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Notes on properties of Shells in TCM

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Hi All,


Here are my notes on the SHELLS in TCM/CM.



The animal shells (Biejia, Guiban) are “Tonic~Build Yin Hbs”.


Most mollusc shells [Muli, Shijueming, Zhenzhu, Zhenzhumu,

Zibeichi] are “Calm LV Yang Hbs”, except Haigeke & Walengzi,

which are “Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma~Clear Phlegm



Please feedback any serious errors that you find here.



Best regards,




_Hb Pinyin Name

_Hb Common Name

_Hb Latin Name

_Main Hb Class




_Main Actions

_Combinations & Uses




Turtle Shell

Amydae/Trionycis Sinensis Carapax

Tonic~Build Yin

Salty; Cool


As Soup: 9-30g (decocted first); when used w other Hbs decoct

Biejia first

(1) Tonic/Restorative~Build Yin; Calm Yang; Clear Heat; Antifever;

(2) Soften Hardness in lumps~hard; Reduce Swelling; Reduce

Masses;: abdomen~mass; LV~enlarged; SP~enlarged. It contains

colloid, keratin, iodine & vitamin D. It may inhibit Hyperplasia of

connective tissue & Boost Fx of plasma proteins; (3) Also:

Antifatigue/Antiexhaustion; LV-Protector; Build LV Yin;

Immunostimulant; Antihypoxia (Boost Hypoxic Tolerance);


(1) Steamed Biejia is better to Build Yin/Calm Yang; Biejia w

Shengdihuang, Digupi, Zhimu, Qinghao, Qinjiao, Mudanpi &

Shanzhuyu etc in Yin Xu w Xu Fire Shi/Xue Heat/Xu Heat,

fever~hectic/fever~high at night & subsided in morning & Febrile

Disease~late stage w Yin Fluid Consumed & fever~lingering &

sweat~night, tongue~red & tongue~dry wo coat/infantile

malnutrition w fever; etc; Yin Xu w Heat/Fire Shi & convulsion; Xue

Heat~late stage w Heat Attack lingering on Yingfen & fever~night;

TB w fever, esp fever~hectic* & sweat~night; Xu w Wind Rising

(Wind~Internal) w fever~hectic*/fever~tidal & sweat~night; (2)

Cubiejia (vinegared) is better to Soften Hardness in

lumps~hard/Hard Masses; malaria~chronic, malaria w

SP~enlarged/splenomegaly, amenorrhoea & abdomen~mass, etc;

CI: Pregnancy; Caution in Xu & Cold of SJM-SP-ST/w

appetite~poor & diarrhoea


Guiban; Guibanjia ??? (???); Guijia ?? (??); (See: Cuguijia)

Tortise Shell

Testudinis/Chinemys Carapax+Plastrum

Tonic~Build Yin

Salty; Sour; Sweet; Cool


As Soup: 9-30g; Build Yin; boil before other Hbs are thrown in;

Calcined Hb is used in pills/powder

(1) Tonic/Restorative~Build Yin; Calm Yang; Ease Spasm: (2) Aid

KI; Build KI; Build KI Yin; Build Bone+Sinew/Tendon & Muscle;

Boost growth/bone & cartilage in infants; Sexual Hormone Agonist;

(3) Oxytocic & Uterus~Tonic; Emmenagogue; Haemostat; Rectify

Menstruation; (4) Calm Shen; Build HT; Build Xue; (5) Also:

Strengthen Channels; Antihypoxia (Boost Hypoxic Tolerance);

Antiarteriosclerotic; Hypolipaemic; Immunostimulant;

Bacteriostat~B tuberculosis hominis; Boost Metabolism; Anticancer

(1) Guiban w Huangbai, Zhimu, Shudihuang, etc in Yin Xu w Fire

Shi w fever~hectic, sweat~night, emission~night, vertigo & tinnitus;

also Yin Xu Fever w Fluid Consumed/TB & sweat~night; Guiban w

Tianmendong, Xuanshen, Longgu, Muli, etc in Yin Xu & Yang Shi w

vertigo & Eyesight~blurred; Guiban w Baishao, Maimendong,

Shengdihuang, etc in fever w Yin Xu Heat w muscle spasm &

contracture of hand & foot/ Yin Xu w Wind Shi w convulsion; (2)

Guiban w Hugu, Shudihuang, Baishao, etc in LV Xu & KI Yin Xu w

of lowback & waist weak/flaccid, limbs~lower & feet weak/flaccid,

Bone & Sinew weak, bone + muscle stiff, delayed ability of

standing & walking, delayed growth of teeth & delayed closure of

fontanel in infants; infantile metopism, etc; (3) Guiban w Baishao,

Huangbai, Chunpi, Xiangfu, etc in Yin Xu w Xue Heat w

menorrhagia, metrorrhagia/metrostaxis, leucorrhoea/leukorrhagia,

etc; Guiban w Yimucao & Niuxi for oxytocic effect in uterus~atony,

parturition delayed, dystocia; (4) Guiban w equal amounts of

Longgu, , Shichangpu & Yuanzhi (grind to powder & make pills w

water; 3g of pills/time, tid) in Shen Disturbed (mental DysFx) w

HT~palpitation, memory~loss, insomnia, etc;

CI: Pregnancy


Haigeke; Haigeqiao; Geqiao ??; Geke ??; Gekefen ???; Haiheke

Sea Clamshell Powder/Clam shell

Meretricis/Cyclinae Sinensis Concha Pulv

Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma~Clear Phlegm

Bitter; salty; cold-Cool

LU*; ST*; KI

As Soup: 9-15g powder (crushed) in strainer-bag; discard residue;

As Powder: 1-3g bid/tid

(1) Clear Heat; Clear Phlegm~Cool Hb; Clear Phlegm-Heat; Clear

LU Heat; Ease Cough/Calm Asthma in Phlegm Heat; Expectorant;

(2) Dissolve Phlegm~stubborn; Soften Hardness in lumps~hard; ;

Reduce nodules; Reduce Masses; Reduce Swelling: subcutaneous

nodule, scrofula & goitre; (3) Diuretic; Antioedema: (4) ST~Antacid;

Ease Pain; (5) Vulnerary; Heal Wound; Immunostimulant;

Antiinflammation; Anticancer

(1) Haigeqiao+Haifushi, Baiqian, Sangbaipi, Zhizi, Gualou in

Phlegm Heat w asthma, chest~pain & hypochondriac pain, cough

sputum~thick yellow; cough in LU Heat w thick & sputum~profuse

& dyspnoea; Haigeke w Baiji, Pipaye, etc as oral powder in LU

Heat w LU Bleeding; haemoptysis; (2) Haigeke, Haizao+Kunbu,

Walengzi, Jiangcan, etc in scrofula, TB, subcutaneous nodule &

goitre; tumor; Lymphadenitis; lymph nodules; As Soup in swelling

& pain of testis; (3) Haigeqiao w Fuling, Cheqianzi, Dahuang,

Mutong, etc in Fluid Retention w oedema; dysuria; (4) Haigeke +

another shell (Muli, Shijueming, Zhenzhumu, Duanwalengzi),

Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu in ST~pain/ache

& acid reflux; Haigeke w Baiji, etc in ST Bleeding; haematemesis,

ST~ulcer/SI~duodenal ulcer; (5) Haigeqiao w Zhenzhu/Muli,

Jixuecao, Baishao (/Moyao, Ruxiang), as Topical in

wound~indolent & skin ulcer; Haigeke w Pig LV & Gujingcao in

nebula after measles


Muli; (See: Duanmuli)

Oyster Shell

Ostreae Gigas/Talienwhanensis/Rivularis Concha Pulv; Ostraeae

Cucullatae Concha/Testa

Calm LV Yang

Salty; Astringe; Cool


As Soup: 15-30g (crushed & decocted first); Powder: 2-3g tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV~Calm Wind~Internal; Expel LV Wind; Expel Wind;

Aid Yin; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang; Build HT; Calm HT; Calm

Shen~Heavy Settler; Reduce excitement; Ease mental instability;

Astringe; (2) like other salty materials, Soften Hardness in

lumps~hard, Reduce Nodules; Reduce Masses, Reduce Swelling;

Resolve Stasis; Resolve Accumulation; Disperse Congestion; (3)

Build KI; Astringe KI; Guard Jing; (4) ST~Antacid; Rectify acid

secretion; Ease Pain, esp ST~pain; (5) Asringe Wound/ulcer;

Antivirus~poliovirus; Immunostimulant; Antifever; Boost

Contraction; Anticancer

(1) Muli w Shijueming, Baishao & Shengdihuang, Nuzhenzi, Juhua,

Niuxi, etc in Yin Xu /LV Yin Xu w LV Yang Shi w vertigo, headache,

tinnitus, Shen Disturbed, irritability & insomnia; excitement; mental

instability; Muli w other Calm Shen Hbs like Yejiaoteng, Longgu,

Suanzaoren, Yuanzhi, etc in LV Yin Xu, Mind Disturbed w

HT~palpitation, fear, terror, vexation, insomnia, etc; LV Yang

Rising/LV Yang Shi w LV Wind Rising w convulsion; Febrile

Disease w Yin Consumed; Muli + Longchi, Taoren, Chenpi +

Huanglian Ejiao Tang wo Huangqin in insomnia in Yin Xu & Yang

Shi, w vertigo, headaches, palpatation, letargy, face~pallor/sallow,

appetite~poor, mouth dry, sometime urine is dark w faeces~dry,

tongue red/light pink wo coat, pulse is stringy & fast/small &

fast/floating/slippery; Muli + Longgu, Baishao, Baiwei, Juhua,

Gouteng, Xuanshen, etc in LV Yin Xu & Yang Floating of Xu-type w

vertigo, Eyesight~blurred, vexation, mania in terror, etc; Muli w

Daizheshi, Longgu, Niuxi, Xuanshen in hypertension in LV Yang

Shi & headache in spasm of cerebral blood vessels; Muli w Guiban,

Tianmendong, Xuanshen, Longgu, etc in Yin Xu & Yang Shi w

vertigo & Eyesight~blurred; Guiban w Baishao, Maimendong,

Shengdihuang, etc in fever w Yin Xu Heat w muscle spasm &

contracture of hand & foot/ Yin Xu w Wind Shi w convulsion; Muli w

Shanzhuyu, Dangshen, Longgu, etc in collapse after

sweat~profuse/after chronic disease; Muli w Longgu, Mahuang &

Shengdihuang in sweat~night; Muli w Mahuang as Topical powder

in sweat~postpartum; (2) Muli w Beimu & Xuanshen (Resolve

Scrofula Pill) in Heat/Heat Toxin/Phlegm Fire w Carbuncle;

Swelling, dermatitis, skin infection, LU abscess,

nodule~subcutaneous, masses/lumps~hard, swelling, scrofula &

goitre; (3) Muli w Longgu, Rz/Rx Dioscoreae, Haipiaoxiao, Fuling,

etc in KI Xu w enuresis, spermatorrhoea, emission, leucorrhoea,

menorrhagia; metrorrhagia, sweat~spontaneous & sweat~night;

Muli w Dangshen, Longgu, Sangpiaoxiao, etc in KI Qi Xu /KI Yang

Xu w urination~frequent & enuresis, esp infantile enuresis,

leukorrhagia; (4) Muli w Baiji in peptic ulcer w ST~pain; ST~Acid

Reflux; Muli + another shell (Haigeke, Shijueming, Zhenzhumu,

Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu

in ST~pain/ache & acid reflux; Haigeke w Baiji, etc in ST Bleeding;

haematemesis, ST~ulcer/SI~duodenal ulcer; (5) Muli w

Zhenzhu/Haigeqiao, Jixuecao, Baishao (/Moyao, Ruxiang), as

Topical in wound~indolent & skin ulcer;



Haliotis Shell Powder, Sea-Ear Shell Powder, Abalone Shell Powder

Haliotidis Concha Pulv, Haliotidis Diversicoloris/Giganteae Concha


Calm LV Yang

Salty; Cold; Mild


As Soup: 3-30g crushed & decocted first; Powder: 2-3g bid/tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang, Aid Yin; (2) Clear LV

Heat; Clear LV Fire to Aid Eyes/Sight; Clear Nebula; Calm

LV~Calm Wind~Internal; Expel Wind; Expel LV Wind; Ease

Spasm; Spasmolytic; (3) ST~Antacid; Ease Pain; Haemostat:

ST~pain/ache & reflux;

(1) Shijueming w Muli, Baishao, Shengdihuang, Nuzhenzi, Juhua,

Niuxi, Gouteng, etc Yin Xu /LV Yin Xu w LV Yang Shi, causing LV

Yang Rising w headache, vertigo, tinnitus, vexation, irritability &

insomnia; Shijueming w Xiakucao, Juhua, Huangqin, etc in LV

Yang Shi/LV Yang Rising (hypertension) w arteriosclerosis,

hypertension, headache, irritability, restlessness, fidget, eyes red,

mouth~Bitter taste, etc & face flushed & tongue~red w

coat~yellow; ; Shijueming w Daizheshi, Xiakucao, Niuxi, etc LV

Yang Shi, headache & vertigo; Shijueming w Muli, Baishao &

Shengdihuang, Nuzhenzi, Juhua, Niuxi, etc in Yin Xu /LV Yin Xu w

LV Yang Shi w vertigo, headache, tinnitus, Shen Disturbed,

irritability & insomnia; excitement; mental instability; Shijueming w

Yejuhua, Mudanpi, Rendongteng, etc in hypertension &

arteriosclerosis; (2) Shijueming w Yejuhua, Xiakucao, Huangqin,

etc in LV Yang Shi/LV Fire Rising w restlessness; insomnia;

Shijueming w Clear LV Heat Hbs, like Longdancao, Lihui, Gouteng,

etc in LV Heat w LV Wind Rising w fever~high & persistent,

convulsion, etc; Shijueming w Juhua, Gujincao, Shetui, Xiakucao &

Juemingzi, Cangzhu etc in LV Fire/Heat w conjunctivitis; night

blindness, nebula*, cataract*, optic atrophy; Another method in

optic atrophy is to put Shijueming powder into sheep LV, bind LV w

thread, cook LV in a clay pot & eat LV every day (10g/time);

Shijueming w Gouqizi & Tusizi in LV Xu w eyesight~blurred;

Shijueming as Topical ointment in nebula; (3) Shijueming + another

shell (Haigeke, Muli, Zhenzhumu, Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao,

Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu in ST~pain/ache & acid reflux;


Walengzi; ??Walongzi; (See: Duanwalengzi)

Ark Shell

Arcae Inflatae/Subcrenatae/Granosae Concha Pulv

Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma~Clear Phlegm

Sweet; Salty; Mild


As Soup: 9-30g (crushed before decocting); Powder: 3-6g bid/tid

(1) Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma;; Move Xue Stasis,

Soften Hardness in lumps~hard; Resolve Nodules: (2) ST~Antacid;

Ease Pain; (3) Topical; Other Uses

(1) Walengzi w Haizao+Kunbu, Haigeke, Jiangcan, in Phlegm

Stasis/Xue Stasis w lumps~hard; nodules~subcutaneous,

Lymphadenitis, lymph nodules, abdomen~mass; scrofula, TB,

goitre, tumor, etc; As Soup in swelling & pain of testis; (2)

Walengzi (Duanwalengzi is better) 20g/d w Baihe (Zhi (honey

baked)) & Gancao (simmer till 300ml Take 100ml/time for 4 weeks)

/ Duanwalengzi + another shell (Haigeke, Muli, Shijueming,

Zhenzhumu, Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang,

Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu in ST ulcer w Hyperchlorhydria, ST~pain/ache &

ST~acid reflux/emesis;


Zhenzhu; Zhenzhufen ???; (See: Zhenzhumu)

Pearl Powder, Margarita

Margaritiferae Concha Pulv

Calm LV Yang

Sweet; salty; Cold


Avoid Soup; as pills/powder: 0.1-0.3g/dose; Topical: qs as

extremely fine powder by puffing to cover pharyngitis, dress ulcers;

for use in eye

(1) Calm LV; Expel Wind; Expel LV Wind; Expel Wind

Anticonvulsion; Calm Shen~Heavy Settler; Build HT; Calm HT;

Calm Fright; (2) Purge LV Heat; Expel Wind; Aid Eyes; Clear

Nebula; (3) Clear Toxin; Granulate ulcers~indolent;

(1) Zhenzhu alone/w other Calm Shen Hbs in epilepsy,

HT~palpitation in fright, acute febrile convulsion~infantile, etc;

Zhenzhu w honey in restlessness; panic; (2) Zhenzhu oral/topical

(eye drops) w other Aid Eyes Hbs in conjunctivitis, pterygium,

nebula; Astringe eye~pain; (3) Zhenzhu w Quicken Xue or

Vulnerary Hbs in unhealing ulcers

Avoid unless Fire Shi/Heat Stasis are present


Zhenzhumu; (See: Zhenzhu);

Mother-Of-Pearl, Nacre

Margaritiferae/Hyriopsis/Pinctadae Martensii/Cumingii Concha Usta

Calm LV Yang

Sweet; Salty; Cold


As Soup: 15-30g (crushed; decocted first); Powder: 2-3g tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang; Aid Yin; Expel Wind;

Expel LV Wind; Anticonvulsion (2) Aid Yin; Clear LV Fire; Aid

Eyes/Sight; Clear Nebula/cataract; (3) Rectify ST~acid secretion;

ST~Antacid; Ease Pain; Haemostat; (4) Build HT; Calm HT; Calm

Fright; Calm Shen~Heavy Settler; Diuretic; (5) Deprive Damp;

Astringe; Heal Wounds; (6) Also: Reduce SI-LI tone;

(1) Zhenzhumu in Yin Xu w Yang Shi/LV Yang Shi w vertigo,

headache, tinnitus, irritability; (2) Zhenzhumu as Topical eye

ointment in LV Xu w LV Fire/LV Heat w conjunctivitis,

blindness~night, eyesight~blurred, Nebula/cataract,

keratoleukoma/ Zhenzhumu oral w Baishao, Nuzhenzi,

Mimenghua, etc in LV Xu; Zhenzhumu w Mimenghua, Chantui, etc

in nebula; Zhenzhumu w Huanglian & Luganshi in conjunctivitis,

blepharitis, photophobia, lacrimation, nebula & pterygium; (3)

Zhenzhumu Zhenzhumu + another shell (Muli, Shijueming,

Haigeke, Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu,

Xiangfu in ST~peptic ulcer w ST~pain/ache, ST~bleeding,

hyperchlorhydria, acid reflux, (4) Zhenzhumu w other Build HT &

Calm Shen Hbs + Build Yin Hbs in Yin Xu w LV Yang Shi, Shen

Disturbed, Fright; HT~palpitation, insomnia, memory~loss;

dementia, neurasthenia, mental retardation, oligophrenia~infantile;

Zhenzhumu w Huanglian, Zibeichi & Lingyangjiao in HT Disturbed &

Shen Disturbed w HT~Palpitation, irritability, insomnia,

sleep~dream-disturbed; fever~high w convulsion~infantile; (5)

Zhenzhumu as Topical in Wind/Damp/Damp Heat w skin lesions,

eczema, prurigo~exudative; Wounds; Zhenzhumu w ?? in

LV~hepatitis infectious; (6) Also: SI-LI~hypertonia;


Zibeichi; Zibei ?? (??)

Arabic Cowrie Shell

Mauritiae Arabicae Concha, Cypraeae Concha

Calm LV Yang

Salty; neutral


10-15g/d; Cook before other herbs

(1) Calm HT; Calm Shen; (2) Calm LV; Calm LV Yang; Clear LV

Heat; Calm Wind; Brighten Eyes;

(1) Zibeichi w Huanglian, Zhenzhumu & Lingyangjiao in HT

Disturbed & Shen Disturbed w HT~Palpitation, irritability, insomnia,

sleep~dream-disturbed; fever~high w convulsion~infantile; (2)

Zibeichi w Juhua, Sangye & Gouteng in LV Channel Wind & Heat w

eyes~red, swelling & pain/eyesight poor/obstructed; LV Yang Shi

w vertigo & headache;


Best regards,


Email: <


WORK : Teagasc Research Management, Sandymount Ave., Dublin 4, Ireland

Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm

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Thank You , Phil.

Excelent compilation.

Would love to see more of similar material.






--- < wrote:


Hi All,


Here are my notes on the SHELLS in TCM/CM.



The animal shells (Biejia, Guiban) are

“Tonic~Build Yin Hbs”.


Most mollusc shells [Muli, Shijueming, Zhenzhu,


Zibeichi] are “Calm LV Yang Hbs”, except Haigeke &


which are “Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm

Asthma~Clear Phlegm



Please feedback any serious errors that you find




Best regards,




_Hb Pinyin Name

_Hb Common Name

_Hb Latin Name

_Main Hb Class




_Main Actions

_Combinations & Uses




Turtle Shell

Amydae/Trionycis Sinensis Carapax

Tonic~Build Yin

Salty; Cool


As Soup: 9-30g (decocted first); when used w other

Hbs decoct

Biejia first

(1) Tonic/Restorative~Build Yin; Calm Yang; Clear

Heat; Antifever;

(2) Soften Hardness in lumps~hard; Reduce

Swelling; Reduce

Masses;: abdomen~mass; LV~enlarged; SP~enlarged.

It contains

colloid, keratin, iodine & vitamin D. It may

inhibit Hyperplasia of

connective tissue & Boost Fx of plasma proteins;

(3) Also:

Antifatigue/Antiexhaustion; LV-Protector; Build LV


Immunostimulant; Antihypoxia (Boost Hypoxic



(1) Steamed Biejia is better to Build Yin/Calm

Yang; Biejia w

Shengdihuang, Digupi, Zhimu, Qinghao, Qinjiao,

Mudanpi &

Shanzhuyu etc in Yin Xu w Xu Fire Shi/Xue Heat/Xu


fever~hectic/fever~high at night & subsided in

morning & Febrile

Disease~late stage w Yin Fluid Consumed &

fever~lingering &

sweat~night, tongue~red & tongue~dry wo


malnutrition w fever; etc; Yin Xu w Heat/Fire Shi

& convulsion; Xue

Heat~late stage w Heat Attack lingering on Yingfen

& fever~night;

TB w fever, esp fever~hectic* & sweat~night; Xu w

Wind Rising

(Wind~Internal) w fever~hectic*/fever~tidal &

sweat~night; (2)

Cubiejia (vinegared) is better to Soften Hardness


lumps~hard/Hard Masses; malaria~chronic, malaria w


SP~enlarged/splenomegaly, amenorrhoea &

abdomen~mass, etc;

CI: Pregnancy; Caution in Xu & Cold of SJM-SP-ST/w


appetite~poor & diarrhoea


Guiban; Guibanjia ??? (???); Guijia ?? (??); (See:


Tortise Shell

Testudinis/Chinemys Carapax+Plastrum

Tonic~Build Yin

Salty; Sour; Sweet; Cool


As Soup: 9-30g; Build Yin; boil before other Hbs

are thrown in;

Calcined Hb is used in pills/powder

(1) Tonic/Restorative~Build Yin; Calm Yang; Ease

Spasm: (2) Aid

KI; Build KI; Build KI Yin; Build

Bone+Sinew/Tendon & Muscle;

Boost growth/bone & cartilage in infants; Sexual

Hormone Agonist;

(3) Oxytocic & Uterus~Tonic; Emmenagogue;

Haemostat; Rectify

Menstruation; (4) Calm Shen; Build HT; Build Xue;

(5) Also:

Strengthen Channels; Antihypoxia (Boost Hypoxic


Antiarteriosclerotic; Hypolipaemic;


Bacteriostat~B tuberculosis hominis; Boost

Metabolism; Anticancer

(1) Guiban w Huangbai, Zhimu, Shudihuang, etc in

Yin Xu w Fire

Shi w fever~hectic, sweat~night, emission~night,

vertigo & tinnitus;

also Yin Xu Fever w Fluid Consumed/TB &

sweat~night; Guiban w

Tianmendong, Xuanshen, Longgu, Muli, etc in Yin Xu

& Yang Shi w

vertigo & Eyesight~blurred; Guiban w Baishao,


Shengdihuang, etc in fever w Yin Xu Heat w muscle

spasm &

contracture of hand & foot/ Yin Xu w Wind Shi w

convulsion; (2)

Guiban w Hugu, Shudihuang, Baishao, etc in LV Xu &

KI Yin Xu w

of lowback & waist weak/flaccid, limbs~lower &

feet weak/flaccid,

Bone & Sinew weak, bone + muscle stiff, delayed

ability of

standing & walking, delayed growth of teeth &

delayed closure of

fontanel in infants; infantile metopism, etc; (3)

Guiban w Baishao,

Huangbai, Chunpi, Xiangfu, etc in Yin Xu w Xue

Heat w

menorrhagia, metrorrhagia/metrostaxis,


etc; Guiban w Yimucao & Niuxi for oxytocic effect

in uterus~atony,

parturition delayed, dystocia; (4) Guiban w equal

amounts of

Longgu, , Shichangpu & Yuanzhi (grind to powder &

make pills w

water; 3g of pills/time, tid) in Shen Disturbed

(mental DysFx) w

HT~palpitation, memory~loss, insomnia, etc;

CI: Pregnancy


Haigeke; Haigeqiao; Geqiao ??; Geke ??; Gekefen

???; Haiheke

Sea Clamshell Powder/Clam shell

Meretricis/Cyclinae Sinensis Concha Pulv

Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma~Clear Phlegm

Bitter; salty; cold-Cool

LU*; ST*; KI

As Soup: 9-15g powder (crushed) in strainer-bag;

discard residue;

As Powder: 1-3g bid/tid

(1) Clear Heat; Clear Phlegm~Cool Hb; Clear

Phlegm-Heat; Clear

LU Heat; Ease Cough/Calm Asthma in Phlegm Heat;


(2) Dissolve Phlegm~stubborn; Soften Hardness in

lumps~hard; ;

Reduce nodules; Reduce Masses; Reduce Swelling:


nodule, scrofula & goitre; (3) Diuretic;

Antioedema: (4) ST~Antacid;

Ease Pain; (5) Vulnerary; Heal Wound;


Antiinflammation; Anticancer

(1) Haigeqiao+Haifushi, Baiqian, Sangbaipi,

Zhizi, Gualou in

Phlegm Heat w asthma, chest~pain & hypochondriac

pain, cough

sputum~thick yellow; cough in LU Heat w thick &


& dyspnoea; Haigeke w Baiji, Pipaye, etc as oral

powder in LU

Heat w LU Bleeding; haemoptysis; (2) Haigeke,


Walengzi, Jiangcan, etc in scrofula, TB,

subcutaneous nodule &

goitre; tumor; Lymphadenitis; lymph nodules; As

Soup in swelling

& pain of testis; (3) Haigeqiao w Fuling,

Cheqianzi, Dahuang,

Mutong, etc in Fluid Retention w oedema; dysuria;

(4) Haigeke +

another shell (Muli, Shijueming, Zhenzhumu,


Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu

in ST~pain/ache

& acid reflux; Haigeke w Baiji, etc in ST

Bleeding; haematemesis,

ST~ulcer/SI~duodenal ulcer; (5) Haigeqiao w


Jixuecao, Baishao (/Moyao, Ruxiang), as Topical in


wound~indolent & skin ulcer; Haigeke w Pig LV &

Gujingcao in

nebula after measles


Muli; (See: Duanmuli)

Oyster Shell

Ostreae Gigas/Talienwhanensis/Rivularis Concha

Pulv; Ostraeae

Cucullatae Concha/Testa

Calm LV Yang

Salty; Astringe; Cool


As Soup: 15-30g (crushed & decocted first);

Powder: 2-3g tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV~Calm Wind~Internal; Expel LV Wind;

Expel Wind;

Aid Yin; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang; Build HT; Calm

HT; Calm

Shen~Heavy Settler; Reduce excitement; Ease mental


Astringe; (2) like other salty materials, Soften

Hardness in

lumps~hard, Reduce Nodules; Reduce Masses, Reduce


Resolve Stasis; Resolve Accumulation; Disperse

Congestion; (3)

Build KI; Astringe KI; Guard Jing; (4) ST~Antacid;

Rectify acid

secretion; Ease Pain, esp ST~pain; (5) Asringe


Antivirus~poliovirus; Immunostimulant; Antifever;


Contraction; Anticancer

(1) Muli w Shijueming, Baishao & Shengdihuang,

Nuzhenzi, Juhua,

Niuxi, etc in Yin Xu /LV Yin Xu w LV Yang Shi w

vertigo, headache,

tinnitus, Shen Disturbed, irritability & insomnia;

excitement; mental

instability; Muli w other Calm Shen Hbs like

Yejiaoteng, Longgu,

Suanzaoren, Yuanzhi, etc in LV Yin Xu, Mind

Disturbed w

HT~palpitation, fear, terror, vexation, insomnia,

etc; LV Yang

Rising/LV Yang Shi w LV Wind Rising w convulsion;


Disease w Yin Consumed; Muli + Longchi, Taoren,

Chenpi +

Huanglian Ejiao Tang wo Huangqin in insomnia in

Yin Xu & Yang

Shi, w vertigo, headaches, palpatation, letargy,


appetite~poor, mouth dry, sometime urine is dark w


tongue red/light pink wo coat, pulse is stringy &

fast/small &

fast/floating/slippery; Muli + Longgu, Baishao,

Baiwei, Juhua,

Gouteng, Xuanshen, etc in LV Yin Xu & Yang

Floating of Xu-type w

vertigo, Eyesight~blurred, vexation, mania in

terror, etc; Muli w

Daizheshi, Longgu, Niuxi, Xuanshen in hypertension

in LV Yang

Shi & headache in spasm of cerebral blood vessels;

Muli w Guiban,

Tianmendong, Xuanshen, Longgu, etc in Yin Xu &

Yang Shi w

vertigo & Eyesight~blurred; Guiban w Baishao,


Shengdihuang, etc in fever w Yin Xu Heat w muscle

spasm &

contracture of hand & foot/ Yin Xu w Wind Shi w

convulsion; Muli w

Shanzhuyu, Dangshen, Longgu, etc in collapse after


sweat~profuse/after chronic disease; Muli w

Longgu, Mahuang &

Shengdihuang in sweat~night; Muli w Mahuang as

Topical powder

in sweat~postpartum; (2) Muli w Beimu & Xuanshen


Scrofula Pill) in Heat/Heat Toxin/Phlegm Fire w


Swelling, dermatitis, skin infection, LU abscess,

nodule~subcutaneous, masses/lumps~hard, swelling,

scrofula &

goitre; (3) Muli w Longgu, Rz/Rx Dioscoreae,

Haipiaoxiao, Fuling,

etc in KI Xu w enuresis, spermatorrhoea, emission,


menorrhagia; metrorrhagia, sweat~spontaneous &


Muli w Dangshen, Longgu, Sangpiaoxiao, etc in KI

Qi Xu /KI Yang

Xu w urination~frequent & enuresis, esp infantile


leukorrhagia; (4) Muli w Baiji in peptic ulcer w

ST~pain; ST~Acid

Reflux; Muli + another shell (Haigeke, Shijueming,


Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang,

Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu

in ST~pain/ache & acid reflux; Haigeke w Baiji,

etc in ST Bleeding;

haematemesis, ST~ulcer/SI~duodenal ulcer; (5) Muli


Zhenzhu/Haigeqiao, Jixuecao, Baishao (/Moyao,

Ruxiang), as

Topical in wound~indolent & skin ulcer;



Haliotis Shell Powder, Sea-Ear Shell Powder,

Abalone Shell Powder

Haliotidis Concha Pulv, Haliotidis

Diversicoloris/Giganteae Concha


Calm LV Yang

Salty; Cold; Mild


As Soup: 3-30g crushed & decocted first; Powder:

2-3g bid/tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang, Aid Yin;

(2) Clear LV

Heat; Clear LV Fire to Aid Eyes/Sight; Clear

Nebula; Calm

LV~Calm Wind~Internal; Expel Wind; Expel LV Wind;


Spasm; Spasmolytic; (3) ST~Antacid; Ease Pain;


ST~pain/ache & reflux;

(1) Shijueming w Muli, Baishao, Shengdihuang,

Nuzhenzi, Juhua,

Niuxi, Gouteng, etc Yin Xu /LV Yin Xu w LV Yang

Shi, causing LV

Yang Rising w headache, vertigo, tinnitus,

vexation, irritability &

insomnia; Shijueming w Xiakucao, Juhua, Huangqin,

etc in LV

Yang Shi/LV Yang Rising (hypertension) w


hypertension, headache, irritability,

restlessness, fidget, eyes red,

mouth~Bitter taste, etc & face flushed &

tongue~red w

coat~yellow; ; Shijueming w Daizheshi, Xiakucao,

Niuxi, etc LV

Yang Shi, headache & vertigo; Shijueming w Muli,

Baishao &

Shengdihuang, Nuzhenzi, Juhua, Niuxi, etc in Yin

Xu /LV Yin Xu w

LV Yang Shi w vertigo, headache, tinnitus, Shen


irritability & insomnia; excitement; mental

instability; Shijueming w

Yejuhua, Mudanpi, Rendongteng, etc in hypertension


arteriosclerosis; (2) Shijueming w Yejuhua,

Xiakucao, Huangqin,

etc in LV Yang Shi/LV Fire Rising w restlessness;


Shijueming w Clear LV Heat Hbs, like Longdancao,

Lihui, Gouteng,

etc in LV Heat w LV Wind Rising w fever~high &


convulsion, etc; Shijueming w Juhua, Gujincao,

Shetui, Xiakucao &

Juemingzi, Cangzhu etc in LV Fire/Heat w

conjunctivitis; night

blindness, nebula*, cataract*, optic atrophy;

Another method in

optic atrophy is to put Shijueming powder into

sheep LV, bind LV w

thread, cook LV in a clay pot & eat LV every day


Shijueming w Gouqizi & Tusizi in LV Xu w


Shijueming as Topical ointment in nebula; (3)

Shijueming + another

shell (Haigeke, Muli, Zhenzhumu, Duanwalengzi),


Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu in

ST~pain/ache & acid reflux;


Walengzi; ??Walongzi; (See: Duanwalengzi)

Ark Shell

Arcae Inflatae/Subcrenatae/Granosae Concha Pulv

Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma~Clear Phlegm

Sweet; Salty; Mild


As Soup: 9-30g (crushed before decocting); Powder:

3-6g bid/tid

(1) Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma;; Move Xue


Soften Hardness in lumps~hard; Resolve Nodules:

(2) ST~Antacid;

Ease Pain; (3) Topical; Other Uses

(1) Walengzi w Haizao+Kunbu, Haigeke, Jiangcan,

in Phlegm

Stasis/Xue Stasis w lumps~hard;


Lymphadenitis, lymph nodules, abdomen~mass;

scrofula, TB,

goitre, tumor, etc; As Soup in swelling & pain of

testis; (2)

Walengzi (Duanwalengzi is better) 20g/d w Baihe

(Zhi (honey

baked)) & Gancao (simmer till 300ml Take

100ml/time for 4 weeks)

/ Duanwalengzi + another shell (Haigeke, Muli,


Zhenzhumu, Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi,


Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu in ST ulcer w Hyperchlorhydria,

ST~pain/ache &

ST~acid reflux/emesis;


Zhenzhu; Zhenzhufen ???; (See: Zhenzhumu)

Pearl Powder, Margarita

Margaritiferae Concha Pulv

Calm LV Yang

Sweet; salty; Cold


Avoid Soup; as pills/powder: 0.1-0.3g/dose;

Topical: qs as

extremely fine powder by puffing to cover

pharyngitis, dress ulcers;

for use in eye

(1) Calm LV; Expel Wind; Expel LV Wind; Expel


Anticonvulsion; Calm Shen~Heavy Settler; Build HT;

Calm HT;

Calm Fright; (2) Purge LV Heat; Expel Wind; Aid

Eyes; Clear

Nebula; (3) Clear Toxin; Granulate


(1) Zhenzhu alone/w other Calm Shen Hbs in


HT~palpitation in fright, acute febrile

convulsion~infantile, etc;

Zhenzhu w honey in restlessness; panic; (2)

Zhenzhu oral/topical

(eye drops) w other Aid Eyes Hbs in

conjunctivitis, pterygium,

nebula; Astringe eye~pain; (3) Zhenzhu w Quicken

Xue or

Vulnerary Hbs in unhealing ulcers

Avoid unless Fire Shi/Heat Stasis are present


Zhenzhumu; (See: Zhenzhu);

Mother-Of-Pearl, Nacre


Martensii/Cumingii Concha Usta

Calm LV Yang

Sweet; Salty; Cold


As Soup: 15-30g (crushed; decocted first); Powder:

2-3g tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang; Aid Yin;

Expel Wind;

Expel LV Wind; Anticonvulsion (2) Aid Yin; Clear

LV Fire; Aid

Eyes/Sight; Clear Nebula/cataract; (3) Rectify

ST~acid secretion;

ST~Antacid; Ease Pain; Haemostat; (4) Build HT;

Calm HT; Calm

Fright; Calm Shen~Heavy Settler; Diuretic; (5)

Deprive Damp;

Astringe; Heal Wounds; (6) Also: Reduce SI-LI


(1) Zhenzhumu in Yin Xu w Yang Shi/LV Yang Shi w


headache, tinnitus, irritability; (2) Zhenzhumu as

Topical eye

ointment in LV Xu w LV Fire/LV Heat w


blindness~night, eyesight~blurred,


keratoleukoma/ Zhenzhumu oral w Baishao, Nuzhenzi,


Mimenghua, etc in LV Xu; Zhenzhumu w Mimenghua,

Chantui, etc

in nebula; Zhenzhumu w Huanglian & Luganshi in


blepharitis, photophobia, lacrimation, nebula &

pterygium; (3)

Zhenzhumu Zhenzhumu + another shell (Muli,


Haigeke, Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi,

Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu,

Xiangfu in ST~peptic ulcer w ST~pain/ache,


hyperchlorhydria, acid reflux, (4) Zhenzhumu w

other Build HT &

Calm Shen Hbs + Build Yin Hbs in Yin Xu w LV Yang

Shi, Shen

Disturbed, Fright; HT~palpitation, insomnia,


dementia, neurasthenia, mental retardation,


Zhenzhumu w Huanglian, Zibeichi & Lingyangjiao in

HT Disturbed &

Shen Disturbed w HT~Palpitation, irritability,


sleep~dream-disturbed; fever~high w

convulsion~infantile; (5)

Zhenzhumu as Topical in Wind/Damp/Damp Heat w skin


eczema, prurigo~exudative; Wounds; Zhenzhumu w ??


LV~hepatitis infectious; (6) Also:



Zibeichi; Zibei ?? (??)

Arabic Cowrie Shell

Mauritiae Arabicae Concha, Cypraeae Concha

Calm LV Yang

Salty; neutral


10-15g/d; Cook before other herbs

(1) Calm HT; Calm Shen; (2) Calm LV; Calm LV Yang;

Clear LV

Heat; Calm Wind; Brighten Eyes;

(1) Zibeichi w Huanglian, Zhenzhumu & Lingyangjiao

in HT

Disturbed & Shen Disturbed w HT~Palpitation,

irritability, insomnia,

sleep~dream-disturbed; fever~high w

convulsion~infantile; (2)

Zibeichi w Juhua, Sangye & Gouteng in LV Channel

Wind & Heat w

eyes~red, swelling & pain/eyesight

poor/obstructed; LV Yang Shi

w vertigo & headache;


Best regards,


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Hi Everyone,


I saw a show on TV last week, which explored the declining populations of native

species in Cambodia for use in traditional medicines. It was very disheartening

to see the direct connection between local population decline there for certain

species of snakes and turtles, and the substances derived from them that I use

in treating my patients. While these species are not in danger of worldwide

extinction, their numbers are dwindling in particular areas of their range of

distribution. This is how extinction begins. My first college degree was in

environmental science... so I really get it that our actions have worldwide

implications. So, my question in response to this information below, is what

can we use to substitute for the wonderful properties of these shells,

particularly the turtles?





< wrote:

Hi All,


Here are my notes on the SHELLS in TCM/CM.



The animal shells (Biejia, Guiban) are “Tonic~Build Yin Hbs”.


Most mollusc shells [Muli, Shijueming, Zhenzhu, Zhenzhumu,

Zibeichi] are “Calm LV Yang Hbs”, except Haigeke & Walengzi,

which are “Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma~Clear Phlegm



Please feedback any serious errors that you find here.



Best regards,




_Hb Pinyin Name

_Hb Common Name

_Hb Latin Name

_Main Hb Class




_Main Actions

_Combinations & Uses




Turtle Shell

Amydae/Trionycis Sinensis Carapax

Tonic~Build Yin

Salty; Cool


As Soup: 9-30g (decocted first); when used w other Hbs decoct

Biejia first

(1) Tonic/Restorative~Build Yin; Calm Yang; Clear Heat; Antifever;

(2) Soften Hardness in lumps~hard; Reduce Swelling; Reduce

Masses;: abdomen~mass; LV~enlarged; SP~enlarged. It contains

colloid, keratin, iodine & vitamin D. It may inhibit Hyperplasia of

connective tissue & Boost Fx of plasma proteins; (3) Also:

Antifatigue/Antiexhaustion; LV-Protector; Build LV Yin;

Immunostimulant; Antihypoxia (Boost Hypoxic Tolerance);


(1) Steamed Biejia is better to Build Yin/Calm Yang; Biejia w

Shengdihuang, Digupi, Zhimu, Qinghao, Qinjiao, Mudanpi &

Shanzhuyu etc in Yin Xu w Xu Fire Shi/Xue Heat/Xu Heat,

fever~hectic/fever~high at night & subsided in morning & Febrile

Disease~late stage w Yin Fluid Consumed & fever~lingering &

sweat~night, tongue~red & tongue~dry wo coat/infantile

malnutrition w fever; etc; Yin Xu w Heat/Fire Shi & convulsion; Xue

Heat~late stage w Heat Attack lingering on Yingfen & fever~night;

TB w fever, esp fever~hectic* & sweat~night; Xu w Wind Rising

(Wind~Internal) w fever~hectic*/fever~tidal & sweat~night; (2)

Cubiejia (vinegared) is better to Soften Hardness in

lumps~hard/Hard Masses; malaria~chronic, malaria w

SP~enlarged/splenomegaly, amenorrhoea & abdomen~mass, etc;

CI: Pregnancy; Caution in Xu & Cold of SJM-SP-ST/w

appetite~poor & diarrhoea


Guiban; Guibanjia ??? (???); Guijia ?? (??); (See: Cuguijia)

Tortise Shell

Testudinis/Chinemys Carapax+Plastrum

Tonic~Build Yin

Salty; Sour; Sweet; Cool


As Soup: 9-30g; Build Yin; boil before other Hbs are thrown in;

Calcined Hb is used in pills/powder

(1) Tonic/Restorative~Build Yin; Calm Yang; Ease Spasm: (2) Aid

KI; Build KI; Build KI Yin; Build Bone+Sinew/Tendon & Muscle;

Boost growth/bone & cartilage in infants; Sexual Hormone Agonist;

(3) Oxytocic & Uterus~Tonic; Emmenagogue; Haemostat; Rectify

Menstruation; (4) Calm Shen; Build HT; Build Xue; (5) Also:

Strengthen Channels; Antihypoxia (Boost Hypoxic Tolerance);

Antiarteriosclerotic; Hypolipaemic; Immunostimulant;

Bacteriostat~B tuberculosis hominis; Boost Metabolism; Anticancer

(1) Guiban w Huangbai, Zhimu, Shudihuang, etc in Yin Xu w Fire

Shi w fever~hectic, sweat~night, emission~night, vertigo & tinnitus;

also Yin Xu Fever w Fluid Consumed/TB & sweat~night; Guiban w

Tianmendong, Xuanshen, Longgu, Muli, etc in Yin Xu & Yang Shi w

vertigo & Eyesight~blurred; Guiban w Baishao, Maimendong,

Shengdihuang, etc in fever w Yin Xu Heat w muscle spasm &

contracture of hand & foot/ Yin Xu w Wind Shi w convulsion; (2)

Guiban w Hugu, Shudihuang, Baishao, etc in LV Xu & KI Yin Xu w

of lowback & waist weak/flaccid, limbs~lower & feet weak/flaccid,

Bone & Sinew weak, bone + muscle stiff, delayed ability of

standing & walking, delayed growth of teeth & delayed closure of

fontanel in infants; infantile metopism, etc; (3) Guiban w Baishao,

Huangbai, Chunpi, Xiangfu, etc in Yin Xu w Xue Heat w

menorrhagia, metrorrhagia/metrostaxis, leucorrhoea/leukorrhagia,

etc; Guiban w Yimucao & Niuxi for oxytocic effect in uterus~atony,

parturition delayed, dystocia; (4) Guiban w equal amounts of

Longgu, , Shichangpu & Yuanzhi (grind to powder & make pills w

water; 3g of pills/time, tid) in Shen Disturbed (mental DysFx) w

HT~palpitation, memory~loss, insomnia, etc;

CI: Pregnancy


Haigeke; Haigeqiao; Geqiao ??; Geke ??; Gekefen ???; Haiheke

Sea Clamshell Powder/Clam shell

Meretricis/Cyclinae Sinensis Concha Pulv

Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma~Clear Phlegm

Bitter; salty; cold-Cool

LU*; ST*; KI

As Soup: 9-15g powder (crushed) in strainer-bag; discard residue;

As Powder: 1-3g bid/tid

(1) Clear Heat; Clear Phlegm~Cool Hb; Clear Phlegm-Heat; Clear

LU Heat; Ease Cough/Calm Asthma in Phlegm Heat; Expectorant;

(2) Dissolve Phlegm~stubborn; Soften Hardness in lumps~hard; ;

Reduce nodules; Reduce Masses; Reduce Swelling: subcutaneous

nodule, scrofula & goitre; (3) Diuretic; Antioedema: (4) ST~Antacid;

Ease Pain; (5) Vulnerary; Heal Wound; Immunostimulant;

Antiinflammation; Anticancer

(1) Haigeqiao+Haifushi, Baiqian, Sangbaipi, Zhizi, Gualou in

Phlegm Heat w asthma, chest~pain & hypochondriac pain, cough

sputum~thick yellow; cough in LU Heat w thick & sputum~profuse

& dyspnoea; Haigeke w Baiji, Pipaye, etc as oral powder in LU

Heat w LU Bleeding; haemoptysis; (2) Haigeke, Haizao+Kunbu,

Walengzi, Jiangcan, etc in scrofula, TB, subcutaneous nodule &

goitre; tumor; Lymphadenitis; lymph nodules; As Soup in swelling

& pain of testis; (3) Haigeqiao w Fuling, Cheqianzi, Dahuang,

Mutong, etc in Fluid Retention w oedema; dysuria; (4) Haigeke +

another shell (Muli, Shijueming, Zhenzhumu, Duanwalengzi),

Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu in ST~pain/ache

& acid reflux; Haigeke w Baiji, etc in ST Bleeding; haematemesis,

ST~ulcer/SI~duodenal ulcer; (5) Haigeqiao w Zhenzhu/Muli,

Jixuecao, Baishao (/Moyao, Ruxiang), as Topical in

wound~indolent & skin ulcer; Haigeke w Pig LV & Gujingcao in

nebula after measles


Muli; (See: Duanmuli)

Oyster Shell

Ostreae Gigas/Talienwhanensis/Rivularis Concha Pulv; Ostraeae

Cucullatae Concha/Testa

Calm LV Yang

Salty; Astringe; Cool


As Soup: 15-30g (crushed & decocted first); Powder: 2-3g tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV~Calm Wind~Internal; Expel LV Wind; Expel Wind;

Aid Yin; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang; Build HT; Calm HT; Calm

Shen~Heavy Settler; Reduce excitement; Ease mental instability;

Astringe; (2) like other salty materials, Soften Hardness in

lumps~hard, Reduce Nodules; Reduce Masses, Reduce Swelling;

Resolve Stasis; Resolve Accumulation; Disperse Congestion; (3)

Build KI; Astringe KI; Guard Jing; (4) ST~Antacid; Rectify acid

secretion; Ease Pain, esp ST~pain; (5) Asringe Wound/ulcer;

Antivirus~poliovirus; Immunostimulant; Antifever; Boost

Contraction; Anticancer

(1) Muli w Shijueming, Baishao & Shengdihuang, Nuzhenzi, Juhua,

Niuxi, etc in Yin Xu /LV Yin Xu w LV Yang Shi w vertigo, headache,

tinnitus, Shen Disturbed, irritability & insomnia; excitement; mental

instability; Muli w other Calm Shen Hbs like Yejiaoteng, Longgu,

Suanzaoren, Yuanzhi, etc in LV Yin Xu, Mind Disturbed w

HT~palpitation, fear, terror, vexation, insomnia, etc; LV Yang

Rising/LV Yang Shi w LV Wind Rising w convulsion; Febrile

Disease w Yin Consumed; Muli + Longchi, Taoren, Chenpi +

Huanglian Ejiao Tang wo Huangqin in insomnia in Yin Xu & Yang

Shi, w vertigo, headaches, palpatation, letargy, face~pallor/sallow,

appetite~poor, mouth dry, sometime urine is dark w faeces~dry,

tongue red/light pink wo coat, pulse is stringy & fast/small &

fast/floating/slippery; Muli + Longgu, Baishao, Baiwei, Juhua,

Gouteng, Xuanshen, etc in LV Yin Xu & Yang Floating of Xu-type w

vertigo, Eyesight~blurred, vexation, mania in terror, etc; Muli w

Daizheshi, Longgu, Niuxi, Xuanshen in hypertension in LV Yang

Shi & headache in spasm of cerebral blood vessels; Muli w Guiban,

Tianmendong, Xuanshen, Longgu, etc in Yin Xu & Yang Shi w

vertigo & Eyesight~blurred; Guiban w Baishao, Maimendong,

Shengdihuang, etc in fever w Yin Xu Heat w muscle spasm &

contracture of hand & foot/ Yin Xu w Wind Shi w convulsion; Muli w

Shanzhuyu, Dangshen, Longgu, etc in collapse after

sweat~profuse/after chronic disease; Muli w Longgu, Mahuang &

Shengdihuang in sweat~night; Muli w Mahuang as Topical powder

in sweat~postpartum; (2) Muli w Beimu & Xuanshen (Resolve

Scrofula Pill) in Heat/Heat Toxin/Phlegm Fire w Carbuncle;

Swelling, dermatitis, skin infection, LU abscess,

nodule~subcutaneous, masses/lumps~hard, swelling, scrofula &

goitre; (3) Muli w Longgu, Rz/Rx Dioscoreae, Haipiaoxiao, Fuling,

etc in KI Xu w enuresis, spermatorrhoea, emission, leucorrhoea,

menorrhagia; metrorrhagia, sweat~spontaneous & sweat~night;

Muli w Dangshen, Longgu, Sangpiaoxiao, etc in KI Qi Xu /KI Yang

Xu w urination~frequent & enuresis, esp infantile enuresis,

leukorrhagia; (4) Muli w Baiji in peptic ulcer w ST~pain; ST~Acid

Reflux; Muli + another shell (Haigeke, Shijueming, Zhenzhumu,

Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu

in ST~pain/ache & acid reflux; Haigeke w Baiji, etc in ST Bleeding;

haematemesis, ST~ulcer/SI~duodenal ulcer; (5) Muli w

Zhenzhu/Haigeqiao, Jixuecao, Baishao (/Moyao, Ruxiang), as

Topical in wound~indolent & skin ulcer;



Haliotis Shell Powder, Sea-Ear Shell Powder, Abalone Shell Powder

Haliotidis Concha Pulv, Haliotidis Diversicoloris/Giganteae Concha


Calm LV Yang

Salty; Cold; Mild


As Soup: 3-30g crushed & decocted first; Powder: 2-3g bid/tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang, Aid Yin; (2) Clear LV

Heat; Clear LV Fire to Aid Eyes/Sight; Clear Nebula; Calm

LV~Calm Wind~Internal; Expel Wind; Expel LV Wind; Ease

Spasm; Spasmolytic; (3) ST~Antacid; Ease Pain; Haemostat:

ST~pain/ache & reflux;

(1) Shijueming w Muli, Baishao, Shengdihuang, Nuzhenzi, Juhua,

Niuxi, Gouteng, etc Yin Xu /LV Yin Xu w LV Yang Shi, causing LV

Yang Rising w headache, vertigo, tinnitus, vexation, irritability &

insomnia; Shijueming w Xiakucao, Juhua, Huangqin, etc in LV

Yang Shi/LV Yang Rising (hypertension) w arteriosclerosis,

hypertension, headache, irritability, restlessness, fidget, eyes red,

mouth~Bitter taste, etc & face flushed & tongue~red w

coat~yellow; ; Shijueming w Daizheshi, Xiakucao, Niuxi, etc LV

Yang Shi, headache & vertigo; Shijueming w Muli, Baishao &

Shengdihuang, Nuzhenzi, Juhua, Niuxi, etc in Yin Xu /LV Yin Xu w

LV Yang Shi w vertigo, headache, tinnitus, Shen Disturbed,

irritability & insomnia; excitement; mental instability; Shijueming w

Yejuhua, Mudanpi, Rendongteng, etc in hypertension &

arteriosclerosis; (2) Shijueming w Yejuhua, Xiakucao, Huangqin,

etc in LV Yang Shi/LV Fire Rising w restlessness; insomnia;

Shijueming w Clear LV Heat Hbs, like Longdancao, Lihui, Gouteng,

etc in LV Heat w LV Wind Rising w fever~high & persistent,

convulsion, etc; Shijueming w Juhua, Gujincao, Shetui, Xiakucao &

Juemingzi, Cangzhu etc in LV Fire/Heat w conjunctivitis; night

blindness, nebula*, cataract*, optic atrophy; Another method in

optic atrophy is to put Shijueming powder into sheep LV, bind LV w

thread, cook LV in a clay pot & eat LV every day (10g/time);

Shijueming w Gouqizi & Tusizi in LV Xu w eyesight~blurred;

Shijueming as Topical ointment in nebula; (3) Shijueming + another

shell (Haigeke, Muli, Zhenzhumu, Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao,

Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu in ST~pain/ache & acid reflux;


Walengzi; ??Walongzi; (See: Duanwalengzi)

Ark Shell

Arcae Inflatae/Subcrenatae/Granosae Concha Pulv

Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma~Clear Phlegm

Sweet; Salty; Mild


As Soup: 9-30g (crushed before decocting); Powder: 3-6g bid/tid

(1) Clear Phlegm+Ease Cough/Calm Asthma;; Move Xue Stasis,

Soften Hardness in lumps~hard; Resolve Nodules: (2) ST~Antacid;

Ease Pain; (3) Topical; Other Uses

(1) Walengzi w Haizao+Kunbu, Haigeke, Jiangcan, in Phlegm

Stasis/Xue Stasis w lumps~hard; nodules~subcutaneous,

Lymphadenitis, lymph nodules, abdomen~mass; scrofula, TB,

goitre, tumor, etc; As Soup in swelling & pain of testis; (2)

Walengzi (Duanwalengzi is better) 20g/d w Baihe (Zhi (honey

baked)) & Gancao (simmer till 300ml Take 100ml/time for 4 weeks)

/ Duanwalengzi + another shell (Haigeke, Muli, Shijueming,

Zhenzhumu, Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang,

Wuzhuyu, Xiangfu in ST ulcer w Hyperchlorhydria, ST~pain/ache &

ST~acid reflux/emesis;


Zhenzhu; Zhenzhufen ???; (See: Zhenzhumu)

Pearl Powder, Margarita

Margaritiferae Concha Pulv

Calm LV Yang

Sweet; salty; Cold


Avoid Soup; as pills/powder: 0.1-0.3g/dose; Topical: qs as

extremely fine powder by puffing to cover pharyngitis, dress ulcers;

for use in eye

(1) Calm LV; Expel Wind; Expel LV Wind; Expel Wind

Anticonvulsion; Calm Shen~Heavy Settler; Build HT; Calm HT;

Calm Fright; (2) Purge LV Heat; Expel Wind; Aid Eyes; Clear

Nebula; (3) Clear Toxin; Granulate ulcers~indolent;

(1) Zhenzhu alone/w other Calm Shen Hbs in epilepsy,

HT~palpitation in fright, acute febrile convulsion~infantile, etc;

Zhenzhu w honey in restlessness; panic; (2) Zhenzhu oral/topical

(eye drops) w other Aid Eyes Hbs in conjunctivitis, pterygium,

nebula; Astringe eye~pain; (3) Zhenzhu w Quicken Xue or

Vulnerary Hbs in unhealing ulcers

Avoid unless Fire Shi/Heat Stasis are present


Zhenzhumu; (See: Zhenzhu);

Mother-Of-Pearl, Nacre

Margaritiferae/Hyriopsis/Pinctadae Martensii/Cumingii Concha Usta

Calm LV Yang

Sweet; Salty; Cold


As Soup: 15-30g (crushed; decocted first); Powder: 2-3g tid;

Topical: qs

(1) Calm LV; Calm Yang; Calm LV Yang; Aid Yin; Expel Wind;

Expel LV Wind; Anticonvulsion (2) Aid Yin; Clear LV Fire; Aid

Eyes/Sight; Clear Nebula/cataract; (3) Rectify ST~acid secretion;

ST~Antacid; Ease Pain; Haemostat; (4) Build HT; Calm HT; Calm

Fright; Calm Shen~Heavy Settler; Diuretic; (5) Deprive Damp;

Astringe; Heal Wounds; (6) Also: Reduce SI-LI tone;

(1) Zhenzhumu in Yin Xu w Yang Shi/LV Yang Shi w vertigo,

headache, tinnitus, irritability; (2) Zhenzhumu as Topical eye

ointment in LV Xu w LV Fire/LV Heat w conjunctivitis,

blindness~night, eyesight~blurred, Nebula/cataract,

keratoleukoma/ Zhenzhumu oral w Baishao, Nuzhenzi,

Mimenghua, etc in LV Xu; Zhenzhumu w Mimenghua, Chantui, etc

in nebula; Zhenzhumu w Huanglian & Luganshi in conjunctivitis,

blepharitis, photophobia, lacrimation, nebula & pterygium; (3)

Zhenzhumu Zhenzhumu + another shell (Muli, Shijueming,

Haigeke, Duanwalengzi), Haipiaoxiao, Laifuzi, Tanxiang, Wuzhuyu,

Xiangfu in ST~peptic ulcer w ST~pain/ache, ST~bleeding,

hyperchlorhydria, acid reflux, (4) Zhenzhumu w other Build HT &

Calm Shen Hbs + Build Yin Hbs in Yin Xu w LV Yang Shi, Shen

Disturbed, Fright; HT~palpitation, insomnia, memory~loss;

dementia, neurasthenia, mental retardation, oligophrenia~infantile;

Zhenzhumu w Huanglian, Zibeichi & Lingyangjiao in HT Disturbed &

Shen Disturbed w HT~Palpitation, irritability, insomnia,

sleep~dream-disturbed; fever~high w convulsion~infantile; (5)

Zhenzhumu as Topical in Wind/Damp/Damp Heat w skin lesions,

eczema, prurigo~exudative; Wounds; Zhenzhumu w ?? in

LV~hepatitis infectious; (6) Also: SI-LI~hypertonia;


Zibeichi; Zibei ?? (??)

Arabic Cowrie Shell

Mauritiae Arabicae Concha, Cypraeae Concha

Calm LV Yang

Salty; neutral


10-15g/d; Cook before other herbs

(1) Calm HT; Calm Shen; (2) Calm LV; Calm LV Yang; Clear LV

Heat; Calm Wind; Brighten Eyes;

(1) Zibeichi w Huanglian, Zhenzhumu & Lingyangjiao in HT

Disturbed & Shen Disturbed w HT~Palpitation, irritability, insomnia,

sleep~dream-disturbed; fever~high w convulsion~infantile; (2)

Zibeichi w Juhua, Sangye & Gouteng in LV Channel Wind & Heat w

eyes~red, swelling & pain/eyesight poor/obstructed; LV Yang Shi

w vertigo & headache;


Best regards,


Email: <


WORK : Teagasc Research Management, Sandymount Ave., Dublin 4, Ireland

Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm



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On Jan 28, 2004, at 10:56 AM, wrote:


> So, my question in response to this information below, is what can we

> use to substitute for the wonderful properties of these shells,

> particularly the turtles?


Perhaps our suppliers can favor those turtles that are farmed? This

could end up looking like the trend nowadays in the states toward

" free-range " and " hormone free " livestock. We, the consumers make

choices that affect the suppliers, etc...




Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

-Adlai Stevenson

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Hi All, & Hi Andrea Beth,


I am cross-posting this to CHA and VBMA. I ask colleagues who

have really effective substitutes for ANIMAL ingredients to contact

me offlist. I will coordinate the replies and compile them into a file

of " substitutes for animal sources of herbal remedies " , which I will

make available to the lists later.


Andrea Beth wrote:

> I saw a show on TV last week, which explored the declining

> populations of native species in Cambodia for use in traditional

> medicines. It was very disheartening to see the direct connection

> between local population decline there for certain species of

> snakes and turtles, and the substances derived from them that I

> use in treating my patients. While these species are not in

> danger of worldwide extinction, their numbers are dwindling in

> particular areas of their range of distribution. This is how

> extinction begins. My first college degree was in environmental

> science... so I really get it that our actions have worldwide

> implications. So, my question in response to this information

> below, is what can we use to substitute for the wonderful

> properties of these shells, particularly the turtles? Andrea Beth

> Damsky, L.Ac.


Andrea Beth, your question can be widened to go far beyond

snakes and turtles.


A sister-list [VBMA - Vet Med Botanical Assoc] has a similar

thread - what can we do to avoid the use of ANIMAL sources of

herbal remedies, and not just the endangered species?


Substitutes can be found for some animal products. However,

others have such unique and clinically useful properties that it may

not be possible to find equally potent substitutes for them.


For example, what herbs would substitute effectively for Quanxie-

Scorpion, Wugong-Centipede, Lurong-Deerhorn, Wushe-Zaocys,



Attilio posted a wider question earlier about the impossibility of

meeting international demand for herbal ingredients if we must rely

on wild (naturally grown) stocks. Demand is so huge now that most

herbs on sale are cultivated on specialist herb-growing farms. One

might ask if such herbs are as potent (or have even the same basic

actions) as their wild cousins?


I have no answers to these questions but I accept that herb-farming

(artificial cultivation) is the only possible answer in the short-term.

As to substitutes for animal ingredients, I await your suggestions





Best regards,


Email: <


WORK : Teagasc Research Management, Sandymount Ave., Dublin 4, Ireland

Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm

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Andrea Beth and Phil,

I've also struggled with these issues for some time. I think these

issues are now understood more widely in our profession, especially in

the West, and I hope that we will come up with some answers to these

problems. My own solution is to use plant medicines as much as

possible, avoid endangered species as much as possible, and to seek for

substitutes that may be used now or in the future.


With the turtle issue, apparently turtles have almost disappeared

from their natural habitat in a preserve in Yunnan Province, China.

However, most of the turtles are being poached for their meat as a

health food, not for their shells for herbal medicine.



On Jan 28, 2004, at 1:42 PM, wrote:


> I am cross-posting this to CHA and VBMA. I ask colleagues who

> have really effective substitutes for ANIMAL ingredients to contact

> me offlist. I will coordinate the replies and compile them into a file

> of " substitutes for animal sources of herbal remedies " , which I will

> make available to the lists later.


> Andrea Beth wrote:

>> I saw a show on TV last week, which explored the declining

>> populations of native species in Cambodia for use in traditional

>> medicines. It was very disheartening to see the direct connection

>> between local population decline there for certain species of

>> snakes and turtles, and the substances derived from them that I

>> use in treating my patients. While these species are not in

>> danger of worldwide extinction, their numbers are dwindling in

>> particular areas of their range of distribution. This is how

>> extinction begins. My first college degree was in environmental

>> science... so I really get it that our actions have worldwide

>> implications. So, my question in response to this information

>> below, is what can we use to substitute for the wonderful

>> properties of these shells, particularly the turtles? Andrea Beth

>> Damsky, L.Ac.

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Hi All, & Hi Andrea Beth,


I am cross-posting this to CHA and VBMA. I ask colleagues who

have really effective substitutes for ANIMAL ingredients to contact

me offlist. I will coordinate the replies and compile them into a file

of " substitutes for animal sources of herbal remedies " , which I will

make available to the lists later.


Andrea Beth wrote:

> I saw a show on TV last week, which explored the declining

> populations of native species in Cambodia for use in traditional

> medicines. It was very disheartening to see the direct connection

> between local population decline there for certain species of

> snakes and turtles, and the substances derived from them that I

> use in treating my patients. While these species are not in

> danger of worldwide extinction, their numbers are dwindling in

> particular areas of their range of distribution. This is how

> extinction begins. My first college degree was in environmental

> science... so I really get it that our actions have worldwide

> implications. So, my question in response to this information

> below, is what can we use to substitute for the wonderful

> properties of these shells, particularly the turtles? Andrea Beth

> Damsky, L.Ac.


Andrea Beth, your question can be widened to go far beyond

snakes and turtles.


A sister-list [VBMA - Vet Med Botanical Assoc] has a similar

thread - what can we do to avoid the use of ANIMAL sources of

herbal remedies, and not just the endangered species?


Substitutes can be found for some animal products. However,

others have such unique and clinically useful properties that it may

not be possible to find equally potent substitutes for them.


For example, what herbs would substitute effectively for Quanxie-

Scorpion, Wugong-Centipede, Lurong-Deerhorn, Wushe-Zaocys,



Attilio posted a wider question earlier about the impossibility of

meeting international demand for herbal ingredients if we must rely

on wild (naturally grown) stocks. Demand is so huge now that most

herbs on sale are cultivated on specialist herb-growing farms. One

might ask if such herbs are as potent (or have even the same basic

actions) as their wild cousins?


I have no answers to these questions but I accept that herb-farming

(artificial cultivation) is the only possible answer in the short-term.

As to substitutes for animal ingredients, I await your suggestions





Best regards,


Email: <


WORK : Teagasc Research Management, Sandymount Ave., Dublin 4, Ireland

Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm

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This is a laudable exercise. Thank you Phil.


I wonder if the same can be done for other endangered species, and for

products that cause unnecessary suffering (for example farming and

extraction of bear gall) ? That I would like to hear about.










28 January 2004 21:42

Chinese Medicine

Cc: ; vBMA

Re: Notes on properties of Shells in TCM


Hi All, & Hi Andrea Beth,


I am cross-posting this to CHA and VBMA. I ask colleagues who

have really effective substitutes for ANIMAL ingredients to contact

me offlist. I will coordinate the replies and compile them into a file

of " substitutes for animal sources of herbal remedies " , which I will

make available to the lists later.


Andrea Beth wrote:

> I saw a show on TV last week, which explored the declining

> populations of native species in Cambodia for use in traditional

> medicines. It was very disheartening to see the direct connection

> between local population decline there for certain species of

> snakes and turtles, and the substances derived from them that I

> use in treating my patients. While these species are not in

> danger of worldwide extinction, their numbers are dwindling in

> particular areas of their range of distribution. This is how

> extinction begins. My first college degree was in environmental

> science... so I really get it that our actions have worldwide

> implications. So, my question in response to this information

> below, is what can we use to substitute for the wonderful

> properties of these shells, particularly the turtles? Andrea Beth

> Damsky, L.Ac.


Andrea Beth, your question can be widened to go far beyond

snakes and turtles.


A sister-list [VBMA - Vet Med Botanical Assoc] has a similar

thread - what can we do to avoid the use of ANIMAL sources of

herbal remedies, and not just the endangered species?


Substitutes can be found for some animal products. However,

others have such unique and clinically useful properties that it may

not be possible to find equally potent substitutes for them.


For example, what herbs would substitute effectively for Quanxie-

Scorpion, Wugong-Centipede, Lurong-Deerhorn, Wushe-Zaocys,



Attilio posted a wider question earlier about the impossibility of

meeting international demand for herbal ingredients if we must rely

on wild (naturally grown) stocks. Demand is so huge now that most

herbs on sale are cultivated on specialist herb-growing farms. One

might ask if such herbs are as potent (or have even the same basic

actions) as their wild cousins?


I have no answers to these questions but I accept that herb-farming

(artificial cultivation) is the only possible answer in the short-term.

As to substitutes for animal ingredients, I await your suggestions





Best regards,


Email: <


WORK : Teagasc Research Management, Sandymount Ave., Dublin 4, Ireland

Mobile: 353-; [in the Republic: 0]


HOME : 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Tel : 353-; [in the Republic: 0]

WWW : http://homepage.eircom.net/~progers/searchap.htm


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