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Apologise for Fluoridation - Don't Celebrate It, Say Experts.

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Apologise for Fluoridation - Don't Celebrate It, Say Experts.

Sun, 15 May 2005 01:26:16 +0100







Monday May 9, 2005.


Apologize for Fluoridation; Don't Celebrate It, Say Experts


Fluoridation fails America's children. But that won't stop Michigan

dentists from rejoicing with a special fluoridation celebration on May

12, 2005 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, home to the first municipality

that enrolled its residents, 60 years ago, in a cavity-prevention

human experiment, without their informed consent. (1)


In 1945, fluoride was added to Grand Rapids¹ drinking water to see

what would happen to children's teeth. But the methodologies used

would embarrass any self-respecting statistician or epidemiologist

today, according to a review in the journal Nature (2).


Also in 1945, Newburgh, New York, was the first city to use the entire

city's population to study fluoride's bad side effects to the rest of

the body. And the results were dismal.


After ten years, bone defects, and earlier female menstruation

occurred more often in Newburgh's children dosed with sodium

fluoride-laced drinking water when compared to the control city of

Kingston, NY. (3)


According to Professor Paul Connett, PhD, who teaches environmental

chemistry and toxicology at St. Lawrence University in NY, " These

results were ignored at the time, but are now being seen as valuable

clues to far more serious problems, like accumulation of fluoride in

the human pineal gland with a possible lowering of melatonin levels

(Luke, 1997, 2001); increased bone fractures in children

(Alarcon-Herrera et al., 2001) and possibly increased osteosarcoma (a

bone cancer which is frequently fatal) rates in young men (NAS, 1977;

NTP, 1990; Hoover, 1991; Cohn 1992; and Mihashi 1996).²


Meanwhile, after over 50 years of water fluoridation, many children

in Newburgh, New York have more cavities and more fluoride-caused

discolored teeth (dental fluorosis) than children in never-fluoridated

Kingston, New York, according to a NYS Department of Health study

published in the NYS Dental Journal (February 1998, Figure 1, Page 41)


The hype expected at the May 12 " 60 year fluoridation celebration " is

in sharp contrast to a more sober assessment of fluoridation's lack of

impact on dental caries made at a May 2, 2005 meeting of dental

specialists. Dr. Dushanka Kleinman, the chief dental health officer

for the U.S. Public Health Service, told about 600 people at the

National Oral Health Conference in Pittsburgh, " When U.S. Army

reserves get called to duty in Iraq, the most common reason they don't

ship out right away is poor oral health - and it's been that way since

World War II. "


Kleinman summed it up this way: " the nation's oral health hasn't

gotten worse in the last 60 years or so. But it's also not getting

better, unlike many other medical conditions " reported the Associated

Press (4).


³Caries experience may be associated with income, " reports the U.S.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Recently-released statistics posted

on the CDC's website shows low income, not fluoridation deficiency,

predicts more cavities (5).


" I don't blame the average dentist for going along with fluoridation,

I blame organized dentistry for not being honest about the benefits

which they have exaggerated and the serious health problems which

they ignore, " says Connett, who is also Executive Director of the

Fluoride Action Network.


" The latest study from Australia, shows no benefit to the permanent

teeth from fluoridation (Armfield & Spencer, 2004), " Connett says.


³Other studies indicate an increase in hip fracture, an increase in

bone cancer, and damage to the brain at levels approximating what many

Americans now receive,² says Connett.


" If fluoridation proponents could scientifically explain their

dismissal of these studies, they would be willing to publicly debate

the issue with scientists opposed to fluoridation. But they would not

debate even when invited to do so by the US Environmental Protection

Agency, " Connett says.


" I would like to be an invited speaker at dentistry's next

fluoridation celebration July 13 -16, 2005, in Chicago; but I'm afraid

fluoridation supporters don't welcome any dissenting opinion, " says



For more information, contact:


Dr. Paul Connett, Executive Director, Fluoride Action Network,

http://www.fluoridealert.org paul 315-379-9200




carol Media Relations Director, Fluoride Action






(1) Michigan Dental Association Press Release 5/6/05 ³60th Anniversary

of Water Fluoridation to Be Celebrated During Michigan Dental

Association Meeting in Grand Rapids²



(2) ³The Mystery of Declining Tooth Decay,² by Mark Diesendorf,

Nature July 10, 1986 (Volume 322; Pages 125-129)



(3) Schlesinger, E.R., et al (1956) " Newburgh-Kingston

Caries-Fluorine Study XIII. Pediatric Findings After Ten Years "

Journal of the American Dental Association


(4) ³Nation's oral health not improving, dental group says,²

Associated Press Posted on May 03, 2005



(5) " Fluoridation No Aid to Poor, " News Release by NYS Coalition

Opposed to Fluoridation http://snipurl.com/eq9l


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