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28 September 2005 - Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Go

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" Lori Price " <lrprice

Tue, 27 Sep 2005 23:46:09 -0700 (PDT)

Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by

Katrina 28 Sep 2005






Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government

28 September 2005




All links to articles as summarized below are available here:





Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina

25 Sep 2005 Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot

terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf

of Mexico. Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training

exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns.

The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military

purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.



House arrest for terror suspects 28 Sep 2005 Suspected terrorists as

young as 16 will face house arrest for up to a year without being

convicted of an offence under sweeping laws agreed to by all

Australian governments.



Powers pave way for secret new world 28 Sep 2005 (AU) Secret

detentions without charge, house arrests, even the possible monitoring

of lawyers - this is the brave new security world embraced by

Australia's leaders as a necessary evil in the fight against

terrorism. A control order on a suspect that could put him or her

under house arrest for a year, without charge, without trial, and

without criminal standards of evidence, can be granted by a judge

operating in a closed court, under the proposals the premiers agreed to.



High school project considered potential threat to Bush " The thumbtack

in the photo was apparently placed somewhere on Bush's head. " [ROFL!]

24 Sep 2005 A high school student's class project on freedoms in the

U.S. attracted Secret Service agents to his school this week... In the

student's photograph, a photograph of Bush is shown fastened to a wall

with a thumbtack. Over the picture of Bush is a " thumbs-down " sign.

The thumbtack in the photo was apparently placed somewhere on Bush's

head, school spokeswoman Sandy Kinzel, said. Concerned that the

thumbtack might represent a potential threat to the pResident, the

company that developed the student's film notified authorities.



Saudis to get U.S. aid for 'war on terror' 28 Sep 2005 U.S. President

George W. Bush has certified that Saudi Arabia is cooperating in the

" war on [of] terrorism, " clearing the way for aid that would otherwise

have been blocked under U.S. law.



Evacuees kept in Dallas Decker Detention Center 26 Sep 2005

....Approximately 700 hurricane evacuees will likely go to the city's

convention center and Dallas County's Decker Detention Center, a

former jail. The evacuees were prevented from talking with the media

Monday afternoon as they filed into Reunion.



Rita victims are living 'like cavemen' in wake of storm 27 Sep 2005

Nearly four days after Hurricane Rita hit, many of the storm's

sweltering victims along the Texas Gulf Coast were still waiting for

electricity, gasoline, water and other relief Tuesday, prompting one

top emergency official to complain that people are " living like cavemen. "



RFID VeriChips were implanted in bodies of hurricane victims 24 Sep

2005 Forensic experts have implanted computer chips in the bodies of

Hurricane Katrina victims to help identify the hundreds left dead in

South Mississippi and Louisiana.



Hurricanes Give Lobbyists Hope --Groups Recast Wish Lists as Relief 28

Sep 2005 With Congress dangling as much as $200 billion in

hurricane-related aid, lobbyists for oil companies, airlines,

manufacturers and others are clamoring to get their share.



FEMA Criticized for $236M Cruise Ship Deal 28 Sep 2005 On Sept. 1, the

Federal Emergency Management Agency pleaded with the U.S. Military

Sealift Command: The government needed 10,000 berths on full-service

cruise ships, FEMA said... The hasty appeal yielded one of the most

controversial contracts of the Hurricane Katrina relief operation, a

$236 million agreement with Carnival Cruise Lines for three ships that

now bob more than half empty in the Mississippi River and Mobile Bay.

Carnival, which is headquartered in Miami but incorporated for tax

purposes in Panama, paid just $3 million in income tax benefits on

$1.9 billion in pretax income last year, according to company documents.



FEMA Rehires Michael Brown 26 Sep 2005 CBS News correspondent Gloria

Borger reports that Michael Brown, who recently resigned as the head

of the FEMA, has been rehired by the agency as a consultant to

evaluate its response following Hurricane Katrina. [scroll to '6:44

PM' item.]



MSNBC 'Question of the Day' Mike Brown on FEMA's payroll: Can it be

justified? * 11631 responses - Yes 18%; No 82%



Former FEMA Head Blames Others for Hurricane Response Problems

--Michael Brown calls Louisiana officials " dysfunctional. " [Hello,

Pot? This is Kettle...] 27 Sep 2005 Former FEMA Director Michael Brown

today blamed much of what went wrong with the government's response to

Hurricane Katrina on Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans

Mayor Ray Nagin, telling a House committee that the key elected

officials were " dysfunctional " as the hurricane bore down on New Orleans.



Brown: Focus on terrorism drained FEMA 28 Sep 2005 The Bush

administration's fixation on fighting terrorism has drained the

Federal Emergency Management Agency, leaving it demoralized,

ill-equipped and under-manned, the agency's former director told a

House investigative panel on Tuesday.



FEMA Plans to Reimburse Faith Groups for Aid --As Civil Libertarians

Object, Religious Organizations Weigh Whether to Apply 27 Sep 2005

After weeks of prodding by Republican lawmakers and the American Red

Cross, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said yesterday that it

will use taxpayer money to reimburse churches and other religious

organizations that have opened their doors to provide shelter, food

and supplies to survivors of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.



Pelosi, Waxman Introduce Anti-Cronyism Bill 27 Sep 2005 U.S. Newswire

--Today, Congressman Henry A. Waxman and House Democratic Leader Nancy

Pelosi introduced the Anti-Cronyism and Public Safety Act, which would

prohibit the President from appointing unqualified individuals to

critical public safety positions in the government.



Bill would give Bush $50B more for wars 26 Sep 2005 The Senate would

give Dictator Bush $50 billion more for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

[Halliburton and Bechtel] as part of a $440 billion 'defense' spending

measure a panel approved Monday.



Blair Tells His Party He Will Keep Troops in Iraq 28 Sep 2005 In a

keynote speech intended to reinforce his political dominance, a

pugnacious Prime Minister Tony Blair pledged Tuesday to keep British

troops in Iraq and to " remain the strongest ally of the United States. "



Britons want troops out of Iraq 26 Sep 2005 Fifty-one percent of

British people want the government to set out plans for withdrawing

from Iraq, according to an opinion poll published on Monday.



Entire 101st Airborne Division Deploying to Iraq 23 Sep 2005 The 101st

Airborne Division is once again answering the call to serve in Iraq.

Around 20,000 soldiers got their final briefing Friday afternoon at

Ft. Campbell.



Bomb Kills 7 Police Recruits in Hub of Iraq's Insurgency 28 Sep 2005 A

man wearing a belt of explosives under his clothing walked into a

crowd of recruits gathered outside a police compound northeast of

Baghdad on Tuesday morning and detonated his payload, killing seven

and wounding 23 in a spray of burning metal, police officials said.



Iraq bomber kills 10 oil workers 26 Sep 2005 A suicide bomber has

rammed his car into a bus carrying employees of Iraq's oil ministry,

killing at least 10 and wounding 30.



Five teachers shot dead in classroom 28 Sep 2005 'Armed men dressed as

police officers' [uS death squads] burst into a primary school south

of Baghdad, rounded up five Shiite teachers and their driver, marched

them to an empty classroom and killed them.



For the hundredth time: No. 2 Leader of al-Qaida in Iraq Killed 28 Sep

2005 Iraqi and U.S. forces claimed a major blow against one of the

country's deadliest 'insurgent' groups Tuesday, saying [*again*] they

killed the No. 2 leader of al-Qaida in Iraq... [bTW, there was no 'al

Qaeda' in Iraq, prior to Bush's invasion.]



Depleted uranium tests for US troops returning from Iraq 28 Sep 2005

US troops returning from Iraq are for the first time to be offered

state-of-the-art radiation testing to check for contamination from

depleted uranium - a controversial substance linked by some to cancer

and birth defects.



Army Probes Complaints of Corpse Photos 27 Sep 2005 The Army is

investigating complaints that soldiers posted photographs of Iraqi

corpses on an Internet site in exchange for access to pornographic

images on the site, officials said Tuesday.



Hicks trial: attempted murder charge 'farcical' 27 Sep 2005 Australian

terror suspect David Hicks will face " farcical " charges at a US

military tribunal hearing starting on November 18, his father says.

The Pentagon today announced that date as Hicks' first scheduled

motions hearing at the US military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -

where the Adelaide born man has been detained since January 2002.



Private Gets 3 Years for Iraq Prison Abuse 28 Sep 2005 Pfc. Lynndie

England, a 22-year-old clerk in the Army who was photographed with

naked Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, was sentenced on Tuesday

to three years in prison and a dishonorable discharge for her role in

the scandal.



Two U.S. Servicemembers Killed in Afghanistan 27 Sep 2005 A U.S.

soldier and a U.S. Marine were killed Sept. 26 in separate attacks

near Kandahar and Asadabad, Afghanistan, military officials reported




9/11 = Inside Job! Contingent at SF Anti-War Rally By Carol Brouillet

26 Sep 2005 " In San Francisco on Saturday in a crowd that was, at

least, 50,000 strong. There were many 9-11 Truth activists. "



Sheehan Arrested During Anti-War Protest 26 Sep 2005 Cindy Sheehan,

the California woman who has used her son's death in Iraq to spur the

anti-war movement, was arrested Monday while protesting outside the

White House.



25 Arrested at Pentagon Action (dc.indymedia) 26 Sep 2005 25 Activists

arrested at the Pentagon this morning in a direct action. Others asked

to have their bags searched. Pentagon Metro station apparently closed

down momentarily.



Iraq war opponents march on White House 26 Sep 2005 Several hundred

anti-war protesters marched to the White House today, demanding the

withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.



From St. Petersburg to London, protesters unite --Hundreds gather in

Williams Park to protest the war while other rallies, including one

100,000 strong in Washington, take place around the world. 25 Sep 2005

An estimated 400 to 500 people gathered downtown in Williams Park (FL)

on Saturday to protest the war in Iraq.



Police Chief Abruptly Resigns in New Orleans 27 Sep 2005 The police

superintendent of New Orleans, Edwin P. Compass III, abruptly resigned

today, four weeks after Hurricane Katrina put the city under water and

into chaos, with people who had stayed behind left for days to fend

for themselves amid reports of looting and lawlessness.



Reports of anarchy at Superdome overstated 26 Sep 2005 The vast

majority of reported atrocities committed by evacuees inside the

Superdome — mass murders, rapes and beatings — have turned out to be

false, or at least unsupported by any evidence, according to key

military, law-enforcement, medical and civilian officials in positions

to know.



White Lawmaker Likens Black Colleagues, KKK 27 Sep 2005 A white

Tennessee lawmaker [and Nazi] lamenting his exclusion from the state's

Black Legislative Caucus claimed Tuesday the group was less

accommodating that even the Ku Klux Klan.



'Intelligent Design' Court Battle Begins 26 Sep 2005 " Intelligent

design " is a religious theory that was inserted in a school district's

curriculum with no concern for whether it had scientific

underpinnings, a lawyer told a federal judge Monday as a landmark

trial got under way.



Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side' 27 Sep 2005

Religious belief can cause damage to a society, contributing towards

high murder rates, abortion, sexual promiscuity and suicide, according

to research published today. According to the study, belief in and

worship of God are not only unnecessary for a healthy society but may

actually contribute to social problems.



America's Next Election Nightmare By Andrew Gumbel 27 Sep 2005 " In the

2000 presidential election we had Katherine Harris. In 2004 it was

Kenneth Blackwell. And now a new horror show is about to play out in

the troubled landscape of America's dysfunctional democracy – yet

another top state election official who also happens to be openly

cheerleading for one side in a race for high office. The new

poster-child for how not to run elections is Cathy Cox, the Secretary

of State of Georgia... She won't merely be helping to run someone

else's campaign in next year's mid-terms; she will be running for

office herself. "



Three charged in gangland-style murder of Suncruz founder 'Gus' Boulis

27 Sep 2005 Perhaps solving one of South Florida's most notorious

crimes, police arrested three men Tuesday in the 2001 ambush slaying

of Konstaninos " Gus'' Boulis -- a murder that happened a few months

after Boulis sold a fleet of casino boats to prominent Washington

lobbyist Jack Abramoff and a partner.



Weather Modification Act of 2005 --Weather Modification Research and

Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005 (Introduced in House)

[ed. and the Senate as S 517 IS] HR 2995 IH June 20, 2005 --A BILL To

establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and

for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of

Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the 'Weather

Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of

2005'. SEC. 2. PURPOSE. It is the purpose of this Act to develop and

implement a comprehensive and coordinated national weather

modification policy and a national cooperative Federal and State

program of weather modification research and development.



Changes to Endangered Species Act could remove roadblocks to energy

development 25 Sep 2005 As a sweeping rewrite of the Endangered

Species Act makes its way to the House floor as early as this week,

some environmentalists are fearful the legislation could further

Colorado's already booming oil and gas industry.



U.S. to cut critical bird habitat on West Coast 27 Sep 2005 The U.S.

Fish and Wildlife DisService on Monday announced that West Coast

beach-front critical habitat for the threatened western snowy plover

will be cut back by nearly 40 percent, continuing a Bush regime policy

of reducing habitat protections for threatened and endangered species

to reduce economic losses.



TV Series Pitch Ends in Arrest on Fraud Charges 24 Sep 2005 Saying his

'Homeland Security' drama had the blessing of President [sic] Bush and

others in Washington, D.C., Joseph M. Medawar in May 2003 quickly

found plenty of backers for the show — one that he promised would be

followed by a reality-based series titled " Fighting Terrorism

Together. " But on Friday, Medawar was arrested by FBI and IRS agents

on charges that he bilked at least 70 investors out of more than $5.5




[Previous lead stories:] Guantánamo inmate says US told him to spy on

al-Jazeera 26 Sep 2005 The US military told an al-Jazeera cameraman

being held at Guantánamo Bay that he would be released as long as he

agreed to spy on journalists at the Arabic news channel, according to

documents seen by the Guardian.



Australian held in Guantanomo seeks UK passport 26 Sep 2005 An

Australian man held at Guantanamo Bay for three-and-a-half years has

applied for a British passport in the hope that it could secure his

release from the U.S. prison for foreign terrorism suspects.



Labor propose lock down powers 26 Sep 2005 Labor (AU) has proposed

unprecedented anti[pro]-terrorism laws which would allow police to

lock down entire neighbourhoods and stop and search anyone without a




CLGers: Please contribute for September's expenses, thank you! And,

thank you to all who have donated previously!!




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CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, General Manager. 2005,

Citizens For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved. CLG Founder

and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.

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