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Blood Pressure may create taurine deficiency - Diabetics at risk of excess glutamate in their systems -Asthma induced by MSG.

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Body Systems Affected by MSG http://www.msgtruth.org/body.htm Allergic response – MSG is not a true allergen but may directly affect immune response by stimulating the nervous system. May affect eosinophil (white blood cell) levels. Also - Over 85% of individuals with Type 1 Diabetes have antibodies to the enzyme the body uses to turn Glutamate into GABA - glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). Their immune system attacks the means by which glutamate is metabolized, even though it does not attack glutamate itself. Because of their immune response to GAD, Type 1 diabetics are at risk of having an excess of glutamate in their systems already. Blood Pressure - may create taurine deficiency – calcium channels stay open – causing high blood pressure and counteracting calcium channel blocking medication. Blood vessels – Glutamate is vasoactive - it changes the diameter of the blood vessels - one reason why it may cause headaches. Brain – during periods of hypoglycemia where low blood glucose levels leave the brain with low defenses, or allergy response where the blood vessels become "leaky", MSG may cross the blood brain barrier and damage brain cells by excitatory neurotoxicity. By affecting the pancreas and creating a situation of hypoglycemia, MSG may bring down the brain’s barriers, carrying it’s own key, in a sense, to get to the brain. Digestive system – may create taurine deficiency due to its effect on cysteine. Cysteine competes with glutamate for uptake. Unfortunately, cysteine is used to make taurine, and taurine is used to make bile. Bile, which is made by the liver and stored in the gall bladder is used to break up fats into managable pieces for digestion. If bile formation is compromised - diarrhea and "gall bladder attacks" may occur. Endocrine System - GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) is created by feedback mechanism from MSG. GABA may be addictive. Related to the date-rape drug GBH. GABA stimulates the pituitary to produce growth hormone. Research has shown that MSG can also overstimulate prolactin production by the pituitary and cause sterility in female animals. Nearly half of all pituitary tumors are prolactin secreting. Hearing - The hair cells of the ear use glutamate as a neurotransmitter. Over-stimulation of these cells by glutamate can result in ringing in the ears. Glutamate opens calcium channels. Heart Rate - May create taurine deficiency – (taurine regulates heartbeat) causing irregular or racing heartbeat. Hypoglycemia – MSG’s stimulation of pancreas decreases blood glucose, making hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) worse. Hypothalamus – part of the brain most susceptible to attack because it is the "sensor" of the brain, out in the open so to speak, not protected by the blood brain barrier because it needs to monitor levels of hormones in the blood. This part of the brain directs the action of the pituitary gland which directs the action of the entire endocrine system. Many MSG sensitive persons become diagnosed with thyroid disfunction and are put on synthetic hormone due to hypothyroidism. This would suggest that the hypothalamus may be compromised and unable to effectively direct the pituitary gland and consequently the thyroid. The hypothalamus also regulates hunger, and body temperature. The hypothalamus is also responsible for rage and panic as well... Lungs - Asthma - due to MSG’s stimulatory effect on the nervous system (See Johns Hopkins research) would explain why asthma is induced in some by MSG. Nervous system - MSG stimulates nerves in tongue and elsewhere directly (that’s why they use it). Glutamate in excess can overstimulate nerve cells until they die. Pancreas – glutamate stimulates the pancreas and may cause Type II diabetes, obesity, and insulin resistance. In individuals with Type 1 diabetes, it may cause an excess of glutamate since 85% of those with Type 1 diabetes have antibodies which attack GAD - the enzyme responsible for converting glutamate into GABA. Thyroid function – See Hypothalamus above Vision - There are glutamate receptors in the retina. Laboratory studies on animals have shown the retina to be damaged by MSG._________________JoAnn Guest mrsjo- www.geocities.com/mrsjoguest/Genes ====================================================================Post subject: What Foods Should I Avoid? --- http://www.msgtruth.org/avoid.htm Food manufacturers are hiding MSG so you don't know where it is. Lately, food manufacturers mention a "clean label" when referring to soy sauce and other processed flavor enhancers that already contain MSG in the form of glutamic acid. Food manufacturers use these ingredients so they can claim "no added MSG". Hence a "cleaner" label. They know it's in there, they are just hoping you don't. See also:[ MSG and Aspartame ] [ MSG as Crop Spray ] FYI - The following foods contain MSG or its business end - the free amino acid glutamate - in amounts large enough to cause reactions in those sensitive to it.: The Following McDonald's Items: Grilled Chicken Filet Hot and Spicy Chicken Patty Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad Grilled Chicken California Cobb Salad Seasoned Beef Sausage Scrambled Egg Mix, Sausage, and Sausage Patty This doesn't even include the items at McDonald's that have MSG-containing soy sauce, natural flavors or hydrolyzed protein which can contain up to 20% free glutamic acid - the business end of MSG. Doritos® Pringles® (the flavored varieties) KFC® fried chicken and most of their other products Boar's Head® cold cuts and most of their hotdogs Progresso® Soups Lipton® Noodles and Sauce Lipton® Instant soup mix Gravy Master® Cup-a-soup® or Cup-o-Noodles® Planters® salted nuts - most of them Accent® -this is nearly pure MSG sausages - most supermarkets add MSG to theirs processed cheese spread supermarket poultry or turkeys that are injected or "self-basting" restaurant gravy from food service cans flavored ramen noodles boullion - any kind instant soup mixes many salad dressings most salty, powdered dry food mixes - read labels flavored potato chips restaurant soups made from food service soup base or with added MSG monopotassium glutamate glutamic acid gelatin hydrolyzed vegetable protein (found in many processed AMERICAN foods, like canned tuna and even hot dogs) hydrolyzed plant protein (found in many processed AMERICAN foods, like canned tuna and even hot dogs) autolyzed yeast (found in many processed AMERICAN foods, read labels) sodium caseinate textured protein yeast extract yeast food or nutrient soy protein isolate soy sauce Worcestershire sauce Kombu extract dry milk and whey powder "natural flavors" - may contain MSG carageenan dough conditioners body builder drink powders containing protein Parmesan cheese - naturally high in free glutamate over-ripe tomatoes - naturally high in free glutamate mushrooms - naturally high in free glutamate Medications in gelcaps - contain free glutamic acid in the gelatin Cosmetics and shampoos - some now contain glutamic acid Fresh produce sprayed with Auxigro in the field. (Yes the EPA approved this. It appalled us too.) Be aware it is not just the brand names mentioned, but many similar products to the ones listed also contain MSG. You must read labels. These product names were given as examples of the many products that contain MSG. Four good rules of thumb are: The more salty a processed food is, the more likely it is to contain MSG or free glutamate. The more processed a food is, the more likely it is to contain MSG or free glutamate: powdered stuff that used to be food is likely to have added MSG because the original flavor has been degraded. The more ingredients in a packaged food, the more likely MSG is present. Read labels carefully if a food has more than five ingredients. Do not trust something simply because it is in a health food store and the label states it is natural or even organic.

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Pardon my ignorance, but what is MSG?---Multiple




--- Eagle <nweagle wrote:


> Body Systems Affected by MSG

> http://www.msgtruth.org/body.htm


> Allergic response – MSG is not a true allergen but

> may directly affect

> immune response by stimulating the nervous system.

> May affect eosinophil

> (white blood cell) levels. Also - Over 85% of

> individuals with Type 1

> Diabetes have antibodies to the enzyme the body uses

> to turn Glutamate

> into GABA - glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). Their

> immune system

> attacks the means by which glutamate is metabolized,

> even though it does

> not attack glutamate itself. Because of their immune

> response to GAD,

> Type 1 diabetics are at risk of having an excess of

> glutamate in their

> systems already.


> Blood Pressure - may create taurine deficiency –

> calcium channels stay

> open – causing high blood pressure and counteracting

> calcium channel

> blocking medication.


> Blood vessels – Glutamate is vasoactive - it changes

> the diameter of the

> blood vessels - one reason why it may cause

> headaches.


> Brain – during periods of hypoglycemia where low

> blood glucose levels

> leave the brain with low defenses, or allergy

> response where the blood

> vessels become " leaky " , MSG may cross the blood

> brain barrier and damage

> brain cells by excitatory neurotoxicity. By

> affecting the pancreas and

> creating a situation of hypoglycemia, MSG may bring

> down the brain’s

> barriers, carrying it’s own key, in a sense, to get

> to the brain.


> Digestive system – may create taurine deficiency due

> to its effect on

> cysteine. Cysteine competes with glutamate for

> uptake. Unfortunately,

> cysteine is used to make taurine, and taurine is

> used to make bile.

> Bile, which is made by the liver and stored in the

> gall bladder is used

> to break up fats into managable pieces for

> digestion. If bile formation

> is compromised - diarrhea and " gall bladder attacks "

> may occur.


> Endocrine System - GABA (gamma amino butyric acid)

> is created by

> feedback mechanism from MSG. GABA may be addictive.

> Related to the

> date-rape drug GBH. GABA stimulates the pituitary to

> produce growth

> hormone. Research has shown that MSG can also

> overstimulate prolactin

> production by the pituitary and cause sterility in

> female animals.

> Nearly half of all pituitary tumors are prolactin

> secreting.


> Hearing - The hair cells of the ear use glutamate as

> a neurotransmitter.

> Over-stimulation of these cells by glutamate can

> result in ringing in

> the ears. Glutamate opens calcium channels.


> Heart Rate - May create taurine deficiency –

> (taurine regulates

> heartbeat) causing irregular or racing heartbeat.


> Hypoglycemia – MSG’s stimulation of pancreas

> decreases blood glucose,

> making hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) worse.


> Hypothalamus – part of the brain most susceptible to

> attack because it

> is the " sensor " of the brain, out in the open so to

> speak, not protected

> by the blood brain barrier because it needs to

> monitor levels of

> hormones in the blood. This part of the brain

> directs the action of the

> pituitary gland which directs the action of the

> entire endocrine system.

> Many MSG sensitive persons become diagnosed with

> thyroid disfunction and

> are put on synthetic hormone due to hypothyroidism.

> This would suggest

> that the hypothalamus may be compromised and unable

> to effectively

> direct the pituitary gland and consequently the

> thyroid. The

> hypothalamus also regulates hunger, and body

> temperature. The

> hypothalamus is also responsible for rage and panic

> as well...


> Lungs - Asthma - due to MSG’s stimulatory effect on

> the nervous system

> (See Johns Hopkins research) would explain why

> asthma is induced in some

> by MSG.


> Nervous system - MSG stimulates nerves in tongue and

> elsewhere directly

> (that’s why they use it). Glutamate in excess can

> overstimulate nerve

> cells until they die.


> Pancreas – glutamate stimulates the pancreas and may

> cause Type II

> diabetes, obesity, and insulin resistance. In

> individuals with Type 1

> diabetes, it may cause an excess of glutamate since

> 85% of those with

> Type 1 diabetes have antibodies which attack GAD -

> the enzyme

> responsible for converting glutamate into GABA.


> Thyroid function – See Hypothalamus above


> Vision - There are glutamate receptors in the

> retina. Laboratory studies

> on animals have shown the retina to be damaged by

> MSG.

> _________________

> JoAnn Guest

> mrsjo-

> www.geocities.com/mrsjoguest/Genes




> Post subject: What Foods Should I Avoid?




> http://www.msgtruth.org/avoid.htm


> Food manufacturers are hiding MSG so you don't know

> where it is. Lately,

> food manufacturers mention a " clean label " when

> referring to soy sauce

> and other processed flavor enhancers that already

> contain MSG in the

> form of glutamic acid. Food manufacturers use these

> ingredients so they

> can claim " no added MSG " . Hence a " cleaner " label.

> They know it's in

> there, they are just hoping you don't.


> See also:[ MSG and Aspartame ] [ MSG as Crop Spray ]



> FYI - The following foods contain MSG or its

> business end - the free

> amino acid glutamate - in amounts large enough to

> cause reactions in

> those sensitive to it.:


> The Following McDonald's Items:

> Grilled Chicken Filet

> Hot and Spicy Chicken Patty

> Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad

> Grilled Chicken California Cobb Salad

> Seasoned Beef

> Sausage Scrambled Egg Mix, Sausage, and Sausage

> Patty

> This doesn't even include the items at McDonald's

> that have

> MSG-containing soy sauce, natural flavors or

> hydrolyzed protein which

> can contain up to 20% free glutamic acid - the

> business end of MSG.

> Doritos®

> Pringles® (the flavored varieties)

> KFC® fried chicken and most of their other products

> Boar's Head® cold cuts and most of their hotdogs

> Progresso® Soups

> Lipton® Noodles and Sauce

> Lipton® Instant soup mix

> Gravy Master®

> Cup-a-soup® or Cup-o-Noodles®

> Planters® salted nuts - most of them

> Accent® -this is nearly pure MSG

> sausages - most supermarkets add MSG to theirs

> processed cheese spread

> supermarket poultry or turkeys that are injected or

> " self-basting "

> restaurant gravy from food service cans

> flavored ramen noodles

> boullion - any kind

> instant soup mixes


=== message truncated ===



Ratan Singh

Phone: 91 141 2652561

Address: 7- NA- 16

Jawahar Nagar

Jaipur- 302004 INDIA


- Certificate in Food & Nutrition;

- Author of " Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses " ;

- M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, Ph.D.;

- Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, Temple

University Medical School, Philadelphia, USA);

- Hypnotist, Biofeedback and Meditation Therapist.

- Family, Marital and Sex Therapist.

->Consultant Nutritional & Clinical Psychologist in Jaipur Hospital, India.









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Guest guest

MonoSodiumGlutamate  So called “food”

preservative.  Also, is a body destroyer.






On Behalf Of psych doc

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:53



Cc: mrsjo-;



Blood Pressure may create taurine deficiency - Diabetics at risk of excess

glutamate in their systems -Asthma induced by MSG.






Pardon my

ignorance, but what is MSG?---Multiple




--- Eagle <nweagle >



> Body Systems Affected by MSG

> http://www.msgtruth.org/body.htm



> Allergic response – MSG is not a true allergen but

> may directly affect

> immune response by stimulating the nervous system.

> May affect eosinophil

> (white blood cell) levels. Also - Over 85% of

> individuals with Type 1

> Diabetes have antibodies to the enzyme the body uses

> to turn Glutamate

> into GABA - glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). Their

> immune system

> attacks the means by which glutamate is metabolized,

> even though it does

> not attack glutamate itself. Because of their immune

> response to GAD,

> Type 1 diabetics are at risk of having an excess of

> glutamate in their

> systems already.


> Blood Pressure - may create taurine deficiency –

> calcium channels stay

> open – causing high blood pressure and counteracting

> calcium channel

> blocking medication.


> Blood vessels – Glutamate is vasoactive - it changes

> the diameter of the

> blood vessels - one reason why it may cause

> headaches.


> Brain – during periods of hypoglycemia where low

> blood glucose levels

> leave the brain with low defenses, or allergy

> response where the blood

> vessels become " leaky " , MSG may cross the blood

> brain barrier and damage

> brain cells by excitatory neurotoxicity. By

> affecting the pancreas and

> creating a situation of hypoglycemia, MSG may bring

> down the brain’s

> barriers, carrying it’s own key, in a sense, to get

> to the brain.


> Digestive system – may create taurine deficiency due

> to its effect on

> cysteine. Cysteine competes with glutamate for

> uptake. Unfortunately,

> cysteine is used to make taurine, and taurine is

> used to make bile.

> Bile, which is made by the liver and stored in the

> gall bladder is used

> to break up fats into managable pieces for

> digestion. If bile formation

> is compromised - diarrhea and " gall bladder attacks "

> may occur.


> Endocrine System - GABA (gamma amino butyric acid)

> is created by

> feedback mechanism from MSG. GABA may be addictive.

> Related to the

> date-rape drug GBH. GABA stimulates the pituitary to

> produce growth

> hormone. Research has shown that MSG can also

> overstimulate prolactin

> production by the pituitary and cause sterility in

> female animals.

> Nearly half of all pituitary tumors are prolactin

> secreting.


> Hearing - The hair cells of the ear use glutamate as

> a neurotransmitter.

> Over-stimulation of these cells by glutamate can

> result in ringing in

> the ears. Glutamate opens calcium channels.


> Heart Rate - May create taurine deficiency –

> (taurine regulates

> heartbeat) causing irregular or racing heartbeat.


> Hypoglycemia – MSG’s stimulation of pancreas

> decreases blood glucose,

> making hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) worse.


> Hypothalamus – part of the brain most susceptible to

> attack because it

> is the " sensor " of the brain, out in the open so to

> speak, not protected

> by the blood brain barrier because it needs to

> monitor levels of

> hormones in the blood. This part of the brain

> directs the action of the

> pituitary gland which directs the action of the

> entire endocrine system.

> Many MSG sensitive persons become diagnosed with

> thyroid disfunction and

> are put on synthetic hormone due to hypothyroidism.

> This would suggest

> that the hypothalamus may be compromised and unable

> to effectively

> direct the pituitary gland and consequently the

> thyroid. The

> hypothalamus also regulates hunger, and body

> temperature. The

> hypothalamus is also responsible for rage and panic

> as well...


> Lungs - Asthma - due to MSG’s stimulatory effect on

> the nervous system

> (See Johns Hopkins research) would explain why

> asthma is induced in some

> by MSG.


> Nervous system - MSG stimulates nerves in tongue and

> elsewhere directly

> (that’s why they use it). Glutamate in excess can

> overstimulate nerve

> cells until they die.


> Pancreas – glutamate stimulates the pancreas and may

> cause Type II

> diabetes, obesity, and insulin resistance. In

> individuals with Type 1

> diabetes, it may cause an excess of glutamate since

> 85% of those with

> Type 1 diabetes have antibodies which attack GAD -

> the enzyme

> responsible for converting glutamate into GABA.


> Thyroid function – See Hypothalamus above


> Vision - There are glutamate receptors in the

> retina. Laboratory studies

> on animals have shown the retina to be damaged by

> MSG.

> _________________

> JoAnn Guest

> mrsjo- (AT) speakeasy (DOT) net

> www.geocities.com/mrsjoguest/Genes




> Post subject: What Foods Should I Avoid?




> http://www.msgtruth.org/avoid.htm



> Food manufacturers are hiding MSG so you don't know

> where it is. Lately,

> food manufacturers mention a " clean label " when

> referring to soy sauce

> and other processed flavor enhancers that already

> contain MSG in the

> form of glutamic acid. Food manufacturers use these

> ingredients so they

> can claim " no added MSG " . Hence a " cleaner " label.

> They know it's in

> there, they are just hoping you don't.


> See also:[ MSG and Aspartame ] [ MSG as Crop Spray ]



> FYI - The following foods contain MSG or its

> business end - the free

> amino acid glutamate - in amounts large enough to

> cause reactions in

> those sensitive to it.:


> The Following McDonald's Items:

> Grilled Chicken Filet

> Hot and Spicy Chicken Patty

> Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad

> Grilled Chicken California Cobb Salad

> Seasoned Beef

> Sausage Scrambled Egg Mix, Sausage, and Sausage

> Patty

> This doesn't even include the items at McDonald's

> that have

> MSG-containing soy sauce, natural flavors or

> hydrolyzed protein which

> can contain up to 20% free glutamic acid - the

> business end of MSG.

> Doritos®

> Pringles® (the flavored varieties)

> KFC® fried chicken and most of their other products

> Boar's Head® cold cuts and most of their hotdogs

> Progresso® Soups

> Lipton® Noodles and Sauce

> Lipton® Instant soup mix

> Gravy Master®

> Cup-a-soup® or Cup-o-Noodles®

> Planters® salted nuts - most of them

> Accent® -this is nearly pure MSG

> sausages - most supermarkets add MSG to theirs

> processed cheese spread

> supermarket poultry or turkeys that are injected or

> " self-basting "

> restaurant gravy from food service cans

> flavored ramen noodles

> boullion - any kind

> instant soup mixes


=== message truncated ===


Ratan Singh

Phone: 91 141 2652561

Address: 7- NA- 16

Jawahar Nagar

Jaipur- 302004 INDIA


- Certificate in Food & Nutrition;

- Author of " Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses " ;

- M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology,


- Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, Temple University

Medical School,

Philadelphia, USA);

- Hypnotist, Biofeedback and Meditation Therapist.

- Family, Marital and Sex Therapist.

->Consultant Nutritional & Clinical Psychologist in Jaipur Hospital, India.

psych_58 ,








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