Guest guest Posted January 13, 2007 Report Share Posted January 13, 2007 Coincidence or something more Who picked the route for the November 22nd, 1963 motorcade that would take then President John F. Kennedy past the Texas School Book Depository where Lee Harvey Oswald worked? Was the route picked BEFORE or AFTER Oswald got the job there? Who set the date of September 11th, 2001 for the annual meeting of an investment group called THE CARLYLE GROUP, a very prominent member of which is former President George Herbert Walker Bush? Moreover,who chose Washington, D.C. as the location for that meeting? Clearly if former President George Herbert Walker Bush was going to be staying in Washington D.C. anytime after the inauguration of his son, George W. Bush, as President of the United States, you did not have to be a rocket scientist to know where former President George Herbert Walker Bush was going to be staying in Washington D.C. The White House would be the only logical place in Washington, D.C. for former President Bush to stay. President Kennedy was a Roman Catholic. He had escalated the situation in Vietnam from a situation in which some 800 so-called " advisors " to the South Vietnamese regime had been serving under President Eisenhower to the creation by President Kennedy of the US Special Forces and the Green Berets and the deployment of some 40,000 such " advisors " to South Vietnam to support the enormously unpopular Roman Catholic regime of Ngo Dinh Diem and Madame Nhu, et. al. South Vietnam, a nation which was 90% Buddhist saw a situation in which Buddhist monks were setting themselves on fire in the streets to protest that regime.In order to win the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese people the Roman Catholic regime would have to go. So too would the Roman Catholic Presient of the United States of America who had escalated the war in Vietnam. The Vietnam War could not continue with Diem and Nhu in power in Saigon or with Kennedy in power in Washington because as Roman Catholics all, the continuation in power of Diem and Nhu in Saigon, and, or, JFK in Washington, would make it impossible to win the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese people, 90% of whom were Buddhists. If America were not tied down in the Vietnam War it could more easily be counted on to come to the aid of Israel when it was attacked by its arab neighbors. Yasir Arafat's so-called " PLO " was founded in 1964, years BEFORE Israel re-united Jerusalem and liberated arab controlled parts of Judea and Samaria and took control of the Golan Heights from Syria. The real goal of Arafat and his so-called " PLO " was the destruction of Israel. So-called " East Jerusalem " , and parts of Judea and Samaria were in arab hands in 1964, as was the Golan Heights. But President John F. Kennedy stood in the way of the eventual arab attacks on Israel because had he not been assassinated he would have to have pulled out of the very war he had escalated in Vietnam, because as a Roman Catholic he could not have successfully prosecuted that war. Pulling out of Vietnam would have made America more likely to be able to defend Israel when the arab attacks came. President John F. Kennedy, (JFK), was too young to die of old age and too rich to be bribed into resigning. With Kennedy dead the war in Vietnam could proceed. With the war in Vietnam going on America could be seen as much less likely to come to Israel's aid when the arabs eventually attacked it because America would be tied down in Vietnam. Far more Americans would come to be stationed at any one time in Vietnam than are stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined today. American deaths in the Vietnam war were often in the neighborhood of 500 Americans each week as the war proceeded some years after Kennedy's death with no end in sight to that war. The man most historians believe shot and killed President Kennedy was one Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald's uncle was one Dutz Murretti or Dutch Murrett. Murretti, or Murrett was a lieutenant in the crime family of Carlos Marcello, Mafia boss of New Orleans. New Orleans, part of Louisiana, was part of the original Louisiana Purchase from France in the 19th Century. It was a former French colony. Marcello imported heroin which had been refined into heroin in Marseilles, France. The heroin had originally been grown as opium in the Golden Triangle of South East Asia which included Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia. Consider this tidbit about Tom Clark, former US Attorney General, (AG), he helped set up the internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War Two, and later served as a US Supreme Court Justice, and some other friends and relatives of Ramsey Clark. Tom Clark was the father of Ramsey Clark. Ramsey Clark has represented, among others: YASIR ARAFAT and his so- called " PLO " , SADDAM HUSSEIN, " ALLEGED " NAZI WAR CRIMINALS, PEOPLE TIED TO THE 1973 BOMBING OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER, THE ACHILLE LAURO HIJACKERS, RWANDAN WAR CRIMINALS,etc.etc. etc. Ramsey Clark founded the so-called INTERNATIONAL ACTION CENTER (IAC), a pro-Saddam Hussein, pro-arafat group that later was to give rise to another group called " ANSWER " along the same lines, opposed to the liberation of Iraq and Afghanistan, opposed to Israel, etc.etc. etc. " In his Texas days, the politically ambitious elder Clark was cultivated as a useful connection by New Orleans Mafia kingpin Carlos Marcello, and many feared Clark's new job would afford organized crime access to higher levels of power. AG Clark was repeatedly mired in corruption scandals.*** In 1947, after he had four convicted Chicago mob bosses sprung from prison before their terms were complete, Congress appointed a committee to investigate-and was effectively road blocked by Tom's refusal to hand over parole records. Roselli was a Las Vegas based Mafia figure and a link in the CIA-Mafia chain. He had close ties to three Mafia bosses associated with the Kennedy assassination: Sam Giancana of Chicago, Santos Trafficante of Florida, and Carlos Marcello of New Orleans. According to columnist Jack Anderson, Roselli told him that mob leaders had ordered Jack Ruby to kill Lee Harvey Oswald because they were afraid he might crack and reveal their part in the conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. In July 1976, shortly before Roselli was to be questioned by the Senate Intelligence Committee, his body was discovered floating in Dumfoundling Bay in Miami. He had been strangled and stabbed; his legs had been sawed off and stuffed into an empty oil drum along with the rest of his body. It is believed that Roselli was killed by someone working for Trafficante because he was talking too much about the Kennedy assassination. Conspiracy Crime and Cover-Up (p. 44): Here Scott discusses links between Ruby, Roselli, and Ramsey Clark. One of Ruby's close personal friends and character witnesses for his liquor license was Hal Collins (22 H 928), brother-in-law of prominent local attorney Robert L. Clark, the brother and uncle respectively of U.S. Attorneys General Tom and Ramsey Clark (CD 4.371)Robert L. Clark and his law partner Maury Hughes. arranged the...parole in 1947 of John Roselli. SEE ALSO: " JFK: The day that changed America IN WHICH RAMSEY CLARK STATES THAT HE, RAMSEY CLARK, WAS THE FIRST ONE INTO THE EAST ROOM OF THE WHITE HOUSE AFTER THE JFK ASSASSINATION. ABCNEWS: What do you make of the idea that Oswalds uncle, Dutz Murret, could have been the connection between Marcello and Oswald erno•3.html " The authors also reveal a Mafia chieftain, who employed Jack Ruby and Oswald's uncle, confessed to federal officers he had been directly involved in Kennedys murder. " SOURCE: What we believe, based on a variety of accounts is that Carlos Marcello was the key importer of heroin, refined in Marseilles, France, grown as opium, chiefly in the so-called GOLDEN TRIANGLE in Southeast Asia, of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, and shipped to Marcello's New Orleans crime family for further distribution to other Mafia families in the United States. If Martin Luther King, Jr. had NOT been assassinated he would have immediately been able to put the lie to the false claim by RFK, Robert F. Kennedy, that he was the candidate of what was then known as " the black community " , as the African-American community was known in 1968, because Dr. King had endorsed Gen McCarthy for President two weeks before Dr. King was assassinated. We believe that it was essential for those who wanted the Vietnam War to continue, and along with it the supply of opium from the Golden Triangle to continue to flow to France, where it was refined into heroin, and then sent on to Marcello in New Orleans, to make sure that Gene McCarthy was NOT the nominee of the Democrats for President in 1968 because McCarthy was 7 points ahead of Nixon in the polls, and if nominated by the Democrats McCarthy would have gone on to win the election and end the war in Vietnam. Moreover, McCarthy was good friend of Israel, as was Dr. King, and in fact Dr. King and McCarthy were good friends of one another. McCarthy had a close and very warm and friendly relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. So to split the anti-Vietnam war part of the Democrats in 1968 it was essential to first assassinate Dr. King, so that RFK could falsely claim to represent the so-called " black community " , and then to assassinate RFK, after he had taken the California Presidential Primary, and before McCarthy could beat RFK in New York State, because beating a dead Bobby Kennedy was no victory. Beating a live Bobby Kennedy in his adopted " home " state of New York, as Gene McCarthy was set to do in 1968, would have meant that RFK would have to have obeyed the wishes of his constituents, withdrawn from the race, and thrown his support to Gene McCarthy, who would then have been able to have been nominated for President by the Democrats in 1968, and gone on from there to win the election and end the Vietnam War. With America no longer tied down in Vietnam, not filling up South Vietnam with half a million American troops, not seeing 500 Americans killed each WEEK in Vietnam, America would have been able to go to the aid of Israel when it was eventually attacked. " Sometime late in the afternoon of that April day, Dr King was visited by his good friend Dr Ralph Abernathy. Just before they left to go out for dinner, King stepped out on the balcony of room 306 of the Lorraine Motel and as he lent over the veranda rail to talk to his driver, he was shot through the right cheek by a 30.06 rifle bullet, which severed his spine and exited through his chest in a hole big enough for a man to put both fists through Four days after King was killed, John McFerren, a black man, reported to the FBI in Memphis, that he had overheard a telephone conversation prior to the day of the murder, in which the speaker had said: " ….kill the SOB on the balcony. You will get your $5000… don't come here, go to New Orleans and get your money. " The man on the telephone was identified as one of the owners of Liberto, Liberto and Latch Produce Store. He was Frank Liberto, brother of Salvatore " Jack " Liberto, the man who attended the Churchill Farms conference on September 11, 1962 with Carlos Marcello, Becker and Ruppolo. According to a New Orleans-based journalist William Sartor, James Earl Ray, the alleged killer of Dr. King, had attended a meeting at either The Town and Country Motel or the Provincial Motel, another New Orleans mob hangout, on December 17, 1967. At this meeting were Charley Stein, Salavatore " Sam " DiPiazza, Lucas Dileo and Salvatore LaCharda. These men were either associates or in some way connected to Carlos Marcello. Later, Ray claimed he left New Orleans on December 19 with $2500 in cash and the promise of a further $12,000 to " do a big job, early in the new year. " In 1979, the House Select Committee on Assassinations confirmed the mob ties of the men and their links to Marcello. In 1961, a FBI intelligence report disclosed that William Hugh Mavis, a prominent Klan member and imperial wizard, had told a Klan gathering in October that racial problems in the South would only be eliminated by the murder of Dr. King, and that he had " underworld associates who would kill anyone for a price. " Salvatore Liberto was heavily involved in the New Orleans Mafia- dominated produce markets and Sam DiPiazza was a king hitter in the gambling outlets of Marcello's empire. It was not beyond the realm of possibility that Marcello funded Ray as he stalked Dr. King through the South in the months leading up to April 4. The House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that there was a 95% probability King was killed by a conspiracy. In 1993, a man called Lloyd Jowers went on the Prime Time Live television show and stated that he hired the killer of Dr. King as a favour to New Orleans mob boss Carlo Marcello...He was adamant that the killer was not James Earl Ray.... In May, 1968, as Robert Kennedy was getting into first gear in his run as Democratic candidate for the presidency, Jimmy Hoffa ex-teamster boss was in prison in the federal penitentiary in Lewisburg. He was overheard discussing a plot to kill Robert Kennedy with Carmine Galante, the feared underboss of the Bonanno crime family of New York. There were rumours of a $750,000 Mafia contract out on Kennedy should he receive the Democratic nomination. There was no doubt that if Robert Kennedy became president, he a) would re-open the investigation on his brother's death, and b) rejuvenate his efforts to destroy organized crime.... Sirhan Sirhan, the alleged killer of Robert Kennedy, worked as a groom at the Santa Anita race track... Jack Ruby,...who shot Oswald dead...was part of the Civello set-up in Dallas that was controlled by Marcello....Robert Kennedy was shot and fatally wounded as he was walking through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel, in Los Angeles.... Norfio Pecora and Joe Poretto, two of Carlos' top men, were each married to a sister of D'Aston Smith, a close associate of Marcello. He was a good friend and confidant of of " (an American President's) " closet advisors and confidants.....He...used his influence to help secure a presidential pardon for imprisoned labour leader Jimmy Hoffa, who was a very good friend of Carlos Marcello. " SOURCE: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. " was shot from the bushes behind Jim's Grill, not from the bathroom window. And he was shot as a result of a conspiracy that brought a man called Frank Liberto -- who was a [Carlos] Marcello operative in Memphis, he ran a wholesale food place -- in to see Loyd Jowers whom he knew. Jowers owed him a very big favor. And in addition to that he paid Jowers $100,000 and that was to take complete use of that Grill facility for planning and staging of the assassination and the room upstairs that Raul (who was controlling James Earl Ray) would have James rent and then keep out of most of the afternoon. The final stages of the assassination logistically were planned in Jim's Grill itself... " SOURCE: " Ray denies that he personally killed Martin Luther King. However, he says that he may have been partly, but unwittingly, responsible. He claims he was duped into a gun-running scheme by a mysterious man with CIA and mafia contacts named " Raoul. " The gun-running scheme enabled Raoul to manipulate Ray into position as the conspiracy's patsy. Ray was not apprehended until June 8, after traveling from Memphis to Toronto to London to Portugal and back to London, where he was arrested at Heathrow Airport while en route to Belgium. While taMartin Luther King his tour of Canada and Europe, Ray spent $25,000, even though he had no known source of income. So who was the trigger man? Researcher Philip Melanson suggests that " Raoul " may actually be a man named Jules Ricco Kimble, currently serving two life sentences for racketeering and murder. Kimble, an associate of the Ku Klux Klan and New Orleans mob boss Carlos Marcello, claims that he knew James Earl Ray and that he took part in a conspiracy to assassinate Martin Luther King. " SOURCE: 4.html " Compare the January 1969 show trial with another spectacle organized by the first Ba'thist regime in 1963 and designed to counter the continuing popularity of the ousted president, 'Abd al-Karim Qassem, among certain sectors of the Shi'ite population of Baghdad. In the first week of the coup, the citizens of al-Thawra, a suburb of Baghdad, had fought the army and Ba'thist militia in some of the bloodiest street battles in the history of the country. They refused to believe that Qassem had been overthrown....The Ba'ath...dealt with this emotive imagery by televising a lengthy film clip displaying Qassem's bullet-ridden corpse. Night after night, they made their gruesome point. The body was propped up on a chair in the studio. A soldier sauntered around, handling its parts. The camera would cut to scenes of devastation at the Ministry of Defence where Qassem had made his last stand. There, on location, it lingered on the mutilated corpses of Qassem's entourage...Back to the studio, and close-ups now of the entry and exit points of each bullet hole. The whole macabre sequence closes with a scene that must forever remain etched on the memory of all those who saw it: the soldier grabbing the lolling head by the hair, came right up close, and spat full face into it. The fear that the Ba'th were trying to instill in this and other instances was brutally direct. The centuries-old message was simple: he is dead, you had better believe it, we can do the same to you. The fact that it was on television extended its reach... " Pages 58-59. Source: Republic of Fear The Inside Story of Saddam's Iraq by Samir al Khalil Pantheon Books, New York 1989 ISBN 0-679-73502-X The piece immediately below is EXCERPTED from PAKISTAN'S DAILY TIMES " By Khalid Hasan January 4th, 2007 Robert Scheer... believes that the former Iraqi president...knew a great deal... " end of piece EXCERPTED from PAKISTAN'S DAILY TIMES What did Saddam Hussein know about the assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., President John F.Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy? What do you think he knew about them? " The Ba'ath leadership gave the orders for Qasim's assassination...On October 7th,1959, a six-,man assassination squad was waiting...the night before one member of the squad had fallen ill. A new recruit was drafted in...his full name was Saddam Hussein al-Takriti. " Page 22 " The Ba'athist led forces...participated in the coup of 8th February 1963...Immediately after the coup, Saddam Hussein returned to Iraq, where he was appointed as the head of Al-Jihaz Al Khas, known popularly as Jihaz Haneen (the Yearning Apparatus), the clandestine intelligence organization of the Ba'ath Party. Saddam proceeded to turn it into an instrument of terror....on 18th November (1963) the army seized power in a swift military coup...the new leadership of the Ba'ath Party...was arrested. However, some of its members immediately collaborated with the new regime... " Pgs 25-26 (SADDAM HUSSEIN WAS RETAINED IN HIS POSITION BY THE COUP LEADERS WHO HAD STAGED THE NOVEMBER 18th, 1963 COUP) " 7th October 1959 A Ba'athist assassination squad fails to kill Qasim. A member of the team, twenty-two-year old Saddam Hussein, escapes to Syria and then to Egypt...8th February 1963 A Ba'athist coup overthrows Quasim amidst several days of terrible street fighting...18th November 1963 Following bitter infighting between...factions of the Baath, Arif overthrows the Ba'athist regime... " Pages 312-313 " Saddam...inherited from his uncle an admiration for Nazi principles...he was attracted to the ideas of the Ba'ath nationalist movement. The movement had been established in Damascus in 1943 " (when Syria was a French colony and Hitler ruled France) " by two Syrians, Greek Orthodox Christian Michel A'flaq and Sunni Muslim Salah al-Bitar. Their philosophy was based on the ideology of German national socialism " (Nazism) " and on Italian fascism. " Page 199 " After the Ba'ath Party came to power in February 1963...Saddam was promoted into the Regional Command Council and it was soon found that this was his metier. He was put in charge of a special force responsible for terror and assassination and was an interrogator and torturer in the Qasr al-Nihayyat (`The Palace of the End'). Eyewitnesses say Saddam excelled in creating new methods and revealed a sadistically inventive mind. He designed new instruments of torture and then experimentd with them on his victims. ...By the summer of 1963, Saddam was urging the party to put him in charge of creating a special security apparatus modelled on the Nazi SS. This was the Jihaz Haneen....following nationalisation of banks and certain foreign companies in 1964, the Ba'ath Party instructed Saddam to assassinate the president Abd al-Salam Arif. The proposed assassination was designed to trigger off another Ba'ath coup. Critics say it was a plan on behalf of the CIA but according to some Ba'athist defectors the CIA did not have direct contact with the Ba'ath itself but with army officers who were co-ordinating a joint coup with the party. The main contact with the Americans was Iraq's own ambassador in Washington, Dr. Nasser al-Hanni. " Pages 201-203 " The second part of the plot was carried out by the Jihaz Haneen...Members of the Iraqi Jewish community...were...arrested. Eleven of them were among the first fourteen `spies' to be pubicly hanged on 27th January 1969....The public hangings turned into a national holiday with live television and radio coverage, and the Ba'ath Party organized the transport of some hundred thousand `workers and peasants' from outside Baghdad to join in...Families picknicked under trees while watching the hangings. This public orgy of death went on for twenty-four hours... " Page 206 Source: Unholy Babylon-The Secret History of Saddam's War by Adel Darwish and Gregory Alexander St. Martin's Press, New York 1991 ISBN 0-312-06530-2 Before we get to the piece which speculated about what Saddam Hussein " knew " ,further on in this post, which was EXCERPTED from PAKISTAN'S DAILY TIMES we can certainly speculate that indeed Saddam knew lots of things about lots of things. January 15th is observed as a NATIONAL HOLIDAY in the United States of America. How many Americans know that January 15th is the birthdate of the late Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr.? Far too few we fear, even though January 15th is observed as a NATIONAL HOLIDAY in the United States of America BECAUSE it is the birthdate of the late Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. November 22nd, 1963 was the day on which then President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. How many Americans can remember that day? How many know what happened on that day? April 4th, 1968 was the day on which Dr.Martin Luther King,Jr. was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. How many Americans can remember that day? How many Americans know what happened on that day? On the night of June 4th, 1968 Robert F. Kennedy was asssassinated at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. How many Americans can remember that day? How many Americans know what happened on that day? Did Saddam Hussein, Yasir Arafat, or any other such person have a role in any or all of the assassinations mentioned above? If so, what roles were played by any such people? On April 4th 1968 Martin Luther King was assassinated while standing on the balcony at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. " Martin Luther King on anti-Zionism From M.L. King Jr., " Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend, " Saturday Review XLVII (Aug. 1967), p. 76. Reprinted in M.L. King Jr., " This I Believe: Selections from the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. " " . . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews-this is God's own truth. Anti-Semitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently anti- Semitic, and ever will be so. Why is this? You know that Zionism is nothing less than the dream and ideal of the Jewish people returning to live in their own land. The Jewish people, the Scriptures tell us, once enjoyed a flourishing Commonwealth in the Holy Land. From this they were expelled by the Roman tyrant, the same Romans who cruelly murdered Our Lord. Driven from their homeland, their nation in ashes, forced to wander the globe, the Jewish people time and again suffered the lash of whichever tyrant happened to rule over them. The Negro people, my friend, know what it is to suffer the torment of tyranny under rulers not of our choosing. Our brothers in Africa have begged, pleaded, requested-DEMANDED-the recognition and realization of our inborn right to live in peace under our own sovereignty in our own country. How easy it should be, for anyone who holds dear this inalienable right of all mankind, to understand and support the right of the Jewish People to live in their ancient Land of Israel. All men of good will exult in the fulfillment of God's promise, that his People should return in joy to rebuild their plundered land. This is Zionism, nothing more, nothing less. And what is anti-Zionist? It is the denial to the Jewish people of a fundamental right that we justly claim for the people of Africa and freely accord all other nations of the Globe. It is discrimination against Jews, my friend, because they are Jews. In short, it is anti-Semitism. The anti-Semite rejoices at any opportunity to vent his malice. The times have made it unpopular, in the West, to proclaim openly a hatred of the Jews. This being the case, the anti-Semite must constantly seek new forms and forums for his poison. How he must revel in the new masquerade! He does not hate the Jews, he is just 'anti-Zionist'! My friend, I do not accuse you of deliberate anti-Semitism. I know you feel, as I do, a deep love of truth and justice and a revulsion for racism, prejudice, and discrimination. But I know you have been misled-as others have been-into thinking you can be 'anti-Zionist' and yet remain true to these heartfelt principles that you and I share. Let my words echo in the depths of your soul: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews-make no mistake about it. " Highly Recommended url: " ISRAEL, AFRICAN-AMERICANS CELEBRATE KING'S LEGACY February 4th, 2000 NEW YORK-Ambassador Shmuel Sisso, Consul General of Israel in New York, in conjunction with the Jewish Community Relations Council and the Jewish National Fund, joined with Martin Luther King III on Thursday night, Feb. 3, to celebrate unity between Israel and African-Americans on the occasion of Black History Month. The event honored King and Dr. Vera King Farris, President of Stockton College and a leading scholar in Holocaust studies. Speaking to about a 100 guests, Ambassador Sisso said that those attending the gathering " share the burden on the shoulders of every man, woman and child who has ever been persecuted, whether because of their skin or their religious beliefs. " He added that friendship and education are the instruments with which to battle the pathology of hate, citing Dr. Martin Luther King's vision for creating a more just society. Martin Luther King III, citing his father, said that " injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. " He called for Jewish and African Americans to continue in his father's path, stressing the importance of the relationship between the two groups. Dr. Farris, who recently received an honorary degree from the Ben- Gurion University in Be'er Sheva, and who has visited Israel many times, thanked Ambassador Sisso with a greeting in Hebrew, and continued: " It was Martin Luther King Jr. who told me I could have a vision, and mine was the Holocaust. " She recounted the activities of Stockton College Holocaust research center, which has worked to ensure legislation in the state of New Jersey mandating Holocaust education. The event concluded with a jazz ensemble performing " We Shall Overcome " , during which guests stood up and joined in the singing, while clasping hands. This annual occasion is part of the State of Israel's recognition of the exceptional contributions of individuals in the African-American community, in whose name trees are planted in the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial forest in Israel, located near Nazareth. For further information, please contact the press office of the Consulate General of Israel in New York at (212) 499-5407. " Andrew Young's Bigoted Comments " Offensive, Hurtful and Shameful " New York, NY, August 18, 2006 (c.e.) The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said Andrew Young's derogatory comments about Jews, Koreans and Arabs were " offensive, hurtful and shameful. " Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement. Andrew Young's comments that Jewish, Korean and Arab shopkeepers " ripped off " African-American communities and should be displaced by Wal-Mart, which he represented, were offensive, hurtful and shameful. That a leader of the civil rights movement and one who knew discrimination firsthand would make such comments, demonstrates that even people of color are not immune from being bigoted, racist and anti-Semitic. Wal-Mart did the right thing by quickly distancing themselves from Mr. Young's remarks, whom they had engaged, ironically, as an image-builder for their brand The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry. " SOURCE: Item immediately below is EXCERPTED from THE NEW YORK TIMES. August 18, 2006 Wal-Mart Image-Builder Resigns By MICHAEL BARBARO and STEVEN GREENHOUSE ....Andrew Young, who was hired by Wal-Mart to improve its public image, resigned from that post last night after telling an African-American newspaper that Jewish, Arab and Korean shop owners had " ripped off " urban communities for years, " selling us stale bread, and bad meat and wilted vegetables. " In the interview, published yesterday in The Los Angeles Sentinel, a weekly, Mr. Young said that Wal-Mart " should " displace mom-and-pop stores in urban neighborhoods. " You see those are the people who have been overcharging us, " he said of the owners of the small stores, " and they sold out and moved to Florida. I think they've ripped off our communities enough. First it was Jews, then it was Koreans and now it's Arabs. " Mr. Young, 74, a former mayor of Atlanta and a former United States representative to the United Nations, .... resigned as chairman of Working Families for Wal-Mart, a group created and financed by the company to trumpet its accomplishments.... His remarks drew forceful condemnation from Arab, Jewish and Asian leaders. The national director of the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham H. Foxman, called the comments " very hurtful. " " The sad part, " he said, is that " even people of color and even minorities who suffered discrimination and prejudice are not immune from being bigoted and racist and even anti-Semitic. " In the six months that Mr. Young was under contract with the Wal- Mart-financed group, he traveled the country promoting the retailer, meeting with community groups and writing opinion pieces for local newspapers. " I am more of a spokesman than the chairman of Wal-Mart, " he remarked, referring to his work on behalf of the company. Wal-Mart executives moved quickly last night to distance themselves from Mr. Young's remarks. " Ambassador Young's comments do not reflect our feelings toward the Jewish, Asian or Arab communities or any other diverse group, " a company spokeswoman, Mona Williams, said. " Needless to say, we were appalled when the comments came to our attention, " Ms. Williams said. " We were also dismayed that they would come from someone who has worked so hard for so many years for equal rights in this country....We also support his decision to resign. " Margaret Fung, executive director of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, said, " Andrew Young should know better than to resort to derogatory ethnic stereotypes about Korean storeowners in black neighborhoods. " Khaled Lamada, former president of the Arab Muslim American Federation and currently director of outreach for the Muslim American Society, said that Mr. Young's statements were " not fair " and that they " shame " the Muslim community. Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, said " these are stereotypical remarks that any leader of the civil rights movement should run away from rather than utter. " ... Over the last two years, Wal-Mart efforts to open stores in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York have been blocked. Because of Mr. Young's background, Wal-Mart had looked to him to ease its entry into such cities. " END OF ITEM EXCERPTED FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES. " Saudis, Arabs Funneled Millions to President Clinton's Library The Saudi royal family and the governments of Dubai, Kuwait, and Qatar donated at this " Trustee " level, as did the governments of Brunei and Taiwan. Also listed as trustees are three Saudi businessmen - Abdullah Al-Dabbagh, Nasser Al-Rashid, and Walid Juffali. Other notables at the " Trustee " level include the deputy prime minister of Lebanon, Issam Fares; Hollywood director Steven Spielberg and his wife, actress Kate Capshaw, and an heir to the Wal- Mart fortune, Alice Walton. The next tier down is labeled " Philanthropists. " …On the level below that are the " Humanitarians. " Based on benchmarks available from other sources, the " Humanitarians " seem to have given between $100,000 and $500,000. In their ranks are the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, as well as a Pakistani-American businessman from California, Farooq Bajwa… The U.S.-Islamic World Conference gave at the Humanitarian level… according to the information available on the computer screen in the Clinton Library here…. …A Washington Post editorial on Thursday decried the lack of disclosure of the Clinton Library's funders, calling it " outrageous. " Said the editorial, " the presidential libraries, though built and endowed with private funds, are public property, run by the National Archives. The public has a right to know who's underwriting them. " source: page_no=3 Item immediately below is excerpted from: " ADL Letter to Wal-Mart RE: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion September 21, 2004 H. Lee Scott, Jr. President & CEO Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 702 Southwest 8th Street Bentonville, AK 72716 Dear Mr. Scott: We have received voluminous messages of concern from across the country that the notorious anti-Semitic forgery The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is being sold by Wal-Mart on its online catalog of books. The " Description " of the book on your Web site suggests it may not be a forgery. In fact, there is no question that the Protocols is a forgery, created by a Czarist official in the early 20th century to promote the conspiracy theory that Jews are plotting to control the world. Historians, jurists and other authorities have publicly attested to its fraudulence. The Protocols has been the major weapon in the arsenals of anti- Semites around the world, republished and circulated by individuals, hate groups and governments to convince the gullible as well as the bigoted that Jews have schemed and plotted to take over the world. For too many it continues to have resonance today, at a time when there is an explosion of global anti-Semitism...... We look forward to your response Sincerely, Abraham H. Foxman, National Director " source: Mr.Foxman is the National Director of the Anti-Defamation League " The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry. " Two weeks before he was assassinated on April 4th, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. had endorsed the Presidential candidacy of Eugene, (Gene),McCarthy, a liberal Democratic Senator from Minnesota, who was seeking the 1968 Democratic Presidential nomination on a platform opposed to the U.S. war in IndoChina. McCarthy was 7 points ahead of Republican Presidential contender Richard M. Nixon. Nixon would go on to win the Presidency in November of 1968 against Lyndon Johnson's Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey. Humphrey supported the IndoChina War. Humphrey had been Johnson's 2nd choice to be his Vice President. Johnson had sought to emulate the 1960 formula which won for John F. Kennedy, of a Northern Catholic and a Texas Democrat. He first asked Gene McCarthy to his Texas ranch where he test McCarthy's willingness to do something morally repugnant to him. He asked McCarthy to participate in his " deer hunt " . The so-called " hunt " consisted of shooting a deer tied to a pole or a tree. McCarthy refused to " hunt " the deer, even though other politicians seeking to win favor from then President Johnson had participated in the " hunt " . Needless to say McCarthy did not get the job as (LBJ's),Lyndon Baines Johnson's Vice President. McCarthy would go on to write his poem entitled: " Lyndon Johnson's Deer " , to memorialize the event. Johnson then invited McCarthy's fellow Minnesota Senator, Hubert H. Humphrey to the ranch where Humphrey dutifully took the gun, shot the deer, and got the job as LBJ's Vice President. The story of how Hubert H. Humphrey got the Presidential nomination is somewhat more complicated. It required a split in the left of the Democratic Party to get the otherwise leftist, but pro-war Humphrey nominated. Had Martin Luther King,Jr. NOT been assassinated the candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy could never have gotten off the ground. RFK claimed, wrongly, that he was the candidate of what were then known as " Black " Americans, and are now known as " African-Americans " . A live Dr. King could have refuted that incorrect claim, having endorsed Gene McCarthy for President. So Dr. King had to be murdered to split the Democratic Party. Once Dr. King was assassinated Bobby Kennedy (RFK) could go on to wrongly claim that he was the representative of " Black " Americans. However Bobby Kennedy also needed to die to stop Gene McCarthy from being nominated. Teddy Kennedy was the Kennedy Senator from Massachusetts, so like Hillary Clinton, Bobby Kennedy (RFK) moved to New York State and ran for Senator and won. However Gene McCarthy's anti-war supporters in New York State would go on to produce a victory for McCarthy in the June 1968 Presidential Primary. As the Democratic Senator from New York RFK would have to have obeyed the wishes of his consitutents and dropped out of the Presidential race to endorse Gene McCarthy. However RFK was murdered before Gene McCarthy could beat him in that primary. RFK was murdered by Sirhan Sirhan,who we believe was working directly for arafat. He was murdered on the first anniversary of the Six Day War in June of 1968, two months after Dr.King was murdered. Beating a dead Bobby Kennedy later that month in New York State was no victory. Nor could a dead Bobby Kennedy go on to endorse Gene McCarthy. RFK was murdered just after he had won the California Democratic Primary. After his death RFK's delegates went every which way. A live Bobby Kennedy could have marshalled those delegates for Gene McCarthy. " ARAFAT ORDERED DIPLO SLAYINGS: EX-SPY By URI DAN New York Post December 15, 2001 -- JERUSALEM - Yasser Arafat personally ordered the execution of two American diplomats in 1973, a former U.S. intelligence officer says. James Walsh said he knew of a tape recording in which Arafat calmly discussed an attack on the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan. In February 1973 gunmen had burst into the embassy and seized American Ambassador Cleo Noel and his charge d'affaires, George Curtis Moore. The Black September terrorist organization took responsibility for the assault and demanded the release of Sirhan Sirhan, the imprisoned assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, and other jailed Palestinians. Walsh, then a member of the National Security Agency based in Cyprus, said his organization intercepted a conversation between Arafat and Black September in which the PLO chairman ordered the killing of the Americans and a Belgian diplomat. Walsh told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that the conversation was never disclosed by U.S. officials because it would compromise American eavesdropping resources. Walsh said the NSA had intercepted a series of phone calls between Arafat and the Black September kidnappers. Officials in Jerusalem said the United States had been informed of the conversation through another channel. They said then-Prime Minister Golda Meir told then-President Richard Nixon that Israel had also intercepted a conversation between Arafat and kidnap leader Khalil al-Wazir, in which they discussed killing the Americans.. " Cousin of Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan suspected in kibbutz massacre " By Margot Dudkevitch Nov. 13, 2002 Security forces arrested a number of Palestinian terrorist suspects in Judea and Samaria on Tuesday as a manhunt continued for Tanzim terrorist Sirhan Sirhan, blamed for the shooting attack in Kibbutz Metzer on Sunday night November 10th, 2002. Security sources confirmed Wednesday that they suspect that Sirhan, a resident of Tulkarm, carried out the attack and Palestinian reports claimed that his uncle was among those arrested on Tuesday by security forces. The suspect is related to Sirhan B. Sirhan, the Jerusalemite who assassinated US Senator Robert Kennedy in 1968. Kennedy was shot dead in 1968 at Los Angeles' Ambassador Hotel by Sirhan Sirhan, a 25-year-old Palestinian immigrant who said he felt betrayed by Kennedy's support for Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967. At the time, Kennedy was a Democratic senator running for president. Israeli security sources said they believe the gunman in the Kibbutz Metzer attack is a cousin of the Kennedy assassin, and may have been named after his infamous relative. The Kennedy assassin is serving a life sentence in a California state prison. His lawyers have suggested that if he was released from prison he could return to the Palestinian territories. Sirhan has been denied parole 10 times and prosecutors say his return to Judea and Samaria could further enflame the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Meanwhile, the Tanzim Al-Aksa Brigades on Tuesday vowed to continue attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers, after claiming Sunday's attack at Metzer in which five people were killed. " pagename=JPost/A/JPArticle/Show Full & cid 37076677290 " Tanzim - Arafat loyalists schooled in the first intifada n 1995 the Fatah leadership instituted its own militia, the Tanzim. It has also served as a pro-Arafat offensive force. Fatah was founded by Mr Arafat and a handful of close comrades in the late 1950s. The group came out into the open in 1965; under Mr Arafat's effective leadership it became the strongest and best-organised of the Palestinian factions and it has remained so ever since. " alestinians\ /profiles/1371998.stm " Teamster's Hoffa firmly in Kerry camp By William L. Watts, July 27, 2004. " " Who Shot Martin Luther King? The federal government, and Tennessee authorities, aggressively pushed the lone-gunman theory-although this explanation was rejected out of hand by millions of Americans. At Ray's sentencing, as the state was telling the jury what the evidence would have been at a trial, Ray interrupted the proceedings to say he did not agree with the statement of Ramsey Clark, U.S. attorney general, that there was no conspiracy. Three days later Ray tried to withdraw his plea of guilty, even though that would subject him to a possible death sentence. The court refused. From that day forward there has been a tug-of-war between conspiracy believers and lone-gunman advocates. In 1979 the House Select Committee on Assassinations issued a report saying there probably was a conspiracy. " Clark also dutifully backed the official findings that Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan each acted alone in the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers.*** Carlos Marcello biographer John Davis asserts that the kingpin continued to funnel money to (Ramsey) Clark('s father Tom Clark) when he, (Tom Clark) sat on the high court.*** ( " FBI records indicate that when in 1961 Carlos Marcello had become one of Bobby Kennedy's targets for deportation, the New Orleans don contacted Santo Trafficante.) (Ramsey) Clark was complicit with Hoover's COINTELPRO. Following the 1967 riots in Newark and Detroit, he directed the FBI to investigate whether the unrest was the result of some " scheme or conspiracy. " He instructed Hoover to develop " sources or informants in black nationalist organizations, SNCC and other less publicized groups. " The result was Hoover's extensive " ghetto informant program. " In 1968, Clark prosecuted Dr. Benjamin Spock for advocating draft resistance. " As late as 1968, while campaigning for Lyndon Johnson in Wisconsin, Clark was shouting at anti-war protesters to take their grievances to Hanoi rather than Washington, " wrote John B. Judis in a 1991 expose on Clark in The New Republic. In June 1980, with America mesmerized by the Iran hostage crisis, he joined a forum on " Crimes of America " in Tehran-the first of many such junkets. The '80s saw him globetrotting to schmooze with any dictator who happened to be on the White House shit-list. After the US bombing of Libya in 1986, he met with Col. Moammar Qadaffi in Tripoli.... " " At the end of 1998 Clark attended a human rights conference in Baghdad, Iraq, where in his keynote speech he pointed out how " the governments of the rich nations, primarily the United States, England and France, " dominated the wording of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which showed " little concern for economic, social and cultural rights. " The social and cultural rights claimed by his Iraqi hosts include the right to hang opponents in public at the airport, or poison thousands of Kurds and torture and execute any opponent of the regime. And on the legality of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the silence is deafening.. " International Action Center-IAC- Founder Ramsey ) " Clark represented PLO leaders in a suit brought by the family of Leon Klinghoffer, the elderly vacationer who was shot and thrown overboard from the hijacked Achille Lauro cruise-ship by Palestinian terrorists in 1986. " " The PLO, PA and other related defendants are being represented by former US Attorney GeneralRamsey Clark. " " PLO attorney and former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark. " " Attorney General Ramsey Clark and nine other Americans in Iran to attend " Crimes of America Conference. Tuesday, 3 June 1980 Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark condemns past U.S. involvement in Iran. Wednesday, 4 June 1980 Rogue U.S. delegation led by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark meets with Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr. Thursday, 5 June 1980 Ramsey Clark reportedly agrees to help Iran form a commission to document U.S. " crimes " against that country. In Tehran, demonstrators call for spy trial of American hostages unless Shah is returned Saturday, 7 June 1980 (Carter Administration) Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti asks for investigation of former attorney general, Ramsey Clark, and nine other Americans who violated ban on travel to Iran. Tuesday, 10 June 1980 President Carter calls for prosecution of Ramsey Clark for attending Iran's " Crimes of America " conference. " ...Clark also represented PLO leaders in a suit brought by the family of Leon Klinghoffer, the elderly vacationer who was shot and thrown overboard from the hijacked Achille Lauro cruise-ship by Palestinian terrorists in 1986.Another Clark client was Karl Linnas, an ex-Nazi concentration camp guard in Estonia (where he had overseen the murder of some 12,000 resistance fighters and Jews), who was being deported from the US to the USSR to face war crimes charges. Clark again lost the case, but again went to bat for his client in the public arena, questioning the need to prosecute Nazis " forty years after some god-awful crime they're alleged to have committed. " " In a recent issue of the New Republic magazine Clark is criticized for " serving as a flack for a number of despots, " including the late Ayatollah Khomeini and defending the virulently anti-Semitic Lyndon LaRouche. Clark is currently defending the Palestine Liberation Organization against a suit by the family of Leon Klinghoffer, an American murdered by Palestinians who took over the cruise ship Achille Lauro. " The Formation of the Clark Panel: More of the Secret Team at Work? By Lisa Pease The Clark Panel was the medical panel convened almost immediately after Ramsey Clark had been approved for his appointment as Attorney General in 1967. The panel was clearly convened to put to rest the growing doubts caused by the exposures of Mark Lane, Harold Weisberg, other researchers and even in late 1966, LIFE magazine itself. All of the above talked about the evidence of conspiracy, and the implication is that the medical evidence would either show conspiracy, or else, signs of tampering. What brought it to a crux was Jim Garrison's all-out investigation of the assassination, which, in 1967, was making official story proponents very nervous. One of the key questions raised by the New Orleans DA was this: Why hadn't the Warren Commission members examined the autopsy photographs and X-rays? " Had Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy NOT been assassinated Eugene McCarthy, who was 7 points ahead of Nixon in the polls, would have been nominated by the Democratic Party as its Presidential candidate in 1968 and gone on to win the White House. Gene would have ended the Vietnam War promptly in 1969. Gene McCarthy was a good personal friend of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. He was a friend of Israel. Gene would probably have been re-elected in 1972. There probably would NOT have been an arab surprise attack on Israel on October 6th, 1973 with Gene McCarthy in the White House and the US NOT tied down in Indochina. Nor would MILLIONS of Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians have been killed as the war dragged on and on under Nixon. Gene would have tilted towards India rather than Pakistan during his administration, so there would have been no Bangladesh massacre of East Pakistani Bengalis by West Pakistani Punjabis, a slaughter that some estimate took THREE MILLION LIVES! In our view ARAFAT ordered the assassinations of BOTH BOBBY KENNEDY AND DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING. The cost to the African-American community of the death of the most Gandhian leader it ever had is incalculable in terms of wasted human lives. Dr. King was also a friend to the Jewish community. Imagine a world in which there never had been a split between the Jewish community and the African American community. Instead of Jesse Jackson assuming the mantle of the slain Dr. King, and going on to lead the charge against the Jewish community after Jimmy Carter fired Andy Young for shaking hands with an arafat observer at the UN, and going on to make his infamous " Hymietown " remark, Martin Luther King would have led the African-American community. (JIMMY CARTER ALLEGEDLY GOT TEN MILLION DOLLARS FROM THE INFAMOUS ARAB CIA DRUG BANK BCCI FOR THE CARTER LIBRARY, ANDY YOUNG ALLEGEDLY GOT $100,000 FROM BCCI, JACKSON ALLEGEDLY GOT $5 MILLION DOLLARS FOR HIS OPERATION PUSH FROM IRAQ AND ALLEGEDLY GOT ANOTHER $5 MILLION DOLLARS FROM LIBYA). A united African-American and Jewish community would NEVER have permitted the nomination of Jimmy Carter in 1976. Nor would the outgoing President McCarthy. Next some thoughts to throw out for speculative discussion.... Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a friend of Israel and of Jews in general. When he was murdered Jesse Jackson sought to take his place. (Jackson was remarkably calm for someone who ostensibly could have come under fire as he cradled the dying Dr. King in his arms on April 4th, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee, had it been me I would have jumped under the nearest thing I could jump under to get out of the line of fire. Jackson had ties to Farrakhan, SharKKKpton, was also infamous for his " Welcome to Hymietown " remark. Some in the 1960s Black Panther Party leadership were involved with the PLO and others in the arab world, as of course is/was Farrakhan. There was even a Rainbow group, composed of Panthers, Young Lords ( a Puerto Rican gang) and The Patriots (a bizarre group in Chicago and NYC that word dungaree " uniforms " and read from Lin Piao's Little Red Book while indulging in strange drugs and self-criticism sessions, the Panthers also used some of those strange drugs, the Patriots in NYC were by someone later accused, and I believe acquitted of torturing and murdering a Panther he suspected of being an FBI informant). For more on that and on Hillary Rodham Clinton's " alleged " connections to The Patriots just google an article entitled: Politics and Bedfellows An Age Old Story Told Once Again Some Panthers later became members of the BLA, the Black Liberation Army some of whose members engaged in shootouts with Police and or FBI agents, which resulted in deaths/murders. Not all Panthers became terrorists however. More germaine to the mainstream was the infamous incident involving Andrew Young, a Carter era rep to the UN and a handshake with a PLO delegate for which Young was fired for being out of policy. Young's " crucifixion " was as usual, blamed on Jews with Jesse Jackson leading the charge against Jews. Jackson's Operation Push (according the articles published in the Village Voice and elsewhere) received $5 million from Iraq and another $5 million from Libya. Mohammed Ali also (through someone close to him, but not named here), had ties to Saddam and Khaddafi, as of course did Farrakhan. Jackson was even guarded by elite members of the Nation of Islam's bodyguards called " The Fruit of Islam " . Jackson later officially mellowed out and became more mainstream but the Andy Young incident was a terrible turning point in the entire situation. Young actually, or allegedly, received $100,000 from BCCI, with $10 MILLION from BCCI going to Jimmy Carter for the Carter Library. So here is the question, or thesis, what have you? Was the infamous incident involving Andrew Young's infamous " handshake " with arafat's so-called " PLO " Observer at the United Nations deliberately staged in advance between Young and arafat's man, so that Carter could fire Young and Jackson could use the Carter firing of young as a " casus belli " , a cause for war, between the African-American community and the Jewish community in the United States? If it was staged who else in addition to Young and the so-called " PLO " Observer at the United Nations, and of course arafat himself, without whom arafat's so-called " PLO " Observer at the United Nations would not have the temerity to go to the bathroom without permission from arafat, and Jesse Jackson and Jimmy Carter could have been involved in it or was the " alleged " plot limited to that group? Remember that item in an earlier post that read: " JIMMY CARTER - WAS " BUOYED BY THE INTIFADA " : During his presidency, Carter frequently pressured and criticized Israel. After leaving the office, Carter continued to exhibit a strong pro-Arab bias. A 1998 book (The Unfinished Presidency) by Prof. Douglas Brinkley, director of the Eisenhower Center at the University of New Orleans, concerning Carter's post-presidential activities, revealed that Carter was " buoyed by the Intifada [and] passed on to the Palestinians through Arafat, his congratulations " (p. 247); Carter privately believes " that the Israeli government ran an apartheid state " (p.239); Carter claims that Yasir Arafat has been " unfairly maligned in the Western press " (p.121); and Carter " drafted on his home computer the strategy and wording for a generic speech Arafat was to deliver soon for Western ears " (p. 341). SHEIKH SAID ONE WHO KILLED KENNEDY TRAINED FOR 3 YEARS " The one who killed Kennedy was trained for three years " " Salem then asked (Sheikh Omar Abdul) Rahman what he thought of the plan to bomb [the Federal Building]. Rahman responded, 'Well, uh, a little bit later. We'll talk about this.' When Salem indicated that the plan was currently in motion, Rahman responded, 'It doesn't matter. Slow down. Slow down a little bit. The one who killed Kennedy was trained for three years.' " see also " February 1993 Bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City " " Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and nine other militant Muslims (Sudanese, Egyptian, American, and Jordanian citizens) were convicted of conspiracy and other charges " " A number of important circumstantial links connect Arafat to the Trade Center bombing. One of the convicted bombers, Ahmad Ajaj, who entered the U.S. with Ramzi Yousef, had been arrested in Israel for smuggling arms to Hamas and the PLO's Fatah. Sultan El Gawli, a close friend of bomber El Sayyid Nosair, had served prison time for buying plastic explosives for the PLO. " " Former Army Sergeant Admits Link to Osama bin Laden ***Mohamed was taken into custody in October 1998 on charges of lying to federal agents investigating bin Laden's network. He had lied about his connections to bin Laden and associated organizations and to the Department of Defense about his previous associations and travel history, according to charges filed by the Justice Department in 1998 Investigators have said videotapes of Mohamed training at a special warfare center at Fort Bragg and classified military documents he had access to turned up in some very suspicious places. The FBI found them in the home of Sayyid Nosair, a suspected terrorist later convicted in a plot to blow up American landmarks. " 0 20.html " ADL HAILS SENTENCES IN TERRORISM TRIAL New York, NY, January 17, 1996 ...The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today expressed satisfaction with the sentences handed down to Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman and nine of his followers for conspiring to carry out a campaign of terrorism against New York City landmarks and officials. David H. Strassler, ADL National Chairman and Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement: We are satisfied that justice has been served in the case of Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman and his followers in their bid to wage a war of urban terrorism in New York City to promote their extremist political agenda. We are also gratified that El Sayyid Nosair will finally serve time for the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane. In the investigation, prosecution and sentencing of the individuals involved in this plot, the American law enforcement and judicial systems demonstrated that the United States will not tolerate terrorism and extremism. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the New York City Police Department, the U.S. Attorney's Office, the jury and Judge Michael Mukasey must be commended for uncovering this terrorist ring and bringing them to justice. Strong counterterrorism initiatives and effective law enforcement are the major antidotes to terrorism here in the United States and around the world . We hope that the House of Representatives will act quickly and pass the Comprehensive Antiterrorism Act which has been stalled for months. The ADL, through its Leon and Marilyn Klinghoffer Memorial Foundation and William and Naomi Gorowitz Institute on Terrorism and Extremism, works to combat the threat of terrorism through educational, political and legal means. The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry. " " After the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the CIA helped train the mujahedeen, whose leader was Osama binLaden, responsible for attacks against U.S. soldiers in Somalia, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and the mastermind behind the bombings of the two US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya last August. The training camps in Khost, Afghanistan ,which were attacked last August by the U.S. to retaliate for the embassy bombings, were built with American assistance. The Afghan rebels received about $3 billion from the CIA. Ali A. Mohamed, an Egyptian working for the CIA, but actually one of Bin Laden's men, had been admitted to the U.S. under a special visa program controlled by the CIA. This was the same man who was linked to El Sayyid A. Nosair, convicted of killing Rabbi Meir Kahane in 1990, and taking part in the broader plot to blow up the World Trade Center and other New York landmarks.. " With America tied down in Vietnam it had to have been thought in the arab world that America would not be able to intervene to save Israel when the inevitable arab attack on Israel came.RFK was killed on the first anniversary of the Six Day War " the inevitable arab attack came some years later with THE 1973 YOM KIPPUR WAR The same gang that bombed the World Trade Center in 1993 murdered Anwar Sadat in 1981 on the 8th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. That same gang hit the Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament for Saddam Hussein when Egypt broke ranks with Iraq over the invasion of Kuwait. " Sheik 'Umar Abd al-Rahman (also known as Omar Abdel Rahman) is the spiritual guide of Egypt's militant Jihad organization. In 1981 he issued a fatva, or religious edict, sanctioning the assassination of President Anwar al- Sadat. His followers have also been responsible for the assassination of the speaker of Egypt's Parliament, Rifat Mahjub. " source: ARAFAT'S UNCLE, HITLER'S ALLY, THE GRAND MUFTI OF JERUSALEM Check out the Birds of A Feather Photo Album at KnowTheEnemy/ where you can see photos of the likes of Webb and Kerry Webb and Hillary, etc. and the other photo albums at KnowTheEnemy/ support the fine work of groups like USVotersForTruth/ and KnowTheEnemy/ aljazeerah had a recent piece which included praise for Carter, including a statement which said: " LONG LIVE JIMMY CARTER " at the bottom of the piece from aljazeerah the contact email address of editor editor AT was given it is nice to see Carter and aljazeerah, Birds of A Feather,if you will, flocking together. We hope that you will check out the Birds of A Feather Photo album at KnowTheEnemy/ where you can see a photo of CARTER AND SAUDI PRINCE TALAL KnowTheEnemy/message/41 " ...after New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani returned a $10 million gift to the city from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal after the prince criticized Israel in published comments, McKinney issued a public letter supporting the prince " " Jimmy Carter thanks Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal for the gift of five million dollars " How did the terrorists know where former President George Herbert Walker Bush would be on September 11th, 2001? Perhaps the following may explain how Saddam knew where former President Bush might be spending the night of September 10th-11th 2001: Like everyone else in the United States, the group stood transfixed as the events of September 11 unfolded. Present were former secretary of defense Frank Carlucci, former secretary of state James Baker III, and representatives of the bin Laden family. This was not some underground presidential bunker or Central Intelligence Agency interrogation room. It was the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C., the plush setting for the annual investor conference of one of the most powerful, well-connected, and secretive companies in the world: the Carlyle Group....Among those associated with Carlyle are former U.S. President George Bush Sr., former U.K. Prime Minister John Major, and former President of the Philippines Fidel Ramos. And Carlyle has counted, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Alsaud of Saudi Arabia, and Osama bin Ladens family among its high-profile clientele. Someone set the date and the location for that meeting. That someone was who? We do not know but it certainly seems to us that someone does know who set the date and location for that meeting. Kerry Lawyer Represented Saddam,Arafat,Nazi,Terrorists,LaRouche " Ramsey Clark Endorses John Kerry By Cliff Kincaid March 1, 2004 One of the leading " America bashers " on the political scene today has endorsed John Kerry for president....Ramsey Clark said he's voting for Kerry because he would take U.S. foreign policy in a new direction.... " I think John Kerry is a great human being, " Clark told this reporter. " I knew him when he was—I call a youngster—in his 20s.... " Clark has been labeled a " traitor " for his habit of showing up in countries hostile to the U.S. A lawyer, he has represented accused terrorists and war criminals.Clark served as LBJ's Attorney General in the 1960s.... A (1970s)photograph shows Clark on the same stage with Kerry. Clark and Kerry were strongly against the Reagan policy of supporting the anti-communist " Contra " freedom fighters in Nicaragua. The policy, though opposed by a liberal Congress, resulted in the holding of elections in Nicaragua, the electoral defeat of the Communist Sandinistas, and an end to the communist insurgency in El Salvador.More recently, Clark has been collaborating with the communist Workers World Party (WWP) in staging " anti-war " demonstrations against U.S. Iraq policy. Brian Becker, a member of the WWP secretariat, helped organize those protests...Cliff Kincaid is Editor of the AIM Report. " Source: 'The New Soldier' by John F. Kerry and Vietnam Veterans Against The War New York: Collier Books. please click the url below to see the American Flag Turned Upside Down on the cover of Kerry's evil book. Don't let Kerry turn America upside down! first click on the url below then click on NEW Video TV Ad - Kerry's VVAW Assassination Plot Click on the url below to see Kerry shaking hands with Daniel Ortega " MANAGUA, NICARAGUA By Catherine Elton | Special to The Christian Science Monitor - Weeks after the repeat images of jetliners crashing into the twin towers began to give way to regular programming on TV screens around the world, they continue to be broadcast political ads for Nicaragua's upcoming presidential elections. The image of the flaming towers and their victims gives way to shots of Sandinista revolution leader, former president, and current presidential candidate Daniel Ortega with Yasser Arafat, Libya's Muammar Qaddafi, and Fidel Castro. " " Mona Charen on Nicaragua in the 1980's: The " Dear Comandante " Letter from 10 Congressmen. Mona Charen's book, Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got It Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First has a good description of the liberal love affair with the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. The Sandinistas had enjoyed good relations with the Palestinian Liberation Organization for a decade. Sandinista militants had received training in Fatah camps in Lebanon and Libya during the 1970s and had fought with the PLO against Jordan's King Hussein. ... Nicaragua's new rulers made their anti- Jewish and anti-Israel views known from the beginning and quickly moved against Managua's small Jewish community. In 1978, Sandinista gangsters had set fire to the doors of Managua's synagogue while a service was in progress. Those who attempted to exit through a side door were forced back by armed men. The fire was extinguished and there were no deaths. After the revolution, the Sandinistas confiscated the synagogue and Jews received death threats and other harassment. .... The fifty families comprising the Nicaraguan Jewish community, who had lived in Managua for more than one hundred years, fled. " Source: re item above, we note the long term " party to party " agreement between Daniel Ortega's Genocidal anti-Semitic Sandinista Terrorists and arafat's so-called " PLO " . More on John F. Kennedy: " He got his loan. Ragano's conclusion: " They had actually acted on the message I had delivered to them from Jimmy and now they wanted payoffs from him. " Ragano says Trafficante told him, in a conversation shortly before he died in 1987, " We shouldn't have killed John. We should've killed Bobby. " " The House Assassinations Committee heard evidence that Ruby visited Las Vegas in the weeks prior to the assassination, and if he did, it was certainly to see McWillie, and it was also rumored he saw {Johnny} Rosselli at that time. " " FBI records indicate that when in 1961 Carlos Marcello... had become one of Bobby Kennedy's targets for deportation, the New Orleans don contacted Santo Trafficante... who in turn called Frank to use his influence with `the President's father' on Marcello's behalf. " (P.295) This story has appeared (with little emphasis) in the Blakey-Billings book (which does not specify that a contact with Sinatra was made; p. 242) and at 9 HSCA 70 (which does not specifically refer to JFK's father). " Why would arafat want RFK's Murderer, Sirhan Sirhan, Freed? On April 4th 1968 Martin Luther King was assassinated while standing on the balcony at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. Had Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy NOT been assassinated Eugene McCarthy, who was 7 points ahead of Nixon in the polls, would have been nominated by the Democratic Party as its Presidential candidate in 1968 and gone on to win the White House. Gene would have ended the Vietnam War promptly in 1969. Gene McCarthy was a good personal friend of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. He was a friend of Israel. Gene would have been re-elected in 1972. There would NOT have been an arab surprise attack on Israel on October 6th, 1973 with Gene McCarthy in the White House and the US NOT tied down in Indochina. In our view ARAFAT ordered the assassinations of BOTH BOBBY KENNEDY AND DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING. The cost to the African-American community of the death of the most Gandhian leader it ever had is incalculable in terms of wasted human lives. Dr. King was also a friend to the Jewish community. Imagine a world in which there never had been a split between the Jewish community and the African American community. Instead of Jesse Jackson assuming the mantle of the slain Dr. King, and going on to lead the charge against the Jewish community after Jimmy Carter fired Andy Young for shaking hands with an arafat observer at the UN, and going on to make his infamous " Hymietown " remark, Martin Luther King would have led the African-American community. ( Jackson allegedly got $5 million dollars for his OPERATION PUSH from Iraq and allegedly got another $5 million Dollars from Libya).. " Who Shot Martin Luther King? The federal government, and Tennessee authorities, aggressively pushed the lone-gunman theory-although this explanation was rejected out of hand by millions of Americans. At Ray's sentencing, as the state was telling the jury what the evidence would have been at a trial, Ray interrupted the proceedings to say he did not agree with the statement of Ramsey Clark, U.S. attorney general, that there was no conspiracy. Three days later Ray tried to withdraw his plea of guilty, even though that would subject him to a possible death sentence. The court refused. From that day forward there has been a tug-of-war between conspiracy believers and lone-gunman advocates. In 1979 the House Select Committee on Assassinations issued a report saying there probably was a conspiracy. " " The Source Behind the Interview CBS News is acknowledging that anchorman Dan Rather had help in getting his exclusive interview with Saddam Hussein from none other than Ramsey Clark, the onetime U.S. attorney general who has since been on the outer fringe of the American left. Clark, who bitterly opposed the Gulf War in 1991, has since accused the United States of war crimes in that conflict.... He visited with Saddam Hussein over the weekend, as he has done several times before, and, according to CBS News, put in a good word for Rather, whom he has known for a long time. " Source: On September 17th, 2001 Dan Rather appeared with David Letterman on Letterman's CBS TV show. The tearful appearance by Rather with Letterman showed a clearly overwrought and emotional Dan Rather discussing the September 11th,2001 attack on America. You can see photos of that appearance at: ember17th.html On September 18th, 2001 the first of the anthrax letters was mailed. There are those who speculate that the real target of the anthrax attacks was Dan Rather, who was perhaps a " man who knew too much " , about too many things from the Kennedy assassination in 1963 to Saddam Hussein, to Afghanistan, and who knows what else. Did Saddam Hussein see a tape of Dan Rather's seeming nervous breakdown about 9/11 on September 17th, 2001 on David Letterman's show and decide to order the anthrax attack on Dan Rather to close Dan Rather's mouth forever? We do not know. We have no forged or fabricated documents to back up such a theory. But the theory is out there. " CBS: Traces of anthrax in Dan Rather's office October 22, 2001 CBS News anchor Dan Rather NEW YORK (CNN) -- Preliminary testing found trace amounts of anthrax in CBS News anchor Dan Rather's anteroom and office areas, but Rather had shown no signs of exposure, CBS News announced Monday. " Source: Iraq behind US anthrax outbreaks Britain's GPs put on full alert over deadly disease War on Terrorism: Observer special David Rose and Ed Vulliamy, New York Sunday October 14, 2001 The Observer American investigators probing anthrax outbreaks in Florida and New York believe they have all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack - and have named Iraq as prime suspect as the source of the deadly spores.Their inquiries are adding to what US hawks say is a growing mass of evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved *** with the 11 September hijackers....Leading US intelligence sources, involved with both the CIA and the Defence Department, told The Observer that the 'giveaway' which suggests a state sponsor for the anthrax cases is that the victims in Florida were afflicted with the airborne form of the disease. 'Making anthrax, on its own, isn't so difficult,' one senior US intelligence source said. 'But it only begins to become effective as a biological weapon if they can be made the right size to breathe in. If you can't get airborne infectivity, you can't use it as a weapon. That is extremely difficult. There is very little leeway. Most spores are either too big to be suspended in air, or too small to lodge on the lining of the lungs.' As claims about an Iraqi link grew, senior health officials in Britain revealed they warned all the country's GPs last week to be vigilant about the disease. 'I think we have to be prepared to think the unthinkable,' said the Government's Chief Medical Officer, Dr Liam Donaldson. The Department of Health confirmed the Government is conducting an urgent review of Britain's ability to cope with chemical or biological attacks. It also emerged last night that three people who worked in the Florida buildings at the centre of anthrax scares are now in the UK and undergoing tests for the disease. ***In liquid form, anthrax is useless - droplets would fall to the ground, rather than staying suspended in the air to be breathed by victims. Making powder needs repeated washings in huge centrifuges, followed by intensive drying, which requires sealed environments. The technology would cost millions. US intelligence believes Iraq has the technology and supplies of anthrax suitable for terrorist use. 'They aren't making this stuff in caves in Afghanistan,' the CIA source said. 'This is prima facie evidence of the involvement of a state intelligence agency. Maybe Iran has the capability. But it doesn't look likely politically. That leaves Iraq.' Scientists investigating the attacks say the bacteria used is similar to the 'Ames strain' of anthrax originally cultivated at Iowa State University in the 1950s and later given to labs throughout the world, including Iraq. According to sources in the Bush administration, investigators are talking to Egyptian authorities who say members of the al-Qaida network, detained and interrogated in Cairo, had obtained phials of anthrax in the Czech Republic. Last autumn Mohamed Atta is said by US intelligence officials to have met in Prague an agent from Iraqi intelligence called Ahmed Samir al-Ahani, a former consul later expelled by the Czechs for activities not compatible with his diplomatic mission.The Czechs are also examining the possibility that Atta met a former director of Saddam's external secret services, Farouk Hijazi, at a second meeting in the spring. Hijazi is known to have met Bin Laden. It was confirmed yesterday that Jim Woolsey, CIA director from1993 to 1996, recently visited London " " BLITZER: That's Osama bin Laden's group. Now you also have some new information, David, about Mohamed Atta. He's the suspected ringleader of the September 11th hijackings. ENSOR: Well, that's right. As you know, he was one of the suicide hijackers who died on September 11th on one of those aircraft. And we had previously reported on September 19th that he met with an Iraqi intelligence official somewhere in Europe. Well, I'm now able to tell you, based on information from U.S. sources, he met not once but twice with Iraqi intelligence officers in Prague in the Czech Republic: once last year in June of 2000 and once in April of 2001. " " LARRY KING: Senator Lieberman, we have 30 seconds. Your thoughts on anthrax? JOE LIEBERMAN: My colleagues are absolutely right. And I think it's important to go back. Don't panic. Be prepared. We've been thinking about this for a while. But I want go back to what Bill Owens said. Iraq and Saddam Hussein have been working to develop chemical and biological weapons. They've used them against their own people. They used them against the Iranians during their war. Saddam really ought to be the next target of this war on terrorism, because he can do the unthinkable to us if we give him a chance. LARRY KING: Gentlemen, this is for all three you. I can't go by without asking it. Admiral Owens, are you concerned about this anthrax thing? RETIRED ADMIRAL WILLIAM OWENS, FORMER VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS.: Well, I am concerned about it, Larry. I think we in the military have been following anthrax, as its been part of the story of Saddam Hussein, and the world of terrorism, for the last decade or so. And I think we always fear that something like this would start to be seen inside our borders. " LARRY KING: We now welcome to LARRY KING LIVE Judith Miller, who has been helping us over the past five weeks report on this story, and who has written a best-selling book, way up on the list, " Germs: Biological Weapons and America's Secret War. " But now, she becomes part of the story herself with a scare herself. " JOURNALIST JUDITH MILLER, CO-AUTHOR OF THE BEST-SELLING BOOK " GERMS: BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS AND AMERICA'S SECRET WAR. " SENIOR WRITER AT " THE NEW YORK TIMES, " : I have always been concerned about Iraq. I share the concern about Iraq's biological weapons program. I found it very curious indeed that Saddam Hussein was willing to give up information about his nuclear program and his chemical program, but not the biological weapons. He had anthrax, botulinum toxin, other agents, perhaps, as well. And he fought very, very hard to keep weapons inspectors out and to safeguard that technology. So it is something I am concerned about. " h tml " Ex-U.N. weapons inspector: Possible Iraq-anthrax link October 15, 2001 NEW YORK (CNN) -- Richard Butler, the former U.N. weapons inspector, pointed Monday to a possible Iraq connection to the recent anthrax mailings, saying he did not believe terrorist groups could have made the deadly bacteria. *** " What we've got to be certain about above all is whether it came from a country supporting these terrorists as a matter of policy, such as Iraq, which we know has made this stuff, " Butler said. " And there's a credible report, ***, that they may indeed have given anthrax to exactly the group that did the World Trade Center. " Mohamed Atta-one of the suspected suicide hijackers-had two meetings with Iraqi intelligence officers in Prague, Czech Republic, U.S. and Czech officials told CNN.*** Butler *** said Egyptian authorities believe that Iraq could have handed some anthrax over to one of the suspected terrorists in the September 11 attacks. " It's possible that many months ago anthrax, a small quantity of it, was handed over in Prague to Mohamed Atta ... and the person who handed it over in Prague was an Iraqi, " Butler said. " If that proves to be true, there's a connection. ***Butler, however, did mention something that would worry him-an outbreak of smallpox, perhaps caused by a terrorist act. " I'd be much more concerned about smallpox because it's contagious, " Butler said. " And there is reason to think that Iraq, for example, and maybe some others were in the past attempting to bring back smallpox for use as a biological weapon. " http://dailynews./h/nyt/20011014/ts/investigators_say_some_t e rror_cells_broken_up_in_u_s__1.html THE GROUP CALLING ITSELF A.N.S.W.E.R.WAS SPUN OFF IT SEEMS TO US FROM the International Action Center. Ramsey Clark FOUNDED the International Action Center. " Testimony Of Dr. William Kemp Clark ... before the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy... " The Formation of the Clark Panel: More of the Secret Team at Work? By Lisa Pease The Clark Panel was the medical panel convened almost immediately after Ramsey Clark had been approved for his appointment as Attorney General in 1967. The panel was clearly convened to put to rest the growing doubts caused by the exposures of Mark Lane, Harold Weisberg, other researchers and even in late 1966, LIFE magazine itself. All of the above talked about the evidence of conspiracy, and the implication is that the medical evidence would either show conspiracy, or else, signs of tampering. What brought it to a crux was Jim Garrison's all-out investigation of the assassination, which, in 1967, was making official story proponents very nervous. One of the key questions raised by the New Orleans DA was this: Why hadn't the Warren Commission members examined the autopsy photographs and X-rays? " Ramsey Clark also dutifully backed the official findings that Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan each acted alone in the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers.*** Carlos Marcello biographer John Davis asserts that the kingpin continued to funnel money to (Ramsey) Clark(`s father Tom Clark) when he, (Tom Clark), sat on the high court.*** " RFK was killed on the first anniversary of the Six Day War. FBI records indicate that when in 1961 Carlos Marcello had become one of Bobby Kennedy's targets for deportation, the New Orleans don contacted Santo Trafficante.). International Action Center-IAC- Founder Ramsey ) " Clark represented PLO leaders in a suit brought by the family of Leon Klinghoffer, the elderly vacationer who was shot and thrown overboard from the hijacked Achille Lauro cruise-ship by Palestinian terrorists in 1986. " " The PLO, PA, and other related defendants are being represented by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark. " " PLO attorney and former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark. " Clark also represented PLO leaders in a suit brought by the family of Leon Klinghoffer, the elderly vacationer who was shot and thrown overboard from the hijacked Achille Lauro cruise-ship by Palestinian terrorists in 1986. " Another Ramsey Clark client was Sheik Rahman himself. " " In private legal practice since 1969, Mr. Clark has argued or briefed a number of ... cases before the Supreme Court. In addition, he has defended a rogue's gallery of clients, including convicted 1993 World Trade Center bombing conspirator Sheik Rahman and presidential fringe candidate Lyndon LaRouche. " —National Press Club Luncheon With Ramsey Clark " Who is Dan Rather? " With the Zapruder film, came the frame by frame voice account of the assassination. It was the voice of an obscure KRLD-TV Dallas news reporter as the only journalist allowed to view the Zapruder film and report on it to the public. The voice was that of Dan Rather, and his frame by frame account of the head shot was that " the bullet clearly entered the back of the President's head as then the President's head lurched FORWARD with considerable force " . His account was precisely the opposite of what the film clearly showed, and Dan Rather was lying to the public and the government was sanctioning this!! We all three agreed that fall evening in 1971, that Dan Rather was " going places " . He did not disappoint us. " Source: " Dan Rather was spawned Halloween day, 1931, in Wharton, Texas. He was the CBS news reporter covering the Kennedy visit to Dallas on November 22, 1963. At the time, Rather was widely praised for his coverage of the assassination. However, over the years, as elements of the truth have been discovered, Rather's reporting has been revealed to be less than truthful. Consider this: Rather was the only newsman present at a private screening of the Zapruder film the day after the assassination. He described what was in the film over nationwide radio and was fairly accurate until he described the fatal head shot. Rather stated Kennedy's head " went forward with considerable violence, " the exact opposite of what is in the film. Several months later, Rather was promoted to White House correspondent for CBS and by the 1980s, he was chief news anchorman. Now, since the film was immediately bought from Abraham Zapruder by Time-Life, and withheld from public viewing until 1975, that means for over a full decade, Rather's bogus account of the fatal head shot was taken as the gospel truth. Another questionable statement by Rather involves his location at the time of the assassination. In his book, " The Camera Never Blinks, " Rather wrote how he was waiting to pick up news film from CBS cameramen in the Presidential motorcade. He wrote he was standing on the west side of the Triple Underpass and missed witnessing the assassination by only a few yards. However, recently discovered film footage of the west side of the underpass has now become public. This film plus still photographs show the Kennedy limousine speeding through the underpass and on to Stemmons Freeway-- but no sign of Dan Rather. Why did Rather lie about the fatal head shot? Why did Rather lie about his whereabouts at the time of the assassination? " Source: Saddam Hussein and Ramsey Clark Iraq's Hussein won't offer condolences to Bush September 26, 2001 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said Wednesday he will not offer condolences to U.S. President George W. Bush for those killed in terror attacks because the United States is " launching a war on us " and his condolences would be hypocritical. In a meeting with a representative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Hussein said, " Bush wants us to pay our condolences, but if I were to do that I would not be respecting my people. Bush is the president of a state that is launching a war on us ... in a mean, terroristic manner. " And if I offered condolences to its president, this would be hypocrisy, and we are not hypocrites. Since offering condolences is a kind of courtesy between states, but we offered condolences to small organizations in America and to an American personality [Ramsey Clark] who came to extend condolences for America's calamities against us. " Hussein's remarks were reported by the Iraqi News Agency. dex.html Ex-Atty. General Would Aid Saddam Defense Fri Dec 19,10:26 PM ET By JENNIFER C. KERR, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON - Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark said Friday that he would be willing to provide legal counsel to Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) if the ousted Iraqi leader requested Clark's assistance. " In his Texas days, the politically ambitious elder Clark was cultivated as a useful connection by New Orleans Mafia kingpin Carlos Marcello, and many feared Clark's new job would afford organized crime access to higher levels of power. AG Clark was repeatedly mired in corruption scandals.*** In 1947, after he had four convicted Chicago mob bosses sprung from prison before their terms were complete, Congress appointed a committee to investigate-and was effectively road blocked by Tom's refusal to hand over parole records. " Roselli was a Las Vegas based Mafia figure and a link in the CIA-Mafia chain. He had close ties to three Mafia bosses associated with the Kennedy assassination: Sam Giancana of Chicago, Santos Trafficante of Florida, and Carlos Marcello of New Orleans. According to columnist Jack Anderson, Roselli told him that mob leaders had ordered Jack Ruby to kill Lee Harvey Oswald because they were afraid he might crack and reveal their part in the conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. In July 1976, shortly before Roselli was to be questioned by the Senate Intelligence Committee, his body was discovered floating in Dumfoundling Bay in Miami. He had been strangled and stabbed; his legs had been sawed off and stuffed into an empty oil drum along with the rest of his body. It is believed that Roselli was killed by someone working for Trafficante because he was talking too much about the Kennedy assassination. Conspiracy " " Crime and Cover-Up (p. 44): Here Scott discusses links between Ruby, Roselli, and Ramsey Clark. " One of Ruby's close personal friends' and character witnesses for his liquor license was Hal Collins (22 H 928), brother-in-law of prominent local attorney Robert L. Clark, the brother and uncle respectively of U.S. Attorneys General Tom and Ramsey Clark (CD 4.371)Robert L. Clark and his law partner Maury Hughes. arranged the...parole in 1947 of John Roselli. " SEE ALSO: " JFK: The day that changed America " IN WHICH RAMSEY CLARK STATES THAT HE, RAMSEY CLARK, WAS THE FIRST ONE INTO THE EAST ROOM OF THE WHITE HOUSE AFTER THE JFK ASSASSINATION. " ABCNEWS: What do you make of the idea that Oswald's uncle, Dutz Murret, could have been the connection between Marcello and Oswald " -3.html " The authors also reveal a Mafia chieftain, who employed Jack Ruby and Oswald's uncle, confessed to federal officers he had been directly involved in Kennedy's murder. " " JFK, RFK, the Mob and Dallas by Ronald Goldfarb " Ronald Goldfarb who practices law in Washington, D.C., is an active literary agent and television producer. He worked for Robert F. Kennedy in the Department of Justice 1961-64. This book-Goldfarb's ninth-is a memoir of his experiences as a special prosecutor in the organized crime section. " " Judith Exner, once close to mobsters John Rosselli and Sam Giancana, told talk show host Larry King on television in 1992 that she repeatedly carried satchels of money from JFK to Sam Giancana for his use in Kennedy's West Virginia primary. She said that Sam Giancana bragged to her, " Your boyfriend wouldn't be in the White House if it wasn't for me. " *** After the assassination, Hoffa told Ragano that he was delighted. " Did you hear the good news They killed the son-of-a-bitch bastard. " , Hoffa rejoiced. Hoffa pulled down the flag that hung at half mast at Teamsters headquarters. Hoffa told one reporter, on the day Ruby killed Oswald, " Bobby Kennedy's just another lawyer now. " Several days after the assassination, he took Ragano aside, saying: " I told you they could do it. I'll never forget what Carlos and Santo did for me. " Later, in New Orleans, Marcello, who was waiting for approval of a huge Teamsters pension fund loan, told Ragano, " When you see Jimmy, you tell him he owes me, and he owes me big. " He got his loan. Ragano's conclusion: " They had actually acted on the message I had delivered to them from Jimmy and now they wanted payoffs from him. " Ragano says Trafficante told him, in a conversation shortly before he died in 1987, " We shouldn't have killed John. We should've killed Bobby. " " The House Assassinations Committee heard evidence that Ruby visited Las Vegas in the weeks prior to the assassination, and if he did, it was certainly to see McWillie, and it was also rumored he saw {Johnny} Rosselli at that time. " " FBI records indicate that when in 1961 Carlos Marcello... had become one of Bobby Kennedy's targets for deportation, the New Orleans don contacted Santo Trafficante... who in turn called Frank to use his influence with `the President's father' on Marcello's behalf. " (P.295) This story has appeared (with little emphasis) in the Blakey-Billings book (which does not specify that a contact with Sinatra was made; p. 242) and at 9 HSCA 70 (which does not specifically refer to JFK's father). " " Have you heard THE ULTIMATE JOHN KERRY AD? Click the link below and it will play " Source: " Former Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman called President Bush a " strong and consistent supporter of Israel, " Source:By George Bennett Palm Beach Post Staff Writer Thursday, October 14, 2004 ....Lieberman said in an interview that Kerry needs to be more " explicit " about his support for Israel to remove doubts of some Jewish voters. Lieberman,(is) a popular figure in South Florida four years ago when he campaigned as the first Jewish candidate on a major party presidential ticket...After speaking to about 600 people at the Huntington Lakes community west of Delray Beach, Lieberman told reporters that Bush appears to have made inroads with Jewish voters, who voted Democratic by an estimated 4-to-1 margin in 2000. " We are dealing with a president who's had a record of strong, consistent support for Israel. You can't say otherwise. And I think John Kerry to reassure people has to himself be explicit " rather than having surrogates deliver the message, Lieberman said. He said he has urged the Kerry campaign to have the candidate speak more about Israel because " only John Kerry can eliminate those doubts. " In his remarks to the audience at Huntington Lakes, Lieberman called Bush " strong and consistent " on Israel and said it would be " unjustified " to criticize him on that issue.... " Source: _lieberman_1014.html With all due respect to Senator Joe Lieberman While we like and admire Senator Joe Lieberman,who we felt would have been the Democrat with the strongest chance of defeating President Bush,John Forbes Kohn-Kerry, a.k.a. John Failed The American Test Kerry has no credibility on ANY issue, because as John Flip-Flop Kerry he changes his positions on issues not only from day to day but from sentence to sentence in the same paragraph. We feel that John Forbes Kohn-Kerry is what is known as a " Self-Hating-Jew " , someone who despises his own partial Jewish heritage. We feel that Senator Kerry is in a state of deep psychological denial about his own partial Jewish heritage. We feel that state of deep psychological denial about his own partial Jewish heritage makes Senator Kerry a danger to Israel and to the Jewish people because he not only may, but already has, gone out of his way to act in a way which shows that deep psychological denial about his own partial Jewish heritage. Kerry's grandfather, Fritz Kohn was Jewish, and converted to Roman Catholicism making up the name Kerry. " Kerry's paternal grandfather, Frederick A. Kerry (born Fritz Kohn), was born in the town of Horni Benesov, Austria-Hungary (in what is now the Moravian-Silesian Region of the Czech Republic), and grew up in Mödling (a small town near Vienna, Austria). His wife Ida (née Loewe) was born in Budapest, Hungary. They were both German-speaking Jews. But in 1901, Fritz Kohn converted from Judaism to Catholicism and changed his name to Frederick Kerry. His wife Ida also converted at the same time. They then immigrated to the United States, arriving at Ellis Island in 1905. They raised their three children, including John's father, as Catholics. A Czech historian believes that Ida was a descendant of Sinai Loew, one of three older brothers of Rabbi Judah Loew (1525-August 22, 1609), a famous Kabbalist, philosopher and talmudist known as the Maharal of Prague. Two of Ida's siblings, Otto Loewe and Jenni Loewe, died in the Nazi extermination camps (Theresienstadt and Treblinka, respectively), after being deported from Vienna in 1942. " Source: One wonders whether Treblinka was on Kerry's mind in the first 2004 Presidential debate. " It was Kerry, strangely enough, who erred, locating the cells of the KGB headquarters in Moscow as being 'under Treblinka Square'. He must have meant under the Lubianka or under Dzerzhinsky Square - Treblinka was a Nazi extermination camp. " Source:,14259,13187 31,00.html Here is the exact Kerry quote on Treblinka from the 09/30/2004 Presidential Debate in Coral Gables, Florida: " KERRY: Well, let me just say quickly that I've had an extraordinary experience of watching up close and personal that transition in Russia, because I was there right after the transformation. And I was probably one of the first senators, along with Senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire, a former senator, go down into the KGB underneath Treblinka Square and see reams of files with names in them. It sort of brought home the transition to democracy that Russia was trying to make. " Well, Senator Kerry if you do not know the difference between the name of the place your Jewish relatives were murdered in by the nazis, and the name of the Square in Moscow where the KGB kept its headquarters, how can you dare to think that you could avert another Holocaust or deal with the current Russian regime, or do anything else competently as President of the United States? How do you dare to run for President of the United States? Especially considering your alleged links to terrorists! To Read More just google the article entitled: Kerry Linked To Terrorists " Encounters with President Kennedy (1962) Kerry sails aboard the Coast Guard yacht Manitou with President John F. Kennedy off Narragansett, Rhode Island, on August 26, 1962.In 1962, Kerry volunteered for Edward Kennedy's first Senatorial campaign. That summer, he began dating Janet Jennings Auchincloss, Jacqueline Kennedy's half-sister. Auchincloss invited Kerry to visit her family's estate, Hammersmith Farm in Rhode Island. It was there that Kerry met President Kennedy for the first time ....Later that day, a White House photographer snapped a photo of Kerry sailing with Kennedy and his family in Narragansett Bay. They met again a few weeks later at the America's Cup race off the coast of Rhode Island. " Source: " Mr. Kerry Well, I guess the president and you and I are three examples of lucky people who married up. And some would say maybe me more so than others. But I can take it... " October 13th, 2004 Bush- Kerry Debate " Like everyone else in the United States, the group stood transfixed as the events of September 11 unfolded. Present were former secretary of defense Frank Carlucci, former secretary of state James Baker III, and representatives of the bin Laden family. This was not some underground presidential bunker or Central Intelligence Agency interrogation room. It was the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C., the plush setting for the annual investor conference of one of the most powerful, well-connected, and secretive companies in the world: the Carlyle Group. And since September 11, this little-known company has become unexpectedly important. That the Carlyle Group had its conference on America's darkest day was mere coincidence, but there is nothing accidental about the cast of characters that this private-equity powerhouse has assembled in the 14 years since its founding. Among those associated with Carlyle are former U.S. President George Bush Sr., former U.K. Prime Minister John Major, and former President of the Philippines Fidel Ramos. And Carlyle has counted, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Alsaud of Saudi Arabia, and Osama bin Laden's family among its high-profile clientele. " " CNN LARRY KING LIVE America's New War: Laura Bush Discusses the Impact of September 11 Aired October 2, 2001 - 21:00 LARRY KING: A couple of other things: Have you spoken to your father- in-law? (Not in transcript, but the father in law in question is one George Herbert Walker Bush !!!) LAURA BUSH: I've spoken to my father-in-law. They were-they had actually spent that Monday night here. (not in transcript but " here " means at the White House !!!) LARRY KING: Really? LAURA BUSH: I had just seen them off that morning when I got in the-got in the car and found out about the first plane. LARRY KING: Didn't know that. LAURA BUSH: They were-they were on their way to St. Paul, Minnesota to give a speech, and they were in a private plane, and their plane was diverted to Minneapolis. " We know, because Laura Bush told us so on Larry King, that former President Bush was at the White House on the morning of Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 and that he had spent the previous night at the White House. " Mohamed Al Fayed had the power of attorney to the Sultan of Brunei, one of the richest men in the world.... " " Harrods quietly takes over Texaco's exploration field The UK Harrods, with their subsidiary Harrods Energy (Thailand), has been in talks to take over three off-shore gas and oil exploration fields from the US based Texaco. The move signifies strong interest from the owner of Harrods, Mohammed al Fayed, father of Dodi al Fayed, the fiancée of the late Princess of Wales. Last August, Harrods Energy was granted exploration rights over two on-shore fields covering 5,800 square kilometers in Prachuab Kirikhan; the takeover of the three Texaco fields in the Gulf of Thailand will make Harrods Energy among the largest explorers after the US UNOCAL and the Petroleum Authority of Thailand. According to the leader of Thai-Rak-Thai Party, Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra, Harrods investments in Thailand came after months of efforts spent during his trips last year to the US and Europe to persuade investors to come in. Dr. Thaksin said he had only acted as a coordinator and has no shares in the company... " " Events in Baghdad came to a head in April 1941, when Iraqi army officers forced the regent and prime Minister Nuri Said to leave Baghdad. The officers sought help from Germany, and Hitler sent...planes through Vichy-occupied Syria. British forces then proceeded to occupy Iraq a second time, supported by the British- officered Arab Legion, which came across the desert from Transjordan, and the regent and his government were restored. " " Upon their defeat, rebel officers took their revenge by instigating the mob into attacking the city's prosperous and ancient Jewish community. For several days, army elements ran amok. One hundred and eighty of Baghdad's Jews were killed and several hundred were wounded amid wide-scale looting " (Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf, by Judith Miller and Laurie Mylroie. P.74). Latter, when the Baath party took control of Iraq, the new regime also arrested Iraqi Jews. Among the first fourteen Iraqis to be publicly hanged on January 27, 1969, eleven were Jews. The event was deemed an occasion for a public festival and, although Iraq's upper class was appalled, some 200,000 people turned up for the show -- many of them Baghdad's workers and peasants from the surrounding countryside. Some even brought their young children in tow. The accused were strung up in rows of gallows in Baghdad's " Liberation Square. " The proceedings continued for twenty- four hours. Bakr, Salah Omar, and others made haranguing speeches condemning Zionism and imperialism, against the back-drop of bodies dangling from the gallows.-- Ibid., p. 94. " In the piece just quoted we could not help notice that " Among the first fourteen Iraqis to be publicly hanged on January 27, 1969, eleven were Jews. " The number eleven holds a special meaning for Saddam Hussein. Saddam was just eleven years old when he assassinated his first victim. Saddam took real power in Iraq in 1968, eleven years later in 1979 he made it official, eleven years after that he invaded Kuwait in 1990, eleven years after that he sent Osama bin Laden to assassinate former President Bush at the White House on September 11th, 2001. Who Set the 9/11 Date And Washington D.C. location for the annual meeting of The Carlyle Group? Former President George Herbert Walker Bush is a part of The Carlyle Group. Former President Bush has a son named George W. Bush who lives in a nice White House in Washington, D.C. We do not know who set the date but we would like to find out. So we have a little project for you, dear readers, please forward this email to your Senators and Congresspeople, and to your radio and t.v. talk show hosts and news people, and to your newspaper and magazine editors and writers and ask them to help you find out. Then follow up those emails with phone calls and letters and visits in person to all of those people. We all know that terrorists love anniversaries. Dick Cheney knows that quite well, as he told Tim Russert on Meet The Press on NBC TV on September 8th, 2002: " MR. RUSSERT: Leading up this September 11, 2002, are we hearing an increase in chatter? Are intelligence folks picking up conversations amongst the al-Qaeda cells around the world? VICE PRES. CHENEY: We've seen some of that. As you go through anniversary dates during the course of the year, the anniversary when U.S. troops first went into Saudi Arabia, the various anniversaries crop up. Now, as I say, to date, not much has happened in that respect, although we did see just this week the Germans arrested two individuals planning, apparently, to set off a major explosion at U.S. European Command in Heidelberg, Germany. Now, was that al-Qaeda related? We don't know yet, but there is a temptation I think for terrorists to try to stage events that hark back to historically significant dates. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if that's the case here. I'm not saying something is going to happen on September 11, but as these major milestones come along, we often receive reporting that it's tied into one of those dates. " It is good that Dick Cheney knew that. Cheney was in the White House on 9/11/2001. Unfortunately John Failed The American Test Kerry did not even know the year, let alone the date, of the February 26th, 1993 attack on The World Trade Center in his debate with President Bush in St. Louis, Missouri in October of 2004. Here is that portion of the debate: " Mr. Gibson The next question, Senator Kerry is for you. And it comes from Ann Bronsing, who I believe is over in this area. " Q. Senator Kerry, we have been fortunate that there have been no further terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11. Why do you think this is? And if elected, what will you do to assure our safety? Mr. Kerry Thank you very much, Ann. I've asked in my security briefings why that is. And I can't go into all the answers, etc. But let me say this to you. This president and his administration have told you and all us it's not a question of when - excuse me, not a question of if, it's a question of when. We've been told that. The when I can't tell you. Between the World Trade Center bombing in what was it, 1993 or so, and the next time was five years, seven years. These people wait. They'll plan. They plot. " Yes they do plan and plot Senator, but you are the person who is asking the American people to replace President Bush with yourself and you did not even know what year The World Trade Center was first attacked in. Why is that Senator? Don't you care enough about fighting terrorism to even find out what year The World Trade Center was first attacked in? " Numerical Ties Between Terrorist Attacks Friday March 12th, 2004 9:05 AM ET By The Associated Press In comparing the Madrid bombings to the 9-11 terrorist attacks in the United States, there are some interesting numerical ties. There were 911 days in-between the terror attacks in Madrid and Sept. 11, 2001 — or 9-11 as it has become known — when al-Qaida- backed terrorists slammed planes into the Pentagon (news - web sites), a field in Pennsylvania and the World Trade Center towers in New York, destroying them. The Madrid bombings — which happened on 3-11 — also came 2-1/2 years to the day after the 9-11 attacks. " Source: tmpl=story & u=/ap/20040312/ap_on_re_eu/terrorism_by_the_numbers_1 " Indictment Links Madrid, 9/11 Suspects Monday March 15th,2004 By ANDREW SELSKY, Associated Press Writer " Another example of terrorists striking on an anniversary came on October 7th, 2004 in Taba. What happened on October 7th, 2001? We doubt if Senator Kerry knows but the American people should recall that on October 7th,2001 " America Retaliates for the September 11 Attacks. October 7, 2001 Archives, Newspaper Covers, Graphics, Maps Major Speeches, Images, and International Reaction.President George W. Bush Speaks to America After the Strikes Begin. read the text of the address made from the Treaty Room in the White House on October 7, 2001 at IsraelAndAmericaTogetherForVictory/mess age/1309 Source: Fortunately for Jewish Israelis the terrorists who struck in Taba on October 7th, 2004, the 3rd anniversary of the U.S. entry into Afghanistan, were less than competent. Imagine the rage and fury of Saddam Hussein " On February 26th, 1982 the Reagan Administration told Congress that it had dropped Iraq from the list of nations that supported acts of international terrorism. Baghdad would now be eligible for American government loan guarantees. " source: SPIDER'S WEB: THE SECRET HISTORY OF HOW THE WHITE HOUSE ILLEGALLY ARMED IRAQ by Alan Friedman ASIN: 0553096508 WeStandUpForIsrael/message/4982 Saddam took credit for the September 11th attacks on America on Baghdad Republic of Iraq Television. Saddam sent his henchman Osama bin Laden to attack America and to assassinate former President Bush, who was at the White House on the morning of September 11th, 2001,just as he had tried to assassinate former President Bush in Kuwait in 1993. That is why Flight 93 was selected to hit the White House on the morning of September 11th, 2001. Fortunately the heroes of Flight 93 stopped that from happening and the plane went down in Pennsylvania. Second Attempt to Assassinate President Bush. We all know that Saddam Hussein attempted to assassinate former President Bush in Kuwait in 1993. Laura Bush, wife of the current President Bush, along with the current President Bush's brothers, his parents, and former Secretary of State Baker were actually in the air enroute to Kuwait when the intelligence came in and their plane was turned back. Then President Clinton later bombed an empty Iraqi intelligence building in retaliation for that attempt in which Saddam's homicide bombers were caught in Kuwait. We believe that the Second Attempt to assassinate former President George Herbert Walker Bush was made by Saddam Hussein using his henchman Osama bin Laden on September 11th, 2001. Iraq Behind November 28th Anniversary Kenya Attacks Just as he used bin Laden to attack America on the 11th anniversary to the day of Bush I's speech to Congress on Iraq of September 11th, 1990 when the Pentagon was hit and the World Trade Center was destroyed on September 11th, 2001 so Saddam, The Butcher Behind Bin Laden , marked another anniversary with attacks, this time on Israel, in Kenya, on November 28th, 2002 the 12th anniversary to the day of UN Resolution 677, which was passed by the UN Security Council on November 28th, 1990. No doubt more missile attacks on civilian planes will be launched by Iraq under cover of various " cut-outs " to divert attention from itself. The cover-story name: " Army of Palestine " , used by Saddam for the November 28th, 2002 attacks is yet another example of Saddam's lack of imagination. Saddam already employs an " Army of Jerusalem " " (Saddam's) Republican Guards and other elite units consist of around a quarter of a million men, and the regular army is about double that size. There are also millions of civilians who have been enlisted into the regime's paramilitary groups, such as the so- called 'Army of Jerusalem', and most of them are trained in the use of small firearms. " " The army of Jerusalem boasts 6 million Iraqi volunteers, " wrote the Baghdad Babil, published by Saddam's son, Udai. " " Friday, November 29, 2002 'Army of Palestine' claims responsibility By Reuters A group calling itself the " Army of Palestine " said it carried out attacks on Israelis in Kenya yesterday to mark the anniversary of the 1947 United Nations resolution. " Here's Resolution 677: UN Resolutions: Kuwait Resolution 677 (1990) 28th November 1990 RESOLUTION 677 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2962nd meeting on 28 November 1990 The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 660 (1990) of 2 August 1990, 662 (1990) of 9 August 1990 and 674(1990) of 29 October 1990, Reiterating its concern for the suffering caused to individuals in Kuwait as a result of the invasion and occupation of Kuwait by Iraq, Gravely concerned at the ongoing attempt by Iraq to alter the demographic composition of the population of Kuwait and to destroy the civil records maintained by the legitimate Government of Kuwait, Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, 1. Condemns the attempts by Iraq to alter the demographic composition of the population of Kuwait and to destroy the civil records maintained by the legitimate Government of Kuwait; 2. Mandates the Secretary-General to take custody of a copy of the population register of Kuwait, the authenticity of which has been certified by the legitimate Government of Kuwait and which covers the registration of the population up to 1 August 1990; 3. Requests the Secretary-General to establish, in co-operation with the legitimate Government of Kuwait, an Order of Rules and Regulations governing access to and use of the said copy of the population register. Please note that the above resolution was listed in the Kuwait on line list of Important Dates at " November 28th( 1990) : The Security Council condemned Iraqi attempts to change demographic structure of Kuwait's residents and destroying the files kept by the legitimate government of Kuwait. (677). " On the following day: November 29th, 1990 Here is what the UN did: " United Nations S/RES/0678 (1990) 29 November 1990 RESOLUTION 678 (1990) Adopted by the Security Council at its 2963rd meeting on 29 November 1990 The Security Council, Recalling, and reaffirming its resolutions 660 (1990) of 2 August (1990), 661 (1990) of 6 August 1990, 662 (1990) of 9 August 1990, 664 (1990) of 18 August 1990, 665 (1990) of 25 August 1990, 666 (1990) of 13 September 1990, 667 (1990) of 16 September 1990, 669 (1990) of 24 September 1990, 670 (1990) of 25 September 1990, 674 (1990) of of 29 October 1990 and 677 (1990) of 28 November 1990. Noting that, despite all efforts by the United Nations, Iraq refuses to comply with its obligation to implement resolution 660 (1990) and the above-mentioned subsequent relevant resolutions, in flagrant contempt of the Security Council, Mindful of its duties and responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance and preservation of internationalnd peace and security, Determined to secure full compliance with its decisions, Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter, 1. Demands that Iraq comply fully with resolution 660 (1990) and all subsequent relevant resolutions, and decides, while maintaining all its decisions, to allow Iraq one final opportunity, as a pause of goodwil, to do so; 2. Authorizes Member States co-operating with the Government of Kuwait, unless Iraq on or before 15 January 1991 fully implements, as set forth in paragraph 1 above, the foregoing resolutions, to use all necessary means to uphold and implement resolution 660 (1990) and all subsequent relevant resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area; 3. Requests all States to provide appropriate support for the actions undertaken in pursuance of paragraph 2 of the present resolution; 4. Requests the States concerned to keep the Security Council regularly informed on the progress of actions undertaken pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of the present resolution; 5. Decides to remain seized of the matter. " President Saddam Hussein chairs 48th Cabinet Session Baghdad, Oct. 22, 2001 INA President Saddam Hussein chaired on Sunday the 48th Cabinet session. The Cabinet discussed recent events of Palestinian Intifadha and praised Palestinians brave and persistent struggle for liberating their lands. The cabinet reviewed the current international situation, especially the U.S aggression on Afghanistan. The Cabinet brought back a historic stance Iraq had taken in 1979 when it condemned the military Soviet invasion of Afghanistan though Iraq had then deep relations with the Soviet Union and there was a friendship and cooperation agreement between Iraq and the Soviet Union, yet this had not prevented Iraq from taking the national independent stand rejecting Soviet's behavior. History repeats itself once again in 2001 as Iraq takes the same stance and condemns the US aggression on Afghanistan....this confirms Iraq's principled stance rejecting all forms of foreign intervention and aggressions. The Cabinet discussed issues listed on its agenda and made necessary decisions and recommendations. " Like the Mafia boss of all bosses he fancied himself to be, as he watched videos of his favorite movie, " The Godfather " , and its sequels, Saddam used " cut-outs " to separate himself from his international terrorism, so that he could maintain " plausible deniability " . Read the article: " Britain Accuses Hussein of Systematic Torture and Killing " at IsraelAndAmericaTogetherForVictory/mess age/1309 " Iraq has the motivation and the means to actively support the Islamist networks of the region*** In the past, there have been intelligence reports of possible cooperation between Iraq and Osama bin Laden. Iraq has already tried to assassinate President Bush Senior in 1993, when he visited Kuwait as a private citizen. In the attack on the USS Cole in Aden (in) October (of 2000), there could have been an Iraqi connection. Iraq has excellent relations with the anti-Western Yemeni Islamists of the Army of Aden-Abyan, whose militants have been arrested by the Yemenite authorities in connection with the attack. Such an attack required long preparations, technical and military skills and good operational intelligence. In addition, the explosive used in the attack was sophisticated, a " shaped charge " like a torpedo or a missile, a device not in use by terrorist organizations, and which may have come from a military stockpile. " " On March 16, 1988 Saddam Hussein's forces attacked the town of Halabja with a deadly mixture of chemical weapons including mustard gas, sarin, tabun and VX. The bombardment lasted three days and left over 5,000 dead and a further 30,000 injured. Many victims have died of their injuries in the last 11 years and the true death toll can only be guessed at. There is also mounting evidence of long-term genetic effects of the chemical attack with children being born with malformations and severe medical problems. Halabja was the largest, but not the only, Iraqi Kurdish town attacked with chemical weapons. Over 250,000 Iraqi Kurds have been exposed to chemical weapons, the largest civilian population ever to suffer such attacks. INDICT has launched a campaign to bring Saddam and the other perpetrators of Halabja to justice for crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide. " " KILLING OUR SONS IN IRAQ " - BIN LADEN, SADDAM'S HENCHMAN Saddam again seeks to divert attention from himself by using his henchman bin Laden, but bin Laden could not control his emotions as he sided openly with his master Saddam and with his fellow henchman, arafat. Never Forget that Saddam sent bin Laden to attack America on 9/11/2001 the 11th anniversary to the day of the 9/11/1990 speech to Congress ON IRAQ! by Bush I. Sept. 11th 1990 Dubya's Dad Speaks to Congress on Iraq WeStandUpForIsrael/message/4388 For the Full text: of 'Bin Laden's message' just click on IsraelMustLive/message/824 Israelis Report Osama bin Laden-Arafat Link for the full text of the Osama bin Laden-Arafat Link article just click on IsraelMustLive/message/825 TERRORISM AND ANNIVERSARIES RFK was killed on the first anniversary of the Six Day War . WeStandUpForIsrael/message/4504 the inevitable arab attack came some years later with THE October 6th, 1973 YOM KIPPUR WAR " October 15, 2002 During the Gulf War the same gang that attacked the World Trade Center in 1993 killed the Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament when Egypt broke ranks with Iraq over the invasion of Kuwait. The same gang is alleged to have assassinated Sadat on October 6th, 1981, the 8th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. On Oct. 6, 2002 a French tanker was damaged in an explosion in Yemen. Re the Bali attack: " The 12th of October 2002 will for the rest of Australian history be counted as a day when evil struck with indiscriminate and indescribable savagery, " " On October 12th, 2000 terrorists in a boat laden with explosives carried out a suicide bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in the harbor at Aden, Yemen. In what President Clinton described as a " despicable and cowardly act, " 17 U.S. sailors were killed, and over 30 others were wounded. " 4 DAYS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Saddam's Stepson in USA " Authorities said Saffi " (Saddam's Stepson), " triggered red flags for four reasons: the family relationship to the Iraqi dictator; training at an American flight school; arrival on the eve of the Independence Day celebrations; and his only documented prior entry into the United States occurred just four days before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. " WeStandUpForIsrael/message/3994 " Saddam's Stepson to Be Deported Fri Jul 5th 2002 (Saffi) was planning to study at a flight school believed by the FBI ( news - web sites) to have been used by one of the Sept. 11 hijackers. " tmpl=story & u=/ap/20020705/ap_on_re_us /saddam_s_stepson_12 " It occurred on the second anniversary of Iraq's expulsion from Kuwait City, and the Bank of Kuwait just happened to have a vault in the basement of the World Trade Center. The Hunt Begins The mystery of who triggered the new york blast prompts a massive manhunt. What the experts are looking for- and where the clues may lead By Russell Watson NEWSWEEK WEB EXCLUSIVE March 8, 1993 issue - The explosion in the basement of the World Trade Center did deadly work " At approximately 12 noon on February 26, 1993, a massive explosion rocked the World Trade Center in New York City. " Remarks at the Commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Liberation of Kuwait Secretary Colin L. Powell Kuwait City, Kuwait (US Embassy) February 26, 2001 " Middle East Correspondent, Robert Fisk: Why was it that the bombing of the two embassies in Tanzania and Kenya occurred on the eighth anniversary to the very day of the first arrival of American troops of the 82nd airborne in Saudi Arabia in 1990? " Kerry says one thing and does another. Like Pat Buchanan, who claimed to favor American made goods, but drove a German made Mercedes, Kerry has sponsored ten bills to allow the importation of foreign made boats. The " official " story about how John Forbes Kohn Kerry met his second wife Teresa is as follows: " Kerry and Teresa Simões-Ferreira Heinz, the widow of Pennsylvania Senator H. John Heinz III and formerly a United Nations translator, met at the UN-sponsored Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro in 1992. They married on May 26, 1995 in Nantucket, Massachusetts. " Source: Source: You will forgive our skepticism about that story when you realize that the late Senator Heinz,Al Gore, and Senator Kerry were all very close friends who worked together on exposing Iraqgate, the arming of Saddam Hussein. We find it highly implausible that those 3 very close friends would not have had family gatherings or similar social events of some type while all 3 were working closely togehter that would have brought Senator Kerry together with Teresa Heinz. In fact our skepticism about that story is confirmed by the story below which states that Teresa Heinz met John Forbes Kohn Kerry for the first time in 1990, while Senator Heinz was still alive, not in 1992, as the wikipedia excerpt above would have us believe. Why the discrepancy? Why the effort to state that the 2 did not meet while Senator Heinz was still alive? In 1990, a year before Heinz's death, Teresa Heinz met John Kerry. With her boys grown up, she was deepening her involvement in environmental affairs and attended an Earth Day event in Washington, DC. Jack Heinz introduced them. When the two saw each other again as delegates to the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil, Teresa Heinz was newly widowed. By all accounts, it was a fascinating trip. The assassination of rain forest activist Chico Mendes was still being felt, and environmentalists were upset about a proposed highway to be built into the heart of the Amazon jungle.... When they found themselves at the same Washington dinner party a few months later, Kerry invited Teresa Heinz for a romantic walk. Kerry ...was considered one of the most eligible single men in the country. His name was linked in the press to women like Catherine Oxenberg and Morgan Fairchild. But Teresa Heinz's earthy sophistication won him over. " Definitely sexy, " he has called her. " Very earthy sexy, European. " They began dating in 1993, then living together. Two years later, they married on Nantucket. " Source: We do not know where wikipedia got the material it used to set 1992, after Senator Heinz had been killed, rather than 1990, while Senator Heinz was still alive, as the year when Teresa Heinz met John Forbes Kohn Kerry. Kerry's website documents the 1990 meeting,with an interesting environmental spin to it as follows: " Their mutual interest in environmental issues brought Teresa and John together. She was first introduced to John Kerry by Senator Heinz at an Earth Day rally in 1990. In 1992, she met Kerry again at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro... " Was this the first meeting? We do not know. But we do know the two met while Senator Heinz was still alive. Does Art Imitate Life? Does Life Imitate Art? The 1998 Movie A Perfect Murder is a remake of the 1954 Hitchcock Classic Dial M for Murder,in which An ex-tennis pro carries out a plot to murder his wife. " Three people. One triangle. A wealthy and powerful husband. The intelligent, beautiful young woman he married. Her soulful and attractive lover. A dangerous combination, to be sure. Perhaps a deadly one... Millionaire industrialist Steven Taylor (MICHAEL DOUGLAS) is a man who has everything but what he craves most -- the love and fidelity of his wife. A hugely successful entity in the high-stakes New York financial world, Taylor proudly considers Emily Bradford Taylor (GWYNETH PALTROW) his most treasured acquisition....But Emily wants-- and needs-- more than just her role as a dazzling accessory in her husband's world. Brilliant and sophisticated in her own right, Emily, who works as a multi-lingual translator and aide to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, has been involved with David Shaw (VIGGO MORTENSEN), a talented but struggling downtown artist who provides the emotional fulfillment for Emily that Steven cannot and will not muster.... " Source: John Kerry: " I'll tell you, I have found [something] in windsurfing- and I don't have a magnifier, but I suppose that somebody can find it on a tennis court. I mean I love to play tennis. It's a great sport. " Source: " A Brief Background On Mrs. John Kerry (She hates being called that, by the way.) Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry married John Kerry in 1995. She only took his name eighteen months ago and she is an " interesting " paradox of conflicts. If you thought John Kerry was scary, he doesn't hold a candle to his wife! Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique, the daughter of a Portuguese physician, was educated in Switzerland and South Africa. Fluent in five languages, she was working as a United Nations interpreter in Geneva in the mid-60's when she met a " handsome " young American, H. John Heinz, III, who worked at a bank in Geneva. He told her his family was " in the food business. " They were married in 1966 and returned to Pittsburgh where his family ran the giant H. J. Heinz food company. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1971, and in 1976 he was elected to the first of three terms in the United States Senate. A Republican, Senator John Heinz wrote a burning diatribe against some of the causes backed by young House member John Kerry.) Several years later, in 1991, he was killed when his plane collided with a Sun Oil Company helicopter over a Philadelphia suburb. The Senator, his pilot and copilot, and both of Sun's helicopter pilots were killed. He was survived by his wife, Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz, and their three young sons. Four years later, having inherited Heinz's $500 million fortune, Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry married Senator John Forbes Kerry, the liberal then-junior Senator from Massachusetts.... So how does Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry spend John Heinz' money? Just one example: According to the G2 Bulletin, an online intelligence newsletter of World Net Daily, in the years between 1995-2001 she gave more than $4 million to an organization called the Tides Foundation. And what does the Tides Foundation do with John Heinz's money? They support numerous antiwar groups, including Ramsey Clark's International Action Center. Clark has offered to defend Saddam Hussein when he's tried. They support the Democratic Justice Fund, a joint venture of the Tides Foundation and billionaire hate-monger George Soros. The Democratic Justice Fund seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim immigration from " terrorist " states. They support the Council for American-Islamic Relations, whose leaders are known to have close ties to the terrorist group, Hamas. They support the National Lawyers Guild, organized as a communist front during the Cold War era. One of their attorneys, Lynne Stewart, has been arrested for helping a client, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, communicate with terror cells in Egypt. He is the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing... Source: Teresa Heinz Kerry: Bag Lady for the Radical Left By Ben Johnson | February 13, 2004 Teresa Heinz Kerry has financed the secretive Tides Foundation to the tune of more than $4 million over the years. The Tides Foundation, a " charity " established in 1976 by... Drummond Pike, distributes millions of dollars in grants every year... The Tides Foundation and its closely allied Tides Center, which was spun off from the Foundation in 1996 but run by Drummond Pike, distributed nearly $66 million in grants in 2002 alone. In all, Tides has distributed more than $300 million... These funds went to rabid antiwar demonstrators, anti-trade demonstrators, domestic Islamist organizations, pro-terrorists legal groups... During the years 1995-2001, the Howard Heinz Endowment, which Heinz Kerry chairs, gave Tides more than $4.3 million. The combined Heinz Endowments (composed of the Howard Heinz Endowment and the Vira I. Heinz Endowment) donated $1.6 million to establish the Tides Center for Western Pennsylvania, a Pittsburgh office of the San Francisco- based Tides is the Tides Foundation's national organization whose connections are most disconcerting. The Tides Foundation is a major source of revenue for some of the most extreme groups on the Left. Tides allows donors to anonymously contribute money to a host of causes; the donor simply makes the check out to Tides and instructs the Foundation where to forward the money. Tides does so. The Tides Center will even manage a left-wing project, for a nominal fee. Drummond Pike told The Chronicle of Philanthropy, " Anonymity is very important to most of the people we work with. " That becomes understandable when one views the list of Tides grant recipients. And who are the beneficiaries of this money? .... Senator John F. Kerry has gone far with his nuanced view of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He voted for the war resolution but specified a litany of conditions the Bush administration must meet before he would support combat, then proceeded to vote against funding troops already in harm's way – then claimed he had always supported the president when Saddam Hussein was captured. The grant recipients of the Tides Foundation, to which Kerry's wife has steered millions of dollars in " charitable " funds, understand no such nuance. Tides established the Iraq Peace Fund ... Most disturbing is the link to Ramsey Clark's International Action Center, which has supported North Korean strongman Kim Jong-Il. The IAC is the force behind International ANSWER, which sponsored the major antiwar (and anti-Bush) rallies before the invasion of Iraq. When ANSWER was outed as a Communist organization, United for Peace and Justice, headed by longtime Communist Party member Leslie Cagan was created as a " moderate " alternative. UFPJ is also a Tides grant recipient.The Tides- funded " A Better Way Project, " which opposed war in Iraq, also coordinated efforts of United for Peace and Justice and the Win Without War Coalition. The celebrity-laden Win Without War Coalition, along with the Bill Moyers-funded Florence and John Schumann Foundation, ran full-page ads in the New York Times opposing the War on Terrorism. This will not be the last overlapping of far-Left causes. The Islamist Front Immediately after 9/11, Tides formed a " 9/11 Fund " to advocate a " peaceful national response " to the opening salvos of war....The Foundation replaced the 9/11 Fund with the " Democratic Justice Fund, " which was established with the aid of George Soros' Open Society Institute. (Currency speculator and pro-drug advocate Soros is, like Teresa Heinz Kerry, a major contributor to Tides, having donated more than $7 million.) The Democratic Justice Fund seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim immigration to the United States, particularly from countries designated by the State Department as " terrorist nations. " Tides has also given grant money to the Council for American Islamic Relations. Ostensibly a " Muslim civil rights group, " CAIR is in fact one of the leading anti-anti-terrorism organizations within the Wahhabi Lobby, with links to Hamas. CAIR regularly opposes and demonizes American efforts to fight terrorism, claiming, for instance, that Homeland Security measures are responsible for an undocumented surge in " hate crimes. " CAIR officials have reason to fight Bush's anti-terrorism measures: all too many CAIR officials are on the record supporting terrorism. CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad openly stated in 1994, " I am a supporter of the Hamas movement. " Community Affairs Director Bassem K. Khafagi has been arrested for visa and bank fraud. Randall Royer, a Communications Specialist and Civil Rights Coordinator at CAIR, was arrested along with a group of Islamic radicals in Virginia for allegedly planning jihad. CAIR has defended terrorist " charities " shut down by the Bush administration. Every few months some CAIR campus official is arrested for aiding and abetting terrorism. The Legal Matrix The Tides Foundation has funded a number of the pillars of the radical legal establishment. Chief among these is the National Lawyers Guild, which began as a Commnist front organization and is proud of its lineage. At its recent convention last October, the concluding speaker was Lynne Stewart, an indicted terrorist NLG lawyer arrested for helping her client – convicted 1993 World Trade Center bombing mastermind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman – communicate with his terrorist cells in Egypt. In her speech, Stewart said she and her NLG comrades were carrying on a proud tradition of their forebears, past and present. More recently, the NLG has endorsed the March 20 call to End Colonial Occupation from Iraq to Palestine & Everywhere " organized by International ANSWER. Tides' Peace Strategies Fund has funneled money to the Center for Constitutional Rights. The CCR was stablished by Sixties radical William Kunstler, defender of the Chicago 8, and Arthur Kinoy. The two also had plans to establish a new Communist Party. Executive Ron Daniels has been honored by the Communist Party USA for his work. Daniels also has a long and cordial relationship with racist, anti-Semitic " poet laureate " Amiri Baraka. Since 9/11, CCR has channeled its efforts into fighting every effective Homeland Security measure. They have opposed increasing the government's ability to wiretap Islamists suspected of plotting terrorism and moaned the sequestering of terrorist detainees at Guantanamo Bay was an unexcusable form of " racial profiling. " CCR President Michael Ratner has portrayed American soldiers as the offenders, guilty of 9/11 by their Middle East policy and guilty of keeping Islamist killers " shackled, hooded and sedated during the 25 hour flight from Afghanistan. " CCR has also defended Lynne Stewart's " innocence " in aiding Sheikh Rahman's Islamic Jihad...Heinz money has repeatedly found its way to the Earth Island Institute. On September 14, 2001, the Institute's website bore the headline " U.S. Responds to Terrorist Attacks with Self-Righteous Arrogance. " Ben Johnson is Managing Editor of FrontPage Magazine and author of the book 57 Varieties of Radical Causes: Teresa Heinz Kerry's Charitable Giving. " Source: Saddam's friend, and would be attorney, Ramsey Clark also represented arafat, Karl Linnas, an alleged nazi war criminal (who was also supported by Pat Buchanan)other Clark clients have included: John Kerry's Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Lyndon LaRouche, and Sheik Rahman, the blind cleric from Jersey City whose son was found with bin Laden's troops when the US went into Afghanistan after 9/11. Clark supported Kerry for President in 2004. Sheik Rahman's gang murdered the Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament for Saddam during the first Gulf War when Egypt broke ranks with Saddam over that war, and they also murdered Sadat on the 8th anniversary to the day of the failure of Egypt to defeat Israel in the Yom Kippur War 10/6. Bin Laden hit American embassies in Africa on the 8th anniversary to the day of the US entering Saudi Arabia in the first Gulf War. The shoe bomber tried to board on the anniversary of the Lockerbie bombing but was turned away and had to board the following day. Sirhan Sirhan assasinated Bobby Kennedy on the first anniversary of the Six Day War. Sirhan's cousin, by the same name, was arrested by Israel a couple of years ago in a terrorist attack in Israel. He was tied directly to a terrorist gang under arafat's control. Ramsey Clark claimed that both the RFK and Martin Luther King assassinations were the work of lone assassins. Ramsey Clark represents arafat. In 1973 arafat took hostages in the Sudan to demand the release of the Sirhan Sirhan who had assassianted Bobby Kennedy, perhaps fearful that Sirhan might name him as the person who had sent him to murder RFK. When Sirhan was not released arafat had the hostages, held in the US Embassy in the Sudan, including the US Ambassador murdered. Ramsey Clark founed the IAC, international action center, which was the birthplace of A.N.S.W.E.R, the main pro-arab anti-Israel group launching demonstrations in the U.S. against both the liberation of Afghanistan and the liberation of Iraq. Clark's father, Tom Clark was also a former US Attorney General. Tom Clark was also a Supreme Court Justice, and was involved in rounding up Japanese Americans in World War Two and putting them into detention camps. Tom Clark was also a good friend of New Orleans mob boss Carlos Marcello. Marcello's lieutenant, Dutz Morretti, was the uncle of Lee Harvey Oswald. Ramsey Clark was an assistant US Attorney General when JFK was assassinated in 1963. Clark was also the first person into the East Room at the White House to see JFK's body when it came back from Dallas in 1963. Marcello had allegedly been involved in smuggling heroin refined from opium in Marseilles, France, grown as opium in the Golden Triangle of Indochina, into the US for distribution in the US. In the early 1960s Buddhist monks in Vietnam, angry at the oppression of the minority Roman Catholic regime of Ngo Dinh Diem and Madame Nhu set fire to themselves on the streets of Vietnam in protest. As a Roman Catholic JFK could not win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people, who were 90% Buddhist. Diem and Nhu were assassinated on November 1st of 1963 and JFK was assassinated 3 weeks later to the day. He was an obstacle to the successful continuation of the Vietnam War, which brought with it 2 benefits to our nation's enemies: it made possible the continued flow of GoldenTriangle Opium in the form of heroin refined in Marseilles, France and imported allegedly into the US by Carlos Marcello, mob boss of New Orleans, and it tied the US down in Asia, making it less likely to be able to come to the aid of Israel in the event of an arab attack on Israel. Such an arab attack was pre-empted in June of 1967 by Israel in the Six Day War. The assassination of RFK stopped him from having to endorse Gene McCarthy, an anti-Vietnam war candidate in the 1968 Democratic Presidential Primaries. McCarthy would have defeated RFK in the all-important New York State Primary in June of 1968. As the Democratic Senator from New York RFK would have to have obeyed the wishes of his contituents and dropped out to endorse Gene McCarthy. McCarthy was 7 points ahead of Nixon in the 1968 polls, and would have won that election and ended the war. Thus America would no longer have been tied down in Vietnam when the arabs eventually launched their attack on Israel in the Yom Kippur War of 10/6/1973. McCarthy was also a close friend of Gold Meir, Prime Minister of Israel at the time. Two weeks before he was assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had endorsed Gene McCarthy for President. A dead Dr. King could not challenge Bobby Kennedy's false claim to be the spokesman for black Americans. Nor could a dead Bobby Kennedy endorse Gene Mcarthy, thus guaranteeing McCarthy the Democratic nomination, and with it the Presidency and the end of the Vietnam War. Ramsey Clark, campaiging himself in New York State in that period, screamed his anger at anti-Vietnam War protestors, telling them to " Tell it to Hanoi ! " . Clark also appointed the infamous Clark Panel, headed by a fellow Texan, who was a doctor also named Clark, to whitewash the JFK assassination, which, like the assassinations of RFK, and Dr. King, Ramsey Clark called the work of a lone assassin. " At the end of 1998 Clark attended a human rights conference in Baghdad, Iraq, where in his keynote speech he pointed out how " the governments of the rich nations, primarily the United States, England and France, " dominated the wording of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which showed " little concern for economic, social and cultural rights. " The social and cultural rights claimed by his Iraqi hosts include the right to hang opponents in public at the airport, or poison thousands of Kurds and torture and execute any opponent of the regime. And on the legality of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the silence is deafening.. " International Action Center-IAC- Founder Ramsey ) " Clark represented PLO leaders in a suit brought by the family of Leon Klinghoffer, the elderly vacationer who was shot and thrown overboard from the hijacked Achille Lauro cruise-ship by Palestinian terrorists in 1986. " " The PLO, PA and other related defendants are being represented by former US Attorney GeneralRamsey Clark. " " PLO attorney and former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark. " Clark also represented PLO leaders in a suit brought by the family of Leon Klinghoffer, the elderly vacationer who was shot and thrown overboard from the hijacked Achille Lauro cruise-ship by Palestinian terrorists in 1986.Another Clark client was Karl Linnas, an ex-Nazi concentration camp guard in Estonia (where he had overseen the murder of some 12,000 resistance fighters and Jews), who was being deported from the US to the USSR to face war crimes charges. Clark again lost the case, but again went to bat for his client in the public arena, questioning the need to prosecute Nazis... " The Mysterious Kerry Couple " A Polish friend well-schooled in the arcana of communism tells me that Teresa Heinz Kerry's father was the founder of the Mozambique Communist Party " Source: " She hasn't been back to Mozambique since April of 1974, when she was thirty-five, and married to John Heinz....The family was scheduled to return to the United States on April 25th, but the borders were closed and the airport shut down. That day, Salazar's heir, Marcelo Caetano, had been ousted in a bloodless military coup. Its leaders were a cadre of young Army officers, many of whom had fought in their country's African wars and returned home— like some of their American contemporaries in Vietnam—radicalized... When the news from Lisbon reached Lourenço Marques, the capital of Mozambique, stunned and ecstatic people took to the streets. Teresa Heinz and her father attended the first open meeting of frelimo (Frente da Libertação de Moçambique), which had been waging a guerrilla war of liberation for more than ten years, and they joined the vast throng of celebrants marching through the " cement town. " (The expression, which refers to the European enclaves in Mozambique's urban centers, alludes to their solidity rather than to their ugliness. Most Africans lived in wretched shanties on the outskirts, which were known as " cane towns. " ) The parade took her up and down familiar, still well-kept avenues lined with jacaranda trees dripping pale blossoms, past the Museum of Natural History, next door to which her grandmother had lived, and past the colonial villa on the cliffs overlooking the Indian Ocean where she and her siblings grew up. " Source: ( " The FRELIMO rebel movement was sponsored by the communists and fought the Portuguese. Mozambique fell to the communists virtually overnight in 1975 because of the coup in Portugal. The newly installed FRELIMO government nationalized all the country's industries overnight. This caused an almost instant collapse of the economy as the Portuguese colonists fled. FRELIMO then gave succor to Robert Mugabe's ZANLA army. This proved to be decisive in causing the collapse of Rhodesia, which was renamed Zimbabwe. " ) " Mozambique gained its independence from Portugal in 1975. A Marxist- Leninist group, the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (Frelimo) assumed power... " Source: refid=761572241 & print\ =0 The biggest of the big rumors going around about Teresa Heinz Kerry,is that Teresa, before she married the late Senator John Heinz, who was killed in a helicopter crash, and later went on to marry Senator John Kerry, who she had met while Senator Heinz was still alive and still married to her, was a Soviet KGB Agent, using her body and her wiles, which some rumors state include heterosexual, lesbian, sado-masochist " Dominatrix " and other types of kinky and straight sex, etc. to blackmail United Nations diplomats and turn them into unwilling spies for the Soviet KGB. While the Soviet KGB did indeed use many people to do just that we have no evidence that Teresa Heinz Kerry was ever one of those people. The historic widespread use of " Honey Traps " by the Soviet KGB is a fact however. Many targets of such " Honey Traps " were indeed United Nations diplomats and staffers. " The KGB was, for 50 years, the most effective intelligence agency the world had ever seen. The key to its success was a ruthless skill for using money, sex and blackmail as tools to entice foreigners to betray their countries and hand over secret information. In this two hour program, that could only be produced with the end of the Cold War, we enter the never-before seen and carefully guarded vaults of the worlds most feared organization, the KGB. In this program we reveal the inner working of the KGB. The use of the " Honey Trap " which is, in intelligence circles, the use of women in sexual situations to snare victims and obtain secret information. How did the KGB identify U.S. Marines who worked at the U.S. Embassy and target them, leading to compromise and in the case of marine Lonetree, to a 30 year prison sentence. We see secret footage of the bumbling FBI agent selling out his country for sex in a car, and the CIA officer who lived a lavish lifestyle at the cost of agents lives. See the amazing use of hidden cameras and the footage that reveals seduction, passion and sexual conduct all used to destabilize enemy governments. We still have only a glimpse of the secret KGB files and we may never know the full extent of the information contained in the KGB vaults but in the KGB Sex Files you get the closet look ever at the Russian State secrets. Hosted by Roger Moore. " Source: " Inside the Beltway By John McCaslin Published June 21, 2004 Sexpionage The International Spy Museum in Washington, the only museum in the country dedicated to espionage, will enforce a minimum age of 18 for its July 14 seminar on one of the oldest tricks of the trade: sexpionage. Those of a mature age will learn that spies, counterspies and even terrorists conduct undercover activities " under the covers, " using seduction as a tool to attract and manipulate, coerce and compromise. Authentic KGB sexual-entrapment videos and newly released technical details of the infamous Russian " honey traps " will be shown. " Source: 113752-4628r Getting back to those rumors, perhaps the parts about those rumors that concern sado-masochist " Dominatrix " type sex could explain some of Senator Kerry's bizarre statements. If the use of oxygen deprivation, via plastic bags placed over Senator Kerry's head by Teresa, or dunking Senator Kerry's head in buckets filled with water, urine, or other substances, were involved Senator Kerry's brain, deprived of vital oxygen might well slip into the type of bizarre statements he has been making recently. Asphyxiation,smothering, face sitting, bondage,drowning,dunking,are not uncommon torture practices in bizarre kinky sado-masochistic " Dominatrix " type sex. " Autoerotic asphyxiation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Autoerotic asphyxiation is the practice of self-strangulation, typically by the use of a ligature, while masturbating. The decrease of blood to the brain is said to heighten the sexual pleasure. It is a highly dangerous practice that results in many deaths each year. It is a popular subject in tabloids and celebrity gossip magazines, particularly when a celebrity dies as a result of suicide or other mysterious circumstances. Such was reputedly the case with the deaths of Jerzy Kosinski (in 1991) and Michael Hutchence (in 1997), though no evidence to support the claim was produced in either case. The death in 1994 of Stephen Milligan, the British Conservative MP for Eastleigh, was a case of auto-erotic asphyxiation combined with self- bondage. This combination is particularly lethal. An accidental death due to autoerotic asphyxiation is an important plot element in the film The Ruling Class (1972), starring Peter O'Toole. It is also important in Rising Sun, a movie starring Sean Connery and Wesley Snipes, based on the novel of the same name by Michael Crichton. It is also depicted in the movie Ken Park. The book Acquisition of Power by Erika Barr (ISBN 1591293073) touches upon this subject. Recent court cases have come to varied results as to whether the unintentional death resulting from autoerotic asphyxiation falls under the " self- induced injury " clause of standard life insurance policies, which prevents payouts for suicide. In June of 2003, one US court said the intent was not death and therefore the case was an accident [1] (,1109,15975-1567-legal-- legal,00.html), while another in August 2003 said it does technically fall within the terms since death is the logical result of asphyxiation [2] (,1109,16158-1572-legal,00.html). External links BBC News story about the death of Stephen Milligan ( 538000/2538\ 165.stm) Information on the practice of autoerotic asphyxia (\ tic_Asphyxia_Page.html+%22autoerotic+asphyxiation% 22+dictionary+OR+glossary+OR+w\ ords+OR+terms+OR+lexicon & hl=en & lr=lang_en & ie=UTF-8) Retrieved from " " Who Set the 9/11 Date And Washington D.C. location for the annual meeting of The Carlyle Group? Former President George Herbert Walker Bush is a part of The Carlyle Group. Former President Bush has a son named George W. Bush who lives in a nice White House in Washington, D.C. We do not know who set the date but we would like to find out. So we have a little project for you, dear readers, please forward this email to your Senators and Congresspeople, and to your radio and t.v. talk show hosts and news people, and to your newspaper and magazine editors and writers and ask them to help you find out. Then follow up those emails with phone calls and letters and visits in person to all of those people. We all know that terrorists love anniversaries. Dick Cheney knows that quite well, as he told Tim Russert on Meet The Press on NBC TV on September 8th, 2002: " MR. RUSSERT: Leading up this September 11, 2002, are we hearing an increase in chatter? Are intelligence folks picking up conversations amongst the al-Qaeda cells around the world? VICE PRES. CHENEY: We've seen some of that. As you go through anniversary dates during the course of the year, the anniversary when U.S. troops first went into Saudi Arabia, the various anniversaries crop up. Now, as I say, to date, not much has happened in that respect, although we did see just this week the Germans arrested two individuals planning, apparently, to set off a major explosion at U.S. European Command in Heidelberg, Germany. Now, was that al-Qaeda related? We don't know yet, but there is a temptation I think for terrorists to try to stage events that hark back to historically significant dates. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if that's the case here. I'm not saying something is going to happen on September 11, but as these major milestones come along, we often receive reporting that it's tied into one of those dates. " It is good that Dick Cheney knew that. Cheney was in the White House on 9/11/2001. Unfortunately John Failed The American Test Kerry did not even know the year, let alone the date, of the February 26th, 1993 attack on The World Trade Center in his debate with President Bush in St. Louis, Missouri in October of 2004. Here is that portion of the debate: " Mr. Gibson The next question, Senator Kerry is for you. And it comes from Ann Bronsing, who I believe is over in this area. " Q. Senator Kerry, we have been fortunate that there have been no further terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11. Why do you think this is? And if elected, what will you do to assure our safety? Mr. Kerry Thank you very much, Ann. I've asked in my security briefings why that is. And I can't go into all the answers, etc. But let me say this to you. This president and his administration have told you and all us it's not a question of when - excuse me, not a question of if, it's a question of when. We've been told that. The when I can't tell you. Between the World Trade Center bombing in what was it, 1993 or so, and the next time was five years, seven years. These people wait. They'll plan. They plot. " Yes they do plan and plot Senator, but you are the person who is asking the American people to replace President Bush with yourself and you did not even know what year The World Trade Center was first attacked in. Why is that Senator? Don't you care enough about fighting terrorism to even find out what year The World Trade Center was first attacked in? Imagine the rage and fury of Saddam Hussein " On February 26th, 1982 the Reagan Administration told Congress that it had dropped Iraq from the list of nations that supported acts of international terrorism. Baghdad would now be eligible for American government loan guarantees. " source: SPIDER'S WEB: THE SECRET HISTORY OF HOW THE WHITE HOUSE ILLEGALLY ARMED IRAQ by Alan Friedman ASIN: 0553096508 WeStandUpForIsrael/message/4982 Imagine Saddam's rage and fury when Kuwait was liberated on February 26th, 1991, 9 years to the day after the event described above! Is it any wonder that Saddam would launch the first of his 2 attacks on the World Trade Center on February 26th, 1993, the 2nd anniversary of the liberation of Kuwait City, and the 11th anniversary of the event described above, and that he would launch his 2nd attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001, the 11th anniversary of the Bush I speech to Congress on Iraq. Saddam loves 11th anniversaries, for instance " Saddam Hussein's speech on the 11th Anniversary of the Great Victory Day In the Name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful Great People, The Valiant of Our Brave Armed Forces, Sons of our Glorious Arab Nation… " Second Attempt to Assassinate President Bush. We all know that Saddam Hussein attempted to assassinate former President Bush in Kuwait in 1993. Laura Bush, wife of the current President Bush, along with the current President Bush's brothers, his parents, and former Secretary of State Baker were actually in the air enroute to Kuwait when the intelligence came in and their plane was turned back. Then President Clinton later bombed an empty Iraqi intelligence building in retaliation for that attempt in which Saddam's homicide bombers were caught in Kuwait. We believe that the Second Attempt to assassinate former President George Herbert Walker Bush was made by Saddam Hussein using his henchman Osama bin Laden on September 11th, 2001. September 11th, 1990 Dubya's Dad Speaks to Congress on Iraq When September 11th Yes ! September 11th 1990. Exactly 11 years to the day before the infamous September 11th 2001 attacks on America. Saddam's Revenge !!! How clear it is!!! " Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf Crisis and the Federal Budget Deficit September 11, 1990. We gather tonight, witness to events in the Persian Gulf as significant as they are tragic. In the early morning hours of August 2d, following negotiations and promises by Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein not to use force, a powerful Iraqi army invaded its trusting and much weaker neighbor, Kuwait. *** The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective-a new world order-can emerge. *** " READ THE WHOLE OF Former President Bush's SPEECH TO CONGRESS ON SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1990 AT " Note: The President spoke at 9:09 the House Chamber at the Capitol.. The address was broadcast live on nationwide television and radio. " Iraq Cheers September 11th Attacks on America " Wednesday, September 12, 2001 Baghdad TV Commentary: US `Reaping Fruits of Crimes Against Humanity' Baghdad Republic of Iraq Television in Arabic 1700 GMT 11 Sep 01 [TV Commentary by Sa'd Yasin Yusuf read by announcer over footage of explosions in New York] [FBIS Translated Text] [With thanks to Laurie Mylorie - Iraq Watch] The American cowboy is reaping the fruits of his crimes against humanity. It is a black day in the history of America, which is tasting the bitter defeat of its crimes and disregard for peoples' will to lead a free, decent life. The massive explosions in the centers of power in America, notably the Pentagon, is a painful slap in the face of US politicians to stop their illegitimate hegemony and attempts to impose custodianship on peoples. It was no coincidence that the World Trade Center was destroyed in suicidal operations involving two planes that have broken through all US security barriers to carry the operation of the century and to express rejection of the reckless US policy. Panic has spread among US official circles, which evacuated the White House following a series of explosions. They also evacuated the Pentagon, the State Department, and Congress and closed down the airports and government institutions. The collapse of US centers of power is a collapse of the US policy, which deviates from human values and stands by world Zionism at all international forums to continue to slaughter the Palestinian Arab people and implement US plans to dominate the world under the cover of what is called the new [world] order. These are the fruits of the new US order. [Video of explosion rocking World Trade Center] [Description of Source: Baghdad Republic of Iraq Television in Arabic-Official television station of the Iraqi Government] " " September 11th, 2001 - The White House is evacuated. White House Sealed " " try to avoid having the principal travel by commercial airline on terrorist anniversaries " from " The Art of Executive Protection " " Senator Heinz and Martin Luther King both died on April 4th Was Senator Heinz assassinated too? We believe that Dr. King was assassinated, as we discuss in this post, for a variety of reasons. We believe that assassins have been killing Americans for many years. Before we discuss all of that however some thoughts on the 2004 election. Our initial opposition to George W. Bush was based on the fact that his father left Saddam in power. George W. Bush has made up for that mistake by liberating Iraq. The late Senator Heinz, then Senator Gore, and Senator Kerry were all close friends working on exposing what was known as Iraqgate, the arming of Saddam by Reagan and Bush I. source: SPIDER'S WEB: THE SECRET HISTORY OF HOW THE WHITE HOUSE ILLEGALLY ARMED IRAQ by Alan Friedman ASIN: 0553096508 Since then both Al Gore and John Failed The American Test Kerry completely reversed their prior histories on Iraq and both became Servants of Saddam. Of the 3 Senators: Heinz, Gore and Kerry, Heinz was killed in a helicopter crash which we think was an assassination, possibly carried out by Saddam Hussein's agents. Helicopter crashes were a signature trademark of assassinations carried out by Saddam's agents, and Gore and Kerry became Servants of Saddam. " (Saddam's)only friend was his cousin Adnan Khairallah, who later would become defense minister in a regime where family connections usually counted for more than talent. In such a system, of course, such close links are not necessarily a guarantee of survival. Adnan was later to fall afoul of Saddam, and died afterward in a suspicious helicopter crash. " Source: " One disgruntled house within the Albu Nasir is the bayt of 'Abd al- Mun'im, which includes Saddam's in-law, Lt. General Maher 'Abd Rashid, a hero of the Iran-Iraq War. The fact that Qusayy Saddam Hussein is married to the general's daughter, Lama (according to some reports they recently got divorced, but there is no reliable confirmation), did not prevent the president from placing Maher 'Abd Rashid under house arrest at the end of the Iraq-Iran War. Two of General Maher's brothers remained important officials in Saddam's regime, but the family suspects that Saddam was involved in planning a helicopter accident in which their brother, Brigadier General Tahir, died in the last stage of the Iraq-Iran War—one of several such strange, fatal helicopter crashes at the end of the Iran-Iraq War....Another alienated branch of the Albu Nasir is the bayt of Major General Umar al-Haza'. In 1986, Saddam tortured and executed him for slandering Sabha, Saddam's mother. According to some sources, Umar's son then provided the information that enabled a group of oppositionists to badly wound Udayy in an assassination attempt in December 1996. Still another sub-tribal unit, the Albu Latif, harbors resentment against Saddam for the death of one of their favorite sons, Brigadier General Adnan Sharif Shihab. Shihab's helicopter was shot down " accidentally " by an Iraqi surface-to-air missile at the start of the Iran-Iraq War, although members of his bayt, and many others, believe that it was done on the orders of Minister of Defense Adnan Khayr Allah, Saddam's cousin and oldest friend....Saddam's mother's side of his family suspects that he had Adnan Khayr Allah—who was not only minister of defense and his oldest friend, but also was his maternal cousin and brother-in-law—killed in another suspicious helicopter crash in 1989. Most deeply hurt by this apparent assassination has been Saddam's first wife (and maternal cousin) Sajidah. Source: ed/fellows/baram20030708.htm " In July 1958, Iraq's King Faisal was gunned down in his courtyard by military plotters led by Brig. Abdel Karim Kassem and Col. Abdul Salam Arif. A few months later, Kassem ousted Arif for being too pro-Nasserite. Around the same time a young Saddam tried, but failed, to kill Kassem, who himself executed a slew of Iraqi Nasserites in Mosul in 1959. In 1963, Arif came back from exile and killed Kassem. A short time later Arif, and the Baath Party thugs around him, savagely slaughtered and tortured thousands of left-wingers and Communists all across Iraq. Arif ruled until 1966, when he was killed in a helicopter crash and was succeeded by his brother, who was toppled in 1968 by Saddam and his clan from the village of Tikrit. That's when Saddam first began sending away his opponents to a prison called Qasr al-Nahiya — " the Palace of the End. " Source: " After the Ba'ath Party came to power in February 1963...Saddam was promoted into the Regional Command Council and it was soon found that this was his metier. He was put in charge of a special force responsible for terror and assassination and was an interrogator and torturer in the Qasr al-Nihayyat ('The Palace of the End'). Eyewitnesses say Saddam excelled in creating new methods and revealed a sadistically inventive mind. He designed new instruments of torture and then experimentd with them on his victims. ...By the summer of 1963, Saddam was urging the party to put him in charge of creating a special security apparatus modelled on the Nazi SS. This was the Jihza Haneen....following nationalisation of banks and certain foreign companies in 1964, the Ba'ath Party instructed Saddam to assassinate the president Abd al-Salam Arif. The proposed assassination was designed to trigger off another Ba'ath coup. Critics say it was a plan on behalf of the CIA but according to some Ba'athist defectors the CIA did not have direct contact with the Ba'ath itself but with army officers who were co-ordinating a joint coup with the party. The main contact with the Americans was Iraq's own ambassador in Washington, Dr. Nasser al-Hanni. " Pages 201-203 " In 1989, Adnan Khairallah was killed in a helicopter crash in which Saddam Hussein's hand was suspected as having played a part. " Page 104 Source: Unholy Babylon-The Secret History of Saddam's War by Adel Darwish and Gregory Alexander St. Martin's Press, New York 1991 ISBN 0-312-06530-2 " With the Baath party taking power in a coup d' etat on 8 February 1963, (Saddam) Hussein returned from Egypt where he had studied law, but was jailed the following year after falling out with the new Iraqi president Abd Al-Salam Arif. Despite being in detention, Hussein was still elected secretary general of the party. President Arif died in a helicopter crash and his brother, Abd Al-Rahman Arif, was soon ousted by (Saddam) Hussein's cousin – General Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr. " Source: AAC68E69708A.htm " The cousin and brother in law of Saddam: Adnan Kheralla used to wait for the female students in front of Baghdad University and select what suite him and the death for any one who refuse. He was also killed by Saddam by a helicopter crash....The family tree is shown in Simon Henderson, Instant Empire: Saddam Hussein's Ambition for Iraq (San Francisco: Mercury House, 1991), p.87. Other notable cousins of Saddam's include the former Defense Minister Adnan Khairallah, who died in a helicopter crash in 1989... " Source: Sometime after Senator Heinz was killed Senator Kerry and the widow of Senator Heinz were married. The " official " story about how John Forbes Kohn Kerry met his second wife Teresa is as follows: " Kerry and Teresa Simões-Ferreira Heinz, the widow of Pennsylvania Senator H. John Heinz III and formerly a United Nations translator, met at the UN-sponsored Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro in 1992. They married on May 26, 1995 in Nantucket, Massachusetts. " Source: Source: You will forgive our skepticism about that story when you realize that the late Senator Heinz,Al Gore, and Senator Kerry were all very close friends who worked together on exposing Iraqgate, the arming of Saddam Hussein. We find it highly implausible that those 3 very close friends would not have had family gatherings or similar social events of some type while all 3 were working closely together that would have brought Senator Kerry together with Teresa Heinz. In fact our skepticism about that story is confirmed by the story below which states that Teresa Heinz met John Forbes Kohn Kerry for the first time in 1990, while Senator Heinz was still alive, not in 1992, as the wikipedia excerpt above would have us believe. Why the discrepancy? Why the effort to state that the 2 did not meet while Senator Heinz was still alive? In 1990, a year before Heinz's death, Teresa Heinz met John Kerry. With her boys grown up, she was deepening her involvement in environmental affairs and attended an Earth Day event in Washington, DC. Jack Heinz introduced them. When the two saw each other again as delegates to the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil, Teresa Heinz was newly widowed. By all accounts, it was a fascinating trip. The assassination of rain forest activist Chico Mendes was still being felt, and environmentalists were upset about a proposed highway to be built into the heart of the Amazon jungle.... When they found themselves at the same Washington dinner party a few months later, Kerry invited Teresa Heinz for a romantic walk. Kerry ...was considered one of the most eligible single men in the country. His name was linked in the press to women like Catherine Oxenberg and Morgan Fairchild. But Teresa Heinz's earthy sophistication won him over. " Definitely sexy, " he has called her. " Very earthy sexy, European. " They began dating in 1993, then living together. Two years later, they married on Nantucket. " Source: We do not know where wikipedia got the material it used to set 1992, after Senator Heinz had been killed, rather than 1990, while Senator Heinz was still alive, as the year when Teresa Heinz met John Forbes Kohn Kerry. Kerry's website documents the 1990 meeting,with an interesting environmental spin to it as follows: " Their mutual interest in environmental issues brought Teresa and John together. She was first introduced to John Kerry by Senator Heinz at an Earth Day rally in 1990. In 1992, she met Kerry again at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro... " Was this the first meeting? We do not know. But we do know the two met while Senator Heinz was still alive. Here is one we do not believe, note Wikipedia has updated its story on the Teresa meetings with Kerry, we still do not believe them however: " Kerry and his second wife, Teresa Simões-Ferreira Heinz, the widow of Pennsylvania Senator H. John Heinz III, a moderate Republican, and former United Nations translator, were introduced to each other by John Heinz at an Earth Day rally in 1990. They did not meet again until after John Heinz's death, at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. " Source: They now admit that Kerry met Teresa while Senator Heinz was still alive. They go to great pains to state that: " They did not meet again until after John Heinz's death, at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. " The question is why? How do they know that : " They did not meet again until after John Heinz's death, at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. " How do they know that the 1990 meeting was the first meeting, or the last before the 1992 meeting? Both Kerry and Heinz were at Yale and in Skull and Bones. Isn't it possible, perhaps even likely, that Kerry met Teresa even before 1990? And that they continued to see each other, perhaps romantically, while Senator Heinz was still alive? We cannot state that to be a fact, we have no fabricated or forged documents, this is not the Dan Rather show, but we can suspect that. One thing is certain, now even Wikipedia admits that it is certain: Kerry met Teresa while her husband, Senator Heinz was still alive. Another thing is certain. Senator Heinz ended up dead. Another thing is certain: Kerry ended up married to Teresa. Another thing is certain Teresa ended up with the Heinz money. A billion here, a billion there, to paraphrase Senator Dirksen's long ago remark. Where does all of this lead? We do not know. We cannot allege that Teresa Heinz conspired with John Kerry in the death of Senator Heinz. We can wonder whether the cosmoplitan multi-lingual U.N. translator Teresa Heinz might have expressed support for arabist causes to arab diplomats while at the U.N. We can wonder whether those comments, if made at all, might have been passed on to arab terrorists who might have assassinated Senator Heinz, who was a friend of Israel,and an enemy of arabists, so that Teresa Heinz could inherit his fortune unbeknownst to Teresa Heinz herself. By doing so those arab terrorists would have removed an enemy,Senator Heinz, who was a potential Presidential contender, and perhaps have placed a potential friend, Teresa Heinz,in charge of the Heinz fortune. If they were really good at it those terrorists might have known about the existence of the Heinz-Kerry relationship while Senator Heinz was still alive. How deep did that relationship go? We do not know. It could have been just a casual friendship. It could have been more. It is interesting that Joe Lockhart, who was brought in to the Clinton White House to help Clinton's spin on his relationship with Monica Lewinsky joined the Kerry team and is linked also to Dan Rather story. If they delved deeply into Kerry's past they might have discovered his sympathy with America's enemy the communist Vietnamese and his meeting with them. " Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry married John Kerry in 1995...Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique, the daughter of a Portuguese physician, was educated in Switzerland and South Africa. Fluent in five languages, she was working as a United Nations interpreter in Geneva in the mid-60's when she met a " handsome " young American, H. John Heinz, III, who worked at a bank in Geneva. He told her his family was " in the food business. " They were married in 1966 and returned to Pittsburgh where his family ran the giant H. J. Heinz food company. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1971, and in 1976 he was elected to the first of three terms in the United States Senate. A Republican, Senator John Heinz wrote a burning diatribe against some of the causes backed by young House member John Kerry.) Several years later, in 1991, he was killed when his plane collided with a Sun Oil Company helicopter over a Philadelphia suburb. The Senator, his pilot and copilot, and both of Sun's helicopter pilots were killed. He was survived by his wife, Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz, and their three young sons. Four years later, having inherited Heinz's $500 million fortune, Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry married Senator John Forbes Kerry, the liberal then-junior Senator from Massachusetts.... Heinz Kerry is not shy about telling people that she required Kerry to sign a prenuptial agreement before they were married....So how does Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry spend John Heinz' money? Just one example: According to the G2 Bulletin, an online intelligence newsletter of World Net Daily, in the years between 1995-2001 she gave more than $4 million to an organization called the Tides Foundation. And what does the Tides Foundation do with John Heinz's money? They support numerous antiwar groups, including Ramsey Clark's International Action Center. Clark has offered to defend Saddam Hussein when he's tried. They support the Democratic Justice Fund, a joint venture of the Tides Foundation and billionaire hate-monger George Soros. The Democratic Justice Fund seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim immigration from " terrorist " states. They support the Council for American-Islamic Relations, whose leaders are known to have close ties to the terrorist group, Hamas. They support the National Lawyers Guild, organized as a communist front during the Cold War era. One of their attorneys, Lynne Stewart, has been arrested for helping a client, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, communicate with terror cells in Egypt. He is the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.... Source: Was Senator Heinz, the late husband of Mrs. John F. Kerry, a victim of an arab terrorist assassination plot? Senator Heinz was strongly Pro-Israel: " Update on Congress The Busy Month of June By Dennis J. Wamsted July 15, 1985, Page 4 The Reagan Administration's plan to sell a package of advanced weaponry-including 40 jet fighters, either F-16s or F-20s, and several types of offensive and defensive missiles-to the Kingdom of Jordan was derailed in June before it was even officially announced. On June 4, Senators John Heinz (R-PA) and Edward Kennedy (D-MA) introduced a resolution, with 67 cosponsors, opposing an arms sale to Jordan under present conditions. By mid-month five other senators had added their signature to the resolution-which states, in part, that arms sales to Arab countries " jeopardize both the security of Israel and progress toward peace in the Middle East. " Facing such determined resistance, the Administration decided, once again, to postpone action on the sale for the indefinite future. " Source: http://www.washington- Source: " Death of H. John Heinz III After speaking at a news conference in Williamsport, Pennsylvania on April 4, 1991, Heinz was headed to Philadelphia...when the twin-engine plane carrying him and four other adults developed landing-gear trouble, a helicopter was dispatched to examine the problem. Consequently, the helicopter's blades accidentally hit the bottom of the plane, sending both aircraft to the ground and killing everyone on board. Two children, who were playing outside at noon recess at the Merion Elementary School in Montgomery County, were also killed when the wreckage fell on the school ground. Memorial services were held in Pittsburgh at the Heinz Memorial Chapel on the University of Pittsburgh's Oakland campus on April 10. Following the service, Heinz was buried in the family mausoleum in Homewood Cemetery. Another memorial service was held on April 12 at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. In a White House statement, President Bush remarked, " The people of Pennsylvania have lost a great leader, and the nation has lost a great senator... His leadership and commitment will be greatly missed. " May 2001 -- Jennie Benford, University/Heinz Archivist, jbenford Source: With such a small target the terrorists naturally feel right at home. This map from the so-called " palestinians " , shows the real agenda-Israel is not even mentioned on this one. " Alas, said the mouse, " the whole world is growing smaller every day. At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad when at last I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner stands the trap that I must run into. " " You only need to change your direction, " said the cat, and ate it up. Above from Franz Kafka's " A Little Fable " Whether it is Pakistan seeking to eat up Kashmir the Albanians eating up Kosovo, the Moslems eating up Bosnia, the Croatians eating up the Krajina, terrorists eating up Dagestan and Chechnya, Syria eating up the Golan, the so-called " palestinians " eating up Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem, ad infinitum, no matter which direction we run to we seem to get eaten up. It is time to stop running. As long as Israel is pressured into giving up land for so-called " peace " the true name for the so-called Process is the Piece Process, like Joel Grey's character in Cabaret, who parodies " Hitler " , a.k.a. Schikelgruber, in the skit, " all I want is peace " , " a little piece of Poland, a little piece of France. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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