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Global climate changes and intelligent action for planetary survival

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Written by Vio d'Oro


Friday, 22 December 2006


We, as Humanity on Earth, face a lot of challenges today, global problems that we have created in the last decades, by unconscious, stupid, short-sighted action ... especially by some of the richest people who want more, and more, and more money and personal power --- which has been admitted by all those who let them rule. This article is a runner up in the PlanetSave Contest Win an Inconvenient Truth on DVD PlanetSave readers entered their own articles on the subject of global warming for a chance to win the DVD, "An Inconvenient Truth". One of the greatest problems is our sensitive climate. Natural disasters, floods, droughts, hurricanes etc. become stronger and more frequent from year to year, and they show us clearly that something is out of order with the global climate system. We have been warned by scientists since the sixties, that, if we continue with the excessive use and output of poisons, CO2 and other greenhouse gases, we will face some really great global problems. Slowly, things changed a little, some greenhouse gases were forbidden and reduced, filters were introduced for cars and factories, but far more could have been done - if there wasn't the interest of the industry, the oil companies, the automobile factories and so on. Now we experience the beginning of a global disaster, which the prospective scientists have predicted already decades ago. The root cause of the "natural" disasters of the last years, clear signs of a great climatic change, are due to the mad energy concepts we still use: Burning oil, gas and coal, and using dangerous nuclear power to create electricity.

Almost anything we do to create energy, causes pollution ! The exhausts we produce have two main effects: Global Dimming and Global Warming - the warming caused by CO2 has been hidden by the cooling from Global Dimming, an effect mostly under-estimated or even unseen by most scientists. So these effects balance each other in a crazy way, a really dangerous way, pushing the sensitive balance of Earth's climate to the border of what is possible - and beyond - and creating a lot of problems nearby: pollution, diseases and the loss of sunlight - which is absolutely essential for nearly all life-forms. We act thoughtless like little children jumping and dancing wild in a little canoe which drives them across the sea: it moves severely left and right, up and down, but suddenly, in one moment, the angle will be too big, the boat looses its sensitive balance and tilts. Game Over. That can happen easily with the world's climate - it is a complex system with a lot of influencing factors we don't understand, and we change many of them without awareness. That works up to a critical point, like every ecosystem has the ability to rebalance itself to a certain degree, but in one moment, when we cross this critical point, the whole system changes to another state. This can be an Ice Age, or a warming causing great floods and deserting areas, or something our climatic experts are not even expecting. According to geological research, this has happened several times in Earth's history, and often many species had no chance to survive the new conditions. For sure, the Atmosphere is much more vulnerable to Greenhouse Gases than we have assumed. There was one remarkable event in the last decades that showed scientists the great effect that our airplanes have on these two sides of human-created pseudo-balance: 2001, 9/11. During five days after the "terrorists attacks" on WTC & Pentagon no commercial airplane was allowed to fly across the USA. During these days, the air was extraordinarily clear, the sun was shining brighter than in summer, and the temperature swing between day and night had the greatest magnitude ever measured in the last 30 years ! David Travis from the University of Wisconsin has been studying Contrails for 15 years. In these days he had a chance to measure the effects, because now there was data about the no-aircraft-state to compare with. All over the US, scientists helped measuring - the incoming sunlight, the water-vaporization, the temperature. And they found out, that aircraft has a much bigger effect than ever assumed. <( Beside to the normal trails of airplanes, aware people all over the world have discovered, watched and tracked the "Chemtrails" - chemical poisons that are sprayed into the atmosphere by military and commercial airplanes. This is part of a top secret operation called "The Shield", initiated by the ruling powers - in cooperation with oil and pharma industry - to reduce the Global Warming, the Global Consciousness, Humanity's health and the Cosmic Connection of the people. [ I know that this statement may not fit into the mental concept of some people about our world, but nonetheless it is important enough to speak about it ] These Chemtrails have a lot of effects: mainly the cooling of the atmosphere by reflecting the heat-radiation coming from the sun, causing (especially lung-) diseases and disturbing global energy grids in their functions. )> A similar examination was made in North and South of the Maledives: in the North there is a lot of atmospheric pollution coming from India, in the South the atmosphere is very clear because of fresh air coming from the South pole. They discovered a particle layer in the atmosphere, 30 km's thick, functioning like a mirror that reduces the sunlight on the ground around 10 %. Remember: the Maledives are surrounded by water, so they are much less polluted than other areas in the world. Between 1950 and 1980, scientists have measured the reduction of incoming sunlight in several countries, and what they found out was the following: 13 % less sunlight in the USA, 30 % in Russia, 15 % in Israel, 16 % on the British Isles, and 9 % in Antarctica. Altogether, those scientists came to the conclusion, that the old models are definitely wrong. There will not "only" be a Global Warming of five degrees by the end of the century, but - if we continue like until now - it can easily be 10 degrees or more in some decades! "Well, 10 degrees, that's nice, a little warmer in winter, a hot summer, no problem...." Error. This definetely IS a problem. Even five degrees would mean a total collapse of the ecosystems in big areas all over the world, especially in already hot countries and in areas that need the monsun or the little rain they have to survive. We already experienced this in the last years in Namibia, Äthiopia and parts of India. Only 2 degrees more than now will cause the Greenland Icecap to melt, and there will be no way to stop it. 3 or 4 degrees would cause the rainforest to dry out, and to catch fire - as the great forests in Portugal and Spain did in the last years - and you know, it is almost impossible for humans to stop the burning of a big forest. Between 2 and 4 degrees, the frozen methane on the ground of the oceans would start to come out : Estimates speak about tons !!! Then it would definetely be too late. No chance to do anything. Methane is a Greenhouse gas 8 times stronger than CO2. Such great amounts of methane in the atmosphere would accelerate the Global Warming exponentially. Scientists say we would face temperatures unseen ever in the last 4 Billion years !! That's, in short, part of what we are facing today, what we have caused on this planet. We are rapidly running out of time. But we have a chance: The root cause of Global Warming and Global Dimming needs to be tackled: the burning of coal, oil and gas. We need to stop it quickly, to use Regenerative Energy and Free Energy Systems. Everyone of us. There are a lot of working devices that use the "Zero Point Energy", the seemingly endless Energy of the Quantum field, and those little machines produce enough power to sustain houses and communities. That's not Perpetua mobile, it's just the basic energy source of matter - all the natural systems function with this, every plant, animal or planet works on the principle of resonance with the fundamental vibration of matter. You can find a lot of information about this on the web, only you need the will to find it and maybe a little patience. Don't judge about things you have not heard about before, don't fall into ignorance. It is our responsibility, everyone of us has the responsibility, not "those in charge" in government etc. It is our need, and chance, to awake, to take response-ability and power back, to change our world back into harmony. A Paradise on Earth, all over. I hope that these words have some positive affect on everyone who reads them. I hope they have touched you in your heart, in the holy essence of your being. I wish that we all may find our way to Bliss, Joy, Love and Freedom, by taking responsibility, by awakening ourselves, by choosing to act in love, to take care and doing the best we can do for the whole world. It is a basic law of the Universe: We all earn the fruits of the seeds in our thoughts, words and deeds. So let us act consciously, intelligent and prospective, here and now, for we are the future, we create the future, everyone. May Everyone be free of mental prisons, may all Beings live in peace & happyness, may we rise together to the next level of Existence, of Consciousness, of Evolution. Love to you ~ Namasté ~ Vio d'Oro




GaiaHemp aka Hempress



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Sory, guys, but to simply point to human intervention as THE cause of these changes is too simplistic.......

Nothing said about HAARP and the effect - cumulative - of saturation by microwaves due to intense communicaton worldwide ... mobile phones etc.......or the effect that the Solar activity has had on not only geomagnetic, but ALL forms of energy related systems on our planet..... OR the underwater volcanic activity which is warming the oceans ... Or the volcanic activity which is active on the surface, and spewing gases up to the Ozonic level........

YES, we ARE facing perhaps quite DRASTIC changes, but to simply lump them in my lap or yours, without understanding what has happened on earth previously, when mankind and his effect on the environment was in a minority, is playing into the hands of the PTB, who can now exert MORE control over we the sheeples, because we WILL NOT take the time to research ALL available data, and make our personal point of view based on THIS .... not some 'terrorising propaganda' from the PTB ... who, by the way, ARE NOT TELLING US THE FULL STORY!!!!


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