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Chiropractic, Standard Process & Recommendations

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I was fortunate to intern under a

chiropracter (actually the doctor that helped me to heal from cancer) who

practiced natural medicine. Nothing against chiropractic at all. Chiroporactic

works and should always be a vital part to everyone’s health/healing protocol.

I think that chiros, because they are licensed healthcare providers and can

also be primary care providers in Texas and some other states (I assume), have

a wonderful avenue (without a lot of hassle from the government) in which to

teach people how to take responsibility for their health while providing

education in the use of supplements and natural health modalites. However, it

is usually the ones that take a few EXTRA steps out of the box, research and

really educate themselves about natural health and healing that are the ones

able to do the most good and therefore treat the “whole” person.

We have several on this list.


Standard Process markets itself primarily

to chiropractors, although I have seen Internet sites that do sell Standard

Process. I have been to more than several state chiro conventions where

Standard Process provided many educational seminars (always promoting their

products) and had a huge presence. Certainly it is convenient for chiros to use

one company for many reasons but the main reason is that they can rely on one

company to educate them in how to use the products for just about every health

concern. Of course, every company is going to market itself as being the

best. My concern is there is just no one company that formulates the best of

everything and, in my opinion, practitioners really miss out by only offering/recommending

supplements from one company. This is why OAW does not just offer OAW

formulated products. For instance there is no reason for me to formulate

an organic, liquid multi-vitamin/mineral supplement when an excellent product

already fits this description and works exceptionally well. It is a

foundational product that my clients use and that I use personally. I learned a

long time ago that the best formulated products usually produce the most

desired results.


As far as dosaging. Absolutely, high dosages are not always necessary especially

when the vitamins are coming from natura/organic sources and delivered to the

body in a very useable manner. BUT, when fighting disease, often higher

dosaging is necessary in order to help support a depleted and dis-eased body. Many

practitioners “prescribe” supplements like MDs prescribe meds

without taking in to account the “whole” body and without trying to

get the to the root of the concern. So saying that high-dosaging is not

needed, thus possibly making customers think that it is NEVER needed, is not accurate.

It also has to do with how useable the supplement is when it actually gets into

the body. Another concern: Is the digestive tract working properly?

Is there any indication of gastro disease such as IBS, Celiac, Leaky Gut,

Candida, etc. This is why I preach entire-digestive-tract cleansing/healing,

parasite cleansing and liver/gallbladder flushing. You could take the most

absorbable supplement in the world but if the digestive tract is not

assimiliating, utilizing and transporting properly then you are wasting money

and will not experience the full benefit of the supplement. This is

exactly why using supplements for healing purposes often gets ridiculed….it’s

not that they don’t work, it’s that they can’t work in a

digestive tract that has very limited absorption ability…..which is very

common…..OR the supplements being used are not of high quality.


What is the best B-Complex or what is

recommended? Do your own research about excipients, fillers and binders.

Cheaper does not mean better. More often than not a liquid (as long as the

ingredients are good) will be better because the digestion process will

actually begin immediately in the mouth. I would urge caution about relying

on any one person’s recommendation (mine included) especially if they are

not actively involved in helping people with their health. What is

recommended for healthy people vs people with active disease or failing health should

be two entirely different things. I have looked at some of the products that

are recommended by high profile people/docs and quickly realize that they just

don’t get it. Please understand that some of these high profile “recommendations”

are very biased even though no actual money changes hands or supposedly there

is no “affiliation”. Just urging caution about recommendations….it

is always, always, always best to do your own research before you put anything

into your body. You know your body better than anyone. No

supplement/vitamin is a cure all….they are “supplements” or “in

additon to” a healthy diet, healthy emotions and a healthy lifestyle –

the three most important important aspects to health & well-being.


Be Well




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