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WAY OT: X-Mas Gift To Me!

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I am SOOO excited .. I sold some electronics equipment that I own and

a piece of furniture and I am going to (of course being an electronics

junkie) not pay bills with it, but buy some new electronics with it

*LOL* I deserve a Christmas gift to me for working hard (and selling

another techie toy I loved) so I'm getting a Surround Sound System! It

includes a Denon 6.1 Dolby Digital/Pro Logic II 7 channel (110 watts per

channel) receiver and Infinity Interlude speakers - a pair of

floorstanding front channel speakers, a front and rear center channel,

and I MAY get the powered subwoofer, but I also may hold off on that one

for now (I already have a pair of NHT rear channel bookshelf speakers to

complete the set).


Gosh those 42 " wide 3 " deep plasma screen TV's are nice .. aren't they?

(Only $7999 for the Sony *LOL*) I am definitely holding off on that for

now! ;) - my old 32 " Sony console will suffice for the moment ... but

next Christmas I may shoot for getting myself a 16:9 Widescreen 40

something inch tube HDTV console :-D



Chris (the Pavlovian List Mom after going to three electronics stores to

compare tonight! *giggle*)



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ROTFLOL! Greetings fellow techie geek ;)! Congrats on the sound system,

you'll love it! We inherited a Bose surround system and we have 2

subwoofers on it. You'll also love the HDTV when you get one. My brother

bought an RCA HDTV (tube) and wow! Good thing we're sharing a house, so

we'll get to use it too ;) We're going to christen the TV with a Monty

Python Film Fest on New Years


Happy Holidays to you!


Now what should I buy for myself. I am pretty sure DH won't get out

shopping this year......




Chris Ziegler <chrisziggy1


Tue, 18 Dec 2001 20:34:11 -0700


WAY OT: X-Mas Gift To Me!



I am SOOO excited .. I sold some electronics equipment that I own and

a piece of furniture and I am going to (of course being an electronics

junkie) not pay bills with it, but buy some new electronics with it

*LOL* I deserve a Christmas gift to me for working hard (and selling

another techie toy I loved) so I'm getting a Surround Sound System! It

includes a Denon 6.1 Dolby Digital/Pro Logic II 7 channel (110 watts per

channel) receiver and Infinity Interlude speakers - a pair of

floorstanding front channel speakers, a front and rear center channel,

and I MAY get the powered subwoofer, but I also may hold off on that one

for now (I already have a pair of NHT rear channel bookshelf speakers to

complete the set).


Gosh those 42 " wide 3 " deep plasma screen TV's are nice .. aren't they?

(Only $7999 for the Sony *LOL*) I am definitely holding off on that for

now! ;) - my old 32 " Sony console will suffice for the moment ... but

next Christmas I may shoot for getting myself a 16:9 Widescreen 40

something inch tube HDTV console :-D



Chris (the Pavlovian List Mom after going to three electronics stores to

compare tonight! *giggle*)





My Pictures of Aromatic Plants and Exotic Places In Turkey




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Oh gosh,

The agonizing choice was between that 38 " RCA Widescreen tube .. and

then I saw a 40 " Sony Widescreen Tube that blew that RCA one away for

$400 more(and then the stand is $500!) ... and then I realized that even

if I got one of those TV's .. since my XH took the surround sound system

I'd be REALLY disapointed at the veiwing experience with one of those

TV's without the surround sound! AND I also reasoned that I already have

a big TV .. but I have no sound system, so might as well get a sound

system, rather than another TV ...



Chris (list mom)




Michele at Home wrote:


> ROTFLOL! Greetings fellow techie geek ;)! Congrats on the sound system,

> you'll love it! We inherited a Bose surround system and we have 2

> subwoofers on it. You'll also love the HDTV when you get one. My brother

> bought an RCA HDTV (tube) and wow! Good thing we're sharing a house, so

> we'll get to use it too ;) We're going to christen the TV with a Monty

> Python Film Fest on New Years


> Happy Holidays to you!


> Now what should I buy for myself. I am pretty sure DH won't get out

> shopping this year......

> --


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Well, the reason we got the RCA was that it was the only one that would fit

in the built-in TV cabinet in the house! Curses on XH for taking the

surround system! You'll love yours, we had it on the 36 " Mitsubishi until

the TV died (that's why we had to get a new one LOL!) and it really was

amazing! Make sure you christen it with a great action flick!




Chris Ziegler <chrisziggy1


Tue, 18 Dec 2001 20:44:04 -0700


Re: WAY OT: X-Mas Gift To Me!



Oh gosh,

The agonizing choice was between that 38 " RCA Widescreen tube .. and

then I saw a 40 " Sony Widescreen Tube that blew that RCA one away for

$400 more(and then the stand is $500!) ... and then I realized that even

if I got one of those TV's .. since my XH took the surround sound system

I'd be REALLY disapointed at the veiwing experience with one of those

TV's without the surround sound! AND I also reasoned that I already have

a big TV .. but I have no sound system, so might as well get a sound

system, rather than another TV ...



Chris (list mom)




Michele at Home wrote:


> ROTFLOL! Greetings fellow techie geek ;)! Congrats on the sound system,

> you'll love it! We inherited a Bose surround system and we have 2

> subwoofers on it. You'll also love the HDTV when you get one. My brother

> bought an RCA HDTV (tube) and wow! Good thing we're sharing a house, so

> we'll get to use it too ;) We're going to christen the TV with a Monty

> Python Film Fest on New Years


> Happy Holidays to you!


> Now what should I buy for myself. I am pretty sure DH won't get out

> shopping this year......

> --






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> Well, the reason we got the RCA was that it was the only one that

> would fit

> in the built-in TV cabinet in the house!



Aww poor babies *LOL* :-P


> Curses on XH for taking the

> surround system!


Oh I know .. considering many parts of it were gifts from MY family (not

his), but anyway .. :: walking away whistling a happy tune :: :-)


> You'll love yours,


Oh I know ... it is actually is better than my old one which was a Dolby

Digital 5.1 - 5 channel Onkyo receiver with NHT and JBL speakers :-D


> we had it on the 36 " Mitsubishi until

> the TV died (that's why we had to get a new one LOL!) and it really was

> amazing! Make sure you christen it with a great action flick!


Actually I bet it'll get christened with either " A Bug's Life " , one of

the " Toy Story " flicks, " Buzz Lightyear " or " THe Emperor's New Groove "

*LOL* No way I'm gonna get the first film in ;-)


Just kidding .. I'll actually set it up tomorrow night when Sean is with

his Dad and I can get a film in first :-D



Chris (list mom - getting back to work now ;) )




> --


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