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food allergies and vaccines and Google Alert e1

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My experiences with food and airborne allergies are what I will share.


Allergies are a THRESHOLD ISSUE. Once you cross the threshold, things you never

knew about give you trouble. Doctors will tell you that there is no treatment

that will help with food allergies but my experience is that that is NOT TRUE. I

have had severe allergies to food and airborne stuff all my life and when I went

through my first desensitizing program (injections) nearly all of my food

allergies also went away. The injections raised my threshold so high that the

foods I was allergic to would never cross it. And when I say food allergies I

mean there were foods that would close my throat, foods that would immediately

cause me to wheeze and interfere with my breathing. The list is too long to



So, the short story is that injections DO HELP food allergies by way of nearly

eliminating the airborne stuff and thereby raising your personal threshold.

Doctors do not know it all.


I believe every person should be tested for airborne and food allergies to

understand what it is that causes problems and if the airborne stuff is high

enough, GET SHOTS. And the earlier the better. I am 72 and am in my third round

of shots in 35 years. We create so much pollution that the threshold changes all

the time and the older one gets, the more likely allergies play a big part.


If you have any kind of allergies at all, get tested. Look at all the people who

have oxygen tanks along. Lack of oxygen has all kinds of terrible health

implications from high blood pressure to just being unable to climb a flight of

stairs. And not everyone on oxygen was a smoker either. COPD is alive and well.

As people age, they begin to breath more and more shallow and that reduces the

oxygen even further.


Lastly, drink AT LEAST 2 quarts of water a day. That will help everything in

your body.


Lastly, screw what other people think. Learn about your own body and what works

for you. Everyone is somewhat different and what you believe is a large part of

how the body responds. Take a holistic approach, mind AND body. Be positive and

do your own research. Use " Google Alert " to allow Google's huge search engine

find the answers you need. It finds information from every publication in the

world as soon as it becomes available to the internet.

I use it all the time. It is a marvelous research source.





Re: food allergies and vaccines

Posted by: " Nicole Muench Seidel " nikasmomma2001 nikasmomma2001

Tue Oct 2, 2007 7:19 pm (PST)

Our daughter has some extreme food allergies also, especially eggs and

shell fish. We have wondered from time to time whether vaccines may

play some role. Of course it may be a case of which came first the

chicken or the egg. Some vaccines are made using chick embryos...so

she could have already had an allergy to eggs and the vaccine made it

worse. Or having a live virus injected into her at the same time as

having indirect contact with eggs, did something. Also, we wonder if

she got my weak immune system and couldn't handle 3 live viruses in

one vaccine. I had to be hospitalized when I was only 6 months old

for a very high fever that came with a kidney infection. While I

don't want to offend anyone either, I think it is perfectly healthy to

wonder about such things. That said, I doubt think we will have any

solid answers to these questions for a while, so we don't worry about

it...we just keep moving forward.


, Alison Bliss

<naturalhealthmom wrote:


> Not exactly, but I was raked through the coals for even suggesting

that vaccines COULD be A possible reason for food allergies. 9 years

ago my daughter had her routine 15month vaccines and two weeks later

had an allergic reaction after eating peanutbutter. I PERSONALLY think

the vaccines had something to do with it, At least in her case.I asked

for other people's experiences and suggested that they do vaccine

research before they have any more done to their kids. I was treated

like a criminal. People on line don't seem to care who they offend.

Everything needs to be worded " just so " or people take it completely

out of context. I was just trying to look for answers for an evolving

trend. It would be nice if there was a reason for food allergies or

better yet a cure. I am no longer a member of that group. To my

reccollection they didn't even post my appology to any of those whom I

may have offended. They only posted what they wanted to. As in your

case, some people appear to

> be very closed-minded. Just thought I'd share. I hope I didn't

offend anyone in this group by anything I said. I am trying to be more

politically correct and more sensitive in my wording. Alison


> Nicole Muench Seidel <nikasmomma2001 wrote: Hi

everybody, I know I don't post often about my renal condition,

> since I'm quite occupied with my daughter's Autism, but I would like

> some input on a strange experience that I just had where someone

> commented on my renal disease. I posted to a group called openblooms

> http://health.openblooms/ where the description

> says, " A place for digestive, mental, soul wellness. " Since it is

> commonly accepted that stress can worsen health conditions, I

> attempted to start a discussion about happiness and " how we can choose

> the most optimal life for ourselves and maybe even help others in the

> process? " This apparently ruffled the feathers of two members (one of

> which is the owner). Here's the strange part, the owner complained

> about what she called my " long soliloquies " and said that my writing

> style (which she apparently doesn't like) was due to my kidney

> disease. Have any of you been faced with such an odd accusation

> regarding your condition before?

> Just wondering. Peace be with you!---Nicole



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