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Candida Control Diet - Foods You Can Eat JoAnn Guest

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Candida Control Diet - Foods You Can Eat JoAnn Guest Jan 08, 2004 17:57 PST

Vegetables - All vegetables, as much as you want at each meal, except

potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, winter squash (acorn & butternut),(green

beans are okay), and peas which all contain too much sugar. After week

#1, you may add the disallowed vegetables in moderate amounts.


Fruit - Fresh is best; frozen only if unsweetened. Serving size is

indicated. Do not have more than one serving per meal--limit 3 times a

day. No dried fruit or fruit juices allowed.


Apple - 2

Organic Applesauce, unsweetened - 1/3 cup

Apricots - 3 small

Avocado - Unlimited okay

Banana - 1/3

Blueberries - 2 cup

Cantaloupe, cubed - 1 cup

Cherries - 7

Grapes - 2 cup

Grapefruit - 2 (3 2 " diameter)

Honeydew Melon - 2 cup cubed

Nectarine - 1/2

Peach - 2

Pear - 2

Pineapple - 2 cup

Plum - 1 (2 1/4 " diameter)

Raspberries - 2/3 cup

Strawberries - 1 cup

Tangerine - 1 (2 1/4 " diameter)

Watermelon, cubed - 3/4 cup


Eggs - Organic and Free Range meat and eggs are allowed except bacon,

sausage, ham, hot dogs or luncheon meats (they all have sugar added).

Servings may be as large as you wish. During the 2nd week, you may add

organic cottage cheese, but not hard cheese, as a protein.


Beverages - Water (drink 8 glasses a day); sparkling water, Club Soda,

diet caffeine-free sodas, Herbal Beverage natural coffee substitute


Nuts, seeds & oils


Oils, Unprocessed

Extra Virgin Olive

Organic Butter

non-hydrogenated Nut Butters

Brazil Nuts




Avoid peanuts & pistachios (may have mold)


Desserts - Stevia can be used freely as a sweetener.


Foods You Cannot Eat (Not Even Once!)


(If you break the rules, the 14-21 days start over for the diet & the



Antibiotics: Use natural herbal remedies if you begin to get sick.

Antibiotics will cause a massive growth of candida!


Coffee & Tea: Regular coffee, instant coffee, decaf coffee.


Condiments, Sauces, Fermented Foods, & Vinegar-containing Foods:

Mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, salad dressing, Worcestershire, Accent

(MSG), Soy sauce, barbecue sauce, chili sauce, pickles, relishes, green

olives, sauerkraut, horseradish, tamari.


Cheese & Dairy: All cheeses, milk products and foods containing cheese

and milk. Sour cream and sour milk products must be avoided. Once a day

you may have plain yogurt with live culture and no sugar added to which

you add a serving of fresh fruit.


Flour, Rice, Corn, Oats, and Products Made from These: Bread, Rice

Cakes, Oatmeal, Tortillas, Pastries, Bagels, Cake, Pies and Popcorn all

turn to sugar in your system and feed your candida.


Malt Products: Malted milk drinks, cereals, and candy.


Moldy Foods: Any food that has mold on it such as left-overs or sprouts


Packaged & Processed Foods: Canned, bottled, boxes, and other packaged

foods usually contain yeast or refined sugar.


Vegetables: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, winter squash (acorn &

butternut), beans (except for green beans), and peas.


Sprouts: Often contain molds


Sugar & Sugar-containing Foods: Avoid fructose, sucrose, maltose,

lactose, honey, molasses, maple syrup, maple sugar, date sugar, and

turbinado sugar.


Yeasts: Brewer's Yeast (check your vitamins), bakers' yeast


How to plan a meal while on the Candida Diet:

1) Choose a protein (meat, chicken, fish, tuna, eggs)

2) Add as many allowed vegetables as you wish with butter & salt for

flavoring. To make salad dressing, combine olive or canola oil with

fresh lemon juice and desired spices.

3) Add one serving of fruit

4) Add nuts, avocados, and other sources of fat, as desired


To break the diet, (no sooner than on the 15th day) add one off-limits

food only. Start with the unallowed vegetables. Next add additional

fresh, unsweetened fruits. Add only one new item every three days. Three

days later add another.

By adding slowly, you can determine which foods you must still stay away

from (if your symptoms return). Honey, maple syrup, vinegar, and yeast

products should be the last items you add.





AIM Barleygreen

" Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future "

















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