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Just 100 emails to Congress will get them to attend.

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A little off topic for some groups, but not really. CODEX will take away our

right to purchase vitamins, herbs, and other supplements except at ineffective

doses. And even then the prices will rise astronomically. Most vitamins and

herbs will need a prescription and be made, not natural, by the big Pharma drug

companies. In Germany, where CODEX has been implemented, a bottle of Echinacea

has gone from the $15-$16 it costs us now, to - I hope you are sitting down -



So please, take one minute, less actually and email your congressperson.


Please, it's our health, it's our freedom, it's our lives.





Natural Solutions Foundation


Thursday, September 08, 2005 8:13 PM

Just 100 emails to Congress will get them to attend.



Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a


- Edmund Burke


You Do Make a Difference!

Just 100 emails to YOUR Congressional Members

Will Prod Them to Attend the September 20 Codex Briefing!

Please Make Sure They Get Those Emails!

I know that your health freedom is important to you.


I am writing to you because Health Freedom needs your help. I am asking you to

click here to email the members of your Congressional Delegation and strongly

urge them to attend the Congressional Codex Briefing on September 20, 2005 at

noon in Room 2220 Rayburn.


A Washington insider told me two days ago that if we can get as few as 100

emails and phone calls to each Member of Congress urging him/her to attend the

Codex Briefing, an outstanding number of Congressional Members will take this

unfamiliar outpouring of interest as a signal and come to the briefing.


Congress knows virtually nothing about Codex although Congress can vote down our

legal protections like DSHEA[1]while opening the door for Codex without ever

realizing there was a connection unless we educate them. That's what the

Congressional Codex briefing will do.


We will tell Congress that Codex Alimentarius, the international Food Code,

could prevent Americans from having access to the vitamins and minerals that

many of us believe -- and know -- contribute to their health and well being.


Congress is our main defense against Codex, a threat of which they have

generally never heard! The Codex Briefing will tell them what Codex is, what it

will mean to them and their families and to their constituents. It will also

inform the members of Congress about what they need to do to protect the US from

this looming health disaster.


But I guarantee you that if you do not send these easy emails or call the

Congressional Switchboard (1-202-225-3121) to you're your Congressmen and women

to attend the Codex Briefing, they will not attend. It is a simple as 1-2-3-4:


1.. No constituent outcry via your emails and phone calls = no attendance.

2.. No attendance = no information about what Codex really is and what it

means to the health of every man, woman and child in the United States.

3.. No information = no staunch bulwark of defense against this health and

health freedom threat.

4.. No staunch bulwark = no more health freedoms and precious little health.

Congress is our main defense against dangerous and deadly Codex regulations

becoming our laws here in the US. Yet Congress knows nothing about Codex.

Congress, for example, has before it at least 5 bills

(http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/bills) which would seriously damage or

completely destroy the rights of Americans to enjoy access to nutrients,

supplements and herbs classified as foods with no upper limits on their use.

That access is assured by DSHEA, the 1994 Dietary Supplements Health and

Education Act, passed by unanimous Congressional consent.


Did Congress suddenly see the light and suddenly all of them were converted to

Natural Medicine in 1994? Hardly! We, the People, were up on our feet making a

whole lot of noise about the health freedom issue. In fact, Congress got the

distinct impression that if anyone, no matter who they were, dared to interfere

with our nutrient and supplement access he or she would never go back to

Congress again.


Now Congress is on the front lines again, and, amazingly enough, most of the men

and women, of either party, that we elected to do the legislative work of this

country have not a clue about the impending Codex battle.


Most members of Congress have never heard of Codex!

I know because the Natural Solutions Foundation has called hundreds of

Congressional Offices and talked to hundreds of Congressional Health Aides.

They and their bosses had literally never heard of Codex before we mentioned it

to them and sent them material. They only knew what their party leaders and

their lobbyist friends tell them. And, sadly, neither party is speaking out for

your health.


Guess What! There are no nutrient companies making major financial

contributions to Congress and pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into

matching lobbying $$ to rival Big Pharma's vast investment in Congress.

Last year, Big Pharma spent $780 Million on Congressional lobbying, according to

USA Today (April, 2005). And We, the People? What have we got with which to

contend against that? We have:


1.. votes - Congress knows that irate constituents spell re-election trouble,

big time

2.. truth - which has its own special ring: people know it when they hear it

and they resonate with it

3.. the shared human realities that all of us face, including Congressmen and

women, as they create families and as they age: good health is supported and

sustained by clean, unadulterated food and high potency nutrients.

They know that, like the rest of us, if you violate those requirements you and

your family will sicken and perhaps die. Senators and Representatives have

families that they care about and bodies that they depend upon.


Until they understand, as clearly as you do that


a.. high potency, effective and clinically meaningful supplements are not


b.. unadulterated food and drink is essential to a healthy life,

there will be no reason for them to protect anything against Codex, least of

all, their constituents!


Please help get your Congressional Delegation to the Codex Briefing on September

20, 2005 at noon, Room 2220 Rayburn.


It's a matter of life and death: yours, mine and theirs.

Two More Items: Thanks for Doing Both!

1. Start a meetup. It's simple, it's easy and it's a really great political

organization tool. Go to http://healthfreedom.meetup.com. This site lets you

tell others in your area that you are interested in health freedom and lets them

find you. You pick a time, a location (Starbucks is a typical place) and then

you list yourself as the organizer. People will contact you and then, voila,

there's a meetup when and where you create one.


The Natural Solutions Foundation will provide you with Talking Points, Action

Steps, Organizational Tools, etc. Just let me know you have organized a meetup

by writing to me at info. What a terrific way to hook up

with others who feel the same way you do!


2. Join the Health Freedom 400. If only 400 people each gave just $25 we would

reach our goal of $10,000 is jig time. Please support our work. That's simple

and easy, too. Our fund raising campaign is in Day 14 so we are almost at the

half way mark. Won't you give generously and help support the fight to keep our

natural health options alive?


Yours in health and freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation



PS- Get ready for our next big project: raising funds in new way on the



[1] The 1994 law which classifies nutrients as foods, Dietary Supplements Health

and Education Act, which was passed by unanimous Congressional consent.





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