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" dippitydodahff " <MRSCM4871

Wed, 20 Apr 2005 10:57:19 -0000







Sunday, April 17, 2005

An outspoken doctor calls the pharmaceutical industry a national

fraud that promotes disease and prevents prevention

As pharmaceutical companies continue their march toward profitability

and domination over our " modern " health care system, more and more

doctors are speaking out against them. One of the most interesting

and outspoken doctors is Dr. Rath. Dr. Rath, who is based outside the

United States, has started the Dr. Rath Foundation, and has made it

his mission to fight the ongoing dominance and influence of the

pharmaceutical industry. He points out some very important and

educational facts about Big Pharma that all Americans would do well

to learn.

One of the first fundamental philosophies of Dr. Rath's foundation is

that patients must have a bill of rights that allows them to sue drug

makers for the devastating side effects of synthetic drugs. This is

something that most patients would agree with, but in the United

States the Bush administration has been working hard to make sure

that drug companies are immune to lawsuits by patients. Part of the

reason for this may be due to a second fact that is pointed by Dr.

Rath, which is that many of the policy makers in the Bush

administration are former top executives in pharmaceutical companies.

For example, our Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, is what Dr.

Rath calls, " A highly decorated drug maker executive. "


Dr. Rath also points out that 5 of the 10 key legislative initiatives

promoted by the Bush administration from 2000 to 2004 were actually

multi-billion dollar government subsidy programs designed to generate

profits for the pharmaceutical companies. The most notable

legislative initiative that falls into that category would be the so-

called Medicare drug discount card, which actually isn't a discount

at all, and is more of a system that tricks elderly consumers who are

dependent on prescription drugs into buying from monopoly-controlled

U.S. drug outlets.


Some of the other things that Dr. Rath points out, and quite rightly

so in my opinion, is that the pharmaceutical industry has donated far

more heavily to the Republicans in the recent presidential election

campaign than to Democrats. In fact, the Bush administration could

quite accurately be described as bankrolled by pharmaceutical

companies. In response, the Bush administration has pursued these

legislative initiatives that favor drug companies and that continue

to pour profits back into the monopoly system operated by Big Pharma

and the FDA.


It's hard to imagine how we can have any sort of serious

pharmaceutical reform in this environment if the people running the

country are getting financially supported by pharmaceutical

companies. With the present situation, it's almost impossible to

create any sort of meaningful reform that would scale back the

dangerous dominance of the pharmaceutical industry.


Let's move on to some of the other fundamentals of Dr. Rath's

philosophy on pharmaceuticals. He rightly points out that prevention

and eradication of diseases will never be in the interests of the

drug industry. Why? Because the only way to make money in the drug

industry is to get a return on investment, and that can only happen

by expanding the number of customers who are purchasing drugs. And

that, in turn, is accomplished by expanding the number of diseases

and disease names as well as avoiding any investment in prevention

that would reduce the number of long-term customers.


In other words, as Dr. Rath explains, the pharmaceutical industry

promises health and promises cures, and yet what it delivers is a

lifetime of continued disease and dependence on profit-building

pharmaceuticals. Dr. Rath also explains that the damage caused to the

American people and the national economy caused by Big Pharma far

surpasses the damage ever caused by the tobacco industry. Millions of

people are having their health compromised and their lives

prematurely terminated by what he calls a " deliberate withholding of

life-saving health information from the public. "


That's because life-saving health information isn't patentable, and

it certainly isn't profitable for pharmaceutical companies. There's

really no reason for them to educate people on how to ward off

disease and be healthy for their entire lives, because for each

person that learns how to take care of their own health and discovers

the simple solutions to avoiding all chronic disease, the

pharmaceutical industry loses a customer, and that hits them in the

pocketbook. It reduces their return on investment, and it makes their

investors unhappy.


I strongly agree with the fundamental philosophy being offered by Dr.

Rath, and encourage you to read more about his foundation and his

work. He is outspoken, he is medically trained, he has the freedom to

say what he believes about medicine because he lives outside the

United States and can't have his medical license suspended by corrupt

U.S. authorities. If more people in the United States were to speak

up in the same way, perhaps we could actually make some meaningful

change in our modern medical system.


Click here to visit Dr. Rath's website.


What we need to do, of course, is invest in prevention, and actually

teach people how to be healthy and well. And as you know from reading

other articles on this site, being healthy and preventing disease

really isn't very complicated. Things only get complicated if you

already have a disease, and then get drawn into the system of

conventional medicine, where pseudo-science masquerades as good

medicine. The fact is, once an individual is diagnosed as having a

chronic disease, and actually enters the influence of conventional

medicine, it's only a worsening journey from that day forward --

people only get worse. They almost never get better. People who

actually " cure " their diseases usually do so because they move away

from conventional medicine and take charge over their own health



In conventional medicine, people are subjected to toxic chemicals

known as prescription drugs. They undergo radical, inhumane

procedures such as chemotherapy and surgeries that are more often

than not medically unnecessary. And then when new symptoms appear,

they are given a new round of prescription drugs to mask the symptoms

that were caused by the first round of drugs. Within a few years,

that person is typically on 10 or 12 prescriptions, their liver is

failing, their mental focus is cloudy, their memory is affected, they

have increasing muscle aches and pains, they have low levels of

energy are frequently diagnosed with depression.


All of this is great news for drug companies, because the more

prescriptions you're on, the more money they make, and they will keep

making money from you as long as you don't die. It's the same

strategy as a parasite -- they want to attach to you and siphon off

as much energy (or money) from you as they can without actually

killing you, the host. Eventually, of course, pharmaceutical

companies always lose the customer in the end, because the customer

dies, usually as a result of a side effect or complication from the

prescription drug.


And it's interesting to note that when people die, the cause of death

is never listed as a prescription drug side effect. It's often listed

as natural causes, or liver failure, but the question is rarely

asked -- what caused the liver failure in the first place? Could it

have been ibuprofen, or another over-the-counter painkiller? It could

have been a dangerous combination of prescription drugs that the

patient dutifully followed for years, even while it was destroying

his or her liver function. But all that's okay with the

pharmaceutical company, because they were able to extract twenty or

fifty thousand dollars from that customer during the years when he or

she was alive, and they know they can do it again with the next



In fact, there seems to be a never-ending line of customers lining up

and willing to have their insurance companies pay for whatever

prescription drugs are being hyped by Big Pharma. But you already

knew all that, and so, apparently, does Dr. Rath. The key question,

however, is, are you acting on it? Are you actually making changes in

your life based on the information you are learning here?


I've talked to far too many people who agree with everything they

read on this site, yet who continue to take prescription drugs

because their doctor tells them to. They know that statin drugs are

destroying their brain function and making their muscles ache. They

know that the statins are interfering with their CoQ10 production and

thereby affecting their heart health and greatly impairing their

level of energy. They know all of this, but yet they continue to take

statin drugs for some absurd reason, because their doctors told them

their cholesterol is too high and they need to take drugs to bring it



What are you doing with this information? Is this just an

intellectual exercise, or are you actually using it to change your

life? If you are educating yourself in order to make changes, and you

are actually pursuing those changes, I applaud you, because you are

the kind of person who is going to make a difference in our national

health care system. The more you integrate this information into your

own life and move away from conventional medicine, and move towards

prevention, nutrition, and holistic health, the higher the quality of

life you will experience and the longer you will live. Inevitably,

you will become a proponent of the very same information you've been

learning here. People will ask you -- how can you be so healthy at

your age? How come you look younger now than you did last year? Why

is it that you haven't been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease when

all your other friends of the same age have? Well, the answer, you'll

be able to tell them, is that you don't take prescription drugs. And

you learn about nutrition, superfoods, physical exercise and the

healing power of natural sunlight.


All of this will become obvious to the entire nation in a matter of

years, or, in the worst case, decades. It will be very easy to tell

who is taking prescription drugs and who isn't. In fact, it's

somewhat obvious to me right now. When I go outside and intermingle

with the public at grocery stores or bookstores or movie theatres, I

can quite readily tell who's on multiple prescription drugs and who

isn't just by observing the way they hold their posture, the way they

move their bodies, the way they talk and the way they look at you

during conversation. As more and more pharmaceuticals are promoted to

the public, and people are increasingly taking these drugs, the

differences will become so obvious that even those in conventional

medicine will, at some point, no longer be able to deny the basic

truth that Dr. Rath has revealed to us here: that prescription drugs

help no one, they don't cure any diseases, and only harm your health.


If you want to be healthy, say goodbye to prescription drugs (find a

way to get off them with the help of a naturopathic physician). As a

side effect, you'll also have a lot more money left in the bank.








The first task for the new Democratic administration is a Patients'

Bill of Rights to protect the health interests of the American people

from the unscrupulous pharmaceutical investment business, which is

driven by the continuation of diseases.

The American people can no longer tolerate that the health and lives

of every family are threatened by an investment industry that

fraudulently promises health - yet, in fact, promotes diseases as

billion-dollar markets for its drugs.

This " Pharma-Fraud " is the largest organized fraud in history and the

very foundation of the pharmaceutical industry.

This Patients' Bill of Rights must protect patients' rights to free

access to lifesaving information about natural, nonpatentable

therapies, and it must secure the patients' right to sue drug makers

for the devastating side effects of their synthetic, patented drugs.

Without this support, the Bush administration would not be in the

White House today.

The engine of this " Pharma-Fraud " is the patentability of drugs, a

business principle that requires the elimination of all natural,

nonpatentable health approaches and the exclusive development of

synthetic patentable drugs, most of which have toxic side effects.

More than 100,000 Americans die each year from the known deadly side

effects of prescription drugs, an epidemic only surpassed by the

deaths from cardiovascular disease and cancer.

These harmful drugs include, among many others, beta blockers,

calcium antagonists, chemotherapy drugs and cholesterol blockers


In order to protect " Pharma-Fraud " and to allow this unscrupulous

business to continue, the Bush administration seeks to grant general

amnesty to the drug industry.


Source: http://www4.dr-rath-


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