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Dr. Thomas Lodi

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Funny you mention him Debbie, I just saw a video of him speaking at a conference and liked him alot. Good speaker and he made so much sense.





~ Debbie ~

oleander soup

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 12:31 PM

Dr. Thomas Lodi





Does anyone know or has anyone heard of Dr. Thomas Lodi? If so, what are your thoughts? Like, is he on the 'up and up?'

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3819206529715557486 & ei=kw3ySJnmDZnWqAPo9a0E & q=thomas+lodi+md & hl=en


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Great! ...thanks Tammatha!! I've watched several videos of him in the past couple of days and thought he made some wise statements, as well. ...and I liked his 'sense of humor.' :-) One thing he said was, that to heal any cancers/diseases we all need to have a healthy immune system -- makes perfect sense! And our mind is really more powerful than we even know (Einstein used only 8% of his brain?) ...it is my thought that we truly are in charge of our bodies healing ...and using positive thinking can be one of the most productive ways!God Bless!



Tammatha <tammathaoleander soup Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 3:51:22 PMRe: Dr. Thomas Lodi



Funny you mention him Debbie, I just saw a video of him speaking at a conference and liked him alot. Good speaker and he made so much sense.





~ Debbie ~

oleander soup

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 12:31 PM

Dr. Thomas Lodi





Does anyone know or has anyone heard of Dr. Thomas Lodi? If so, what are your thoughts? Like, is he on the 'up and up?'

http://video. google.com/ videoplay? docid=-381920652 9715557486 & ei=kw3ySJnmDZnWqAPo 9a0E & q=thomas+lodi+ md & hl=en


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I recently watched a series of videos by Dr. Lodi titled " Healing

Cancer from the Inside Out " . Interesting videos with some good points.

I agree that eating a lot of raw vegetables and fruits, along with

roots, tubers, seeds and sprouted non GMO grains, is very healthy

(less fruits for cancer due to the sugar content).


The healthiest and longest lived people in the world tend to eat a lot

of those, as well as healthy oils and get plenty of healthy sunshine,

clean air and fresh water. But they also do eat at least some meat.

That is, imho, because nature designed us not to be vegetarians, as

Dr. Lodi would have us believe, but omnivores - as I believe our teeth

clearly demonstrate.


The China Study he refers to also supports the health benefits of

eating a mostly vegetarian diet - but it does not provide anywhere

close to conclusive evidence that eating meat is inherantly unhealthy.




The healthiest diet in my opinion is one that is closest to the diet

mankind has eaten for tens of thousands of years. Mostly raw, mostly

vegetarian, but also some meat - just not meat subject to growth

hormones, anti-biotics, herbicides, pesticides, etc., or the processed

meat we find in most of our grocers. Like the pure carnivores, organ

meat is believed by many to be quite healthy for the human diet.


I certainly agree that a natural healthy diet is the best path to good

health and healing. Unfortunately, while there are no lycopene

supplement trees as stated in the videos and that it is always best to

get your nutrition from your diet instead of from pills or extracts,

it is virtually impossible for most of us to get all the nutrients we

need for optimum health and healing from diet alone, given out mineral

depleted soils and processed foods.


And before we interrupt the Ormus debate (ugh!) and re-open a

vegetarian debate again (which is NOT going to happen!), let me state

that I believe that a vegetarian diet CAN be a healthy one, but it is

not one to be taken lightly and involves far more than merely giving

up meat and eating only vegetables. So if you are going to do it (I

won't), know what you are doing so that you can plan and supplement

well to avoid deficiencies in vital nutrients you may otherwise be




oleander soup , ~ Debbie ~ <d3andsteve wrote:


> Does anyone know or has anyone heard of Dr. Thomas Lodi?  If so,

what are your thoughts?  Like, is he on the 'up and up?'


http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3819206529715557486 & ei=kw3ySJnmDZnWqAPo\

9a0E & q=thomas+lodi+md & hl=en

> ~Debbie


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I had previously watched the videos as well and really liked himand felt he was passionate about his mission. MarvaNew MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out!

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Well said Debbie. I hope to hear more about him. I'm going to do some research on him see if I can find out more.





~ Debbie ~

oleander soup

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 2:14 PM

Re: Dr. Thomas Lodi






Great! ...thanks Tammatha!! I've watched several videos of him in the past couple of days and thought he made some wise statements, as well. ...and I liked his 'sense of humor.' :-) One thing he said was, that to heal any cancers/diseases we all need to have a healthy immune system -- makes perfect sense! And our mind is really more powerful than we even know (Einstein used only 8% of his brain?) ...it is my thought that we truly are in charge of our bodies healing ...and using positive thinking can be one of the most productive ways!God Bless!



Tammatha <tammatha (AT) sonic (DOT) net>oleander soup Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 3:51:22 PMRe: Dr. Thomas Lodi



Funny you mention him Debbie, I just saw a video of him speaking at a conference and liked him alot. Good speaker and he made so much sense.





~ Debbie ~

oleander soup

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 12:31 PM

Dr. Thomas Lodi





Does anyone know or has anyone heard of Dr. Thomas Lodi? If so, what are your thoughts? Like, is he on the 'up and up?'

http://video. google.com/ videoplay? docid=-381920652 9715557486 & ei=kw3ySJnmDZnWqAPo 9a0E & q=thomas+lodi+ md & hl=en


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I have to disagree with you Tony on this one as I have before. I respect your opinion on everything else but this. This will be my only post on it and hope it doesn't upset you (not trying to). I believe the book "The China Study" is very clear that we do much better as humans without meat. If a person really can't live without meat and animal products they are going to have a biased opinion, it very difficult for many humans to do away with animal products. It is very addictive for some. On another very important note though the planet is definately suffering, as well as animals in factory farms due to the obsession humans have with animal products. If it is something we are meant to be eating then why does it cause so much pain/suffering and why is it ruining the planet in doing so?

We must think outside of ourselves sometimes to help ourselves, humans tend to be their own worst enemies without realizing it. There is a fantastic bumper sticker I saw and thought how true it is..."Humans Aren't The Only Species On Earth We Just Act Like It".






oleander soup

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 2:24 PM

Re: Dr. Thomas Lodi



I recently watched a series of videos by Dr. Lodi titled "HealingCancer from the Inside Out". Interesting videos with some good points.I agree that eating a lot of raw vegetables and fruits, along withroots, tubers, seeds and sprouted non GMO grains, is very healthy(less fruits for cancer due to the sugar content).The healthiest and longest lived people in the world tend to eat a lotof those, as well as healthy oils and get plenty of healthy sunshine,clean air and fresh water. But they also do eat at least some meat. That is, imho, because nature designed us not to be vegetarians, asDr. Lodi would have us believe, but omnivores - as I believe our teethclearly demonstrate.The China Study he refers to also supports the health benefits ofeating a mostly vegetarian diet - but it does not provide anywhereclose to conclusive evidence that eating meat is inherantly unhealthy.http://www.beyondveg.com/billings-t/comp-anat/comp-anat-8e.shtmlThe healthiest diet in my opinion is one that is closest to the dietmankind has eaten for tens of thousands of years. Mostly raw, mostlyvegetarian, but also some meat - just not meat subject to growthhormones, anti-biotics, herbicides, pesticides, etc., or the processedmeat we find in most of our grocers. Like the pure carnivores, organmeat is believed by many to be quite healthy for the human diet.I certainly agree that a natural healthy diet is the best path to goodhealth and healing. Unfortunately, while there are no lycopenesupplement trees as stated in the videos and that it is always best toget your nutrition from your diet instead of from pills or extracts,it is virtually impossible for most of us to get all the nutrients weneed for optimum health and healing from diet alone, given out mineraldepleted soils and processed foods.And before we interrupt the Ormus debate (ugh!) and re-open avegetarian debate again (which is NOT going to happen!), let me statethat I believe that a vegetarian diet CAN be a healthy one, but it isnot one to be taken lightly and involves far more than merely givingup meat and eating only vegetables. So if you are going to do it (Iwon't), know what you are doing so that you can plan and supplementwell to avoid deficiencies in vital nutrients you may otherwise bemissing.Tonyoleander soup , ~ Debbie ~ <d3andsteve wrote:>> Does anyone know or has anyone heard of Dr. Thomas Lodi? If so,what are your thoughts? Like, is he on the 'up and up?'>http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3819206529715557486 & ei=kw3ySJnmDZnWqAPo9a0E & q=thomas+lodi+md & hl=en> ~Debbie>

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Nahh, you don't upset me. I respect your opinion, especially regarding

factory farms. I just don't agree 100%.


But I still love ya!



oleander soup , " Tammatha " <tammatha wrote:


> I have to disagree with you Tony on this one as I have before. I

respect your opinion on everything else but this. This will be my only

post on it and hope it doesn't upset you (not trying to).

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Thank you Tony, you are a luv!






oleander soup

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 10:15 PM

Re: Dr. Thomas Lodi



Nahh, you don't upset me. I respect your opinion, especially regardingfactory farms. I just don't agree 100%.But I still love ya!Tonyoleander soup , "Tammatha" <tammatha wrote:>> I have to disagree with you Tony on this one as I have before. Irespect your opinion on everything else but this. This will be my onlypost on it and hope it doesn't upset you (not trying to).

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Not sure what the China Study is but me thinks it needs updating, the

speed in which China has changed is phenomenal, I live in mainland

China and not some chinese community in the west and can safely say

that most people eat meat, well from what I have seen anyway. Meat is

prized in China and I found it hard to meet a vegetarian.


I also am not in favor of cruelty to animals and love animals and would

like not to eat any meat. Having said that it seems that certain

nutrients can only be found in meat, for example carnosine (right

spelling I hope) and anyway you are not a statistic, my aunty eats meat

once a week and drinks a warm glass of milk at bedtime, eats her pasta

during the day and she's okay ... she's only 101yrs of age though!



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