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Fw: jumping/engine trouble/card quest

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On a lighter note. :0)


LindaRed Barn Enterpriseshttp://www.geocities.com/redbarnenterprisesCandles & Metal Home Decor

> Jumping> > As a sergeant in a parachute regiment I took part in> several night­time exercises. Once, I was seated next> to a Lieutenant fresh from Jump School.> > He was quiet and looked a bit pale so I struck up a> conversation. "Scared, Lieutenant?", I asked.> > He replied, "No, just a bit apprehensive."> > I asked, "What's the difference?"> > He replied, "That means I'm scared with a university> education."> > ````````````````> > ENGINE TROUBLE> > Fifteen minutes into flight, the pilot announced:> "Ladies and gentlemen, one of our engines as failed.> There is nothing to worry about. Our flight will> take an hour longer than scheduled, but we still have> three engines left."> > Thirty minutes later the pilot announced: "One more> engine has failed and the flight will take an> additional two hours. But don't worry, we can fly> just fine on two engines."> > An hour later the pilot announced: "One more engine> has failed and our arrival will be delayed another> three hours. But don't worry, we still have one engine> left."> > The blonde in seat 17A turned to the man next to her> and said, "If we lose one more engine, we'll be up> here all day!"> > `````````````> > Greeting Card Quest> > A little boy had been pawing over the stock of> greeting cards at a stationery store.> > After a few minutes the clerk became curious and> asked, "Just what is it you're looking for, sonny?> Birthday greeting? Message to a sick friend?> Anniversary congratulations to your mom and dad?"> > The boy shook his head, "No."> > "Then what kind of card is it that you want?" asked> the clerk.> > The boy answered wistfully, "Got anything in the line> of blank report cards?"> >

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