Guest guest Posted October 10, 2005 Report Share Posted October 10, 2005 Hormonal Imbalances & Phytoestrogens - A Viable Solution JoAnn Guest Oct 09, 2005 20:00 PDT --- Raw whole foods, fruits, vegetables contain mild amounts of natural estrogens which circumvent the rollercoaster imbalance most women experience. If phytoestrogens are part of the lifestyle prior to menopause, there will not be such a radical drop when the body begins to downshift away from the demands of always preparing for reproduction. In a study done in Paris in the early 1990s, a physiologist significantly lowered estrogen levels in the sample group simply by changing from a high fat, high sugar diet to a more natural diet of fruits and vegetables. (Vines) Phytoestrogens also appear in a variety of herbs, including black cohosh, alfalfa, pomegranate, and licorice. 3. Natural Progesterone By now you should know that progesterone drops to zero at menopause If estrogen levels have been high all along, problems begin to arise when the sister hormone progesterone is no longer around to keep things in balance. In the past few years, several doctors have found that natural progesterone cream can take up the slack both before menopause, in the case of the stress-challenged woman, and after menopause, in the case of the less stressed woman who has incorporated natural phytoestrogen foods into her lifestyle. Both can benefit from the regulating influence of natural estrogen in small food-bound doses. Physiologic doses. Dr. Lee has organized most of the pertinent information about the clinical effects of natural progesterone cream. Osteoporosis, heart disease, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, hot flashes, dryness, skin shrivelling are routinely avoided completely by the daily use of this simple natural lotion. On p 271 of his book, Dr. Lee has a list of products which contain natural progesterone in a usable form. The reader is directed to " What You Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause " for the complete story on progesterone. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that if you are a woman you can't afford to skip his book. I realize the information in this chapter may be a bit overwhelming, especially if you are hearing it for the first time. This is not light reading. But it's worth the effort if you are considering a major step like beginning hormone therapy, or birth control pills, to inform yourself. This chapter hopes to point you in the direction of further investigation. The attached references would be your next step in verifying what I have suggested in these few short pages. If you only choose one, I would recommend John Lee's book, as it is the most comprehensive review of current literature on the topic of natural hormone therapy. We are taught to be too trusting of medicine, to a degree that it doesn't merit. Almost two hundred prescription drugs come and go every year. Why would that be, if they really worked? What happened to thalidomide, fen-phen, seldane, DES, rotavirus vaccine, and a thousand others? What happened to the people who took them, thinking they were safe? Misled and misinformed by the forces of big business, American women find themselves far afield of a rational outlook on menopause, in tune with Nature's intentions. Incessant advertising and mental conditioning has successfully programmed the public's hard disk into regarding menopause as a disease absolutely requiring treatment, even in the absence of symptoms. Such a perspective is the creation of the marketplace and is not even supported by the most conservative and credible of medical authorities. " Menopause is a natural rite of passage and should not be treated as a disease. " - Betty Kamen, PhD HRT, p 239 " Menopause is not a disease. It is a natural biological process that has gone awry in some women because of less than optimum environment. " Lee p 279 LIFE IS SUCH A PILL Abstracting ourselves for a moment away from citing 10 medical studies which prove this point, just use your common sense. Let's go back to the beginning of the chapter. What does natural estrogen do? Prepares for reproduction. What tissues does it affect? Those tissues that what? Right. Are rapidly dividing: endometrium, cervix, breast, ovaries. Now, what is cancer? Very simply, cancer begins when a cell has lost its ability to specialize, but not its ability to multiply, or proliferate. Or divide rapidly. A tumor is a group of cells multiplying rapidly out of control, but unable to perform any life function. So therefore, which tissues do you think have the greatest tendency to become cancerous? Right - those which normally will tend to divide rapidly, like endometrial and breast tissue. So estrogen and cancer have a lot in common from the get-go. Is it really that much of a surprise that dozens of controlled medical studies and research reviews have proven practically beyond dissent that HRT, which is estrogen gone wild, can cause cancer? So would it be too impertinent of me to pose the obvious: why is HRT still out there? Let's see, it doesn't do what it's supposed to do - control menopause symptoms, it has no effect on osteoporosis and it's been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be a frequent " spark " for cancer. The above-cited Boston Nurses Questionnaire Study involving over 121,000 participants found that taking estrogen therapy alone for at least ten years raised breast cancer risk by 40%. If they took progestins as well (synthetic progesterone) that figure went to 100%! (Australian Doctor, 29 Aug 97, p3) A meta-analysis is when researchers compare several studies and come up with a conclusion. In 1991 a meta-analysis of 16 separate studies was written up in Journal of the American Medical Association.. Their findings: " After 15 years of estrogen use, we found a 30% increase in the risk of breast cancer.. " - Steinberg p1985 JAMA 1991 Different studies, different numbers. How about this one, in Sweden, from the New England Journal of Medicine, with over 23,000 women in the sample group: " Overall we noted a 10% increase in the relative risk of breast cancer for 23,334 women for whom estrogens were prescribed for menopause. this risk to increase with increased duration of treatment to an excess risk of 70% in women with more than nine years of use. " - Bergkvist, p293 NEJM 3 Aug 89 Fairly credible sample size. There are many other studies, but you can see where this is going. These are the top medical journals in the U.S. Doctors know that HRT causes breast cancer. Why is this happening? Just keep thinking about that $1 billion per year, and things will eventually come into focus. That's a thousand million per year. NATURAL NON-TOXIC SOLUTIONS Here are three holistic methods for reducing the incidence of menopause annoyances: - clean diet - plant-sourced estrogens - Phytoestrogens - natural progesterone cream 1. Diet Eat non-acidifying foods: raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, good stuff. Acidfying foods, fast foods, processed foods, white sugar, hard fats - the usual culprits in most other disease patterns - once again make their appearance. As explained above, " estrogen dominance " is promoted by a lifetime diet of these common foods. Stress and nutritional deficiency deplete the adrenals, which deplete progesterone, which promotes estrogen imbalance, which causes symptoms of menopause. Normally estrogen should just cycle through the body once and then be broken down in the liver. High fat content in the diet prevents such breakdown and allows estrogen to go around a second time, promoting all the above-mentioned imbalances. (McDougall, p87) The foregoing information also applies for most birth control pills. Most are synthetic " steroid hormones " which artificially prevent ovulation. The lie is, the Pill will " regulate periods. " The truth is the menstrual flow is artificial, occurring only because the Pill was withheld for one week per month. Normal menstruation is the result of the " cyclic dynamic " between natural estrogen and natural progesterone. With contraceptives, the flow is just a result of a clumsy, sledgehammer approach to " managing " one small aspect of an imponderably complex " bio-system " . Long term, such a course is foolish, as it has the same pattern of side effects as listed above: coronary artery disease, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, strokes, high blood pressure, liver dysfunction, respiratory allergies, digestive disorders, depression, blood clots, osteoporosis, and weight gain. (Sellman, p78) This is sexual freedom? Sounds more like slavery to me. _________________ JoAnn Guest mrsjo- AIM Barleygreen " Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future " Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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