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NAFTA: The Cause of Illegal Immigration

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I am aware that many of you do not care about NAFTA anymore now than you did 17 years ago when HW Bush put it on fast track.

NAFTA had many goals but very few were the ones that were used to sell it to us.

One of those was to flood mexico with corn cheaper than the peasants could grow it...forcing them off the farm and into the newly built factories that once made products built by US.

A nice side benfit to forcing people in mass to migrate is that the excess naturally will move across the border and eventually displace American workers and result in a general lowering of wages. We are seeing everything that NAFTA was truly intended to do and a whole lot more.

People have a problem recognising the impact because it involves a conspiracy to lower our standard of living and basically defrauds the American people.

The other trade deals GATT etc take this to a global level.

Some if not many of you think this is swell........we will see because even if you do not like it or decide that tomarrow that you do not particylarly enjoy being a citizen of the third world......it is too late now!


If you think back to the early ninties when you were warned and laughed about all of this.. now think about the really smart manipulators that are laughing at us now!


"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."



Immigration Flood Unleashed by NAFTA's Disastrous Impact on Mexican Economy http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0425-30.htmThe fruits of NAFTA http://wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=49201The ethnic cleansing of Mexico, to FORCE the indigenous Mayan peasants (mostly uneducated, and not native-Spanish speaking), to flee across the border merely to survive. This war is waged by Social Engineering, to break apart the USA for the profit of wealthy American and Mexican corporations -- using NAFTA -- a weapon of war, a Weapon of Mass Destruction. "Free trade" is the weapon, and the large majority of ordinary Americans and Mexicans are the targeted victims.Look out for the FTAA - the Free Trade Area of the Americas - intended to enslave all Americans: North, Central and South. see: About the FTAA >>http://www.stoptheftaa.org/artman/publish/article_439.shtmlbk--- http://www.brojon.com NAFTA: The Cause of Illegal Immigration THE U.S. NAFTA CORN THREAT TO MEXICO The North American Free Trade Agreement is having a severeeffect on rural Mexico -- as set up 10 years ago by Mexico,Canada and the US to promote competition and efficiency ...has forced millions of poor Mayan farmers off the land tobecome illegal immigrants in the U.S.(From BBC Science News) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4008205.stm --- BBC excerpt:Nafta countries can guard against subsidised foodstuffs flooding their markets. For example, Mexico could tax imported maize. "The irony is that in the 10 years Nafta has been implemented, Mexico has never chosen to use the tools to stop the importation of subsidised corn," said Luis de la Calle, director-general for Public Strategies of Mexico. "The reason for that is that we are a net consumer of corn and therefore in the end we benefit from a subsidy from the US." At the moment, 25% of Mexicans live in the countryside. Dr de la Calle believes that will drop to 5% within the next two decades. Aldo Gonzales does not welcome that prospect. "So we're talking about the government having the intention of making 20 million Mexicans who live in the countryside disappear," he said. --- THE BROTHER JONATHAN GAZETTE - DAILY DIGEST Tuesday November 16, 2004Today's Top Story is just the tip of the iceberg of one of thebiggest corporate crimes ever conspired against America. Itsabout how big agribusiness, headed by Archer Daniels Midland(ADM), used the NAFTA agreement to drive millions ofimpoverished Mexican farmers off their lands, and pushed theminto escaping north as "illegal aliens" just to survive. If you have been reading the Brother Jonathan Gazette and havelooked at the book excerpt, "Black Gold Hot Gold" then youknow about the history of Standard Oil. And how Standardbrought you World War II, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank,the Empire of Energy, and spin-off world monopolies in thechemical-pharmaceutical and the food-agribusiness industries. What you didn't know was that they also brought you GATT in1944 and NAFTA in 1992. These are worldwide price-fixingschemes which benefit corporations and not you.NAFTA is not only a massive crime, for profit, against theMexican farmers, but is directed at "breaking" the UnitedStates which must pay the cost of supporting the millions ofpoor Mexicans who arrive daily across the border from Mexico. Some estimates of this cost to the American taxpayer is in thetrillions of dollars combined for the health care, welfare andhousing of these indigenous Mexican natives, most of whom areactually Mayans and not Spanish-speaking Mexicans. When these aliens arrive in the US and their children enterschool, the US kindly provides them with language tutors. Butthese children speak one of more than 22 different variationsof the Mayan language including Ch'ol, Huastec, Chuj,Jacaltec, Ixil, Cakchiquel, Sacapultec, and Itza. These arethe languages of southern Mexico and Guatemala, in the Yucatanpeninsula. Notice that none of them are Spanish. So thoseexpensive Spanish-speaking tutors supplied by the Federal andState governments to help the new aliens are of no help. Somebody just doesn't understand the problem. So how did this happen and who did this? We can find out fromThe Institute for Food and Development Policy in their Spring2004 BackGrounder, which can be found here: < & hl=en>They state in the section called "NAFTA-Forced Migration fromthe Mexican countryside" - "The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and other economic liberalization policies have transformed rural Mexico, pushing 1.7 million subsistence farmers from their land to migrate to work in export factories, maquiladoras, or to fields and cities in the U.S. NAFTA critics estimate that as many as 15 million more Mexican farmers -- one in six -- could soon be displaced, with projections of five million of those migrating to the U.S. in search of jobs." You can also find that the reason the 5 million are leavingMexico is due to the Mexican government signing agreementssuch as GATT in 1985 and NAFTA in 1993. These agreementsrequire the Mexican government to reduce subsidies to poorMexican farmers in order to adjust the cost of Mexican goodsto match the world market price set by GATT and the NAFTABoard. This of course, is to the benefit of trans-nationalcorporations such as ADM. The result: many poor farmerssimply starved to death, or fled to escape the starvation. The Institute's report continues: "These free-market measureshave only increased hunger. In 2001, the United Nationsestimated that Mexicans experienced a 39 percent drop in theirpurchasing power since NAFTA began. The price of corntortillas -- which provide 59 percent of the Mexicanpopulation's average caloric intake -- has risen approximately40 percent since the devaluation of the peso and theimplementation of NAFTA in 1994." Since Mexico's hands are legally tied by the internationalGATT and NAFTA agreements not to assist the worsening plightof the poor farmers, who are mostly indigenous Mayans, thegovernment can only tell the farmers who lost their lands togo somewhere else. And as the report says, most of those5 million poor have no choice but to illegally enter the US. And this is at a great cost to all Americans. How come American politicians never talk about such problems? Probably because all those Congressmen and Senators who votedfor NAFTA and took ADM bribe-money to get it passed, wouldquickly find themselves out of a job. So politicians nevermention it. And now you know more about poverty in America and who iscausing it, and who is paying for it, than you ever wanted toknow. How come when the FBI reports on Crime in America,ADM is not at the top of the list? Marshall Smith Editor, Brother Jonathan Gazette newseditor http://www.brojon.com ================================================== Copyright © 2004 TeddySpeaks Foundation Inc. Brother Jonathan Gazette -- All rights reserved. ----- Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.5.1/328 - Release 5/1/2006

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