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The meeting of the minds, or else the behinds

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I think the meeting of the minds here is that we can all (or at least

most of us) agree that the way animals are raised and slaughtered in

many commercial operations is abhorrent.


Perhaps in a sense the way we eat is like a religion - and all of us

should respect the beliefs of others and not and not try to foist

their beliefs off on them.


Now that our minds have met, let's move on before I go nuts or else

start looking for some " rump " to roast.


: ^ )




oleander soup , " Tammatha " <tammatha wrote:


> Eating organic does not mean you are not eating an animal. But like

Tony said, time to stop on this one as we are not going to have a

meeting of the minds, otherwise it will go on & on.


> Tammatha

> -

> Dr. Loretta Lanphier

> oleander soup

> Monday, July 21, 2008 4:40 PM

> RE: Vegetarianisn - the neverending debate

that needs to end




> Gee, I hope you are not saying that people who eat meat are not

compassionate. J




> Eating is certainly not a religion to me as I learned through my

illness to " eat to live, not live to eat. " The obsession with food

that most people have probably has much to do with toxic

ingredients/chemicals in the food which makes the food like a

habit-forming drug. Which is why it is important to eat as clean and

toxin-free as possible.




> I also abhor the massive farming and feed-lots of animals. The

drive from Houston to Dallas shows the awfulness of these mass

feed-lots. They are a breeding ground for disease. However, I am " for "

the organic farmer raising grass-fed, happy and grazed animals for the

benefit of his/her family and for others. If consumed in-balance this

does not " cause " disease.




> There is a HUGE emotional component to disease and most don't

realize or talk about it enough. Add stress to that and you have a

body whose terrain is ripe for disease. Don't get me wrong, diet is

extremely important and foundational, but there is more to the

equation. Again, I have seen very sick individuals who have led a

very healthy life, except for toxic emotions and very high stress

levels. Anger (this is the big-one), selfishness, un-forgiveness, past

wrongs, jealousy, hatred, etc. are toxic to the body and will bring

the immune system down just as quick as eating toxic food. There is

just so much that goes into the make-up of disease and its cause.




> Tony, your fish recipe sounds good - can you do the same with

cold-water fish? J I'm sure there will be a lot of fishermen (and

surfers) out on the Texas coast for the next few days as tropical

storm Dolly stirs up the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. My son-in-law

will be one of them. LOL




> Be Well


> Loretta




> ______




> Passions & beliefs can also be felt in non-vegans no doubt. But

compassion should be universal. I have no problem ending the debate,

obviously it could be endless due to the fact that what we eat is such

a religion to us all. We can never dismiss the pain and suffering to

another being never helps anything or anybody regardless, we are

responsible for it everytime we put animals products in our mouth.

Health is also environmental and eating animals causes massive

pollution. Animals are here for their own reasons, just like us.




> It should also be recommended that whatever a person eats, it

should all be researched and be exercised with all due caution. Vegan

or not. Why should there be an exception for vegans.






> Tammatha


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