tested for its AGE-inhibiting effects. However, I think that if these substances were to be comprehensively evaluated together, we would find that they share most properties, to a greater or lesser degree, due to their closely related structures. Anecdotal reports from patients and physicians appear to confirm this. Aminoguanidine is very safe, as indicated by short-term human studies which used the astronomical dose of 1200 mg daily. (16) (This is in comparison with a usual human dose of 100-300 mg daily). The dose required to cause death in half the animals (mice) to which it was administered (Lethal Dose 50 [LD50]) was 1800 mg/kg.9 That would be equivalent to a human dose of almost 300 gm! Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P) P5P, the active form of vitamin B6, has been found to significantly reduce the nonenzymatic glycosylation (formation of AGEs) of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with radioactive-labeled sugar. Of the substances tested, P5P was exceeded only by aminoguanidine in its ability to inhibit AGE formation (Fig. 7). Combining P5P with guanidine, metformin, or aminoguanidine may enhance their AGE-inhibiting actions even more. (17) Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Alteon is a pharmaceutical company which is focused on developing drugs to prevent the formation of AGE-induced crosslinks, as well as to dissolve crosslinks after they are formed. Several of their products are currently undergoing FDA-sanctioned trials. One of the products, ALT-711, improved arterial elasticity, indicating an ability to undo crosslinkages. (18) This is the first drug that is specifically designed as a crosslinkage breaker. Interestingly, ALT-711 is a derivative of thiamin. In their book, Life Extension, Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw reported that thiamin was an effective crosslink inhibitor. They were, at that time, consuming two grams of thiamin each day in their personal anti-aging regimens. Thiamin, the parent compound of ALT-711, may ultimately also prove to be an effective crosslinkage breaker as well as inhibitor. Carnosine The anti-aging effects of carnosine were detailed in a previous article in the November 2000 issue of Vitamin Research News. Recently, Dr. Alan Hipkiss of the Division of Biomolecular Sciences, King’s College London, reviewed the anti-aging effects of carnosine and aminoguanidine. Dr. Hipkiss believes that one of the major mechanisms of the anti-aging effects of carnosine is its powerful effects as a crosslink inhibitor and breaker, and that the use of these substances might help to control age-related molecular dysfunction. Conclusion The venerable crosslinkage theory of aging has clearly gained new respectability in light of the advances in understanding of non-enzymatic glycation and the formation of AGEs and AGE-induced crosslinks. Research in this area is leading to the development of new classes of crosslinkage inhibitors and breakers as anti-aging drugs and nutrients. It is also interesting to note the close relationship between the crosslinkage, neuroendocrine, and free radical theories. Free radicals have been proposed as a cause of crosslinkages, as well as a factor in the loss of sensitivity of receptors of various hormones and neurotransmitters. Also, the loss of insulin receptor sensitivity and impaired glucose metabolism proposed by the neuroendocrine theory, which results in high levels of blood sugar, is clearly a cause/accelerator of crosslinkages. Understanding these processes clearly points at a number of ways to attempt to delay, and in some cases, perhaps even reverse aging. One of the most effective approaches, I believe, is to maintain low levels of glucose and insulin, and minimize the formation of crosslinkage-inducing advanced glycation end products (AGEs). In addition to a low glycemic diet and exercise, I think using either Metformin, aminoguanidine, or Goat’s rue extract, combined with P5P, carnosine, and possibly, additional thiamin, will be found to be a potent anti-aging combination. In the future, crosslinkage breakers like ALT-711 may also become clinically available. Related Products: (Click on links below to view product(s)) 1985-AGEBlock® , Anti Glycation Formula 90 capsules 1131-B6, Vitamin, Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate 50 mg, 60 capsules 1820-Oral ChelatoRx 360 capsules The information in this article is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional, and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. Copyright by Vitamin Research Products, Inc. The Vitamin Research News is intended solely for individual, non-commercial use. All other uses are prohibited without written permission from VRP. 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