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Reverting, as I see it, to the question posed: " can Ken's

information --never publically shared-- and now disclosed to this

intimate group for the first time be considered his? "


I, too, am not a 'legal expert'. However, I would propose review of

the following links and discern for yourself what you believe to be

the best response:






If " establishment of property " is construed by the meer introduction,

and the posting herein this internet portal is considered such, then

Ken has every means provided for documenting proof of information

ownership in the event someone would choose to plagarise him.




Seal Beach, California USA

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> If " establishment of property " is construed by the meer introduction,

> and the posting herein this internet portal is considered such, then

> Ken has every means provided for documenting proof of information

> ownership in the event someone would choose to plagarise him.


> herb


Thanks for the input. I just want to

restate that my issue has nothing

to do with plagarism. I'm required

to sign contracts now and then that

concern things I've written. And

typically such documents require

that I make legally binding promises

that the rights belong to me.


I get it now...I guess I always have...

that with respect to material that is

" pusblished " on lists such as this

the question is incompletely answered

either by existing statute or case law.


T.S. Eliot said, " Good writers imitate.

Great writers plagarise. "


I took this to heart at an early age

and when I started my career as a

writer at age 9, the first book I ever

wrote was Winnie the Pooh. It seemed

far easier to write a book that someone

else had already written.


Now here's a brain twister...


what is the Chinese medical equivalent

of plagarism?



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