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Deadly Arrogance

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Mon, 8 Aug 2005 05:00:06 +0200

Deadly Arrogance






Deadly Arrogance

Randy Atkins


August 7, 2005



I don't know what is worse, discovering our country the United States

of America is a corporate/government controlled criminal enterprise

that's clearly out of control or that no one in the world can do

anything about it. With this current administration in office, we are,

with every passing second closer to nuclear war. All the pieces are

now in place. We have the Bush/Neo-Con takeover of the U.S.

government, and their " illegal invasion for control and profit " of the

Middle East. We also have the ever insane evangelical Christian

fundamentalist's hypocritical and unquestioning support of the Bush

administration, cheering him on in the name of God. They are convinced

that Bush is right simply because he publicly says he is a God fearing

Christian, and apparently Bush also speaks directly to God. Since the

Christian fairy tale promise of heaven on earth after Armageddon, the

" born-again " Christian fundamentalists say they have nothing to fear

from nuclear annihilation because they will float up in the sky, meet

Jesus and be saved. Now, because of the Bush administrations " first

strike winnable nuclear war " policy, and the illegal invasion of two

countries that DID NOT attack us, all nuclear weapons states are on

optimum nuclear alert.


Now, the word around the camp fire is Dick Cheney ordered the

Strategic Command (STRATCOM) to prepare contingency plans for a

conventional and tactical nuclear strike in against hundreds of

targets in Iran, in the event of a " new 9/11-style attack " on the

United States. The plan includes a large-scale air assault employing

both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. The real question is,

what " new 9/11-style attack " ? Another faults flag operation? After

all, everyone now knows 9/11 was an inside job.


If a nuclear war should start in Iran it could go massive. Israel has

between 200 and 400 nuclear weapons sitting right in the center of the

" growing out of control " conflict in the Middle East. No one seems to

have an accurate count of Israeli nukes. I wonder why that is?


Other nuclear weapons states may strike the U.S. for fear that if they

wait too long they will be next on the U.S. " HIT LIST " ? The United

States has and will use " Low Yield Battle Field Nuclear Weapons " or

" Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator Weapons " . The use of these weapons is

a crime against humanity. Anyone using these weapons against any

nation is clinically sick and should be locked away in a home for the

criminally insane. If any kind of nuclear weapons is used, the fall

out will continue to kill life on earth for years just as the nuclear

weapons testing of the past has contaminated everything and is still

continuing to kill today.


In 1997 the National Cancer Institute released a study showing that

just the iodine 131 releases from atmospheric nuclear weapons testing

at Nevada had been over 130 million curies, that's 15 times greater

than the Chernobyl accident. The fallout has spread all over the

United States poisoning most of the milk supply and this is just one

part of the contamination. These tests had been conducted by many

countries in the 50s, and 60's, contaminating everything. Nuclear

contamination causes cancer and cancer is now the number one killer

surpassing heart dieses.


It's also clear the United States will go ahead with weaponizing space

if we survive the coming nuclear war, including nuclear weapons and

nuclear rocket engines for Project Prometheus and the New Horizons

mission to explore Pluto and its moon. One launch failure and the

nuclear contamination could be devastating.

Space is already militarized with satellites for command control of US

forces in the air, on land and the sea. Without satellites we couldn't

wage such a horrific war in Iraq on a scale of this magnitude. Other

nuclear weapons states like China and Russia have already warned the

U.S. that a move to put weapons in space will start a new arms race

into the heavens and they will consider it a threat to their national


The U.S. will violate the 1967 out space treaty also known as the

" nonarmament " treaty, meaning no WMD in outer space. Of course this is

just one of many treaty violations by the Bush administration.


The invasion of Iraq is a NUCLEAR WAR, with the use of depleted

uranium creating increased cancers and childhood deformities of all

sorts. The effects of DU does not discriminate and is ONE of the

largest cover-ups by the pentagon under 9/11. DU will continue to kill

forever! It will NOT go away and is coming to a city near you sooner

or later in ever increasing doses, because it can travel in the


Most of the American people don't have a clue of the new nuclear

nightmare, nor do they care anyway, it seems. They just don't believe

its' happening. Today diplomats from all around the world are

terrified of the new nuclear danger brought on by this arrogant Bush

administration. The buildup of the military around the world for the

" war of terrorism " for economic and strategic conquest has not

increased stability for the world or the economy as the press keeps

printing but undermines it.


The new nuclear nightmare is the number one issue facing all life on

Earth. Albert Einstein said " The release of atomic energy has not

created a new problem. It has made more urgent the necessity of

solving an old one " . That " old problem " continues and will persist for

a long time to come it seems. Who can stand up to this insanity and

demand nuclear disarmament before it is too late to save the planet? I

believe only the masses can, but I also believe it will never happen

because the corporate controlled media is the problem and deliberately

ignores the very issues that can decimate the world! Of course the

powers that be understand this and took measures to control the media

to cover up these crimes.


In the event of even a limited nuclear exchange the living may envy

the dead, and few could end their own life no matter how sick they

become from nuclear contamination. The victims will fight to live the

most horrible existence until their last dying breath.


It's just a matter of time now. Nuclear war has been on earth since

1945 and has been increasing in intensity every year since and there

is no where to run and no where to hide.


Randy Atkins



Courtesy and copyright Randy Atkins

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