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Crafts: Thanksgiving Kids' Projects

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Thanksgiving is coming soon :)


Chris (list mom)


Celtic Sea Salt - BIG Sale








Give each child a 9 inch square of Construction paper that has been

divided into nine squares. Let each child glue 3 inch squares of fabric,

wall[paper or colored wrapping paper in to the squares on their papers.

Encourage them to glue their squares in patterns. Tape the children's

papers together to create a group quilt. Then display the quilt on a

wall or a bulletin board.



Give each child a 6 to 8 inch circle cut from poster board and a

cardboard toilet tissue tube. Have the children cover their tubes in

glue and roll in glitter. Help the children glue their glittery tubes

upright in the centers of their poster board circle. Then give them

small pine cones, acorn cups, and other assorted nature items to glue

around the bases of their centerpieces. (Have the children sprinkle

glitter all over their nature items, if desired.) Give the children

dried weeds or flowers to put in their tubes. Use the completed

centerpiece to decorate the snack table or arrange them on the shelves

around the room.



Use brown or white fluted coffee filters to make several necklaces for

each child, To make necklaces, smooth a coffee filter out flat. Make a

cut through the fluted edges then cut out the center. Punch a hole in

each end of the filter and attach 10 inch pieces of yarn for ties. Let

the children decorate their filters with felt tip markers or paint. Then

help them cut fringes along the outer edges of their filters to complete

their necklaces.



Yellow paper cob and green husk. Wad up yellow tissue paper and glue to

cob or glue on popcorn



Trace child's hand and color brown body and colored feathers(fingers)

Write in card: This isn't just a Turkey As anyone can see, I made it

with my hand Which is part of me. It comes with lots of love Especially

to say, I hope that you have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!!



Take a tp tube and cover it with brown construction paper. Trace both

hands on white paper and let child color feathers. Cut out hands. Cut

thumb off. Lay tube horizontally. Glue hands to back of tube. Cut out

peanut shape for head and glue to the front of tube. Use a red piece of

felt to droop down from top of his head. add wiggle eyes.



Take a walk and gather fall leaves. Cut out two circles from grocery bag

about 5 or 6 inches across. On the head glue eyes beak and waddle cut

from construction paper. glue the leaves to the outer edges of one of

the circle with most of the leaf sticking out over the edge ...glue the

other circle on top . add two legs from construction paper.



Grocery bag...cut a circle in the bottom of bag. Turn inside out and cut

fringes on the bottom and write the Indian name of the child on the back

of vest.



cut egg cartons into 4 rows of 3 cups. Glue 2 sections together, back to

back, to form totem pole. Decorate with colored macaroni , foam shapes

or whatever you desire.



Take one red Chenille bump & shape into an " S " . Glue this to the rounded

end of a pine cone with the bump protruding somewhat above the cone for

the head of the turkey. Take one orange bump & shape into a " V " . Glue

this under the bottom of the round part of the cone for the legs & feet.

Take 5-7 other bumps & carefully bend them so the narrow ends can be

twisted together leaving the puffy end somewhat rounded. Glue as many of

these as nicely fits close to the flattened stemmed end of the pine cone

remembering to use glue on the twisted end of the wire.



Give each child a Russet potato & a precut turkey head with 2 tabs at

the bottom of the neck. Using 2 halves of toothpicks, secure tabs to

potato. Using another toothpick pock holes in the side of the potato &

place a real feather in each hole. Use 4 toothpicks as legs. A variation

of the Potato Turkey is the APPLE TURKEY. Use the apple for the turkey

body, precut turkey head, and those frilly cocktail toothpicks for

feathers. Take a wire coat hanger and bend into an oval with the hook at

the top. Stretch a leg of brown, tan panty hose over hanger, tie at the

top. Children cut out and glue on six feathers, three each side. Two

eyes, pupils, triangle orange nose, red gobbler, and two orange feet. We

hang ours from the ceiling - they are adorable.



Cut out an orange or yellow circle to fit a paper plate, and have child

glue to center. Then have them crumple up and glue colored tissue paper

(fall colors) to the outside of the wreath. Cut out a bow shape and

either glue a small picture of the child in the center of the bow, or

have the child write his/her name on the bow. Glue the bow to the

outside of the plate. Discuss thankfulness, and ask the child what they

are thankful for. Then write that in the center of the plate i.e. " I am

thankful for my parents. " . Then attach a ribbon or string on the back to

hang the wreath.



For each turkey, you will need 2 pieces of orange nylon net, about 10 "

square each;

1/2 of a brown pipe cleaner;

1 section of red chenille bump;

2 tiny wiggle eyes;

a piece of strong thread or thin string;

about 1/2 to 1 cup plain M & Ms,

a dab of glue.


Put the 2 pieces of net together, with the corners of one along the

sides of the other, making 8 points. pour M & Ms in center, gather up the

points, twist and tie securely. Coil the brown pipe cleaner, leaving

about 2 " ; curve the 2 " to form the neck. Tuck the red bump into the

bottom of the coil to form the wattle. Glue a tiny eye on each side of

the head. Shape the body - the M & Ms - so that the ends of the net become

the tail and stick out the back. Insert the neck thru the net in the front.



For a simpler craft, print out copies of a turkey outline. They can add

feathers in several ways: thumbprints in water colors, glue real

feathers on it, cut out feather shapes from colored construction paper

and glue on, glue on crumbled fall leaves, even just color it.



Materials: Several different colored construction paper, brown

construction paper, white background paper. Cut several hand prints of

the children on the different colored paper. Cut one foot print per

child on the brown paper. The hand print is the feathers of the Turkey

and the footprint is the body/face. Then use your imagination for the rest.



Materials: Orange and green construction paper, popcorn, glue and

scissors Cut corn shape from orange paper and stem form from the green

paper. Let the children glue the corn all over the orange section.



Cut cardboard tubes (from paper towels) into 1 inch wide sections. Cut

brown felt into 1 inch wide strips. Glue felt pieces on inside and

outside of the 1 inch cardboard pieces. Let the glue dry. Dab the back

of each kernel of Indian corn with glue. Place the corn kernels on the

ring, lining them in rows. Mix up the colors for a more interesting design.



Cut out a name card on white card stock. The sides should be angled like

\ and / with the top arching. Glue corn around the top and sides of the

card. You can glue some ric-a-rack on the back side to stick up above

the top of the card. Add the name of the person on the front of the

card. Tuck the card into two pine cones as the holders.



Materials: Picture of a turkey with backside feathers visible, tag board

to glue picture on ahead of time, unpopped popcorn, rubbing alcohol,

food coloring, crayons or markers. Color the popcorn by mixing it with

rubbing alcohol and food color....let dry in an open container. Have the

kids color the turkey then glue the colored popcorn on to make his feathers.



Have the children cut about a 5 " circle from brown construction paper.

We provide the children with a precut profile of a turkey head and neck.

(You could also use a rectangle for the neck and a small circle for the

head.) They glue the base of it to the center of the circle at about a

45 degree angle. This is glued to a large sheet of drawing paper. They

then draw the waddle, beak, eyes and feet. The children are provided

with a wide variety of feathers cut from old wallpaper. (The stores will

often give you outdated wallpaper books.) We then encourage the children

add details to their picture like grass, bugs to eat or whatever they like.



Materials : Magazine pictures of home and family


colored construction paper




Procedure: 1. Discuss the idea of being thankful like saying thank

you,being glad to have something or somebody! 2. Place the pictures of

home and family objects,incl. Familymembers.Pets,food,houses,and beds on

a table.Let the children select their choice of pictures. 3. Help them

cut around the pictures and paste it onto construction paper. Print on

the page " I am thankful for.... " 4. Assemble all the pages together for

a Thankful book.:-) Ways to extend: Use any leftover pictures to make a

mural. Listen to Hap Palmer's " Things I am thankful for " .

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