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The frequency generator will not cure cancer on it's own!

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The fr. equency generator will not cure cancer on it's own!




If you sell the frequency generator, please know your product!

The frequency generator has gained much acclaim for it's efficiency in

eradicating the Ross River virus and several other invading viruses and as a

result of this, many cancer patients are relying on it to cure their cancer, on

its own. There are also many salespeople who wrongly assume it will cure cancer

and other autoimmune disorders due to its success over the Ross River virus etc,

and this misconception is ultimately causing the frequency generator to gain an

undeserving bad reputation.


Unfortunately this has also attracted a bad response to salespeople and

therapists who deal with the generator which is ultimately robbing the cancer

patient of the true benefits and it is this aspect that concerns me the most. In

order to try somehow, to stop this misdirection and give people a better

understanding, I supply the following information on how I have used the

frequency generator to cure people of cancer, on many occasions.


Supporting the rumor that pharmaceutical companies control some of the media

companies, certain journalists appear to be singling out salespeople who are not

educated in natural health and therefore cannot protect the frequency generator

through anatomical knowledge and result experience. This is why I supply

information to help salespeople have a better understanding and to well inform

their clients so that ultimately the cancer patient benefits. Any person being

challenged in the future can also refer to the fact, Today Tonight has been

challenged to discuss or supervise the treatment of cancer patients with the

frequency generator, by an experienced therapist who has gained repeated results

and they refuse to participate.


I also supply a report on a television program which I have challenged in order

to stand up for the legitimacy of the frequency generator. The story appears to

be purposefully designed to desecrate its reputation.

How to use the frequency generator to cure cancer


There is " only one way " to achieve curative results over cancer with the

frequency generator and that is to treat three immune system faults " first " so

the frequency generator can do it's job effectively. The generator is only

designed to kill the parasites and host viruses associated with disease (in this

case the Fluke parasite) which then allows the immune system to overcome the

many other factors that have all contributed to the development of cancer. The

cancer parasite must be destroyed " first " or the immune system will be too busy

fighting the parasite to do its normal healing duties during R.E.M. sleep. Other

treatments that complement the frequency generator can be followed while

parasites are being zapped as this will approach the problem from two angles at

the same time which can be a very good benefit. The frequency generator should

also be used for a minimum of 16 weeks nonstop as the eggs of existing parasites

don't hatch for at least twelve weeks. I always suggest 16 weeks nonstop and a

refresher treatment for a week or so, every two weeks as well.


It takes at least four weeks to put cancer into remission but this does not mean

the cancer is cured as to achieve a cure, it is necessary to retrain several

aspects of the body and mind to return to functioning on an automatic pattern

that supports perfect health. This takes from between twelve months to three

years as our immune automation patterns that work during R.E.M. Sleep only

change when we follow certain habits for more than twelve months. The seasonal

cycles have something to do with this circadian memory function.


Cancer can have any combination of 16 different causes

The frequency generator does not cure the disease of cancer, as the end result

of cancer is actually caused by any combination of 16 different cancer causing

factors that all relate to the immune system. Four of the main causes are, the

Fluke parasite, inability to store cell oxygen during R.E.M. Sleep, insufficient

calcium and potassium and excessive nighttime release of the hormone cortisol,

and all these and any other causative factors can be overcome by following my

19-point treatments approach designed to complement the frequency generator.

This 19-point treatment approach is explained in my book " Miraculous Treatments,

Testimonies and Cures " .


This 19 point approach is the " only " way to achieve a cure over cancer and the

first three steps that every cancer patient " must " follow " before " using the

generator, is to clean the blood, change the daily diet to supply potassium and

calcium and improve R.E.M. Sleep to encourage cell storage of oxygen and

absorption of food.


When the blood is full of toxins, chemicals and waste, and the patient is not

achieving regular R.E.M. Sleep, the disease causing parasites and host viruses

can evade the effects of the body's immune system as well as the destructive

impulses of the frequency generator. Any person wishing to achieve results with

a frequency generator " MUST " go through a 14 day blood cleansing diet to help

strengthen the immune system first " AND " teach the autonomic nerves (the " inner "

nerves) to relax by doing three sessions of inner release meditation every day.

There is another 16 causative factors that every cancer patient must check, in

order to find his or her " personal recipe " of contributing factors in order to

complement the efficiency of the frequency generator. " Going over this 19-points

causative checklist is " a must " for anybody wishing to overcome any form of

cancer. I base this claim after using my 19-point checklist to cure many people

of several different types of cancer.

The media's misconception of

the Rife Frequency Generator


On Saturday morning 11th of August 2001 I awoke and turned the television set on

to be confronted with a story on the Brisbane Today Tonight current affairs

program about the Rife frequency generator. In my opinion this story was

presented in a way that steered cancer patients away, not only from the

frequency generator, but from all natural health consultants who know how to use

it to achieve true curative results over cancer and other autoimmune disorders.


I was always under the impression, journalists were supposed to remain unbiased

and investigate two sides of a story " to reveal the truth " , but this was far

from how the story I witnessed was prepared and presented. It was very easy for

me to come to the opinion, this story was either presented to purposely

desecrate the efficiency of the frequency generator or the researcher who

carried out the research and prepared the script for story presentation had no

journalistic experience whatsoever.


As an autoimmune specialist and qualified natural therapy diagnostician, I am

fully aware of the efficiency of the frequency generator and " how " it must be

used to achieve a cure over cancer. I have operated a specialized cancer clinic

for several years and have achieved many remissions and cures and I consider

cancer to be my specialty. I have also worked in the natural health industry for

over thirty years and have studied medical journal reports on cancer to support

my curative principals.


As a result of my disgust over this story I challenged Today Tonight officials

to allow me to prove that the frequency generator is capable of helping to cure

people of cancer by combining its use with other treatments that help the

frequency generator to do its job. I contest that each cancer patient has

" individual " immune weaknesses that must be addressed to help the immune system

to complement the work of the frequency generator.


Expecting that the managers of Today Tonight would not only ignore my challenge

and may even claim they never received my letter, I had it delivered by a

registered security agent to witness and record the delivery. I have not

received any acknowledgment from Today Tonight and as a result, I can only

conclude, they are not interested in hearing from persons who can verify the

efficiency of the frequency generator as their only intention is to give it

disrespect without investigation.

I present a script of the Today Tonight story along with a copy of my witnessed

letter and confirmation of the delivery by a qualified security agent.

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