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discussions - asthma

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i agree with Anand. Here is some info on asthma taken from the files section of

this group. Hope you find it intersting:



4. ASTHMA (Xiao Chuan)








A paroxysmal condition marked by dyspnoea and rale.








Main symptoms include attacks of breathing difficulties, rale and wheezing, and

inability to lie in a supine position.




Xiao: dyspnoea with phlegm and rale


Chuan: dyspnoea without phlegm and rale








· The watch word is PHLEGM


· There are 2 main causes: exogenous and endogenous




4.3.1. Endogenous Causes
 The ROOT of Asthma – accumulation and retention of phlegm in the lung




a. Cold- phlegm: frequent and repetitive wind-cold attack and excessive

intake of cold and raw food impair lung qi to cause phlegm formation; long-term

illnesses cause lung qi weakness and the formation of phlegm.


b. Heat-phlegm: excessive intake of spicy and greasy food fermented into

heat and phlegm; cold-phlegm transforms into heat-phlegm; long-term illnesses

cause lung yin deficiency or constitutionally excessive yang result in

heat-phlegm formation.
 Lung, Spleen and Kidney Deficiencies – Weakened genuine qi and

formation of phlegm




4.3.2. Exogenous Causes




Also called “Predisposing Causes”




c. Invasion of exogenous evils: sudden change of climate/weather (wind,

cold, summer-heat, dampness and dryness etc); inhalation of pollens, smoke, dust

and other irritating smells;


d. Improper diet: addiction to particular food; excessive intake of greasy

food, sweets and sea food; red meat; nuts etc.


e. Emotion: drastic change of emotions


f. Overwork and stress






All these will activate the “latent” phlegm in the lung. The phlegm ascends with

the adverse lung qi. The situation is generally one of excessive evil with a

weakened genuine qi.








4.4.1. Diagnosis – Main symptoms and medical history


Main symptoms: attacks of breathing difficulties, rale and wheezing, and

inability to lie in a supine position




Medical history: repetitive and intermittent attacks with evident predisposing





4.4.2. Differential Diagnosis Dyspnoea and Cough




See diagnosis (4.4.1.) for Asthma


Dyspnoea: breathing difficulty is progressively aggravating and continuous. No

wheezing. No obvious predisposing cause.


Cough: progressively aggravating. May have breathing difficulty. No wheezing. No

obvious predisposing cause.








There are 2 parts in the BIAN ZHENG LUN ZHI of asthma: asthma attacks and asthma





Table 4.1. BIAN ZHENG LUN ZHI of asthma: asthma attacks






Cold asthma


Hot asthma


Accumulated cold-phlegm is activated by exogenous evils, obstructs lung qi flow

and the chest yang


Accumulated heat-phlegm is activated by exogenous evils. Phlegm and heat

together obstruct qi passage




Breathing difficulty and wheezing with white phlegm, choking sensation in chest

and hypochondria, slight cough, grey and blue complexion, no thirst for drink or

prefer hot drink, predisposed by cold, aversion to cold, cold limbs, headache,

fever, white and moist tongue coating, wiry and tight pulse of floating and

tight pulse


Breathing difficulty and wheezing, coarse respiration, roaring rale, frequent

cough, chest and hypochondriac distension, restlessness, yellow or thick white

phlegm with difficulty in expectoration, perspiration, thirst for cold drink,

flushed face, bitter mouth, no aversion to cold, fever, headache, red tongue

with yellow and greasy coating, slippery and rapid pulse or wiry and slippery



Main differentiation points


Breathing difficulty and wheezing predisposed by cold attack, itchy nose and

throat before the asthma attack, white and moist tongue coating


Breathing difficulty and wheezing, coarse respiration, roaring rale, thick

phlegm, red tongue with yellow and greasy coating


Principle of treatment


Warm lung and dispel cold, resolve phlegm and stop asthma


Facilitate lung function and clear heat, removing phlegm and stop asthma




She Gan Ma Huang Tang and Xiao Qing Long Tang


Ding Chuan Tang and Yue Bi Jia Ban Xia Tang




1. abundant amount of phlegm: use She Gan Ma Huang Tang


2. excessive cold evil: use Xiao Qing Long Tang


1. cold and hot used simultaneously because most hot asthma is from the

transformation of cold asthma


2. exterior cold and interior heat + gui zhi, shi gao, zhi mu


3. evil heat impairs yin + mai dong, sha shen








Table 4.2. BIAN ZHENG LUN ZHI of asthma: intermission of asthma






Lung Deficiency


Spleen Deficiency


Kidney Deficiency


Deficient lung qi and weakened wei defence, phlegm accumulates in lung


Deficient spleen and middle qi, weakened transporting function, dampness and

phlegm accumulate


Kidney yin and/or yang deficiency, kidney fails to receive qi, qi has no root




Aversion to wind, spontaneous perspiration, susceptible to cold, Asthma

predisposed by climate change, stuffy nose with clear rhinorrhoea, short of

breath, low voice, faint wheezing with clear and white phlegm, pale complexion,

pale tongue with thin white coating, thready and weak pulse or large and weak



Poor appetite, epigastrium distension, loose faeces, diarrhoea especially after

intake of greasy food. Asthma predisposed by improper diet, abundant amount of

phlegm, short of breath, lassitude, pale tongue with white and moist or greasy

coating, thready and weak pulse


Short of breath aggravated by slight exertion, difficulties in inhaling,

palpitation, dizziness, tinnitus, weak and achy lower back and knees, weariness

and lassitude. Asthma predisposed by overstrain, overwork and stress. Yang

Deficiency: Aversion to cold, cold limbs, spontaneous perspiration, pale

complexion, bulgy pale tongue, deep and thready pulse. Yin Deficiency: vexation,

flushed cheeks, sticky sweat, red tongue with little fluid, thready and rapid



Main differentiation points


Aversion to wind, spontaneous perspiration, susceptible to cold, faint wheezing,

repetitive attacks due to climate change


Poor appetite, epigastrium distension, loose faeces, asthma predisposed by

improper diet, lassitude


Short of breath aggravated by slight exertion, lower back and knee aches, asthma

predisposed by overstrain


Principle of treatment


Tonify lung qi, reinforce wei and the exterior


Strengthening spleen and resolve phlegm


Tonify kidney to receive qi




Yu Ping Feng San


Liu Jun Zi Tang


Jing Gui Shen Qi Wan or Qi Wei Du Qi Wan




1. marked exterior deficiency + Gui Zhi Tang


2. qi and yin deficiency + Sheng Mai San


1. spleen yang deficiency + gan jiang, rou dou kou




1. kidney qi and yang deficiency, use Jing Gui Shen Qi Wan


2. to promote kidney’s reception of qi, use Qi Wei Du Qi Wan


3. marked yin deficiency – warm-tonics + mai dong, dang gui, gui ban jiao








a. What are the pathological mechanisms of asthma in TCM?


b. How to differentiate cold asthma and hot asthma?


c. How do you treat asthma in its intermittent period?



anand bapat <acubapat wrote:

dear friends,

i think its high time we all devoted some time to

discussing various aspects of acupuncture treatments.

i came on the site to increase my knowledge & assist

any others if possible. i think we can grow alot

faster by sharing our success stories & discussing the

failures or difficult cases.

why not start the ball rolling. lets take 1 topic /wek

& see what can be done. if the topic is too long then

lets continue for afew weeks & see what comes out.

let me start the ball rolling by looking atasthama.

let look at asthama from the points of view of

1. curative

2.symptomatic relief

3. immediate relief


5. referral sources

6. follow thorugh, & patient involvement

lets start with some of these areas. there may be

other areas that people would like to suggest & add

along the way.

lets make astart somewhere.

await replies




Anand Bapat

Pain Management Specialist

Sports Injury Specialist

Blacktown, Parramatta, Punchbowl, & Hammondville

0402 472 897






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Yesterday someone asked me about asthma and children (which I have no real

experience in treating, unfortunately). Anyway it was just a loose question how

to prescribe something at long distance which I can not.


However in this thread if anyone would not mind shearing case histories of

asthma or difficult bereaving or wheezing and coughing in children both chronic

and acute.


Thanks in advance:-)





i agree with Anand. Here is some info on asthma taken from the files section

of this group. Hope you find it intersting:





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Hi Marco,


I have had good success treating childhood asthma although some cases are more

chronic respiratory and sinus conditions that are misdiagnosed. I have had great

success with an herbal formula called Autumn Tea Made by Traditions of Tao herb

co. The principal ingredient is loquat leaf, others are lily bulb, armeniaca

seed, crucligins seed, Mai Men Dong root, sophora fruit, Suan Zao seed, arbor

vitae seed and oyster shell. This is a very mild formula that works great on



Acupuncture/pressure can be done at cv17, cv22, lu1 & 2, bl11,12 & 13 areas. As

mentioned, some of these cases involve chronic post-nasal or other sinus

conditions and these need to be addressed also. And in some cases stress is a

serious factor. We tend to forget that kids can suffer stress also especially if

there are family problems. Sorry for such a short note but gotta run.


Matt Bauer



Chinese Medicine

Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:09 AM

Re: discussions - asthma



Yesterday someone asked me about asthma and children (which I have no real

experience in treating, unfortunately). Anyway it was just a loose question how

to prescribe something at long distance which I can not.


However in this thread if anyone would not mind shearing case histories of

asthma or difficult bereaving or wheezing and coughing in children both chronic

and acute.


Thanks in advance:-)





i agree with Anand. Here is some info on asthma taken from the files section

of this group. Hope you find it intersting:




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