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As has been stated before, all medical and non-medical authorities on

vaccination agree that vaccines are designed to cause a mild case of

the diseases they are supposed to prevent. But they also know and

admit that there is no way whatsoever to predict whether the case will

be mild or severe - even deadly. With this much uncertainty in dealing

with the very lives of people, it is very unscientific and extremely

dangerous to use such a questionable procedure as vaccination.


Many vaccines also cause other diseases besides the one for which they

are given. For instance, smallpox vaccine often causes syphilis,

paralysis, leprosy, and cancer. (See the chapters on smallpox and

plagues.) Polio shots, diphtheria toxin-antitoxin, typhoid vaccine, as

well as measles, tetanus and all other shots often cause various other

stages of disease such as post-vaccinal encephalitis (inflammation of

the brain,) paralysis, spinal meningitis, blindness, cancer (sometimes

within two years,) tuberculosis, (two to twenty years after the shot,)

arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease (heart failure sometimes

within minutes after the shot and sometimes several hours later.)

Nerve damage and many other serious conditions also follow the injections.


When several shots are given (different vaccines) within a few days or

a few weeks apart, they often trigger intensified cases of all the

diseases at once, because the body cannot handle such a large amount

of deadly poison being injected directly into the bloodstream. The

doctors call it a new disease and proceed to suppress the symptoms.


When poison is taken by the mouth, the internal defense system has a

chance to quickly eject some of it by vomiting, but when the poisons

are shot directly into the body, bypassing all the natural safeguards,

these dangerous poisons circulate immediately throughout the entire

body in a matter of seconds and keep on circulating until all the

cells are poisoned.


I heard that seven men dropped dead in a doctor's office after being

vaccinated. This was in an army camp, so I wrote to the Government for

verification. They sent me the report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry

L. Stimson. The report not only verified the report of the seven who

dropped dead from the vaccines, but it stated that there had been 63

deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the yellow

fever vaccine during only 6 months of the war. That was only one of

the 14 to 25 shots given the soldiers. We can imagine the damage that

all these shots did to the men. (See the chapter on What Vaccinations

Did to Our Soldiers.)


The first World War was of a short duration, so the vaccine makers

were unable to use up all their vaccines. As they were (and still are)

in business for profit, they decided to sell it to the rest of the

population. So they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in

U.S. history. There were no epidemics to justify it so they used other

tricks. Their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home from

foreign countries with all kinds of diseases and that everyone must

have all the shots on the market.


The people believed them because, first of all, they wanted to believe

their doctors, and second, the returning soldiers certainly had been

sick. They didn't know it was from doctor-made vaccine diseases, as

the army doctors don't tell them things like that. Many of the

returned soldiers were disabled for life by these drug-induced

diseases. Many were insane from postvaccinal encephalitis, but the

doctors called it shell shock, even though many had never left

American soil.


The conglomerate disease brought on by the many poison vaccines

baffled the doctors, as they never had a vaccination spree before

which used so many different vaccines. The new disease they had

created had symptoms of all the diseases they had injected into the

man. There was the high fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rash and

intestinal disturbance characteristic of typhoid. The diphtheria

vaccine caused lung congestion, chills and fever, swollen, sore throat

clogged with the false membrane, and the choking suffocation because

of difficulty in breathing followed by gasping and death, after which

the body turned black from stagnant blood that had been deprived of

oxygen in the suffocation stages. In early days they called it Black

Death. The other vaccines cause their own reactions — paralysis, brain

damage, lockjaw, etc.


When doctors had tried to suppress the symptoms of the typhoid with a

stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid which they named

paratyphoid. But when they concocted a stronger and more dangerous

vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease which

they didn't have a name for. What should they call it? They didn't

want to tell the people what it really was — their own Frankenstein

monster which they had created with their vaccines and suppressive

medicines. They wanted to direct the blame away from themselves, so

they called it Spanish Influenza. It was certainly not of Spanish

origin, and the Spanish people resented the implication that the

world-wide scourge of that day should be blamed on them. But the name

stuck and American medical doctors and vaccine makers were not

suspected of the crime of this widespread devastation — the 1918 Flu

Epidemic. It is only in recent years that researchers have been

digging up the facts and laying the blame where it belongs.


Some of the soldiers may have been in Spain before coming home, but

their diseases originated in their own home-based U.S. Army Camps. Our

medical men still use that same dodge. When their own vaccines

(required for travel) cause vaccine diseases abroad they use this as

grounds for a scare campaign to stampede people into the vaccination

centers. Do you remember the Hong Kong Flu and the Asian Flu and the

London Flu scares? These were all medically-made epidemics mixed with

the usual common colds which people have every year.


Now (1976) we are being worked on again by the vaccine -epidemic

makers in their effort to force another multi million dollar vaccine

sale caper. Their con men have already talked President Ford into

handing over $135 million dollars to start their vaccine racket. Even

the insurance companies refused to become involved with such an

obviously dangerous and crooked scheme. So, again the medical and drug

con men induced the appropriate government officials to guarantee

insurance against the, possible billions of dollars in law suits which

could be brought against the vaccine promoters if the vaccine campaign

is carried out as planned. It's a good thing Ford was voted out of

office. It's too bad he wasn't " dumped " before he paid the poison

squad the MONEY' to poison the whole population. However, we don't yet

know if President Carter will be any better. Will he be held in the

grip of the medical and drug dictatorship? Or will he investigate —

learn the truth — reverse the decisions and make the vaccine makers

return the money taken from the taxpayers under false pretenses?


The statement of the swine flu vaccine promoters to the effect that

the vaccine is harmless, is false, and the statement that it will

protect against flu is false. Fifty-six people died after the shots,

some within 48 hours. There is confusion and disagreement among the

doctors about all aspects of the vaccine, from the safety and

effectiveness to the necessity for it, who should have it and who

should be warned against it.


Their scare-head campaign cry is that the swine flu is like the 1918

flu which killed 20,000,000 people. They don't have any usable and

provable blood samples from the 1918 flu epidemic to prove it. That

was 58 years ago, and the doctors were just as confused and

inefficient then as now. However, one thing is certain — the 1918

Spanish Influenza was a vaccine-induced disease caused by extreme body

poisoning from the conglomeration of many different vaccines. The

soldiers at Fort Dix who were said to have had Swine Flu had been

injected with a large variety of vaccines like the vaccines which

caused the 1918 flu epidemic. The flu epidemic at Fort Dix was in no

way related to swine. There were no swine at camp (unless we want to

sarcastically call the vaccine promoters who caused the diseases

- " swine. " )


To add to the confusion, the doctors tell the people that there are a

lot of various kinds of flu; the one which the soldiers at Fort Dix

had was AVictoria flu, there are other strains of flu virus, and also,

that the swine flu vaccine which so many people have taken already

will not protect them against the many other types of flu. This will

be used as an " out " in case of law suits later on when more casualties

begin to show up. The doctors will say that the vaccine failed because

it was the wrong kind of flu for the vaccine. Of course, no one can

prove it one way or the other because viruses are illusive, invisible

organisms which are unstable and unpredictable. One dictionary

definition of virus is " a morbid poison. " The vaccines injected into

the body are poison and cause the typical poison reactions. Virus

(poison) does not fly around and attack people.


Therefore, there will be no swine flu epidemic unless the vaccine

promoters make one like they did in the 1918 flu epidemic. It will not

kill 20,000,000 people unless the people submit to the

disease-producing shots. There are also, other causes of disease

besides vaccines, such as bad food, which has been devitalized and

contaminated with poison preservatives and artificial drug

concoctions. There are many more causes of disease but no diseases are

contagious(See the chapter on the germ theory).


Vaccine drives come and go as often as the vaccine promoters can cook

up the slightest pretense of a reason.n Back in1957 they were trying

to stir up a vaccination campaign for what they decided to call

Asiatic flu. An editorial in the Herald and Express for August 29,

1957 was captioned, " Fear of Flu Propaganda. " Part of the piece is as



" What a tempest in a teapot has been blown up over the probability

that this country will experience an epidemic of the Asiatic flu in

the fall and winter months ahead.


" Even the United States Department of Health is stooge for the panic —

and has issued statements which are frightening the public, rather

than reassuring them by pointing out that this epidemic, while

widespread, gives no indication of being any more dangerous than our

usual flood of influenza-like colds when winter comes on.


" Those who read between the lines even wonder whether the whole thing

might not be a bit of super salesmanship on the part of those who are

making and selling the vaccines which are being prepared.. . . "




All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918

Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the

world has ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead

the next. The disease had the characteristics of the black death added

to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the

diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following

World War 1. Practically the entire population had been injected

" seeded " with a dozen or more diseases — or toxic serums. When all

those doctor-made diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic.


That pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive with the addition

of more poison drugs administered by the doctors who tried to suppress

the symptoms. As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the

vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family

had refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the time. We

knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others,

that people cannot contaminate the body with poisons without causing



When the flu was at its peak, all the stores were closed as well as

the schools, businesses — even the hospital, as the doctors and nurses

had been vaccinated too and were down with the flu. No one was on the

streets. It was like a ghost town. We seemed to be the only family

which didn't get the flu; so my parents went from house to house doing

what they could to look after the sick, as it was impossible to get a

doctor then. If it were possible for germs, bacteria, virus, or

bacilli to cause disease, they had plenty of opportunity to attack my

parents when they were spending many hours a day in the sick rooms.

But they didn't get the flu and they didn't bring any germs home to

attack us children and cause anything. None of our family had the flu

— not even a sniffle— and it was in the winter with deep snow on the



When I see people cringe when someone near them sneezes or coughs, I

wonder how long it will take them to find out that they can't catch it

— whatever it is. The only way they can get a disease is to develop it

themselves by wrong eating, drinking, smoking or doing some other

things which cause internal poisoning and lowered vitality. All

diseases are preventable and most of them are cureable with the right

methods, not known to medical doctors, and not all drugless doctors

know them either.


It has been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 people

throughout the world. But, actually, the doctors killed them with

their crude and deadly treatments and drugs. This is a harsh

accusation but it is nevertheless true, judging by the success of the

drugless doctors in comparison with that of the medical doctors.


While the medical men and medical hospitals were losing 33% of their

flu cases, the non-medical hospitals such as BATTLE CREEK, KELLOGG and

MACFADDEN'S HEALTH-RESTORIUM were getting almost 100% healings with

their water cure, baths, enemas, etc., fasting and certain other

simple healing methods, followed by carefully worked out diets of

natural foods. One health doctor didn't lose a patient in eight years.

The very successful health treatment of one of those drugless doctors

who didn't lose any patients will be given in the other part of this

book, titled VACCINATION CONDEMNED, to be published a little later.


If the medical doctors had been as advanced as the drugless doctors,

there would not have been those 20 million deaths from the medical flu



There was seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than

among the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases were those they had

been vaccinated against. One soldier who had returned from overseas in

1912 told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases of

infantile paralysis and he wondered why grown men should have an

infant disease. Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect

of vaccine poisoning. Those at home didn't get the paralysis until

after the world-wide vaccination campaign in 1918.


index chapt 3

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