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This not posted to endorse each and every listed treatment, but to

give you an idea of the many methods that should be looked at. My

personal opinion is that some of these are very good and some are

almost worthless.



" Zeus " <info

Interesting research...

Wed, 25 May 2005 07:42:39 -0700



Please check also the website of Walter Last from Australia and you

will find more valuable information:

www.mrbean.net.au/~wlast/cancerdiversity.html - 38k -




> Walter Last


> An amazing multitude of different cancer cures have been described

in books and articles. Former cancer victims have written about their

recovery, which often involved nothing more than living peacefully on

an organic raw-food diet. Others attribute their cure to

immune-enhancing factors, alternative technology or meditation and

guided imagery, sometimes to specific remedies, but commonly in

various combinations of any of these methods. There are so many

combinations and variations; the list seems to be endless.


> To bring some order to this confusing diversity, I would like to

form a few broad categories in which the main treatment is based

either on nutrition, specific remedies, and technology or mind





> One of the simplest methods was used by the Danish doctor Kristine

Nolfi. She cured her own cancer with a hundred percent organic and

vegetarian raw-food diet, and then continued to cure cancer patients

in the same way on her health farm. She lost her medical license for

using 'dangerous' and unapproved methods but her fame nevertheless

spread throughout Scandinavia. In New Zealand Dr Eva Hill did much the

same thing to cure her own cancer, and to help many of her patients.


> Ann Wigmore pioneered and promoted wheat-grass juice after curing

her own cancer with it, in combination with an organic vegetarian

diet. Together with Victoras Kulvinskas she formed the Hippocrates

Health Institute in Boston, and branches and health farms using

wheat-grass juice quickly sprang up in many countries. It is more

effective if a non-centrifugal juicer is used for making juices, or

possibly just a mincer with the juice pressed by hand.


> In South Africa, Johanna Brand, a naturopath, invented the now

famous grape cure by curing herself of stomach cancer in the 1920's.

For six weeks she ate nothing but grapes, black varieties are the

best. Thousands of former cancer victims have testified as to the

effectiveness of her method. Because it is now so difficult to obtain

unsprayed grapes, commercially sprayed grapes have sometimes been used

after thorough washing in warm soapy water and careful rinsing


> The Breuss-Cure, which originated in Germany, also lasts for 6

weeks; a maximum of 500 ml of freshly pressed vegetable juices are

used, mainly beetroot with some carrot, celery and radish. In addition

herbal teas and onion broth are recommended. It too, is claimed to

have cured thousands.


> Hans Nieper, a respected German cancer therapist (recently

deceased), used in addition to a good diet a wide range of supplements

to inhibit tumor growth, activate the immune system, degrade the tumor

with large-scale enzyme supplementation, and strengthen the liver and

general metabolism. Nieper claimed a 50% survival rate of `terminal'

patients. If patients survive for 18 months on this program, their

statistical life expectancy becomes about normal, unlike with

chemotherapy where life expectancy continues to drop after 18 months.


> Another German cancer therapist, Dr J Kuhl, used a diet high in

lactic acid fermented foods with good results. Lactic acid produced by

a tumor rotates light to the left and enhances tumor growth. Lactic

acid produced by lactic acid bacteria, on the other hand, rotates

light to the right and inhibits tumor growth.


> Dr Johanna Budwig, also in Germany, found high-quality linseed/flax

oil combined with `quark' and a mainly vegetarian raw-food diet most

effective. Quark is the German word for cottage cheese, but made from

lactic acid fermented raw skim milk as used by Budwig. This provides

not only the beneficial fermentation products, but also a high amount

of sulfur-amino acids. These are mainly cysteine and methionine, which

together with the polyunsaturated fatty acids in linseed/flax oil can

quickly restore the oxidative energy production in and around tumors,

and cause them to regress.


> The Bristol Cancer Help Centre in England, formerly under the

direction of Dr Alec Forbes, offers a wide-ranging holistic program

similar to the Mexican clinics. This includes a vegetarian diet of

largely raw foods, supplemented by specific vitamins, minerals,

enzymes, ginseng and liver herbs, in addition to colonic cleansing,

visualization, biofeedback, relaxation, meditation and spiritual healing.


> Dr Maud Fere, in New Zealand, claimed success with a much more

limited program that had helped her to cure her own bowel cancer. She

advocated a good vegetarian diet, but her main emphasis, similar to

Max Gerson's, was that there must be no salt in it. She also found it

beneficial to use diluted hydrochloric acid, diluted phosphoric acid,

ammonium chloride, and tincture of iodine.


> Earlier Are Waerland became famous for a successful diet that

consisted of sour milk and similar products, whole grains raw or only

partly cooked, as well as fruits and vegetables. There are still many

active Waerland groups in Germany and Scandinavia. Bircher-Benner

advocated a similar lacto-vegetarian raw-food diet. He invented the by

now famous but greatly deteriorated muesli. The macrobiotic diet based

on cooked brown rice and only a minimum of raw food is very different

from all the other anti-cancer diets. It has a mild cleansing action

and some cancer victims claim to have been cured with a strict

macrobiotic diet.


> From 1951 Dr A. Ferenczi in Hungary used large amounts of beetroot

successfully for tumor regression, up to 1 kg daily have been used.

The active ingredient is the purple coloring containing anthocyanin.

It is now also available as a freeze-dried powder.


> The Gerson Therapy


> Best known is probably the Gerson therapy. Born in Germany, Dr Max

Gerson immigrated to the US in 1938. His diet consists mainly of

fresh, preferably organic, fruit and vegetables. He stressed a high

potassium content that is more in the skins or outer part of root

vegetables than in the centers. Sodium, on the other hand, was to be

severely restricted - the diet was completely without added salt, but

with added potassium salts instead.


> In addition, Gerson prescribed hydrochloric acid with pepsin,

pancreatin, and high doses of Lugol's solution for iodine together

with freeze-dried thyroid, niacin, Royal Jelly and injections of

vitamin B12 with crude liver. In addition, raw liver juice was used

for its high content of enzymes. Later, with increasing

chemicalization of agriculture, the liver juice was omitted while

linseed/flax oil was belatedly added to the list of supplements.


> Liver detoxification with frequent coffee enemas was another

cornerstone of the Gerson Therapy; otherwise patients with advanced

cancer might die despite disappearing tumors. Gerson treated hundreds

of so-called terminal cases of which about 50 % recovered.


> Dr Issels used the Gerson therapy successfully in Germany. In

addition, he realized the harmful influence of dead or infected teeth

and mercury amalgam fillings on the outcome of cancer therapy.

Therefore, his patients had to have all unhealthy teeth removed at the

beginning of the treatment.


> The Kelly approach


> Dr W. D. Kelly, an American dentist, was given only one month to

live with multiple tumors of the liver, pancreas and other organs. He

cured himself with a vegetarian raw-food diet with the addition of

various supplements, but especially with high doses of pancreatin.

Pancreas enzymes are very effective in destroying tumors and sometimes

even too effective. Kelly, like Gerson and other holistic cancer

therapists, saw the greatest danger in a too rapid destruction of the

tumor that can kill the patient with poisons generated by the

disintegrating tumor proteins. He recommended daily Epsom salts purges

during the critical period and, if required, also coffee enemas.


> After helping thousands of patients by supplying individualized

information to the patient's doctor, he believes that cancer can

usually be cured if there is at least one month, but preferably three

months, of life expectancy when starting the program.


> As a simple, but somewhat expensive self-test for the early

detection of cancer before tumors can be found clinically, he

recommends taking six to eight pancreatin tablets after each meal for

four weeks. If you feel worse after these four weeks with nausea,

headaches or fatigue, there is likely to be a cancerous condition. If

you feel better instead, brighter and with more energy, the condition

is pre-cancerous. If there is no difference there is probably no early

cancer, but there may already be a clinically detectable malignant

tumor present.


> Kelley has an extensive documentation with 10,000 medically verified

diagnoses. In one study all his cases of pancreas cancer were

investigated. With conventional treatment there were virtually no

survivors after 5 years. He had 22 cases on record. Of these, 10 never

started the treatment and survived for 67 days. 7 followed it

partially and survived an average of 233 days, while the 5 who

followed the Kelley treatment completely all recovered completely.


> Aajonus Vonderplanitz, in California, claims great success in

overcoming advanced cancer with a raw-food diet that includes raw

(organic) meat, see his book We Want to Live (1997).




> I recently read that about ten thousand Americans a day cross the

border into Mexico for medical treatment. Many of these have US health

insurance that is not valid in Mexico. For some the attraction may be

cheaper treatment, and for others a more humane face of medicine, but

the most important draw card would be the fact that all holistic

cancer clinics have effectively been eliminated in the US, and are now

just south of the border down Mexico way. While these clinics also

give dietary advice, they rely mainly on specific remedies, such as

laetrile, ozone therapy, herbs and specific immune enhancing measures,

but also visualization and meditation.


> Many thousands of former cancer victims have attested to the

beneficial effects oflaetrile in the treatment of their disease. While

not a cure in itself, laetrile has been found in clinical trials to

reduce or eliminate cancer-related pain, improve the appetite with

weight gain in underweight patients, eliminate the typical nauseating

cancer odor in terminal wards and induce a sense of well-being and

hope. In animal experiments also tumor inhibition was evident.

Initially, laetrile commonly is injected, several grams daily, while

oral doses of similar amounts may continue for a year or more. Animal

experiments showed similar benefits to those from laetrile even when

just bitter almonds or apricot kernels were eaten. These are also

commonly used in countries where the availability of laetrile is

restricted or where its use is illegal.


> Garlic is frequently used as a supporting remedy in the treatment of

cancer. It has proven anti-cancer properties. Not only does it protect

against the formation of tumors, including metastases, it also

inhibits the growth of established tumors. In addition, it strengthens

the immune system and improves the detoxifying ability of the liver.


> Two other remedies used widely in the Mexican and other cancer

clinics are Vitamin C, and hydrazine sulfate. Linus Pauling and Ewan

Cameron pioneered Vitamin C treatment for cancer, and found greatly

increased survival times for terminal cancer patients with 10 g of

Vitamin C daily. Now it is sometimes used in even larger amounts, just

below the threshold where it causes diarrhea, initially it may also be

infused intravenously.


> Hydrazine sulfate was discovered by Dr Joseph Gold for use in cancer

treatment. It blocks a liver enzyme which converts the lactic acid

produced by a tumor back into glucose, a reaction which takes much

more energy from the patient than it generates. It was mainly used

with `terminal': patients who reported improved appetite, normalized

weight, increased strength and less pain. However, presently it is

increasingly used in earlier stages and more and more patients claim

that their tumors have disappeared.


> Another group of remedies is specifically designed to stimulate the

immune system. In the 1950s Krebiozen made headlines in the US,

promoted by a respected scientist, Dr Andrew Ivy. Five hundred doctors

used it, and 20,000 testimonials of cancer victims stood behind Dr Ivy

and his co-workers at their trial. They were acquitted, but the AMA

succeeded in blacklisting Krebiozen.


> Dr B Coley was an early US cancer pioneer who used a special vaccine

to induce fever and inflammation in cancer patients. Out of 500 cases

half remained free of malignancy during follow-up for 5-54 years.


> Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, an US microbiologist, combined a

vegetarian diet with a vaccine prepared from the patient's own body

fluids. Most widely used, however, especially in Germany, are vaccines

related to the tubercle bacillus that were developed by Prof Enderlein.


> In Japan,Dr Hasumi claims outstanding success in curing cancer with

a vaccine made from the patient's own urine; however it works only if

the immune system is still sufficiently strong.


> In addition to the successful homeopathic cancer treatment by the US

doctor E G Jones before homeopathy was outlawed, Dr W F Koch also

gained the support of thousands of patients with his homeopathic

oxidation catalyst. Mistletoe, too, is often given in homeopathic

form. A `folk healer' told me that he found Ammon. Carb. 30 excellent

for cancers in animals as well as in humans.


> Somewhat hard to take for many is urine therapy. J W Armstrong in

his book The Water of Life relates many cases of medically diagnosed

cancer that appeared to be cured after a urine fast usually lasting

for about three weeks, drinking nothing but one's own urine and

additional water. With this, Armstrong regarded cancer as rather easy

to cure; 'child's play' he called it, except if someone had previously

already received medical treatment.


> The Greek Professor of Internal Medicine, E.V. Danopoulus,

discovered that urea was the most potent anti-cancer factor in urine.

At first he treated several liver cancer patients with it who

recovered, and then he also used it successfully with many other

advanced cancers. However, after the publication of his results in the

Lancet in 1974 he experienced increasing harassment and retired from

medical practice.


> Dr William Lanein the US noticed that sharks do not develop cancer.

This prompted him to experiment with good results with shark cartilage

that is now commercially available. Liquid bovine cartilage appears

now to be preferable to shark cartilage. Also shark oil is useful.


> Gaston Naessens in Canada was successful curing cancer by injecting

a modified camphor compound into lymph nodes to strengthen the immune

system. He claims a long-term remission rate of 75%. His remedy,

called 714-X, is now available from Canada andNew Zealand.


> Thousands of cancer victims, in East European and other poor

countries, claim to have been cured by taking refined kerosene. That

apparently kills the cancer microbe and possibly cancer cells as well.


> Dr Seeger, the German cancer researcher, found Zell Oxygen most

helpful to `normalize' cancer cells by restarting their oxidative

energy production. Zell Oxygen is a culture of special young yeast

cells very high in oxygenating enzymes. It works best combined with

Royal Jelly. Wobe-mugos is imported from Germany and contains

proteolytic enzymes from hydrolyzed beef pancreas, thymus and other

glands. It is claimed to be very beneficial in so-called terminal



> Herbal Remedies


> Essiac (Ojibway Indian Tea) is another famous cancer herb mixture

developed about 1922 by the Canadian nurse Rene Caisse. In 1937 the

Royal Cancer Commission found that Essiac was effective against cancer

and in 1938 Essiac came within three votes of being legalized as a

remedy for terminal cancer. After this, Rene received special

permission to treat terminal cancer patients but was not allowed to

take money for it. At the time of her death in 1978 the Canadian

Ministry of Health & Welfare destroyed her huge collection of

documents and patient files on the effectiveness of Essiac.


> The four ingredients are rhubarb root, burdock root and slippery elm

as blood purifiers and the tops of young sheep's sorrel (Rumen

acetosella) to destroy cancer cells. The use of Essiac is gradually

spreading to other countries but there is also a warning that some

distributors have substituted yellow dock or curly dock for the

essential sheep's sorrel.


> A tea made from leaves and stems or twigs of papaw is another

traditional cancer remedy. It was revealed to Stan Sheldon on the

Queensland Gold Coast in 1962, who cured his rapidly spreading tumors

in both lungs within two months. This remedy is now widely used

throughout Queensland. According to an article in New Scientist, a

chemical has been discovered in one kind of papaw, which is one

billion times more effective against cancer cells than presently used

anti-cancer drugs. An Aboriginal cancer remedy is the maroon bush,

while the use of mistletoe preparations is based on ancient European

folklore and recommendations by Rudolf Steiner.


> Jethro Kloss was a well-known early American herbalist of the `old

school'. For cancer treatment he used mainly red clover blossoms,

violet leaves and flowers, the roots of burdock and yellow dock,

golden seal, echinacea, aloes, agrimony, dandelion root, supposedly

with good success.


> Even more famous and most widely used in many countries, is the

Hoxsey herb mixture. It originated about 1925 in the US with thousands

of patients attesting to its usefulness in overcoming their cancer.

The internal remedy consists of amarga, berberis root, buckthorn bark,

burdock, licorice, pokeroot, prickly ash, red clover, stillingia root

and potassium iodide. There were also three external remedies to be

painted on any visible tumors to make them dry up and fall out.

Presently mainly Herbveil 8 and KC101 (in NZ) and cansema are being

used for melanoma and other skin cancers as well as tumors close to

the skin, such as breast tumors.


> Jason Winters described his own cure from terminal cancer in his

book 'Killing Cancer'. In addition to diet, he used red clover,

chaparral, gotu kola, selenium and some not well-defined roots and

spices in his herb mixture, which is not available in most countries.




> Ozone therapy has been pioneered in Germany, and it is used there as

well as in the Mexican cancer clinics by thousands of doctors, not

only for treating cancer, but also AIDS, and other serious infectious

diseases. Generally about 220 ml of the patient's blood is mixed with

ozone, often under pressure, and then re-injected into a vein. This

kills not only cancer cells and the cancer microbe in the treated

blood but in the whole body, while the immune system is strengthened

at the same time. Where ozone therapy is not available, patients

commonly take diluted hydrogen peroxide.


> A similar beneficial effect is achieved with overheating a tumor.

Cancer cells are damaged or weakened by temperatures of 42-43ºC, which

are still harmless for normal cells. To overheat internal tumors,

daily bath temperatures are gradually raised over a period of weeks or

months up to 47ºC. Various precautions are required, especially the

blood sugar level needs to be kept artificially low during treatment;

otherwise tumor growth may be stimulated if temperatures are not quite

high enough. As after ozone therapy, the damaged tumor becomes highly

responsive to any additional holistic therapy. In addition, the blood

circulation is greatly increased.


> The south-pointing pole of a magnet inhibits not only microbes but

also cancer cells. Tumors could be inhibited or regressed by long

exposure to a strong south-pointing pole of 4000 gauss or more. This

also appears to reduce pain, inflammation and infections. Presently

many cancer patients use electronic zappers and magnetic pulsers with

apparently good success. The most commonly used varieties are the

Hulda Clark zapper and the Beck zapper or blood purifier, recommended

to be used in combination with oxygen therapy and colloidal silver.


> Similar results may be achieved by radiating the tumor site with

strong blue light. An article in New Scientist revealed that blue

light inhibits cell divisions; it is also used in some hospitals as

the quickest cure for jaundiced babies.


> The Tronado machine is a German invention to shine very high radio

frequencies onto a tumor area. It overheats the tumor and causes its

destruction but unlike conventional radio-therapy, it does not damage

the surrounding healthy tissue.


> Dr John Holt, a radio-therapist at the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

in Perth, managed with the help of the then Premier of Western

Australia, John Tonkin, to buy a Tronado for the hospital, and in

addition, one for his private clinic. Holt treated more than seven

thousand cancer patients with the Tronado with remarkable results. At

the same time he continued to treat cancer patients at the hospital

with normal radiotherapy.


> In a published trial with head and neck cancers (for easy

verification of results) a 34 % initial success rate was achieved with

radiotherapy while after three years 17 % were still in remission.

With the Tronado the initial success was 92 % and after three years 68

%. However, such are the mysterious ways of the medical profession

that only the Tronado in private practice could be used, until quite

recently the one installed at the hospital was never allowed to be

operated .


> The Roy Ray Rife electronic frequency instrument emitted waves of a

frequency that was specific to kill cancer cells. Conventional

research institutions confirmed a high success rate before the AMA

(US) took court action and destroyed the treatment machines. Now there

are replicas appearing, some of which seem to be more effective than



> The US magazine The Choice (Spring 1990) published an article about

Nick van Echteld, who claims to have completely recovered from

terminal metastatic cancer in 1989. Echteld attributes his remarkable

cure to self-treatment with a Rife instrument, while his orthodox

specialists believe instead in `spontaneous remission' - a cure

without cause.


> Wilhelm Reich attributed his success with terminal cancer patients

to their immersion in a strong field of bio-energy or orgone, as he

called it. Orgone accumulators are easy to build with alternating

layers of metal and organic material. More recently `orgonite' is

being used, a mixture of a resin with fine metal particles.


> Harold S Burr discovered the electric life fields around living

organisms. Tumors have an abnormal negative charge as compared to the

surrounding healthy tissue. In SwedenBjorn Nordenstrom used 10-volt

needle-like electrodes inserted into a tumor to destroy it. For

external tumors, I experimented with a large flat 1.5-volt positive

electrode on the tumor and the negative electrode on a healthy tissue



> Finally I may mention that various cancer victims claim to have been

cured by psychic surgery, especially in the Philippines. Also radionic

instruments are sometimes claimed to be successful with cancer.




> Wilhelm Reich discovered the harmful effects of repressed sexual

feelings in the development of cancer. His methods for freeing up

feelings and energy flows have become standard practice in bio-energy

therapy and other holistic treatments.


> Another ten-year study published in the Lancet, of women with

advanced metastatic breast cancer found that just belonging to a

support group and meeting once a week, doubled the life span as

compared to a control group that had medically been treated in the

same way. In addition to some well-known support groups, such as those

run by the Bristol clinic in England, or Ian Gawler's support group in

Victoria (Australia), there are now small groups, often in connection

with meditation groups, in many cities.


> Well known for his meditation work with cancer patients was Dr A

Meares of Melbourne. In the US the Simontons have pioneered guided

imagery in cancer treatment. They showed that survival times with

terminal cancers can be doubled in this way. Characteristics in

patients, which they found to be associated with above average results

are emotional resilience, flexible beliefs, physical activity, strong

self-concept and social autonomy. Many cancer patients have been

greatly helped and seem to have recovered mainly because they learned

to express their feelings and emotions and they moved towards

fulfilling their emotional needs.


> Of all the published, properly randomized clinical trials,

psychotherapy is by far the most effective cancer therapy. Eysenk and

Grossarth-Maticek (Behavior Research and Therapy 1991; 29 (1):17-31)

found that 13 years after extended individual therapy none of 50

patients in the treated cancer-prone group had died but 32 percent in

the control group. With group therapy, after 7 years, there were18 out

of 239 cancer death in the treated group, compared to 111 of the 234

in the control group. With terminal cancer patients the increased

survival time was 64% and women with metastasized breast cancer lived

about twice as long.


> The most powerful setback to recovery, on the other hand, is a

medical pronouncement that the condition in incurable and terminal,

especially if a time limit is mentioned. This then becomes a

self-fulfilling hypnotic suggestion; just like " pointing the bone " in

other cultures and it is then difficult for a holistic therapist to

change this medically implanted death wish into hope and faith that

are the keys for recovery.


> The most promising therapy appears to be The New Medicineof the

much-persecuted German Dr Hamer. He claims a 95% success rate by

discovering and eliminating the emotional shock that triggered the

development of cancer, commonly one to two years before its diagnosis.

My own preference is a combination of Dr Hamer's approach, with an

organic raw-food diet that is suitable for the metabolic type of the



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