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Bird Flu', SARS - Biowarfare or a Pandemic of Propaganda?

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http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2005/03/02/bird_flu_sars_biowarfare_or_a_pandemic_of_propaganda.htm 'Bird Flu', SARS - Biowarfare or a Pandemic of Propaganda? Are we being stampeded into a pandemic? The announcement was madeby Dr Nancy Cox of the US Centers for Disease Control. According to anarticle in The Scotsman, Cox says that a global epidemic of bird flucould dwarf history's worst infection disaster, which killed between20 and 40 million people. The reference of course is to the "SpanishFlu" at the end of World War I which, according to a BBC article ofalmost exactly one year ago, experts say to have possibly been causedby "a bird virus jumping to humans". The reasoning in the CDC statement goes on like this: The H5N1 influenza strain that has already killed 42 has afatality rate of 76 per cent, cases so far suggest. The virus whichcaused the 1918 pandemic killed only 1 per cent of those it infected. The association is tenuous at best and the reasoning sounds odd,but the message is clear: "Prepare for the worst". It might be good to remind ourselves that H5N1 is very same birdvirus that was being "researched", meaning it was being activelychanged and cultured, when Liu Jianlun, a laboratory scientist inChina's Guangdong province became the first SARS victim two years ago- on 4 March 2003. Another death of a scientist was later linked to alaboratory in Singapore. The laboratory was culturing the same virus. - - - The SARS "pandemic" eventually faded away, but not without leavinga deep impression. A high pitched media campaign had convinced theworld it was facing a great threat when in reality SARS turned out tobe a comparably minor disease with 8.500 infected world wide andaround 812 deaths. Compare that to CDC figures of 36.000 flu relateddeaths yearly in the U.S. alone. Or compare it with the mayhem of morethan 100.000 U.S. deaths from the damaging effects of pharmaceuticaldrugs in the same time span. "The researchers, from the influenza branch of the Centers forDisease Control in Atlanta, will mate H5N1 and human flu viruses in aprocess known as reassortment. Viable offspring will be tested inanimals thought to be good surrogates for humans, to see if theviruses can infect, can be transmitted easily from infected animals tohealthy ones and to note the severity of disease each provokes. Inother words, the CDC researchers will be deliberately engineeringviruses of pandemic potential. It's high-risk but crucial work, theinfluenza community insists." This is what we read in an article published in Canada just lastDecember, which quotes experts explaining that such an admittedly highrisk undertaking is necessary to prevent a possible outbreak of a newpandemic. I just cannot help but think of little children playing withmatches in a wood shed. The thought of it is enough to make one nervous. In Vietnam, about a week ago, annother pronouncement reported by(CBC Canada): "We at WHO believe that the world is now in the gravestpossible danger of a pandemic," Dr. Shigeru Omi, head of the UN healthagency's Western Pacific office, warned a scientific conference in HoChi Minh City on Wednesday. Public health officials fear the H5N1 formof the bird flu virus, which has already passed from person to persontwice, will get better at spreading between humans and unleash changesfor which the population has no natural immunity. Thus, in a replay of the SARS scare, we again see governmentresearch on how to make the virus jump the species barrier, and againwe have dire predictions of imminent disaster from the world's tophealth authorities. What are the solutions being readied for us? According to thisarticle, we are in good hands: Right now, 50 people representing drug companies, governments,and vaccine licensing agencies are meeting in Geneva in a closed-doorsession to discuss what can be done to prevent this next coming flupandemic. The World Health Organization has flatly stated there willnot be enough vaccine to go around. On their web site, they say,"production capacity for a pandemic vaccine will be vastly inadequateunless other companies engage in vaccine seed development andpreparation of batches for clinical testing." The group also statedthat in the event of a pandemic, vaccine will be in short supply andwill likely be unequally distributed. The "solution" seems to be a vaccine, which is being readied inall haste and behind closed doors, by those very people who areresponsible, directly or indirectly, for hundreds of thousands ofdeaths each year - the ones who have given us a medical system thathas been called genocidal in a criminal complaint filed with theInternational Court of Justice in The Hague. Officially, there is no mention of good health being the firstline of defense. Not one of the high officials seems to think that'beefing up' our own defenses by good nutrition, rest and supplementsis important, although that would make eminent sense. With the dismalrecord of vaccines in preventing any disease - they are actuallyimmune suppressors - we should very well look at these other optionsand perhaps we should make them the primary line of defense againstany hypothetical "pandemic" encroaching on the people of the world. Since SARS was defeated not by a vaccine but by hygiene and bypeople taking matters into their own hands, stocking up on vitamin Cand other immune-enhancing nutrients, would it not be better if wefollowed this successful path? Jonathan Campbell tells how to use vitamin C and a few otheressential nutrients in his article: Prepare for Avian Influenza! Various U.S. and U.N. agencies and the Council on ForeignRelations are spreading the word that the Avian Influenza, if itbreaks out this fall or winter, could be as severe as the worldwideSpanish Influenza epidemic of 1918, and they are predicting hundredsof millions of deaths worldwide This influenza, currently isolated inChina, is a hemorrhagic illness. It kills half of its victims byrapidly depleting ascorbate (vitamin C) stores in the body, inducingscurvy and collapse of the arterial blood supply, causing internalhemorrhaging of the lungs and sinus cavities. Most people today havebarely enough vitamin C in their bodies (typically 60 mg per day) toprevent scurvy under normal living conditions, and are not preparedfor this kind of illness. Why manufacture yet another "cash-cow" for the pharmaceuticalcompanies that contribute little to real health and immunity, when therecord clearly shows that vaccines are not the way to go? Healthauthorities the world over seem hell bent on supporting their friendsin the vaccine industry. A recent example is the experimentalmeningococcal vaccine campaign for over a million children in NewZealand at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars, promoted by thehealth authorities with shamelessly exaggerated figures of diseaseincidence. In the U.S., despite a scare campaign in the media and availableflu vaccine doses drastically reduced because of contamination-relatedproblems for vaccine maker Chiron, one of only two U.S. flu vaccinesuppliers, the flu has failed so far to spiral out of control. Yet, according to recent press reports, anti viral drugs are being"stockpiled to beat the deadly flu" and hundreds of Millions ofDollars are "Needed to Control the Bird Flu". In the face of much evidence that food based nutrients "boost theimmune system" and supplements such as simple vitamin C have beenfound effective in warding off SARS, it would seem that suchstrategies should be used ubiquitously as a first line of defense. Instead, we see research into how to make the bird flu virus moredeadly, we see vaccine campaigns being prepared, we see anti-aidsdrugs making their entree onto the stage as possible agents to "combatthe bird flu". In the media stoked frenzy, we seem to conveniently forget to testvaccines for safety. This introduces a scientific uncertainty. Will anensuing pandemic really be the fault of a "virus" or could it perhapsbe induced by the very vaccines that are touted as the solution. Butbusiness is good, it seems - at least for now - for Big Pharma. What can you personally do to stay healthy? Go to Jonathan Campbell's site and read Prepare for Avian Influenza! A good overview is also in this free download: Beat the Bird Flu Virus: how to protect yourself from the comingbird flu pandemic By Mike Adams - Truthpublishing.com I also recommend you read these articles: An Alternative Proposal to Treat SARS The Completely Natural and Safe "Antibiotic" Vaccines Against Natural Processes Vitamin C may be a life-saver Mega-doses of Vitamin C can counter avian flu, hepatitis andherpes, and can even control the advance of Aids - By Jane Feinmann Imagine that a deadly virus is sweeping the world, killing andmaiming hundreds of thousands of children. Nothing seems able to stopit - until a doctor stands up at the American Medical Association andreports on 60 cases involving severely infected children, all of whomhave been cured. Yet his work, subsequently reported in a peer-reviewjournal, is ignored, leaving the virus to wreak havoc for decades... See also related: WHO INSERTED THE MUTATED HUMAN INFLUENZA VIRUS IN A PIG IN SOUTHKOREA? And How To Prepare For The Upcoming Influenza Pandemic - By Bill Sardi Who inserted a mutated version of the human influenza virus in apig in South Korea? That's what a leading biologist wants to know.Health authorities claim that animal viruses from pigs and poultry arejumping to humans and infecting them, causing people some to die. Butit appears somebody is helping the process along... Korean dish 'may cure bird flu' By David Chazan - BBC News South Korea's spicy fermented cabbage dish, kimchi, could help tocure bird flu, according to researchers. Scientists at Seoul NationalUniversity say they fed an extract of kimchi to 13 infected chickens -and a week later 11 of them had started recovering. Vitamin C Can Boost the Immune System ImmuneSupport.com - 03-02-2005 DENVER — People who take daily doses of Vitamin C can boost theirimmune system, potentially protecting themselves from viruses andcolds, according to a study presented at the American Academy ofAllergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). Flu Crisis or Empire Building? Toronto Sun - article by Sue-Ann Levy Bird flu death rates probably exaggerated, says expert; earlyreports say the virus kills 90 percent of those infected SAFETY TESTS FOR VACCINES The Flu Season Campaign Begins THE NEXT BIRD FLU HOAX Vaccination Liberation Org Site The Flu Vaccine Saga: The Latest Twist Pandemic Influenza as a Bioweapon Over 700 scientists sign petition protesting United States'spending on biodefense More than 700 scientists sent a petition on Monday to the directorof the National Institutes of Health protesting what they said was theshift of tens of millions of dollars in federal research money since2001 away from pathogens that cause major public health problems toobscure germs the government fears might be used in a bioterrorist attack. Research Finds No Evidence That Flu Shots Lower Death Rates Feds Backtrack On Flu Vaccine Scare Vaccinations Not Virus Responsible for Spanish Flu SARS ANTHRAX WEST NILE SMALLPOX FLU AIDS THE COMMON COLD like all anaerobic bacteria & viral illnesses ARE WIMPS Lyme Disease - A Biological Weapon? By Marjorie Tietjen - Rense.com 3-16-5 First let's begin with a discussion of what properties constitutean effective biological warfare agent. The Media, The Centers ForDisease Control and The Department of Defense would have us believethat the most threatening biological agents are lethal microbes whichcause acute disease and then death ... such as anthrax and smallpox.It appears that we are being intentionally misled as to where the realdanger lies. Government biological warfare documents speak ofincapacitating agents as being the most effective at disabling anation. When a population is infected with a lethal agent, it is veryobvious that measures need to be taken such as quarantine,antibiotics, etc. This helps to curb and abort the epidemic. A muchmore discreet, diabolical and effective method of disabling a countrywould be to employ a moderately infectious organism or combination(Russian Doll Cocktails) which would pass slowly through thepopulation unnoticed. Ebola-like virus death toll rises The Marburg disease causes fever, vomiting and severe bleeding The toll from the Ebola-like Marburg virus in Angola has risen to122, after a baby died in the northern town of Uige, a governmentspokesman said. The virus, which first broke out in Uige province lastOctober, has now spread to the capital, Luanda. The virus was firstidentified in 1967 among laboratory workers in Europe who had beenworking with monkeys... Flu 'Oddities' Citizens For Legitimate Government, a multi-partisan activistgroup produced an excellent page with links to start you out on apersonal tour of discovery on the background of modern-day 'epidemics'... Labs Urged to Destroy Pandemic Flu Strain LONDON (AP) - Thousands of scientists were scrambling Tuesday atthe urging of global health authorities to destroy vials of a pandemicflu strain sent to labs in 18 countries as part of routine testing. QUESTION: What are the College of American Pathologists and othervirus test kit manufacturers doing sending samples of a deadly 1957Flu virus to thousands of virus laboratories? Note: Since the AP article originally linked here is no longeravailable, here is a link to an equivalent report on CBC Canada. Feds at Loss on How Flu Strain Got to Labs By KEVIN FREKING, Associated Press Writer Federal officials are still at a loss to explain how a potentiallydeadly strain of influenza could be sent to more than 4,000 labsaround the world. Courting Armageddon Aside from all the new smart-bomb, non-lethal and lethalextra-special weaponry currently used and developed, US Senatemajority leader Bill Frist in January 2005 called for a new ManhattanProject (referring to the WWII-era nuclear weapons bonanza) forbiological weapons. It's terrifying to consider the potentialrepercussions, both domestic and abroad, of the Bush administration'scoveted new biological-weapons Manhattan Project. No to GM Smallpox! Non-governmental organizations around the world are urging theWorld Health Organization to block a dangerous proposal that wouldallow the smallpox virus to be genetically engineered, and to ensurethat remaining stocks of the virus are destroyed within two years... Washington Post: Playing With Viruses Replicating This Flu Strain Could Get Us Burned An example of how pervasive the agenda of fear has become at thehighest levels of government, money and media: Threat of Bird Flu Pandemic Dominates World Health Assembly US scientists push for go-ahead to genetically modify smallpox virus WHO to discuss smallpox research The World Health Organisation is to consider the controversialquestion of whether to permit further research on the smallpox virus.Many scientists claim a genetic modification of the virus could speedup the development of new treatments against the disease. But criticssay that the best way to defeat smallpox is to destroy the lastremaining samples of the virus. Mysterious Murder of Yet Another of the World's Top Scientists asChina Declares Bird Flu Emergency and World Health Organization Warnsof Pandemic How pigs could be launchpad for bird flu pandemic Chinese misuse ruins drug against avian flu ... [several] blogs announce the launch of a new experiment incollaborative problem solving in public health, The Flu Wiki. A Wiki is a form of collaborative software that allows anyone toedit (change) any page on the site using a standard web browser likeExplorer, Firefox or Safari.The purpose of the Flu Wiki is to helplocal communities prepare for and perhaps cope with a possibleinfluenza pandemic. This is a task previously ceded to local, stateand national governmental public health agencies. Communicationstechnology has now become sufficiently available to allow a new formof collaborative problem-solving that harvests the rich fund ofknowledge and experience that exists among those connected via theinternet, allowing more talent to participate. International Campaign to stop smallpox genetic engineering As if there wasn't enough trouble with infectious diseases, theWorld Health Organization is pushing to genetically engineer the lastremaining samples of the smallpox virus, which has been successfullyeradicated, so they can "find out how to fight it". Talk about cartbefore the horse... THE POST-ANTIBIOTIC AGE - Tim O'Shea It was great while it lasted: the age of antibiotics. Sure cameand went in a hurry, though, didn't it? Left me with a few questions... Vaccine may be linked to bird flu cases According to this article in THE JAPAN TIMES, a strain of bird flufound in Central America (Guatemala and Mexico) may have been used tomake a vaccine and actually ended up spreading that strain of bird fluin Japan. The Deadliest Flu Virus in the World: Made in USA by Bill Sardi Americans don't need to wait for a flu virus to mutate. Infectiousdisease specialists, working in a semi-secure laboratory at aMidwestern university have already done it ahead of nature. TheseAmerican researchers obtained the viral particles from the H5N1Spanish flu virus that killed millions worldwide and altered one ofits ten genes, making it far more dangerous and virulent than anyinfluenza virus in nature. http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2005/03/02/bird_flu_sars_biowarfare_or_a_pandemic_of_propaganda.htm
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