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At WTC Ground Zero

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My mother, who has been involved in the construction industry in New

York City for over 2 decades, is visiting NYC at the moment. She and her

boyfriend received the special authorization to go into WTC Ground Zero

yesterday (yes into the whole disaster/recovery/cleanup site, right

there where they collapsed!) Both of them told me how it is impossible

to grasp the magnitude of this from T.V., or even from a few blocks

away. They told me how being right there was more than words can

describe. How every time a crane picks up debris, black smoke comes

billowing out of the ground, how shards of Trade Towers sliced through

surrounding buildings, not to mention their blown out windows, destroyed

facades, caved in roofs, etc. Words cannot describe just how MUCH

devastation there still is, all around the whole area, even after all

the work that has already been done. My mom's friend, who has been on

site since day one, told them of the unimaginable horror of the first

week (and after that even), spending days finding only parts of

airplanes and people! The overwhelming stench of death has finally begun

to dissipate and change to a scent of burning plastics and metal. They

were both completely heart broken! Their souls are enraged! And both of

them are feeling now, more so than ever, that the folks who believe US

Policies brought this upon ourselves, or that simply negotiation with

disgruntled folks is what is called for .. they should go there, stand

in the middle of that and try to say those words (and hopefully get hit

with a lightning bolt of reality if they do!)



Chris (list mom)


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*hugs* to your mother & friend, Chris.

I think that those of us who are far away need these occasional reminders of how

real this still is, & how heartbreaking.

I was stunned the other day when I saw how much the area is still smoking - it's

easy to think it's a past event when we don't see it on the news each night



Jane :-))


Christine Ziegler wrote:


> My mother, who has been involved in the construction industry in New

> York City for over 2 decades, is visiting NYC at the moment. She and her

> boyfriend received the special authorization to go into WTC Ground Zero

> yesterday (yes into the whole disaster/recovery/cleanup site, right

> there where they collapsed!) Both of them told me how it is impossible

> to grasp the magnitude of this from T.V., or even from a few blocks

> away. They told me how being right there was more than words can

> describe. How every time a crane picks up debris, black smoke comes

> billowing out of the ground, how shards of Trade Towers sliced through

> surrounding buildings, not to mention their blown out windows, destroyed

> facades, caved in roofs, etc. Words cannot describe just how MUCH

> devastation there still is, all around the whole area, even after all

> the work that has already been done. My mom's friend, who has been on

> site since day one, told them of the unimaginable horror of the first

> week (and after that even), spending days finding only parts of

> airplanes and people! The overwhelming stench of death has finally begun

> to dissipate and change to a scent of burning plastics and metal. They

> were both completely heart broken! Their souls are enraged! And both of

> them are feeling now, more so than ever, that the folks who believe US

> Policies brought this upon ourselves, or that simply negotiation with

> disgruntled folks is what is called for .. they should go there, stand

> in the middle of that and try to say those words (and hopefully get hit

> with a lightning bolt of reality if they do!)


> *Hugs*

> Chris (list mom)

> http://www.alittleofactory.com


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Hi Chris,


We have more than one friend that's gone thru what your Mom and her boyfriend

just went through- - and talked to them - one lives about 5 miles from it

all; the other 3 miles; another takes the ferry over from the Island and one

drives a bus. You are right-- there are no words, but tears come thru loud

and clear over the phone as do shock and anger. Personally, and this is

'just' my opinion - I'd love to see the crowds of peace marchers having to do

some time at the clean-up; right there, up close.......and those who burned

our flag, send them as well.

Take them around to the little corner grocery stores a few blocks down and

various other places - that " still " have and have had since 09/11, lists,

ever added to, of those in their " own " neighborhood that are listed among the

missing. Tell them not to take deep breaths since the asbestos and other

things in the air are way over what any of them should be breathing. Then

take them to one of the area hospitals where firefighters, rescue workers and

police are .............having had lung damage or breathing problems from it

all, and let them tell how they'd go back in a minute. Then ask them if

" they'd " like to volunteer to " Negotiate " with people who have absolutely no

regard for life of any kind, theirs or others.. And tell them not to be

afraid, horrified, hurt or shocked. Tell them that maybe next time it'll be

in " their " backyard - cuz who knows, maybe it will.........and tell them

also that when a plane crashes into their neighborhood or a car bomb goes

off, or their local post office is closed for anthrax, that maybe they should

have " just negotiated " . And whether or not our thoughts and policies of

" It'll never happen here " helped to bring it on - who cares? It happened -

these are NOT people to simply talk to, give in to... etc... hell, they

aren't even people! People have hearts and souls; love and pride in our

country. A lightning bolt strike them? Oh, that's far too quick and

easy...........Even here, where we don't have much of a firefighting force at

all-- <we get help from caring folks all over when there's been a big fire

here like the one in '98> ( I wasn't here for it) four of our firefighters

were there helping in the search and rescue - doesn't sound like much, I

know, but when you don't have any to spare, four is a lot.

I know people don't like to hear the word War ........but War was declared on

US when our lives were forever changed on 911.

Our thoughts and prayers to your Mom and her boyfriend.......and to you too,

Chris, that was/is your home.






Christine Ziegler wrote:


> My mother, who has been involved in the construction industry in New

> York City for over 2 decades, is visiting NYC at the moment. She and her

> boyfriend received the special authorization to go into WTC Ground Zero

> yesterday (yes into the whole disaster/recovery/cleanup site, right

> there where they collapsed!) Both of them told me how it is impossible

> to grasp the magnitude of this from T.V., or even from a few blocks

> away. They told me how being right there was more than words can

> describe. How every time a crane picks up debris, black smoke comes

> billowing out of the ground, how shards of Trade Towers sliced through

> surrounding buildings, not to mention their blown out windows, destroyed

> facades, caved in roofs, etc. Words cannot describe just how MUCH

> devastation there still is, all around the whole area, even after all

> the work that has already been done. My mom's friend, who has been on

> site since day one, told them of the unimaginable horror of the first

> week (and after that even), spending days finding only parts of

> airplanes and people! The overwhelming stench of death has finally begun

> to dissipate and change to a scent of burning plastics and metal. They

> were both completely heart broken! Their souls are enraged! And both of

> them are feeling now, more so than ever, that the folks who believe US

> Policies brought this upon ourselves, or that simply negotiation with

> disgruntled folks is what is called for .. they should go there, stand

> in the middle of that and try to say those words (and hopefully get hit

> with a lightning bolt of reality if they do!)


> *Hugs*

> Chris (list mom)

> http://www.alittleofactory.com



> My Pictures of Aromatic Plants and Exotic Places In Turkey

> http://members.home.net/chrisziggy1/triptoturkey.html



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Chris & All..


My heart goes out to your mom and friend. I am a firefighter myself. Even I cannot fathom the magnitude of destruction that is at Ground Zero. I think of the worst case that I have seen and multiply it by a zillion. I imagine that there will be smoke for quite a while. I have seen houses smoke for a week after a fire, so two buildings of that size will take a long time to burn out.


There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of all the lives that were lost and my heart goes out to all of my "brothers & sisters" whose lives were lost or have to sift through the rubble finding more "brothers & sisters" The brotherhood of firefighters is a close family and even though I don't know these brothers & sisters personally, I cry for them. On 9-11 when I saw the first building collapse my first thought was "Oh, Dear God, all of those firefighters that were down there!!!" My kids cried, I cried, my hubby cried.


I get angry everytime I think of this and so I had better go and relax. :0(


LindaRed Barn Enterpriseshttp://www.geocities.com/redbarnenterprisesCandles & Metal Home Decor

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It is very hard to visualize the destruction and the area it covers. I,

too, pray for you, your Mom and boyfriend and all the others that have been

so tragically hit by all this. I can't imagine your feelings, Chris, just

know I and thinking about you and you are all in my daily prayers. As far

as the demonstrators--what goes around comes around. To me it is a bunch of

idiots that should be shipped to the Taliban. Then we could see just how

'peaceful' they would feel.


Blessings and love,






Christine Ziegler <chrisziggy1

Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:24 AM

Re: At WTC Ground Zero



>Thank you Marilyn.


>Chris (list mom)




>Marilyn Nicholson wrote:



>>Our thoughts and prayers to your Mom and her boyfriend.......and to you


>>Chris, that was/is your home.










>My Pictures of Aromatic Plants and Exotic Places In Turkey




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Hi Effie, Chris...


Yep, ship em to the Taliban, with big flourescent bows on so nobody'll miss

seeing them!






Effie Humburg wrote:


> It is very hard to visualize the destruction and the area it covers. I,

> too, pray for you, your Mom and boyfriend and all the others that have been

> so tragically hit by all this. I can't imagine your feelings, Chris, just

> know I and thinking about you and you are all in my daily prayers. As far

> as the demonstrators--what goes around comes around. To me it is a bunch of

> idiots that should be shipped to the Taliban. Then we could see just how

> 'peaceful' they would feel.


> Blessings and love,


> Effie



> Christine Ziegler <chrisziggy1


> Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:24 AM

> Re: At WTC Ground Zero


> >Thank you Marilyn.

> >*Hugs*

> >Chris (list mom)

> >http://www.alittleolfactory.com

> >

> >

> >Marilyn Nicholson wrote:

> >

> >>.......

> >>Our thoughts and prayers to your Mom and her boyfriend.......and to you

> too,

> >>Chris, that was/is your home.

> >>

> >>Hugs,

> >>

> >>Marilyn

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >My Pictures of Aromatic Plants and Exotic Places In Turkey

> >http://members.home.net/chrisziggy1/triptoturkey.html

> >

> >

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