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Mammograms - useless

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For folks wondering about the efficacy of mammograms, I've included

two links for your perusal.



Dangers of mammograms




The following is a link describing the study I mentioned in my

previous email - mammograms make no difference in the long-term:



There is a private thermography clinic out of Toronto that travels

around to various holistic clinics hosting thermography screenings. I

schedule myself once a year for that and 6 months later I have a pap

done by my gynecologist (who also checks my breasts). This way I feel

like I'm being checked by a professional twice a year but it's also on

my mind. I work towards a good result at both of those appointments

so I keep my diet in check and take milk thistle and exercise. I also

make regular appointments with my naturopath to get some guidance.


It doesn't come cheap. Though we have free health care in Canada, the

thermographs are considered " alternative " . AND my dh has great

benefits at his job but they don't cover it either. The screening up

here costs about $250.00. My husband throws his hands up in the air

in frustration because his insurance will cover Viagra - not that he

needs it! The mammogram would be entirely free.


Kind regards,



who wasted her time at that press the flesh this afternoon



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