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Not AT:Only Loaned.. from a friend of mine..

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Got this from a good friend and since he said it was ok to share

this..............with anyone I wished to; I thought I'd share it with all of

you.........:-) I have his first book (autographed) and am waiting for the

second and third, which he's working on...he's a good guy...







I wrote this some time ago, and recently it has been requested again by

many of you in light of all the recent events. You are welcome to share

it where you think it might do some good, or help bring some peace.



Only Loaned

copyright Lastmanout


Today, in a thousand places, for a thousand reasons, an earthly life ended

Now all the same, young and old, weak and strong, the rich and the poor

Whatever they were, whatever they treasured is gone with their last breath.

Leaving behind all those who would mourn now for the loss of their being

Their allotted time here with us, to be, to give, to seek, to laugh now


To some an end to a long life, while others leave us in the midst of


We know not why they must go, we only know hearts do so grieve for loss


Tears fall, anger rages, questions lay forever unanswered, yet some smile.

For they are the ones who may not understand but they know there is a plan

Beginning before even born, their soul is only just loaned to us for a time

God smiles, saying to us, here is one of my precious souls for just a while

To learn from you, and to teach you, for you both to laugh, and both to cry.

Some to walk hand in hand with you, while others must walk in their silence


Each soul imprinted with a purpose all its own that others may never know

And a personality evident at birth becomes subtly altered or enforced by us

The souls given free will to find the hidden purpose, the special meaning of


A contribution needing to be made for which this spirit was loaned to the


Some bring joy and love, others build and plan, some only tear and destroy

But to those who love them, all are mourned equally, here on earth and above


And yet, would you be sad if your friend, your child, your parent, your love

Said to you, I must go now, but know I am going to where there is never a


Where there is no sadness, no crime, no hunger, only joy, laughter and peace

Pain is not theirs, and if you could watch those who leave you would see


It matters not what we see.. Be it a quiet death of old age or a violent


Angels unseen are there, holding their hands escorting them into the light

of love


Never be sad for they are not sad. Remember not the bad times of their life

or the circumstance of their leaving but only the joy, the learning and the


All they were to you they still are. They live forever in the memories of

the heart

Think of all the good times you were given, shared, while they were loaned

to you

Like picking up a phone and calling them across town or across the country

You can still talk to them, and they can hear you. If you listen with your


They will find they can still answer you with the messages still in your



Each of us is only loaned to this place for a little while before we go home


Taking new insights into our souls and hopefully leaving the world a better


Do not cry for others when they have gone for they still smile on us with


And wait patiently for us in that wonderful light until we hold them once







copyright 1-10-1999 Lastmanout@<A HREF= " http://www.soulcries.com " >


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