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RE: Digest Number 1668 - Carpaltunnelfix -

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Grant Merciful Radhasoami Thy Grace and Protection


" It is Individuals - Who Change Societies, -

- Give Birth to Ideas;


- Who Stand Out Against Tides of Opinion, -

- and Change Them. "


Tuesday, May 02, 2006



I can offer a solution that would protect a person using the

Computer-System from getting carpal-tunnel syndrome.

I will send to each-every person who desires to use the protection

against the Electro-Magnetic Energy-Force-Fields along-with

user-information in an email.

Those desirous of getting the Protection may please write to:

Please Reply to Email: kirti and Please Forward a Copy

to Email: kbetai


Lord, give me strength to change the things that I can; give me

patience to accept the things that I can-not change; and give me

wisdom to know the difference.


Thoughts Become Things.

Choose Good Thoughts.

Three Hours of Negative Thinking Drains Your Energy That Can Keep One

Small Motor Vehicle Running for Three Hours.


" When We Long for Life Without Difficulties -

Remember That Oaks Grow Strong in Contrary Winds and - Diamonds are

Made Under Pressure. "


Radhasoami Dayalki Daya Radhasoami Sahay










Message: 1

Thu, 27 Apr 2006 16:57:34 +1000

" Jane MacRoss " <HIGHFIELD

Re: Carpaltunnelfix

A shame the answer is the other side of the world and needs to be paid





Thursday, April 27, 2006 3:24 PM



Wow, I was just reading about Combat Conditioning, like Hindu

Pushups, but this particular site above caught my eye, they say that

it's the Chinese exercises that help with Carpal Tunnel. Although B6

everyday for three months is good because they say usually people with

Carpal Tunnel are deficient in Vitamin B6 -.



Message: 2

Thu, 27 Apr 2006 01:34:14 -0700

" Harvey Flatbush " <harvf

Re: Carpaltunnelfix

True Jane but compare the cost with surgery plus a lot of times with

surgery it comes back. If we order this we can let any of our friends

know when they have the problem or know someone that does. What irks

me is all these companies that have a dozen or more cures for a dozen

or more different problems and they all cost 29 or 39 bucks a piece

per month. People just can afford everything they might need. There

are very few do it all cures on the market.


Message: 3

Thu, 27 Apr 2006 18:43:27 +1000

" Jane MacRoss " <HIGHFIELD

Re: Carpaltunnelfix

I want to do it tonight - its a few thousand miles away that way - and

not accessible - you know the child's I want it now bit - rofl



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