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Achieving Alpha

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Achieving Alpha

The power of color & numbers

One of the sciences of Witchcraft is based on the ability to enter an altered state of consciousness, "alpha." Alpha brain waves register at seven to fourteen cycles per second. This is the state of consciousness associated with relaxation, meditation, and dreaming. The faster, fourteen to thirty cycles of the "beta" state occur when we are mentally alert, awake, and engaged in physical activity. This state also accompanies excitement, fear, tension, and anxiety. The slower "theta" waves, four to seven cycles per second, are associated with drowsiness, euphoria, and deep tranquility. "Delta" waves of one to three occur in deep, dreamless sleep.


In alpha the mind opens up to no ordinary forms of communication, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition. Here we may also experience out-of-body sensations and psychokinesis, or receive mystical, visionary information that does not come through the five senses. In alpha the rational filters that process ordinary reality are weakened or removed, and the mind is receptive to no ordinary realities, in alpha we can diagnose illness, send healing energy to others, draw in important knowledge, and create changes in the material world among others things.In an alpha state wonderful changes take place. Our egos are less dominate so that we can process information in terms other than our own personal security and survival. As Einstein said, "Time and space are modes by which we think, not conditions in which we live." Alpha alters our perceptions so that we are freed from those time-space constructs.






Read through the instructions several times before you attempt to do it. make sure you are familiar with all the steps because you won't be able to stop and look it up. Find a quiet place, sit down, get comfortable, close your eyes, and spend a minute breathing deeply and relaxing.


When you feel centered, or balanced, keeping your eyes closed and with your Third eye, your minds eye, visualize an empty screen (like a television screen) about one foot in front of you and just above your eyelids. Actually, the screen on which the third eye projects images encircles the entire head like a helmet, but most people see images on only the front portion.


You may notice your eyes fluttering a bit even though they are closed. They may even tend to roll upward, as if that would help you see the screen better. It is an automatic reflex because you have been trained to see with your eyes open and fixed on the object that you are viewing. Now is the time to train yourself to see with your mind. In time the fluttering will stop. Keep in mind that in alpha you do not need to see with your physical eyes. You are looking through your mind's eye. Next, see on the screen in front of you, a RED number SEVEN. If this doesn't appear easily, try seeing just a seven, or just a red field, If you have difficulty splashing the colors on the screen, recall an object that is the color you want to vision and see it your minds eye, a red apple, an orange, a yellow banana. Practice this until you are able to see the field of color. In time you will be able to put the seven on the red field and eventually you will see the "red seven".


When you see the red 7, hold it for a moment and release it. Then bring up an orange 6 hold it and release it. Proceed downward through the spectrum of colors, holding and releasing: a yellow 5, green 4, blue 3, indigo 2, orchid 1.


The indigo 2 is actually a deeper color and lower level than you need, so when the lighter violet (orchid) 1 appears you will sense your awareness lifting ever so slightly. When you settle into orchid, count down from 10 to 1 WITHOUT the colors to deepen the alpha state. Then mentally say to yourself, with conviction, " I am now in alpha, everything I do will be accurate and correct, and this is so."


At this point you will do whatever task you decided on.

Keep in mind that being in alpha is not like being asleep. even though you are relaxed and your eyes are closed, you will hear sounds and be aware of the room you are in. Anytime you want to come out of alpha, you may do so.


When you have completed your task and wish to return beta level brain waves, or normal waking consciousness, erase the screen in front of you with your hands. Then while still in alpha, give yourself total health clearance in the following way: Place your hand about six inches over your head, palm downward. Then in one smooth swoop, bring your hand down in front of you face, chest, and stomach while turning your palm outward and pushing away from you. Say to yourself, " I am giving myself total health clearance." THIS MUST BE DONE EACH TIME YOU PREPARE TO COME OUT OF ALPHA. By this simple procedure, you will clear away any harmful energies that are present, and you will project an image of yourself as strong and healthy.


Next count slowly UP from one to ten, then, one to seven, You do not need to see the colors as you are returning to the full light and the colors will converge on their own as you open your eyes. You can, of course "snap out" of alpha just by opening your eyes, but this is not advisable. As being startled out of a deep sleep leaves you feeling disoriented, something similar occurs when you come out of alpha too quickly.



The deepest alpha states require the Crystal Countdown in a quiet place. Unfortunately this isn't always possible. Here is a method for going into "instant alpha" for quick task when you cannot close your eyes, such as while driving or walking through a crowded grocery store. It's great for getting a parking space or a table in a restaurant. BUT BEFORE ATTEMPTING INSTANT ALPHA PRACTICE THE CRYSTAL COUNTDOWN UNTIL YOU FEEL REALLY COMFORTABLE AND CONFIDENT WITH IT!


First you must program yourself for instant alpha. This of course requires the deep alpha state of the Crystal Countdown.


When you are in alpha, cross the middle finger of your left hand over the top of the index finger and hold it, this activates the pineal gland. You may even feel a sensation of energy in the area of your third eye while you hold your fingers crossed. Repeat to yourself that by crossing your fingers, you will trigger the instant alpha state. Say, "I cross my fingers, and I am in instant alpha." The mind is like a computer and once you have programmed this command into it, you will be able to go into alpha at a moments notice with your eyes open.


Then count yourself back out of alpha, and you are ready to use it whenever you need it. To find a parking place: About two blocks from your destination, cross your fingers and on your mind's screen visualize an empty parking space. (Never visualize a car leaving a space. That is too manipulative) When you arrive , a parking space will be waiting for you.


You will find this method, and others in "POWER OF THE WITCH" by Laurie Cabot. I would strongly suggest reading the entire book. It is a must!



Meditation is really quite simple. Firstly, if you intend to meditate at home, it is a good idea to do the following things:


1. Allow yourself at least half an hour.

2. Try to meditate at the same time every day.

3. Wear loose clothing, and defiantly NO shoes.

4. Take the phone off the hook and lock the doors.

5. Get as comfortable as possible before you start.

(you’ll be in the same position for some time)

6. I personally like to burn some incense and play a relaxation tape/CD.


Now we’re ready. Take up your position, close your eyes and begin deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Feel your body become heavy, starting at the feet and working your way through to your head. Try and feel the universal energy surging through you. Feel it tingling at the top of your head.


Now comes the all important part of visualizing yourself, covered in a brilliant white light. Now start to see yourself in a beautiful garden, a forest, on a beach or even flying, it’s up to your own imagination and taste, but try and make your setting one of peace and beauty. It is in this setting that you’ll meet your Guide, or passed loved ones. It is here they will communicate with you, either with colors, symbols or telepathy, so it is important that you remember what you see.


When it is time to come back down, visualize yourself hugging a big tree or lying face down on the hard ground. This is a grounding technique that will help you come back safely to your earthly environment. That’s all there is to it. There are of coarse many other ways to meditate. This is just an example of a simple technique to get you started. Once you’ve become more experienced, experiment until you find what suits you best, because what’s good for me, doesn’t mean it’s good for you. (more advanced mediations are on this page)


Meditation is by no means expecting the mind to go blank. With gradual development this state of relaxation allows one to bring forth their dormant powers of Mediumship, Healing, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience etc. Remember, we are all on various levels of spiritual evolution, and we must accept each other as such. Persistence and discipline are the keys to advancement, and NEVER, ever put yourself down, because we are all learning at a different pace. You are where you are meant to be.

The power of color & numbers

One of the sciences of Witchcraft is based on the ability to enter an altered state of consciousness, "alpha." Alpha brain waves register at seven to fourteen cycles per second. This is the state of consciousness associated with relaxation, meditation, and dreaming. The faster, fourteen to thirty cycles of the "beta" state occur when we are mentally alert, awake, and engaged in physical activity. This state also accompanies excitement, fear, tension, and anxiety. The slower "theta" waves, four to seven cycles per second, are associated with drowsiness, euphoria, and deep tranquility. "Delta" waves of one to three occur in deep, dreamless sleep.


In alpha the mind opens up to no ordinary forms of communication, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition. Here we may also experience out-of-body sensations and psychokinesis, or receive mystical, visionary information that does not come through the five senses. In alpha the rational filters that process ordinary reality are weakened or removed, and the mind is receptive to no ordinary realities, in alpha we can diagnose illness, send healing energy to others, draw in important knowledge, and create changes in the material world among others things.In an alpha state wonderful changes take place. Our egos are less dominate so that we can process information in terms other than our own personal security and survival. As Einstein said, "Time and space are modes by which we think, not conditions in which we live." Alpha alters our perceptions so that we are freed from those time-space constructs.






Read through the instructions several times before you attempt to do it. make sure you are familiar with all the steps because you won't be able to stop and look it up. Find a quiet place, sit down, get comfortable, close your eyes, and spend a minute breathing deeply and relaxing.


When you feel centered, or balanced, keeping your eyes closed and with your Third eye, your minds eye, visualize an empty screen (like a television screen) about one foot in front of you and just above your eyelids. Actually, the screen on which the third eye projects images encircles the entire head like a helmet, but most people see images on only the front portion.


You may notice your eyes fluttering a bit even though they are closed. They may even tend to roll upward, as if that would help you see the screen better. It is an automatic reflex because you have been trained to see with your eyes open and fixed on the object that you are viewing. Now is the time to train yourself to see with your mind. In time the fluttering will stop. Keep in mind that in alpha you do not need to see with your physical eyes. You are looking through your mind's eye. Next, see on the screen in front of you, a RED number SEVEN. If this doesn't appear easily, try seeing just a seven, or just a red field, If you have difficulty splashing the colors on the screen, recall an object that is the color you want to vision and see it your minds eye, a red apple, an orange, a yellow banana. Practice this until you are able to see the field of color. In time you will be able to put the seven on the red field and eventually you will see the "red seven".


When you see the red 7, hold it for a moment and release it. Then bring up an orange 6 hold it and release it. Proceed downward through the spectrum of colors, holding and releasing: a yellow 5, green 4, blue 3, indigo 2, orchid 1.


The indigo 2 is actually a deeper color and lower level than you need, so when the lighter violet (orchid) 1 appears you will sense your awareness lifting ever so slightly. When you settle into orchid, count down from 10 to 1 WITHOUT the colors to deepen the alpha state. Then mentally say to yourself, with conviction, " I am now in alpha, everything I do will be accurate and correct, and this is so."


At this point you will do whatever task you decided on.

Keep in mind that being in alpha is not like being asleep. even though you are relaxed and your eyes are closed, you will hear sounds and be aware of the room you are in. Anytime you want to come out of alpha, you may do so.


When you have completed your task and wish to return beta level brain waves, or normal waking consciousness, erase the screen in front of you with your hands. Then while still in alpha, give yourself total health clearance in the following way: Place your hand about six inches over your head, palm downward. Then in one smooth swoop, bring your hand down in front of you face, chest, and stomach while turning your palm outward and pushing away from you. Say to yourself, " I am giving myself total health clearance." THIS MUST BE DONE EACH TIME YOU PREPARE TO COME OUT OF ALPHA. By this simple procedure, you will clear away any harmful energies that are present, and you will project an image of yourself as strong and healthy.


Next count slowly UP from one to ten, then, one to seven, You do not need to see the colors as you are returning to the full light and the colors will converge on their own as you open your eyes. You can, of course "snap out" of alpha just by opening your eyes, but this is not advisable. As being startled out of a deep sleep leaves you feeling disoriented, something similar occurs when you come out of alpha too quickly.



The deepest alpha states require the Crystal Countdown in a quiet place. Unfortunately this isn't always possible. Here is a method for going into "instant alpha" for quick task when you cannot close your eyes, such as while driving or walking through a crowded grocery store. It's great for getting a parking space or a table in a restaurant. BUT BEFORE ATTEMPTING INSTANT ALPHA PRACTICE THE CRYSTAL COUNTDOWN UNTIL YOU FEEL REALLY COMFORTABLE AND CONFIDENT WITH IT!


First you must program yourself for instant alpha. This of course requires the deep alpha state of the Crystal Countdown.


When you are in alpha, cross the middle finger of your left hand over the top of the index finger and hold it, this activates the pineal gland. You may even feel a sensation of energy in the area of your third eye while you hold your fingers crossed. Repeat to yourself that by crossing your fingers, you will trigger the instant alpha state. Say, "I cross my fingers, and I am in instant alpha." The mind is like a computer and once you have programmed this command into it, you will be able to go into alpha at a moments notice with your eyes open.


Then count yourself back out of alpha, and you are ready to use it whenever you need it. To find a parking place: About two blocks from your destination, cross your fingers and on your mind's screen visualize an empty parking space. (Never visualize a car leaving a space. That is too manipulative) When you arrive , a parking space will be waiting for you.


You will find this method, and others in "POWER OF THE WITCH" by Laurie Cabot. I would strongly suggest reading the entire book. It is a must!



Meditation is really quite simple. Firstly, if you intend to meditate at home, it is a good idea to do the following things:


1. Allow yourself at least half an hour.

2. Try to meditate at the same time every day.

3. Wear loose clothing, and defiantly NO shoes.

4. Take the phone off the hook and lock the doors.

5. Get as comfortable as possible before you start.

(you’ll be in the same position for some time)

6. I personally like to burn some incense and play a relaxation tape/CD.


Now we’re ready. Take up your position, close your eyes and begin deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Feel your body become heavy, starting at the feet and working your way through to your head. Try and feel the universal energy surging through you. Feel it tingling at the top of your head.


Now comes the all important part of visualizing yourself, covered in a brilliant white light. Now start to see yourself in a beautiful garden, a forest, on a beach or even flying, it’s up to your own imagination and taste, but try and make your setting one of peace and beauty. It is in this setting that you’ll meet your Guide, or passed loved ones. It is here they will communicate with you, either with colors, symbols or telepathy, so it is important that you remember what you see.


When it is time to come back down, visualize yourself hugging a big tree or lying face down on the hard ground. This is a grounding technique that will help you come back safely to your earthly environment. That’s all there is to it. There are of coarse many other ways to meditate. This is just an example of a simple technique to get you started. Once you’ve become more experienced, experiment until you find what suits you best, because what’s good for me, doesn’t mean it’s good for you. (more advanced mediations are on this page)


Meditation is by no means expecting the mind to go blank. With gradual development this state of relaxation allows one to bring forth their dormant powers of Mediumship, Healing, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience etc. Remember, we are all on various levels of spiritual evolution, and we must accept each other as such. Persistence and discipline are the keys to advancement, and NEVER, ever put yourself down, because we are all learning at a different pace. You are where you are meant to be.



The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.~ Albert Einstein ~


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