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to sammy

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Sammy which list are you managing?




Thanks for making the effort Attilio. As a list owner myself I know how much

hard work can go into managing and maintaining a list. I also know how

frustrating it can be when list users fail to make the best use of the

resources. Sammy.




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I have managed several lists in the last few years. The one I currently

manage is called EPCEL This stands for Education for Prostate Cancer

Electronic Link. This is a small private group for guys with that disease. I

am data gathering for alternative treatments which I hope to write up one

day as part of my PhD thesis on the interface between WM and TCM.


The other group is called PC-SPES. Both EPCEL and PC-SPES are .

PC-SPES is now defunct after serving its purpose of identifying an

alternative herbal medicine to treat PC with after PC-SPES was voluntarily

withdrawn by the makers after legal issues and questions concerning purity.

I keep PC-SPES open for anyone with a genuine interest to search the Archive

to see for themselves how PC-SPES was suppressed and how PC-PLUS works as a

look-alike formula.


Prostate cancer (or just PC) is an interesting disease because it was

relatively unheard of in China until industrialisation. That is true for

most other countries as well in fact, but the really interesting thing is

that China has a home-grown health paradigm (i.e. TCM) that is still little

affected by WM as far as its central tenets are concerned, and the way it

perceives PC is TOTALLY DIFFERENT to the WM paradigm. If TCM in the west is

to have any relevance it is to diseases like PC that it must address itself,

simply because WM is powerless to treat it effectively. For sure it does

offer expensive palliatives, but not a cure, or an effective treatment. But

there is a political dimension getting in the way of medical care for men

with the disease.


PC-SPES was the first example of a 'hybrid' TCM-WM formula that actually did

work to reduce symptoms seen in the WM paradigm as indicators of the

disease. It was unheard of in the history of medicine to have a herbal

formula doing all the things that expensive conventional drugs did, only

better in many respects. It was at first popular in the medical community as

a novelty but this wore off as doctors realised it was taking the power to

treat PC out of their hands and put directly into the patient's hand. After

about five years of very successful use and well over 30 peer reviewed

articles in the learned journals (see PubMed) the bad press started and a

really nasty hate campaign followed that would shame the whole urological

community of doctors. Eventually PC-SPES was taken off the market

voluntarily, with a heavy push from the CHD and the FDA. PC-PLUS came along

to fill its place and PC-PLUS works the same for many guys. But there is

resistance from the conventional medical community and now that TCM has a

'bad name' look alikes don't get a look in! That is 0.01 of the story.



Marco [bergh]

27 August 2003 03:19

Chinese Medicine

Re: to sammy



Sammy which list are you managing?




Thanks for making the effort Attilio. As a list owner myself I know how


hard work can go into managing and maintaining a list. I also know how

frustrating it can be when list users fail to make the best use of the

resources. Sammy.



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