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Sun, 26 Jun 2005 02:26:42 -0400

THE SMOKING GUN WHITE HOUSE! -- A List of the Bush Crimes !!!!



THE SMOKING GUN WHITE HOUSE! -- A List of the Bush Crimes !!!!


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Changed:2:56 PM on Saturday, June 25, 2005










More hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience

than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion. - C.P. Snow




We're talking impeachable crimes, here. We're talking high crimes and

misdemeanors. We're talking about conspiracy and murder. We're talking

about war crimes and crimes against humanity. We're talking about

deception and manipulation. We have the proof and we know whodunit.

We even have public confessions but the American news media is so

obviously complicit in the crimes and coverups that people don't even

worry about confessing in public any more! And there is nothing at all

we can do about it.


We have all the evidence we need to indict the criminals. We even have

the smoking gun. In fact, we have a whole slew of smoking guns. We

have mounds of testimony and videos, memos and public statements. We

have lines of witnesses and experts, photos and newsreels. We have

everything we need to charge those at the helm of our government with

some of the most heinous acts in our nation's history. And yet, they

all will get off scot-free, without facing a single charge against them.


Despite the mounds of damning evidence, no one in any official

capacity has dared to point a finger of guilt against George Bush,

Dick Cheney, or anyone else in their cadre of criminal collaborators.

The few voices that dared to question the legality of administrative

policies during the past four years have been muted or rendered

impotent. Those who have outlined a clear case for impeachment have

been ignored at best, and ridiculed at worst.


And the vile criminals who comprise the American news media, in their

unabashed complicity, have refused to publicize the concerns of those

who understand the crimes that have been committed. In their need to

please their corporate masters and advertisers, the media have

joined those who jeer at dissenters and call `conspiracy theorists.'


In no other time have criminals at the very highest levels of the

American government been allowed to get away with such transgressions.

At no other time has evidence of guilt been so blatantly ignored and

unreported by the media. And at no other time in recent history, have

the crimes of an American president been so defended, rationalized and





Take your pick. If you're not convinced by one, take another. Take

one, take more, - but understand that even one of the crimes on which

this article will focus is enough to make a strong and damning case

against the Bush administration. Examine the crime scenes and wonder

why no one has been held accountable. Think about the crimes that have

been committed and wonder why no one in government, not a single

person, has had to answer for any of them. On the contrary, every

person directly involved in these crimes is still in his/her position,

or has been promoted or publicly acclaimed for a job well done.


These crimes were far from perfect. They were overtly committed, and

they left enough clues behind to delight the most jaded of

investigators. The smoking guns were there for all to see, and yet,

and yet, nothing. Actually at some of the crime scenes there were

smoking guns strewn all over the place. Of course the American news

media failed to take notice because their mission as it stands now is

to simply repeat what is told to them by official or corporate sources.


And so, we'll narrow the list to our Top Three picks of the most

dangerous crimes that directly involve the George W. Bush Cartel and

their cadre of abettors. Take your pick.



o The Bush administration was comprised of a group of people

who had published a radical foreign policy. Elements of this policy

include what is now known as the Bush preemptive doctrine. When Paul

Wolfowitz first created this policy for the George H. W Bush

administration it was dismissed as insane. This group of people

created an agenda and a strategy to advance it. This group openly

stated " Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings

revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some

catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic

politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of

transformation as much as the requirements of current missions. " The

Bush administration was comprised of people who had a clear and public

MOTIVE for creating or enabling the attacks of 9/11. This is a issue

that should be addressed by our media, our lawmakers, our citizens

and the rest of the world.

o Every procedure that was in place to deal with domestic

hijackings was ignored on the day of the attacks.

o Why did the Secret Service feel that there was no need to

protect George W. Bush?

o George Bush resisted an official inquiry into the worst

national disaster since Pearl Harbor for 18 months. Any reasonable

person would want to know what happened and they would want to make

sure that there were no traitors in our mists. It was reasonable to

consider the possibilities that the people who planned an attack like

this had inside help. A president would want this checked out. George

W. Bush wanted no investigation. He already had an official story and

was quickly passed on to the press.

o Every bit of evidence at Ground Zero and the Pentagon was

confiscated and destroyed, and not preserved as crime scene evidence.

This in itself is a crime. No need to look further. This is not in

dispute. The George W. Bush is responsible for ordering or allowing

the destruction of crime scene evidence.

o There is not a shred of evidence that a 757 hit the

Pentagon. All films from security cameras at the scene were

confiscated and never seen again. The few frames of video from the

Pentagon security camera were leaked to the public from an anonymous

source in the Pentagon. When information is leaked from the Pentagon

during a heightened state of emergency it is cause for concern.

Neither the administration or the press question this breech of

security. This is a clear indication of an intentional leak designed

to sell the official story. If a 757 had hit the Pentagon they would

have released the videos that were confiscated.

o The hole made in the Pentagon crash is far too small for a

757 to have made.

o Dozens of bin Laden family members were hurried out of the

country without FBI interrogation immediately after the attacks.

o None of the alleged hijackers was on any passenger list of

the hijacked planes.

o Eyewitness accounts describe a windowless, blue plane

hitting the WTC.

o Someone placed `put' orders on the two hijacked airlines

before the attacks, and stood to net huge stock market profits.

o The Twin Towers both collapsed at free fall speed in the

manner of a planned demolition, with visible explosions occurring in

sequence on floors never hit by the planes.

o The owner of the WTC admitted that Tower 7 was `taken

down' (intentionally demolished) by the Fire Department. THIS IS A


o Condoleezza Rice lied under oath to the Kean Commission

about the warning memo that stated bin Laden was targeting the US.

o Condoleezza Rice lied when she claimed that no one could

have imagined an attack using airliners as weapons. NORAD had drilled

for such events 2 years before the Bush White House claimed that they

never could have imagined it.

o George Bush claimed he saw the first plane hit Tower One,

when no photos of the crash had been shown on any television screen.

o George Bush sat silently in a classroom for seven full

minutes after being informed that a second plane had hit the WTC. Why

did George W. Bush react to the attacks differently than every other

person in the nation? While every American jumped into emergency mode,

George W. Bush did not flinch. He was not worried about his own safety

or about the security of the nation. Why not?

o NORAD did not send up a single interceptor jet despite

knowing that four hijackings were taking place.

o FBI agents and bomb sniffer dogs went through trash bins

in both WTC Towers for weeks prior to the attacks. They were suddenly

removed prior to the attack. Some people in our government were trying

to do their job, others might have been trying to prevent the job from

being done.

o Dick Cheney was in charge of a series of drills held on

the morning of September 11th, simulating attacks by hijacked

airliners on the WTC.

o No one in the US government is willing to investigate any

of these and hundreds more concerns about this terrible event.


o Members of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC)

occupy or had occupied many important positions in the present Bush


o PNAC explained the need for wars against Iraq and

Afghanistan in papers published in the late 1990's.

o PNAC urged President Bill Clinton to invade Iraq, but was

turned down.

o PNAC member, Paul Wolfowitz, ADMITS that it was about OIL!




o The PNAC thesis " Rebuilding America's Defenses " stated

that Americans would not accept pre-emptive wars against Iraq or

Afghanistan unless there was a `catastrophic event like a New Pearl

Harbor' inside the country. Again we establish motive for complicity

in the events of 9/11.

o The Bush administration was trying to negotiate an oil

pipeline deal with the Taliban before 9/11. They promised the leaders

of Afghanistan a `carpet of bombs' should the deal fall through. The

deal fell through.

o Deputy Director of the FBI, John O'Neill, quit his job in

protest over this threat. O'Neill died in the attacks on the WTC on

September 11th.

o The attack on Afghanistan was explained as retaliation

against the Taliban for not turning Osama bin Laden over to American


o Both Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powel stated prior to 9/11

that Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction and

that hew was unable to pose a threat to his neighbors or the US.

o George W. Bush came into the White House intent upon

removing Saddam Hussein from power.

o Donald Rumsfeld stated that the response to 9/11 should be

an attack on Iraq because that's where the targets were.

o The UN inspectors were given unfettered access to sites

Iraq, and requested more time to complete their task.

o Everyone in the Bush administration with access to the

media stressed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction

capable of killing millions of Americans.

o A totally false connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam

Hussein was fabricated and repeated at every possible opportunity.

o In October, 2002, George W. Bush lied to the Congress of

the United States about the imminent threat posed by Saddam Hussein.

In a brazen and impeachable act, he manipulated intelligence

information in order to procure Congressional approval for his war

against Iraq.

o Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld spent

months assuring the American public that their lives were in great

danger unless the US waged a preventive war against Iraq. There was no

doubt about the accuracy of their information, they said. No doubt at

all. Mushroom clouds were on the horizon.

o In January, 2003, George W. Bush lied to the nation in his

SOTU speech about nuclear material obtained by Saddam. His

unrelenting terror tactics and repeated references to Iraq's WMD's

paved the way for public acceptance for a war he had planned for years.

o In February, 2003, Colin Powell lied to the UN on two

separate occasions in a futile attempt to convince the Security

Council of the immediate threat presented by Iraq.

o Despite UN inspectors' statements to the contrary, George

Bush told the nation that Saddam Hussein was not in compliance with

the UN resolution requiring open inspections.

o In March, 2003, boasting of a bombing strategy named

`shock and awe,' George Bush invaded Iraq.

o More than 100,000 Iraqi civilians have died in George

Bush's war. Nearly 1700 American troops have lost their lives. Nearly

200 coalition forces are dead. Untold thousands are maimed. The

carnage continues and civil war is imminent.

o The minutes of the Downing Street meeting between George

Bush and Tony Blair revealed an agreement to attack Iraq months before

the invasion itself.

o George W. Bush violated international law by waging a

preventive war on a non-threatening, sovereign nation. That illegal

war continues to this day.


o On May 7th, 2002, the US officially withdrew from the

International Criminal Court (ICC). The US now has immunity from the

court for US citizens suspected of atrocities. US soldiers serving

overseas are immune from prosecution in the court, while politicians

and US officials, including CIA operatives, can claim diplomatic immunity.

o Shortly after 9/11, WH legal counsel, Alberto Gonzalez,

drafted a memo in which he virtually changed the rules of prisoner

treatment. The memo declared the war on terror to be conflict against

a vast, outlaw, international enemy in which the rules of war,

international treaties and even the Geneva Conventions did not apply.

Alberto Gonzales was subsequently appointed US Attorney General.

o In January, 2002, the WH legal department issued another

memo concluding that neither the Geneva Conventions nor any of the

laws of war applied to the conflict in Afghanistan.

o In February of 2002, George Bush signed a secret order

authorizing the CIA. To set up a series of secret detention facilities

outside the United States, and to question those held in them with

unprecedented harshness.

•The Bush administration then began to send terror

suspects to other countries for interrogation, thereby absolving the

US of blame for torture applied elsewhere.

o In 2003, Abu Ghraib was formally handed over to tactical

control of military-intelligence units for the expressed purpose of

extracting information from detainees.

o As an outcome of regular inspections, the International

Commission of the Red Cross broke its rule of secrecy by publicly

complaining of the systemic abuse of prisoners, in Iraq and

Afghanistan, detailing methods of abuse that were in clear violation

of international law.

o In 2004, hundreds of photographs and video tapes were

released that revealed shocking methods of abuse and torture of

detainees in Abu Ghraib prison.

o Despite many complaints about abuse, no investigation of

prisoner treatment was held until it was clear these photographs were

about to be leaked to the media.

o Many civilian contractors were employed to carry out

`interrogations' of detainees.

o Many of the detainees had committed no crimes, but had

been arrested in huge sweeps of Iraqi men intended to secure

information about insurgent attacks.

o Interrogations were conducted and supervised by military

intelligence operatives who ordered that prisoners be `softened up'

for questioning.

o Abuses often were sexual in nature, preying upon the

cultural sensitivities of Moslem men regarding nudity and public

sexual acts.

o Abuses were systemic throughout Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.

o Hundreds of other photos and videos were kept secret by

the Pentagon, and have recently been ordered released to the public.

o The Bush administration attributed the abuse to the work

of a few `bad apple' underlings, and denied any knowledge or approval

by anyone in the administration.

o Reports of Koran desecration at Guantanamo were

corroborated by the Pentagon.

o To date, civilian aircraft continue to fly terror suspects

to other countries for harsh and illegal interrogation methods.

o To date, no one in the Pentagon or the White House has

been held accountable for the widespread abuse and torture of

prisoners. To date, only enlisted personnel have been charged with any

abuses or torture. To date, further investigations have been dropped.











There you have it. Take your pick of one, two or all three crimes. Or

if you wish, throw in an assortment of other charges such as those

surrounding electronic voting fraud during Election, 2004 or the

unconscionable outing of Valerie Plame. It really does not matter

because it's all the same in the end. George W. Bush and friends have

free pass to get away with every single crime that have committed so

far, or will continue to commit in the next few years.


It's really quite amazing. We're not talking minor crimes, here.

We're not talking sex with an intern. We're not talking questionable

campaign contributions or selling nights in the Lincoln Bedroom.

We're talking about impeachable high crimes. We're talking violations

of the US Constitution. We're talking crimes against humanity. We're

talking war crimes. We're talking about a President who has played the

nation and the world for all they're worth.


But they will walk away from it all. George W. Bush and his PNAC war

mongers, torturers and murderers will walk away unscathed. They will

never be charged with a single crime. They will never be held

accountable for a single criminal act, not today, not ever.


History has recorded the atrocities of those who were tried at

Nuremberg, just as it will remind posterity of the evil deeds of men

like Slobodan Milosevic and Augusto Pinochet. In a few months we will

watch as Saddam Hussein faces his accusers in Iraq. And so it should

be, as systems of justice attempt to even the score between villains

and their victims.


But history will be tainted by a painful vacuum as it fails to recount

the crimes of the Bush administration. There is no one to bring any

of these culprits to justices. There will be no indictments, no

impeachment, no trials, and no convictions. There will, however, be

silence and complicity as these horrific crimes fade under the more

sensational headlines that divert Americans from the truth. This

tragic era will once and for all remind us that in these times, in our

once great nation, there is no longer a guarantee of justice for all.


Editor's note: There are so many outrageous events, activities and

comments made, so much suspicious behavior, so many questionable

motives and mind blowing coincidences, all pertaining to the Bush

administration, yet they are completely ignored by the media. These

can not be explained within reason without using the words crime or



While we narrowed our crimes and evidence topics to only 3 areas we

left out one of the bigger issues of this administration. The

elections. While this topic is to big to add to this article I want

you to view the following video and then ask yourself how the hell

this was never questioned and how it was not the number one story of

the election. Can Anyone Explain This? - Congressman Peter King,

Republican, NY: " It's already over. The election's over, we won. " -

Voice: " How do you know that? " - King: The electon's over and we won.

" " It's all over but the counting, and we'll take care of the

counting! " - Quicktime player required. (Courtesy

Whateallyhappened.com) - Another public confession with George W. Bush

standing right there. This is a clear a open statement indicating

election fraud and a stolen election. THIS IS ANOTHER PUBLIC

CONFESSION!!!. No member of the press ever addressed this. Conspiracy?

No. This is proof. If nothing else questions should have been asked.

The fact that this was never questioned by the media proves their

complicity. The fact that this was never explained by Congressman King

or by George W. Bush speaks for itself. Can anyone in the world

seriously say that a statement like this should not be questioned?


Remember the quote: Peter King, as he stood by George W. Bush's side:

" It's all over but the counting, and we'll take care of the counting! "


To some, while not evidence of conspiracy, this is, at best,

unseemly. Republican-affiliated corporations secretly handling our

vote; significant disparities between exit polls and machine-based

vote counts (that vary widely from state-to-state); the Republican

Party fighting legislation that would make the vote transparent;

Republicans saying they'll " take care of the counting " ; and now RNC

chairman Gillespie calls for an end to exit polls. - Restoring Trust

in the Vote by Thom Hartmann

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