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OT: Security ** Was: Planes

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True, very true!


Chris (list mom)





" Butch Owen " <butchbsi


Saturday, September 22, 2001 7:38 PM

OT: Security ** Was: Planes



> Yo Chris,


> > Oh .. and I feel SO much safer now that airplane meals are served with

> > plastic butter knives ;(


> You should .. it eliminates a tool that can be used as a deadly weapon.

> I have responded to MANY domestic disturbances where a family member

> hurt another family member at the dinner table - with a dull knife or

> fork.


> > Let's hear some REAL security measures folks! I could kill you with my

> > Laptop if I beat you over the head with it as easily if not easier than

> > with a butter knife ;(


> You must balance security against the threat and against the will of the

> population being protected. When security measures get too tight, we

> will see an increase in disorderly conduct and assaults against those

> who are taking away the " freedoms " of those being protected.


> To have perfect security, we must inconvenience the citizens ..

> Americans have become spoiled and often see such means as restrictions

> .. it's gonna be a rough road to protect Americans against themselves ..

> :-9


> People don't like change - they might go along with it for awhile as the

> bitter taste of terrorism is still in their mouths .. but eventually,

> they will begin to pee and moan. They pee and moan now when a bad guy

> gets by the system .. what they don't know is that that 99.99% of the

> incidents that would have occured didn't because the human intelligence

> systems were

> funtioning as they should and the bad guys were headed off at the pass.


> Wanna know why folks don't hear about all this? There are many reasons

> but two of the most important ones are (1) It would compromise the

> network intel agencies use to announce curtailing of an act before it

> went down - it is likely that a mole was " made " as a result and that

> mole is no longer of use to the system .. but they still gotta protect

> his butt. (2) Most Americans would not approve of the way the bad guys

> were headed off at the pass .. they would go into all that " love thy

> neighbor " and " vengence is mine " crap .. they would say we were

> barbarians. The fact that hundreds of lives were saved means Jack

> Schidt to those who think that way. ;-{


> Y'all keep smiling, Butch http://www.AV-AT.com


> > Chris (list mom)

> >

> > http://www.alittleolfactory.com

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Yo Chris,


> Oh .. and I feel SO much safer now that airplane meals are served with

> plastic butter knives ;(


You should .. it eliminates a tool that can be used as a deadly weapon.

I have responded to MANY domestic disturbances where a family member

hurt another family member at the dinner table - with a dull knife or



> Let's hear some REAL security measures folks! I could kill you with my

> Laptop if I beat you over the head with it as easily if not easier than

> with a butter knife ;(


You must balance security against the threat and against the will of the

population being protected. When security measures get too tight, we

will see an increase in disorderly conduct and assaults against those

who are taking away the " freedoms " of those being protected.


To have perfect security, we must inconvenience the citizens ..

Americans have become spoiled and often see such means as restrictions

... it's gonna be a rough road to protect Americans against themselves ..



People don't like change - they might go along with it for awhile as the

bitter taste of terrorism is still in their mouths .. but eventually,

they will begin to pee and moan. They pee and moan now when a bad guy

gets by the system .. what they don't know is that that 99.99% of the

incidents that would have occured didn't because the human intelligence

systems were

funtioning as they should and the bad guys were headed off at the pass.


Wanna know why folks don't hear about all this? There are many reasons

but two of the most important ones are (1) It would compromise the

network intel agencies use to announce curtailing of an act before it

went down - it is likely that a mole was " made " as a result and that

mole is no longer of use to the system .. but they still gotta protect

his butt. (2) Most Americans would not approve of the way the bad guys

were headed off at the pass .. they would go into all that " love thy

neighbor " and " vengence is mine " crap .. they would say we were

barbarians. The fact that hundreds of lives were saved means Jack

Schidt to those who think that way. ;-{


Y'all keep smiling, Butch http://www.AV-AT.com


> Chris (list mom)


> http://www.alittleolfactory.com


> -

> " Chris Ziegler " <chrisziggy1


> Friday, September 21, 2001 6:58 PM

> Planes & Bellies (Was Re: Race For The Cure)


> > I really do like the idea of Sky Martials on the planes, just as I always

> > welcomed riding in a NYC subway car with a Cop! No matter how lame the

> > airports' security is the Sky Martials make me more comfy. Only a suicidal

> > fool hijacks a plane with armed sky Martials on it .... wait a sec,

> scratch

> > that, since we are dealing with suicidal fools ;( ....

> >

> > AND I must ask .. how many sheets of toilet paper around are you ;) .... I

> > was 11 & 1/2 at my " peak belly size " Yes I was a BIG mama .. gained over 60

> > lbs. (all in my chest and belly, looked like Humpty Dumpty I did! ;) and

> > I've lost over 70 lbs. since baby came out !!!!!

> >

> > *Hugs*

> > Chris (List mom)



> My Pictures of Aromatic Plants and Exotic Places In Turkey

> http://members.home.net/chrisziggy1/triptoturkey.html



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