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Citizens' Arrest in the Works? - 9/11 Terror Suspect

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Sun, 09 Oct 2005 12:45:20 -0700

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Citizens' Arrest in the Works? - 9/11 Terror Suspect






Kevin Barrett

Citizens' Arrest in the Works? - 9/11 Terror Suspect

Sun Oct 9, 2005 14:03





9/11 Terror Suspect to Speak at U.W.-Milwaukee


Citizens' Arrest in the Works?


The head of the terrorist organization suspected of planning the

attacks of September 11th, 2001 will be speaking at the University of

Wisconsin-Milwaukee this Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30 p.m., risking a

citizens' arrest for 9/11 crimes against humanity. The terrorist chief

will also be verbally pilloried by outraged citizens on the Ben Merens

show Monday at 3 p.m. on Wisconsin Public Radio:



The speaker, Gary Schmitt, is the Executive Director of the

Project for a New American Century (PNAC), a radical rightwing think

tank that called for a " New Pearl Harbor " in September, 2000--and got

one on September 11th, 2001.


In its document " Rebuilding America's Defenses " published in

September 2000, PNAC called for massive military budget increases, a

policy of pre-emptive war including using Saddam Hussein as an excuse

to invade the Iraqi oil fields, and stepped-up intervention around the

world and especially in the Middle East--but noted that these goals

would be extremely difficult to accomplish with alacrity " absent some

galvanizing event like a new Pearl Harbor. "


When PNAC members and associates including Cheney, Rumsfeld,

Perle, and Wolfowitz took power in January 2000, they immediately

committed to an invasion of Iraq--an invasion that would have been not

only politically impossible but literally unthinkable without 9/11,

which too-conveniently arrived eight months later. According to former

Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, the Bush Administration was so

obsessed with its planned Iraq invasion from the moment it took power

in January, 2000, that they had no time for any other issues. Then in

July, 2001, after the Taliban pipeline deal fell through, they

committed to invading Afghanistan in the fall--which also would have

been impossible without 9/11.


A growing list of ex-administration officials, historians,

philosophers, politicians and others have been calling attention to

the overwhelming evidence that 9/11 was an inside job--that the US Air

Force stood down, the Twin Towers and WTC-7 were destroyed in

controlled demolitions, the " hijackers " (who are not even Muslim, much

less extremists) are still alive, the story of the Pentagon strike is

ludicrous, flight 93 was shot down and the " heroic passengers say

let's roll " story is a myth, many FBI agents had specific

foreknowledge of the date and target of the attacks months in advance,

the alleged Commander-in-Chief was left in a pre-announced location

for more than an hour during an alleged surprise attack while

thousands of potentially hijacked planes were still in the skies...the

list of prima facie smoking guns is too long to list here, and not one

of them has yet been refuted by anyone, least of all the 9/11 Coverup

Commission led by neocon Bush associate Philip Zelikow. (For an

irrefutable debunking of the 9/11 Commission Report, see David

Griffin's The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.)


Prominent Americans who have called 9/11 a probable inside job

include former Republican cabinet members Catherine Austin Fitts,

Morgan Reynolds, and Paul Craig Roberts; historical writer and

essayist Gore Vidal; and noted philosopher-theologian David Griffin.

Among the many other supporters of the 9/11 truth movement are: Ralph

Nader, David Cobb, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Ray McGovern, Jim Hightower,

Howard Zinn, the Green Party, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, British

ex-Environment Minister Michael Meecher, and the late Senator Paul

Wellstone. The must-see three-part BBC Documentary, " The Power of

Nightmares, " puts it bluntly: " Al-Qaeda is a (neocon) myth. " See:



A top-secret anti-terror squad called Flush Pee-NAC is

contemplating performing a citizen's arrest on Schmitt. Supporters are

urged to arrive early, take front row seats, and come heavily-armed

with tar, feathers, and rotten vegetables.


* * *




" thanks a lot, Herr Doktor Schmitt! "


3:00 PM - Ben Merens - Monday 10/10

After three, Ben Merens talks with the executive director of The

Project for the New American Century,

credited by many for shaping current U.S. foreign policy. The'll

discuss the war on terror, and

the Bush Administration goal of spreading greed & corruption.

Guest: Gary Schmitt,

, Project for the New American Century

http://www.newamericancentury.org =

Dr. Schmitt will speak at the Global Issues

Fall Series @ UW-Milwaukee on Tuesday, October 11, 6:30 pm - -

8:30 pm, U.W.M. Union Ballroom, 2200 E. Kenwood Ave., Milwaukee, WI.

For more information: https://www3.uwm.edu/dept/cie/iwa/


Kevin Barrett - khidria

Coordinator, MUJCA-NET: http://mujca.com




Project for the New American Century

Gary J. Schmitt. Dr. Schmitt is executive director of the Project

for the New American Century.

In the early 1980s, Dr. Schmitt was a member of the ...




Gary Schmitt

Positions that Gary Schmitt has held:. Executive Director, Project

for the New American ...

Gary Schmitt actively participated in the following events: ...




Gary J. Schmitt


Dr. Schmitt is executive director of the Project for the New

American Century.


In the early 1980s, Dr. Schmitt was a member of the professional

staff of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and, from

1982-1984, served as the committee's minority staff director. In 1984,

he was appointed by President Reagan to the post of executive director

of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, the White

House. He served in that position until 1988. Since then, he has held

visiting fellowships at the National Interest, a foreign policy

journal, and the Brookings Institution, served as Coordinator for the

Consortium for the Study of Intelligence's Working Group on

Intelligence Reform, and worked as a consultant to the Department of

Defense. In addition, he has been an adjunct professor at the Paul H.

Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University.


Dr. Schmitt has written articles in a number of areas, including

the American founding, the U.S. presidency, the American political

system, intelligence and national security affairs. He is the

co-author with Abram N. Shulsky, of Silent Warfare: Understanding the

World of Intelligence (2002); co-editor of, and contributor to, U.S.

Intelligence at the Crossroads: Agendas for Reform (1995); co-author

of The Future of U.S. Intelligence (1996), a monograph prepared for

the Working Group on Intelligence Reform; and co-author of What Does

" High Crimes and Misdemeanors " Mean? (1998), a monograph of the Henry

Salvatori Center of Claremont McKenna College.


Dr. Schmitt is a graduate of the University of Dallas (B.A./1974)

and the University of Chicago (Ph.D./1980).

He is married, has two children, and lives in Arlington, Virginia.





The Project for the New American Century intends, through issue

briefs, research papers, advocacy journalism, conferences, and

seminars, to explain what American world leadership entails. It will

also strive to rally support for a vigorous and principled policy of

American international involvement and to stimulate useful public

debate on foreign and defense policy and America's role in the world.


William Kristol, Chairman



NPR : Katrina Chaos: A Black Eye for US Image?

>From the Americas to Asia, images of devastation from the Gulf

Coast region ...

NORTHAM: But Gary Schmitt, the executive director of the Project

for New ...


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