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Lavender Orange Diffusion

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Lavender Orange Diffusion----The diffused aroma of lavender and orange essential oils can make your homesmell like a fragrant orange grove or sunny lavender field in the south ofFrance.Add 10 to 15 drops of either oil to 1/4 cup of distilled water. Put theblend in a ceramic aromatherapy lamp or simmering potpourri pot.Suggested variations: Make the citrus aroma more complex by adding bergamot,grapefruit or lemon oils.Lavender Orange Refresher Spray--------------This floral-fruity mist is a great way to refresh tired senses on planetrips, long car rides or anytime you need a fragrant boost.Add 9 drops of lavender and 7 drops of orange essential oil to 1 2/3 ouncesof distilled water. Place in a spray bottle or atomizer. Shake the bottlevigorously, then close your eyes and lightly mist your face or personalspace.Suggested variations: Make the blend more floral by adding jasmine, rose orylang ylang. Make it more citrusy by substituting grapefruit, lemon ortangerine for the lavender.Lavender Orange Mineral Bath---------Soak away your worries with this refreshing mineral bath.Mix together 2 tablespoons of sea salt, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 11/2 teaspoons of borax. Add 5 drops of lavender and 5 drops of orangeessential oils and mix well. Pour the mixture into the bath under runningwater. Make sure the salts are completely dissolved and that the oils areevenly dispersed.Suggested variations: You can make a relaxing bath by replacing the orangeessential oil with Roman chamomile, sandalwood or patchouli.



The coward believes he will live forever If he holds back in the battle, But in old age he shall have no peaceThough spears have spared his limbs Stanza 16 of the Havamal (the Sayings of Har) from the Poetic Edda




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