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Cancer update

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My name is Candace. I joined the group after my dad was diagnoised with stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to the liver and lungs. Late January he had surgery to remove a portion of his colon. To the dissapointment of the doctors my father decided he was not going to do chemotherapy and was given a year to live without any treatment. We had heard about Anvirzel, ordered it from Hondorus, and were planning on getting my dad started on it right away. After the surgery, he contracted a gram negative virus and became very ill. We had to wait over a month before starting the Anvirzel. In between that time he had a pet scan that showed multiple tumors and lesions that had grown between January and April- to us this meant his cancer was pretty agressive. We started him on the Anvirzel beginning of April and were told to give it at least 90 days for it to begin working. We scheduled a scan

for last week, and you can only imagine how nervous we all have been waiting on the results. Well we got them in yesterday and we were thrilled. The results showed that the cancer had not spread anywhere in his body. The only tumors and lesions that are there are the original ones. The doctor said my father seems to be managing his cancer very well and told him to keep doing what he is doing. This is a man who was given a year to live without Chemo. Best of all is he looks great and feels great. Hopefully in another 3 months the original tumors will be gone. This has put all my fears and doubts aside about what we are doing because now I know we chose the right path.












Harper and Candace Ray


PO BOX 252

Concan, Tx 78838


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