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Folk Remedies Iodine Cures

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http://www.briansprediction.com/dd/2058.htm Folk Remedies Iodine Cures Disclaimer The information provided on the pages of Earth Clinic.com are intended as information only and are not a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a physician. This website is a work-in-progress, and is our attempt to bring you reference material on the healing arts/home remedies/natural cures/etc. The ideas and information on these pages are designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. However, they are not intended as a substitute for any treatment that has been prescribed by your doctor. You must take full responsibility for your health. If you believe you have a medical or mental problem, please seek medical evaluation. Earth Clinic disclaims any responsibility for any adverse effects that may result from your use of the information contained within these pages. WARNING -- IODINE CAN CAUSE AN ALLERGIC REACTION --BE CAREFUL WITH THIS PRODUCT! According to our readers, not only does iodine (the painting of or the internal consumption of Lugol's iodine solution) cure an impending cold or flu, iodine also cures acne, PMS, anxiety, allergies, bladder infections and moles! Due to the potential allergic reaction of iodine, some herbalists use some form of seaweed. A very mild form of iodine is liquid kelp. Small quantities of liquid kelp can be extremely useful since the benefits tend to be cumulative. Note: If you are painting iodine in an obvious place (face, throat, etc) you might purchase colorless iodine at the pharmacy or over the internet. IODINE CURES A CHRONIC BLADDER INFECTION 1 Reader Reports Success Michael, from Peoria Az writes us: "I have used Lugol's internally for years. My wife had a major bladder infection and had 2 bio's performed and all kinds of drugs prescribed including a Dr. stating we were passing a virus thru sex back and forth. I refused to take the chemicals. Finally she wanted to try the Lugol's and within 2 weeks began to walk with no pain. I placed it in the water containers of my 2 dogs. My 3 pound 10 old dog came alive once again. I feel it killed all the worms in her that were bleeding her of energy. I believe in Lugols for everything. I purchase it by the 500ml's and give it away to people who are real ill or sick." IODINE CURES THROAT ISSUES (STREP, SORE, TONSILS) 4 Readers Report Success Loni from Tallahassee,Fla. writes, "Iodine is my drug of choice. I use it for EVERYTHING. I raise my kids and now my grandkids on iodine. My son was due to have his tonsils removed and I decided to paint his tonsils and he has never been had any more problems with his throat. I took a spray bottle and poured some iodine into the bottle and sprayed his tonsils. As you may know iodine dries quickly, so he didn't really swallow any. It worked within 24 hours after spraying the throat. I have done it for my sore throat and it clears it right up." Frank, from Palm Beach FL writes us:"I have treated a number of sore and streph throats and loss of voice; painting iodine on the outside of the throat clears all within 24 hours. Iodine absorbs into the skin in about 6 hours. Also works for ear problems and swollen glands." Greg from Atlanta, GA writes, "Painting Iodine on my wrist gets rid of my sore throat everytime!" Nita, from St Pete, Fl: Iodine definitely works for me, however, I find it best to use the clear "decolorized" iodine, available at most drugstores. I paint it on the inside of the wrists (where the veins are closest to the skin) and on the sides of the throat." IODINE CURES A COLD OR FLU 1 Reader Reports Success Cindy, from Shady Cove, OR writes, "I use Lugol's iodine anytime I am getting a cold. I was a chronic user of antibiotics because of asthma. I have not had a bout with bronchitis because anytime i am getting a cold or virus I put 6 drops of Lugol's in water 3 times over a 24 hour period and the infection is gone. I actually have one day colds now. I follow up with acidophilus for my stomach and milk thistle for my liver. This really works and probably will work for Bird flu if you keep a supply in your cupboard." IODINE MAKES A MOLE OR SKIN TAG FALL OFF 1 Reader Reports Success Teresa, from Lowell, North Carolina writes, "I had a raised mole to come up on my face and several skin tags to appear under my arm. I was embarrased by the mole on my face, but didn't have the money to have it removed. Using a q-tip, I rubbed iodine on both the mole and skin tags at night before going to bed. Within 3 to 7 days the skin tag dried and fell off while the mole went away. I have shared this information with my sister who has removed several as well." IODINE CURES PMS & ACNE FLARE UPS 1 Reader Reports Success Donna, from Aspen, CO writes us about the wonders of iodine solution to cure PMS: "I totally cured my PMS, as I used to have severe anxiety, temper flare ups and acne. I paint myself with 2% tincture of iodine every AM & PM. Noticed the change within 2 days! Also, my allergies went away, my teeth weren't sensitive anymore. Recipe: Paint about a 2" X 2" area on your stomach area, always moving the spot around to different locations (or the skin gets dried out and itchy). Just two days ago I forgot to paint in the morning, by evening I had a acne starting to form on my chin, I quickly painted my tummy, and when I awoke the next day it was gone! If your paintings don't absorb then you can put off painting, maybe every other day. It means your iodine level is okay, maybe you really don't need any. However, I read that 80% of Americans are iodine defficient. They used to put iodine in all of our flour products (before 1966), then they discovered bromide, it is easier, cheaper, less messy and makes ingredients mix well, so it's in all of our bread, flour products (except "sprouted grain" breads/products & 100% organic) cakes, even Gatorade and Mountain Dew (it was found in Dansani water too)! Fluoride, chlorine, bromide & iodine are all halogens, their atomic weight determines which one deletes the other, fluoride being the winner (doesn't that make you happy). Iodine is the loser, so all three delete iodine. That's why we are all deficient, we cannot escape fluoride, chlorine and bromide! So, paint paint paint, you only absorb what you need!" We asked Donna for more information... "Glad you are so interested. Yes! The iodine dyes the skin--sort of-- it is suposed to, so you can see when it's gone. Your skin isn't really dyed--as it absorbs into the skin. If it absorbs (disappears) before 24 hours then you are iodine deficient. If you buy the colorless iodine then you will never know if you are iodine deficient or not. As 80% of us in the U.S. are iodine deficient, it's a good guess you are one of us! I painted a friend visiting from Europe--her painting lasted 75 hours!!! There's no fluoride, chlorine or bromade in their water or bread. So, her thyroid is working, her body did not absorb it because she had sufficient iodine in her, and she is 67 years old. The thyroid cleans the blood every 17 minutes and sends out messages in the blood to care for the hormones and all of your glands and organs. If the thyroid is iodine deficient then it cannot work properly. The good news is that you can abuse your throid for 10 years or more before it just cannot do it's job, and then it slowly goes out. It starts by depriving something- whatever it feels is least important to your well being, your face may break out, your hair may get thin or dry, you may get dark circles under your eyes, you may feel dizzy or slow. It's not something you really even notice for years, and then something bad happens.....cancer, diabetes, heart attack (impurities in the blood cause the vessels to clog), etc. The good news is it only takes the thyroid 3 months to be strong again with feeding it iodine. However, I will paint every day because our society is so busy depleting iodine in our food. It used to be in our soils, it raines down on us from the sky, now we pesticide and chemicalize our soil to death. Just don't forget that the thyroid regulates how much oxygen gets into the blood. So, take another simplistic step back & go to "iodine" and cure your thyroid. More regarding your thyroid: your thyroid is 65% iodine. It also regulates the oxygen that gets into your cells. Lack of sufficient oxygen in your cells is the root of all cancers. And, everyone who has died from cancer is found to have a deficient thyroid gland. A low body temperature (under 97.6) is also caused by low thyroid function, this is your first signal that something is wrong. Sea Kelp pills also supply iodine......painting though, w/ iodine, is always there for your thyroid to feed on! Lugols is a stronger iodine, it is 6%, so just doing the math-- if 2% should stay on for 24 hours then Lugols should stay on 72 hours. Just go with the drug store 2% variety, mine is Swan brand, and watch it absorb, if yours disappears really quickly then as a daily painting you could use the stronger Lugols. Or you can buy Iodoral tablets on the web. They are 12% iodine. I take one every other day. However your thyroid can only absorb a very small amount everyday, you cannot force it to drink more than it can absorb naturally. The excess isn't wasted though, it uses the excess that you feed it daily to help regulate the organs and blood. But I feel that painting is the best, I will paint every day the rest of my life. Hope your iodine stays on for days!" Reader question from Albany, NY to Donna: "I read somewhere that a quarter size spot of over the counter iodine can help relieve breast tenderness in a premenopause woman - any idea?" Donna's response: "Personally, I think iodine can do anything, as it controls your blood and your organs, breast tenderness makes sense because of the profound way ioidine makes your hormones happy." Reader question: Maria, from Seattle, WA writes, "Several years ago I read an article about a product that was mainly iodine & one of the things that people took it for (internally) was to get the gray out of their hair & restore it's natural color. Have you ever heard that taking iodine will bring back the natural color to one's hair?" Bob, from Murphy, NC confirms; "Yes, I've heard of iodine supplements restoring some hair color from WAY BACK in the DARK ages of 1950's I think the article was in a 'Prevention' Mag. Earth Clinic Response: If anyone knows the dosage for this, please let us know! MORE ABOUT IODINE DEFICIENCY CAUSED BY TABLE SALT J.C. Jarvis, M.D. author of Folk Medicine was particularly fond of iodine replacement due to the chorine content of our drinking water. He writes: "The clinical activity of any one of these four halogens is in inverse proportion to its atomic weight. This means that any one of the four can displace the element with a higher atomic weight, but cannot displace an element with a lower atomic weight. For example, flourine can displace chlorine, bromine and iodine because flourine has a lower atomic weight than the other three. Similarly, chlorine can displace bromine and iodine because they both have a higher atomic weight. Likewise, bromine can displace iodine from the body because iodine has a higher atomic weight. But a reverse order is not possible. A knowledge of this well-known chemical law brings us to a consideration of the addition of chlorine to our drinking water as a purifying agent. We secure a drinking water that is harmful to the body not because of its harmful germ content but because the chlorine content now causes the body to lose the much-needed iodine..." To counter the effects of iodine loss, Dr. Jarvis recommended various methods including: eating foods rich in iodine: food from the ocean, radishes, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, rhubarb, potatoes, peas, strawberries, mushrooms, lettuce, bananas, cabbage, egg yolk, and onions; Painting a small area of the body with tincture of iodine; and taking preparations known to be rich in iodine, including cod liver oil, kelp tablets. Dr. Jarvis was very keen on Lugol's iodine for treating various illnesses, including colds and flu, and for countering the effects of stress: He writes, "Supposing you do follow the suggestions outlined above and find that some weeks the pressures of your private and your business life are causing you to lose the ability to bounce back. Then you should add a drop of Lugol's solution of iodine to your glass of apple or grape juice at breakfast, or you may take it in the mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. The point is that the potassium in the solution (Lugol's is 5% potassium iodine) blocks off the body mechanism that organizes for aggressive action, releasing its hold on the body when opportunity for rest and relaxation arises. The iodine swings into action the body and the building up and storing of body reserves. When working under pressure, include the Lugol's solution dose each day until the period of pressure passes. If it should happen that your body becomes saturated with iodine, you will find that there is an increase of moisture in the nose. If this occurs, omit the iodine until the nose is normal." Lugol's Iodine can be purchased in some drug stores or over the internet. Lugol's Iodine Solution Cures Salmonella Poisoning WARNING: DO NOT TRY THIS IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO IODINE!! Here is a remedy that's been around quite a long time. It stops Salmonella poisoning immediately. Also used to treat Giardia. If you have gas and bloating and suspect Salmonella poisoning, here's the recipe: 1/2 glass of water. Add 6 drops of Lugol's Iodine Solution. Stir and drink in entirety. You will feel better within an hour. Take this 4x a day, after meals and at bedtime, for 3 days in a row, then as needed. Using Iodine to Purify Your Water Iodine is a very effective method for water purification. Iodine destroys bacteria, viruses and cysts, and its action is dependent on its concentration, the water temperature and duration of contact. A concentration of 8 mgs per litre at 20 degrees centigrade, will destroy all pathogens if left for 10 minutes. Lower concentrations and lower water temperatures require a longer duration of action. Various preparations of iodine are available, including tincture of iodine, iodine crystals and tablets. Manufacturers instructions should be followed in each case. With tincture of iodine, adequate levels are normally achieved by using 4 drops to 1 litre of water or one drop to a glass. As with all halogens it is less effective against cryptosporidia. Iodine has been used safely for periods of several months, however it is not known whether there are adverse effects associated with longer term use. Those with a history of thyroid disease or iodine allergy, the pregnant and the very young may be advised against using iodine for water purification. The taste of iodine can be largely removed by neutralising the iodine, after it has had time to work, with dissolvable vitamin C tablets, lime or lemon juice. It should be noted that this also stops the disinfectant action, so care should be taken to prevent recontamination of water. Tincture of Iodine: USP tincture of iodine contains 2% iodine and 2.4% sodium iodide dissolved in 50% ethyl alcohol. For water purification use, the sodium iodide has no purification effect, but contributes to the total iodine dose. Thus it is not a preferred source of iodine, but can be used if other sources are not available. 0.4 cc's (or 8 drops) of USP tincture (2% iodine) added to a liter of water will give the 8 mg/l (same as 8 PPM). If the iodine tincture isn't compounded to USP specs, then you will have to calculate an equal dose based on the iodine concentration. Lugol's solution: Contains 5% iodine and 10% potassium iodide. 0.15 cc (3 drops) can be added per liter of water, but 3 times more iodine is consumed compared to sources without iodide. Betadyne (povidone iodine) Some have recommended 8 drops of 10% povidone iodine per liter of water as a water treatment method, claiming that at low concentrations povidone iodine can be regarded as a solution of iodine. One study indicated that at 1:10,000 dilution (2 drops/liter), there was 2 PPM iodine, while another study resulted in conflicting results. However, at 8 drops/liter, there is little doubt that there is an antimicrobial effetc. The manufacturer hasn't spent the money on testing this product against EPA standard tests, but in other countries it has been sold for use in field water treatment. Iodine Fact Sheet Overview: Iodine is a trace mineral produced by the body that is essential for normal growth and development. Seventy to eighty percent of iodine is found in the thyroid gland in the neck. The rest is distributed throughout the body, particularly in the ovaries, muscles, and blood. A deficiency of iodine can lead to hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone levels); symptoms of this condition include sluggishness, weight gain, and sensitivity to temperature changes. In infants and children, hypothyroidism can impair physical and mental development. The classic sign of iodine deficiency is an enlarged thyroid gland. Some people with hypothyroidism develop an extremely large thyroid, known as goiter. Today, iodine deficiencies in the United States and other developed countries are rare because table salt is supplemented with iodine and crops in developed countries are generally grown in iodine-rich soil. In developing countries, however, where soil is often low in iodine, more than one billion people are estimated to be at risk for disorders caused by iodine deficiencies. Uses Iodine offers a variety of potential therapeutic uses, primarily in the prevention of hypothyroidism. A health care provider may also recommend iodine supplements for the following conditions: Fibrocystic Breast Changes There is some evidence to suggest that hypothyroidism and/or iodine deficiencies may contribute to the development of fibrocystic breast tissue. People with fibrocystic breasts experience tenderness, particularly just before menstruation. Certain foods may worsen breast tenderness such as caffeine (including from chocolate) and high fat foods. During a physical exam, the doctor can feel cysts and fibrous (hardened) tissue. A review of clinical studies found that iodine replacement therapy (particularly for those with low levels of iodine) may improve the tenderness associated with fibrocystic breast tissue. The women taking iodine experienced very few side effects. Iodine deficiency has also been associated with ovarian cysts, breast cancer, thyroid goiter and hypothyroidism. Recent work in the field of iodine deficiency has shown that replacement therapy decreases the risk of breast cancer and promotes the reversal of fibrocystic breast disease. Vaginitis Many women with chronic vaginal symptoms use over-the-counter preparations such as iodine to relieve symptoms. Iodine, used as a douche, may reduce vaginal inflammation as well as the itching and discharge that go along with this health condition. Povidone-iodine has the advantage of iodine without the disadvantages of stinging and staining. Douch for vaginitis: generally two tablespoons of an iodine solution to one quart of warm water once per day. Douching should not be done without first consulting your healthcare provider. Wounds Iodine is commonly used as a topical treatment for wounds. Ointments containing iodine are frequently used on burns to lower the risk of infection. Dietary Sources Iodized salt is the primary dietary source of iodine. Plant and animal sea life, such as shellfish, white deep-water fish, and brown seaweed kelp, absorb iodine from the water and are great sources of iodine. Garlic, lima beans, sesame seeds, soybeans, spinach, Swiss chard, summer squash, and turnip greens are also good sources of this mineral. Bakeries may also add iodine to dough as a stabilizing agent, making bread another source of iodine. FOODS THAT PREVENT THE BODY FROM UTILIZING IODINE Foods that prevent the body from using iodine are: turnip, cabbage, mustard greens, cassava root, soybeans, peanuts, pinenuts and millet. These foods are called goitrogens and excessive consumption can cause goiters. However, cooking usually inactivates goitrogens. Available Forms of Iodine Sodium iodide (iodine) is available as part of a multivitamin/mineral combination or as a topical treatment for wounds. Precautions Sudden, large doses of iodine may impair the production of thyroid hormones, causing hypothyroidism temporarily in someone with otherwise normal thyroid function. Excessive iodine intake can also increase the risk for other thyroid diseases such as Hashimoto's, Graves', certain thyroid cancers, and thyrotoxicosis (a dangerous condition due to an excessive amount of thyroid hormones in the bloodstream). For these reasons, iodine supplementation is not recommended for people who live in areas where iodine levels are sufficient. It may be harmful to take more iodine than is typically consumed per day (160 to 600 micrograms [mcg]) from table salt. Daily intake of 2,000 mcg iodine may be toxic, particularly in people with kidney disease or tuberculosis. Here is some additional info we found on the following website: http://www.cancercontrolsociety.com/bio2005/flechas.html "... Work done by many researchers over the last few years has shown that iodine is utilized by many different sections of the body. Twenty percent of all of the iodine sits in the human skin. A lack of iodine in the skin manifests as very dry skin and skin that does not sweat when an individual becomes hot. In newborn children iodine is responsible for the development of the babies’ I.Q. Recent research shows iodine deficiency is felt to be the source of attention deficit disorder in children. Iodine is utilized by every hormone receptor in the body. The absence of iodine causes a hormonal dysfunction that can be seen with practically every hormone inside the body. Dr. Flechas has recently been able to show that patients with insulin resistant diabetes have a partial to full remission of their illness in the presence of taking iodine. Iodine deficiency is also felt to be the source of ovarian cysts. With iodine replacement therapy the cysts disappear and women have stopped having
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