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Diet and Metabolic Typing

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In a message dated 9/27/03 5:15:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Chinese Medicine writes:


Thanks Jackie!! I looked this up after I wrote the last email mentioning the

Blood Type diet. This is a very interesting website and I wonder if anyone

has ordered and used the self help kit and what their experience was?






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Hi Bobbi,


It was Dr. Emmanuel Revici, MD of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, who

first practiced therapies to regulate pH and electrolytes. He was practicing in

NYC in 1988 at the age of 94 in this rather controversial manner. He had a case

load of 200 AIDS patients that he was helping to stay alive. That aspect is a

long story. Dr. Revici is contemporary of Dr. Linus Pauling and equally renown

in scientific circles. Dr. Revici was the first to characterize trienic acids

or leukotrienes (along with prostaglandins) and note their function. Revici and

Pauling were both reviled later in their lives by the WM establishment for their

tendency to continue to break ground and practice science as if they were still

in the 1930s. They tended to carry on without scientific review. My own father

was a scientist and a contemporary of these men though a considerably less

brilliant light. Yet my dad continued to invent and practice engineering,

chemistry and yeast science up until his last days at 92 years of age in 1997 as

if he were still in the 1930s. Very much results oriented and without regard

for review though he did manage to publish a bit in the early 1950s.


There used to be an American group that followed Revici's clinical successes

regarding treatment of difficult cases including AIDS. You can do a Google

search for Emmanuel Revici, MD and see a wide variety of associations to and

with his work.


I make my students test their urine pH (as I mentioned) for a week at a time

while significantly changing their diets so they can see first hand what

happens. You can do it yourself. You are your own physiology lab. You need

pH paper that gives you a range of about 4.5 to 8.0. Since meeting Dr. Revici

in 1988, I've been an advocate of pH testing as yet another way of seeing what's

going on with your body.


I would, like Revici, dispute that there are metabolic types. There are people

with different lifestyle choices. You can change your metabolic type by

changing your lifestyle. It's not an easy choice to carry out. But it's most

certainly possible.


Emmanuel Segmen

Merritt College, Asia Natural




Chinese Medicine

Sunday, September 28, 2003 5:19 PM

Re: Diet and Metabolic Typing



In a message dated 9/27/03 5:15:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Chinese Medicine writes:


Thanks Jackie!! I looked this up after I wrote the last email mentioning the

Blood Type diet. This is a very interesting website and I wonder if anyone

has ordered and used the self help kit and what their experience was?






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It was Dr. Emmanuel Revici, MD of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, who

first practiced therapies to regulate pH and electrolytes.

>>>At the same time Dr Gonzales in NY is said to cure cancer on meat diets and

coffee enemas. I think his goal is to acidify patients




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According to John Courtney of Standart Process it is usefull to acidify the

system in conditions of bursitis,allergies,asthma and some others, having

inflammation as part of the clinical picture.His idea is that alkalosis is


in those conditions. Alexander Zide.




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In a message dated 9/29/2003 11:15:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

alonmarcus writes:

>>>Gonzales work of almost pure meat diet for cancer as gotten even the NIH

eye and they are now officially looking at his work. He said that high acidic

state can destroy cancer cells


Well, actually Alon, no he does not. I went to his websight and read a

couple pages and the Gonzales protocol is very similar to what we are

discussing here. Balanced pH, detoxing, replenishing enzymes ect ect ect.

I pulled the paragraph below directly from his web sight.


<<<ACID/ALKALINE BALANCE: This treatment is a combination of

acid-neutralizing minerals like calcium and magnesium to supply proper

mineralization and

to correct the acid/alkaline balance of the body. Two proponents of this

treatment are Carl J. Reich, M.D. and Bob Barefoot. In addition another approach

is the use of Potassium, Rubidium and especially Cesium, which are alkaline

elements. When taken, it is believed they alkalinize cancer cells (neutralize

their acid nature). Cancer cells do not survive in the higher PH ranges and die

off. >>>>

I don't know were you got the idea that he said acidity is good, or that

he uses an almost all meat diet, but he clearly doesn't believe that. See

paragraphs below.

Below are some more paragraphs swiped from his websight. Some very

interesting stuff.

All the best,


From the Gonzales web sight:

Some of the alternative therapies that are used include:

Nutrition – to boost the immune system, to increase natural mechanisms for

eliminating the tumor, and to prevent reoccurrences. Typically this includes

nutritional supplements, intravenous protocols (such as high doses of vitamin C,

anti-oxidants, and immune support nutrients), and diet (such as frequent raw

vegetable juices, whole grains, legumes and elimination of foods which feed

cancer and weaken the immune system).

Enzymes – to facilitate the breakdown of the protective coating around cancer

cells and to support healthy metabolic processes.

Oxygenation – to bring vital energy to the cells, reverse tumor growth and

facilitate the elimination of pathogens (fungi, bacteria and viruses) which may

be weakening the immune system. This may take the form of ozone therapy, deep

breathing exercises and/or oxygenation of the blood directly through

intravenous protocols.

Detoxification – to eliminate substances which may be burdening the immune

system, compromising metabolic processes and blocking energy flow (e.g. heavy

metals, pesticides, environmental toxins, and metabolic wastes). This may take

the form of herbal and nutritional products that open up the elimination

channels (liver, kidney, colon, and urinary system), colonics, detoxification

diets, and IV chelation protocols.

Emotional Healing – to eliminate toxic emotions and memories somatized in the

body. This may take the form of counseling, emotional release therapies,

deep breathing, reiki, homeopathy, or bodywork.

Tumor Targeting – to aggressively reduce the tumor size. This may take the

form of cancer vaccines, hyperthermia, or chemotherapy alternatives such as

ukrain, amygdalin, mistletoe, and carnivora.

Life Style Change and Stress Control – to assist the individual in making the

necessary changes in their life structure and belief system to minimize


Spiritual Connection – to re-connect the individual with their purpose for

being alive and to strengthen their will to live. This may take the form of

prayer, meditation, or spiritual counseling.




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According to John Courtney of Standart Process it is usefull to acidify the

system in conditions of bursitis,allergies,asthma and some others, having

inflammation as part of the clinical picture.His idea is that alkalosis is


in those conditions. Alexander Zide.





Prior to using such strategies, it is probably wise to evaluate the

acid-alkaline ratios of the blood, saliva and urine, treating the person rather


the condition. Certainly bursitis can exist in an alkaline or acid terrain.

Sometimes I'll consider yin depletion an acid state and yang depletion an








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In a message dated 9/30/2003 3:47:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

WMorris116 writes:

According to John Courtney of Standart Process it is usefull to acidify the

system in conditions of bursitis,allergies,asthma and some others, having

inflammation as part of the clinical picture.His idea is that alkalosis is


in those conditions. Alexander Zide.

Do you have any net references to this I could read. The only thing I

came up with is acidifying the stomach environment to better digest food.

IS this what you are talking about?






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I don't know were you got the idea that he said acidity is good, or that

he uses an almost all meat diet, but he clearly doesn't believe that. See

paragraphs below.

Below are some more paragraphs swiped from his websight. Some very

interesting stuff.

All the best,


>>>>This is very different that the protocols of his i saw some 10 years ago.

I must admit i have not followed up on his ideas, but i remember, i think a 60

min peace, in which they questioned him about his almost 100% meat diet. I also

used to have a folder giving to me by allergy research (he uses or at least used

to use their enzymes), and it clearly stated that for solid tumors he recommends

100% meat diet.





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