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12 More States Watching HPV Vaccine Legislation in Texas to Follow Suite

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12 More States Watching HPV Vaccine Legislation in Texas to Follow Suite

Dawn Richardson of PROVE (Parents requesting Open Vaccination Education) was on The Today Show this morning to debate the new HPV vaccine that Gov. Rick Perry slammed into Texas vaccine mandates via executive orders. Remember you have EXEMPTION rights parents. Only private schools in Texas can ignore those exemptions and you have another option to take your kids out of those schools. We have to stop these things at the source. Again, Texas is one of the testing states whereas serious issues they are allowed to pass here will be initiatives they will then try to go Nation Wide with.


Not surprising The Today show reported that 12 other states are now closely watching this new Texas vaccine mandate and "considering" putting the vaccine on their own legislative agendas. Yea right, I am sure they already have their drafts done in allegiance to their major political contributors in the drug industry. Texas Gov Perry ran with this mandate even though Michigan, Maryland, and Indiana shot down proposals to approve this vaccine for their states. The question now remains-Will those states now have this back on their legislative agendas? We do not know who those other 12 states are yet but I do know there will be many more to follow if this is not killed in Texas.


Remember, this HPV vaccine has NEVER shown to stop ANY cancer and yet it is being promoted for cervical cancer. The vaccine was NEVER tested for it's ability to cause cancer either.



Cervical cancer is not a major killer of women in Texas. In 2000 there were 371 deaths, in 2001 there were 352 deaths, and in 2002 there were 329 deaths from cervical cancer in Texas. The median age for women to get cervical cancer is 48. So why are they targeting little girls?

Source: http://www.vaccineinfo.net/immunization/vaccine/hpv/oppose_hpv_mandate.pdf


Also remember 70% percent of women clear the HPV virus spontaneously after 18 months and 90% clear the virus after 2 years. Source: (OBGYN Questions HPV Vaccine Gardasil)


The Today Show spewed the vaccine alarming propaganda and tried their best to make it appear as if cervical cancer is the all new number one killer of women. Cervical cancer accounts for less the 1% of all cancers nationwide and as shown above it is NOT a major threat to girls or women in TEXAS.

Source: http://www.nvic.org/PressReleases/pr62706gardasil.htm



Mainstream medicine is the all time killer of all Americans with vaccines leading the way for injuries.


According to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics, as many as 800,000 vaccine induced injuries have occurred every year in the United States since 1990."--Dr. Leonard Horowitz




This situation means that, right now, prescription drugs are killing 100,000 Americans each year and injuring more than two million.


Those are the statistics from the Journal of the American Medical Association, and that figure doesn't include the 40,000 or so who are killed each year by over-the-counter pain medications.


There are more deaths and injuries caused each year by pharmaceuticals than in any U.S. war or conflict since World War II.



This devastation of our children by our own doctors and public-health departments has been so colossal that over $249 million has been awarded for vaccine-caused injuries and deaths, and the program is now bankrupt.Thousands of cases are pending that will recieve nothing--the pay window has been slammed shut. Even if you got lucky and recieved "compensation," will that make up for your child's permanent paralysis ("Guillain-Barre syndrome"), blindness ("idiopathic macular degeneration"), mental deficiency ("learning disorder"), or incoordination ("tardive dyskinesia")? Will all those phoney diagnoses used to cover up the real diagnosis help? Will a million dollars make everything okay? Ten million?"---William Douglas MD



Please tell me which is more of a threat- cervical cancer that killed less then 1100 Texan women for THREE years combined or vaccines connected with 800,000 injuries for ONE year and over 100,000 deaths each year contributed to mainsstream medicine that advocates this vaccine? Let's have a reality check here please.


It takes up to 20 years and possibly longer for the HPV virus to mature into cervical cancer and of course their clinical trials are only a couple of years long. http://www.vaccineinfo.net/immunization/vaccine/hpv/oppose_hpv_mandate.pdf


Will we get to see a follow up of the girls they INJECTED this gargabe vaccine into for their clinical trial and see if they now have the HPV virus and/or cervical cancer? Don't count on it.


Dawn did her best to get her talking points in but she was seriously outnumbered 3 to 1 in her interview as is the case with all vaccine aware representatives when they are interviewed on the mainstream media. The Today Show trotted out their staff doctor who of course toed the official vaccine mantra and proudly declared "her daughters were vaccinated." Of course her daughters couldn't have gotten this vaccine yet, but the message from The Today Show was clear that their so-called "medical expert" was advocating all "good" parents like her should line thier innocent girls up for this toxic injection.


The Today show did reveal how a top senior advisor of Rick Perry used to be high up on the echelon of the Merck company who is selling this vaccine. They also revealed what is common public knowledge that Merck was a financial contributor of Gov Perry's political campaign and then minutely suggested that this unprecedented maneuver of Perry bypassing public debate, and bypassing the Texas legislature, was a political favor to Merck. Wow, do ya think that could be it? Indeed...


Even if you are not from this state please start to bombard the Texas legislature with opposition to this egregious form of government tyranny. When we the people can have NO public debate on what the state is allowed to try and force into our kids we have lost our true freedom to be free from forced medication. Your states will be next if you do not get involved. Please get involved and help Texas stop this before this wild fire of deception grows any more. Millions of our girls are at stake in this serious issue because far too many parents do not know the truth about vaccines, even more do not know their rights to refuse, and thus they would not have the insight to get vaccine exemptions.


Take care, be well, and stay informed


God Bless, Pamela

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