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Strobe healing?

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I have searched the archives and either missed it or am not real sure

what I am looking for. BUT, here it is, in a nutshell. A friend of

mine sprained his ankle about 2 years ago and has had trouble with it

ever since in that it has never quite healed properly and is prone to

easy sprains often. Just about 5-6 months ago, an acquaintance of his

noticed his 'gimp' and asked about it and he told her. She said " I

can fix that " and came back with a little hand held device

that " strobed " a few different colors of light for a few seconds

dirctly on the akle. The wntire process didn't even last 15 minutes.

Here it gets freaky, as soon as she finished, the slightest touch, at

all, anywhere near the ankle was incredibly painful, almost agonizing

and he could not even walk on that leg. He went stright to bed, as

she directed. The next morning when he awoke, he remembered the pain

from the night before, however, when he sat up, there was no pain

whatsoever. In fact, his ankle was healed to the point as if the

original sprain had never even happened!! He has absolutely no

trouble walking at all now! She has since moved back to Europe.

Does anyone know anything about this? Is anyone familiar with this?

Has anyone ever experienced or know of anyone who has experienced

this before? I have done various searches on the 'net and come up

blank. Thanks.



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That was one of the searches I did, but instead I found lots of

psychotherapy color therapy and stuff like that, not even close to what

I was looking for - direct light healing. Thanks






, " Bamboo Chik "

<bamboochik wrote:



> Just do a search for 'light healing' and you will get a lot of info.

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From what this looks like, it is a basic IR heat lamp, not a light

healing device. Thanks for the suggestion.




, " Jean " <fjd2002 wrote:



> I've seen one of these products advertised on tv. I haven't used it,

> but I've considered it. Here's the link:


> http://www.lightrelief.com


> Jean


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